Hear me fa/tg/uys,
build me a setting based on the idea of medieval United States.
If you are worthy then you will have an awesome next week!
Medieval America
Other urls found in this thread:
Aztecs invade Europe.
The end.
Build it yourself, fuckweed.
Is basically medieval England, but they are an oligarchic republic instead of a kingdom, and justify their expansionists wars to their populace by claiming they are to free the nearby feudal realms
Dude, you know people lived in North America before it was called North America, right?
You have a pretty lose definition of what counts as people, user.
Niggers don't count as people.
Well, at least they didn't post on Veeky Forums.
I know you are but so am I?
Who you calling fat?
Ever notice how /pol/ just fails as a containment board?
Why are there so many threads asking for a medieval America, are Americans unsatisfied that they produce most RPGS and thus almost every decent urban fantasy or cyberpunk game is primarily assumed to be set there, from WoD and CoC to Shadowrun and Unknown Armies.
Can they not deal with the fact that they don't have a history longer than 400 years? Is there some pathetic need that drives them to try and shoehorn themselves into Medieval fantasy despite their nation being founded on enlightenment ideals?
Cool concept desu senpai
How’s it feel to be conquered culturally?
You CAN'T have a medieval America. A medieval society can't generate sufficient calories/day to approximate anything remotely like US society.
As an american, it depends. Talk to me, I'll ask you why you are in my house and punch you, and then get wrecked probably.
Ask someone else NOT in a home invasion situation, and it ranges from no strong opinion to people constantly trying to get one to people who absolutely loathe the idea.
If the USA had a proper history instead of being a jumpstart nation founded by exiles and criminals, they wouldn't be the USA, would they?
They'd just be Englad, only trying to expand by land rather than by sea
people from /pol/ are allowed to have hobbies and discuss them, just like everyone else. I would love to run Dark Heresy for them.
Culture is like jam, the less you have the more you spread it. Just because America has world hegemony at the moment doesn't mean that my culture will disappear. Just means that I can take the nice things that America produces while ignoring the shit it spews out in a never ending stream. Still doesn't mean I have to like the concept of an American fantasy nation, considering how retarded it is.
That being said, I have heard that the cygnet from warmachine fits OP's description, although it incorporates large aspects of revolutionary France as well so take that how you like it. Warmachine also isn't exactly medieval fantasy though.
Cygnar I ment
So its democratic federal republic with knights?
If its medieval fiefdom then it can't be United States.
why do people forget that merchant republics exist.
It would be like medieval Britain but the huge availability of land would minimize the importance of the aristocracy and make peasants more politically relevant. Geographic regions would become economically saturated at a lower population density than was the case historically due to lack of industrial technology, so large scale immigration wouldn't happen and the culture would remain closer to its Anglo roots. The central government wouldn't have the infrastructure to actually govern the states, so the U.S. would be more like a league or confederation while the states would be sovereign entities.
I dunno, if we base it in like 1600s/1700s/early 1800s America with medieval flavor, it could work.
>A loose collection of counties, cantons, city-states, and whatever other miscellaneous administrative units grandfathered their way in, all connected through the bond of trade and not wanting anyone else to tell them what to do
>Aside from a few major trade ports, such as they are, the vast expanses are somewhat sparsely inhabited, especially when you compare them to the relatively thick on the ground settlements back in I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Europe
>Nobility's not quite the powerhouse it normally is. All the self-respecting aristocrats were content to relax at home and let merchants, bureaucrats, soldiers, and noble scions without a chance of inheriting land back home run things over there. What nobility exists was either bought or is largely powerless.
>Besides, after a few generations organized under some charter or other instead of beneath a lord, most regions ended up used to running themselves, more or less.
And then you can start blending Medieval and American themes. Sword-wielding Frontiersmen hacking their way through thick forests! Strange exiled religious groups carving their own utopian visions from the wilderness! Peddlers hocking snake oil and false holy relics! Etc, etc.
Sounds an awful lot like Articles o' Confederation-style Burgerstan.
Isn't that what Tal'Dorei wants to be?
Wouldn't medieval USA be 49 fiefdoms ruled by an ineffective and bloated ruling class running shit from a vaticanesque district?
>Wouldn't it also be pure garbage like actual america?
stay on your fucking containment board.
Cry more faggot. People have interest that take them to multiple boards. Your whining is worse than an occasional /pol/ster's statement.
