so Veeky Forums is he /ourguy/ or not?
So Veeky Forums is he /ourguy/ or not?
He is most definitely old school Veeky Forums, but I'm not sure if he still comes around.
Oh he's definitely a fucking heretic when it comes down to it, fuck that guy.
fuck no
Fucking crybaby that hates evrything that is new ,have shity opinion on the hobby and sounds like he is sucking himself most of the time
No. He's a whiny cunt who constantly bitches about SJWs when there's any changes he doesn't like.
Look at the little SJWs crying after daddy spanked them.
>makes claims
>doesn't post examples
He's just a bit boring and unoriginal.
He's cool, does some SJW baiting in his stuff that gets in the way of his content.
But they deserve it.
His lore videos are half headcanon, mistakes, and reading out of wikis.
He's alright i suppose. I'm really happy that he made an effort to separate entertainment and politics because that shit is annoying.
That's also a claim, post the example.
He's a complete and utter faggot.
All warhammer youtube personalities are.
But anyone can do his fucking job easily; monotone, pseudo-sarcasm, and about as scathing as a well read 10 year old.
Shitposts all the time for his lil shitty channel.
>Salutations ladies and gentlemen
Wot a fggt
And this "sjw-invasion" irks the shit out of me.
>User asks for some varied minis to be (((diverse))).
>Facebook meme page spouts some nonsense.
Now all those smug neckbeard cunts are seething at this obvious bait. But the one thing I've come to realise about warhammer is the amount of people who actively want female models: commissars, tech priests, sister of silence/battle, inquisitors, imperial guard, and others, if not by GW then 3rd party.
So if /ourguy/ he's a greasy neckbeard opportunist whiny entitled skinnyfat cunt, then I guess so.
Also, fuck valrak + arch warhammer + that mexican guy who reads stuff from the lexicanum for his youtube vids. All y'all a bunch of cunts.
>being this assblasted
The AoS ranting video.
The Gathering Storm 1 video.
>Posting Arch
Fucking kys
he also believes that the primaris removed the old space marine models lel
Just why.
i'm just courious
They're not SJWS. Look they're exclusively complaining about him complaining about changes. They're AoS fans who go on a sperg rampage when somone impleis that WFB was better. Arch complaines about AoS (lorewise), so they hate him.
more proof:Literally a thread filled with pissy AoSbabbies triggered by someone making fun of their game.
Funny we have these thread on /pol/ but with Sargon
Because I want actual evidence to back up a claim?
Well as one of those posters, I gotta point out I like WHFB better.
I just think he's irrationally fuckass mad, has a pretty narrow outlook on stuff (no I'm not exclusively talking about his previous political stuff) and he's just plain annoying.
So when it comes to Veeky Forums he's pretty much the avatar of this bullshit
>Open vid
>Look at first comment
>I've been fighting this fight for a long time and am very honored to call you (arch warhammer) an Ally and friend.
>hey, I totally enjoy WHFB fellow ttg enthusiasts
>he's just bad so ignore him, female space marines 2017!
I think that's a parody of how SJW's talk
Either that, or I'm ascribing too much self awareness
Nice strawman.
While I agree with not wanting SJW to fuck shit up, on the other hand, he's a Blatant 4E 40k retard and should instantly be disregarded for all his stupidity.
His best videos are just mostly loredumps, and honestly even Remleiz is better for his "theory" loredumps.
Female space marines are a retarded addition. Not everyone who disagrees with you disagrees with you because and about the same things.
As a fellow Norwegian I can't stand him. No one here get's an accent like that naturally. That guy chooses to speak like that because he wants to sound intelligent or whatever. Listening to him makes me cringe.
As a AoS fan, I'd probably have respected his opinion more when it wasn't blatant crying.
Because let's be honest, Arch was not a WHFB person.
Oh thank god it's not just me that finds his voice grating.
As a Brit, it sounds like a Faux-British accent, trying to sound purposely smug.
Also, is he considered a "big" personality in Warhammer or something? Because his Opinions scream "I started Warhammer 40k in 2000"
what's wrong with remleiz?
except "it was omegon all along" asspull
If he stands against this cancer:
Then he's fine in my book.
Nope, even his WHFB and 40K lore videos are trash.
The guy doesn't do rerearch and you going to tribalism to cover up his flaws shows what an inane and pathetic person you are.
Nobody listens to fucking BoLS on their stupid Opinions.
I can enjoy his content. But most of the times he comes up with his "theory" videos, they're 85% loredumps. His voice is kinda monotone too. It's not grating, but it does end up sounding a little dull. At least he's self-aware enough to be able to take the piss out of himself when given the occasion.
you dont have to go that far back before he went over the top on over pronouncing every word.
and back at start of the channel 2 years ago
He's cancer and should be exterminated.
He's a 6e WHFB fag. Also, as of note, the reason why GW don't use Karl Kapinski artwork is the man charges fucking tons nowadays.
I'm a big fan.
Wow the retarded AOS cucks on here are openly weeping though
>this is a litteraly who e-celeb bullshit thread
Remove with prejudice.
>Openly weeping.
Man I have been playing Warhammer since early 5E and 40k from 3rd.
the only people openly weeping are people clinging to impotent rage at a setting that has ended.
Deal with it, the Book is closed.
We have a tumblr child lost here.
When did he say that? all he said about the Primaris is that they are Bullshit
> The AoS
yes ... because they burned 30 years of lore in a single edition and even put Space Marines
> The Gathering Storm
he just complained that the events happened too fast, everyone who follows the lore complained about it
I find him equal