Native Americans aren't African, user. That's basic fucking geography.
That is blatantly false, user.
What you describe sounds exactly like any random medieval kingdom.
Any nob knows that Native Americans are most closely related to asians if denied their own classification.
of course. I just like to laugh at the everyone was black bullshit.
It's almost like the US is going through the same motions all nations do. It just has better toys than its parents had.
Injuns crossed the Bering Straight. Asia flourishes!
>Ctrlf +f
>No "After the End"
Just look at this mod for CK2, and copy it. It's hilarious and fun.
Why do you answer to obvious bait?
>Post apocalyptic fallout-like country established in north america.
>the capital is Disneyland, Orlando
>the "King" is a tyrannical fat man wearing a crown, having an hard-on for the idea ok knights, and medieval-looking stuff in general
>all those drafted in his army must wear armor and fight with swords (they wear bullet-vests under it just to be "safe", but are required and trained to fight with their swords, seeing guns as cowardly)
Shut up you Nazi sympathizer
Calling everyone to the right of Elizabeth Warren, a Nazi hasn't been working to well for you people. Fuck off back to Lefty/pol/ the rest of us are trying to talk about gaming.
Americans aren't smart nor tolerant enough for a republic
stop being a faggot
As an american, I agree with this. We're too brash for a republic to work well.
I would play Dark Heresy with a Nazi. As long as he isn't "Racial Holy War RPG" levels of stupid, I bet those sessions would feel pretty immersive.
I like it
"the nazi sympathizer" here
Exactly! those guys would be fucking great. /pol/ like them or not are the type that puritan inquisitors would choose a lot of times. take the racial shit and direct it at non humans and mutants. Best game ever. Those guys would probably tell you all kinds of plot hooks they want to see. They would get to RP their fantasy, Worst case scenario is you don't like their jokes.
>This shit again
Jesus fucking Christ, I get it, you are salty for having no fucking history and average chair being older than your country, but those threads are really fucking tiresome
>Medieval US
Overlay onto US East coast and call it done.
There is only one place people like you may discuss your hobbies and you should go there and stay there
do I detect a britbong who's mad about being supplanted as the anglophone world power
This was basically the idea behind the Yeomanry in Gygax's original Greyhawk milieu.
Medieval democracy with minuteman-like militia army.
See >fantasy
There's a proud nation of elves with a massive advantage in magical power over everyone else. They decide to muscle their way into the affairs of other nations uninvited, then cause a series of predictable fuckups with their careless application of sorcerous might, and then they zip off to their flying islands more or less unscathed when their plans fall apart with catastrophic consequences. the indigenous people are left holding the bag and the elves get to act like nothing they did was their fault and then move on to the next global fuckup.
This, aka Revolutionary France
Well, basically a union of medieval republics with professional army and strong fleet. AKA Hanse.
Alright check it lads
Medieval Murrica will obviously be a confederation of Dukedoms loosely affiliated for protection and cooperation. You know, like the HRE. Every Duke is elected by a house of lords made up of the landowners in their home state. Furthermore there is a house of commons which acts as a voice of the, well, commoner. Membership in this is available to anyone who can garner the necessary votes, and each dukedom has 2 representatives in the house of commons. This is a 10 year appointment. The house of commons acts as a soft check on the house of lords, as they have veto power over an action over the Duke's provided a majority vote can be reached - Duke's rule as they see fit, but commoners can appeal their edicts and legal decisions to their representatives who may plea on their behalf, or it can be taken to the house of commons if it is a matter of sufficient interest. Obviously, in practice this only has bearing on matters that affect the Confederacy as a collective, though leveraging inter duchy rivalries and factions can have surprising effect. The Duke's also often delegate less important matters to the house of commons to determine.
The Council of lords votes one of their number to be come King, a life time appointment. The king is head of the house of lords, sets the overall agenda for the Confederacy, and acts as arbiter for vote ties on and between both houses
As for the Dukedoms themselves, they can be based on Americas various states or regions. It is doubtful there would be 50 - for one, Virginia and west Virginia would be one duchy, as would the Carolinas and the Dakota's, etc. Hawaii and Alaska would be outposts or otherwise territories, not true duchies. Larger states would likely be split up, smaller states combined. Sadly onaint at my PC to do a map
quit being a retard.
Sounds good, but add in that they give away tons of free magic shit to everybody to keep them happy.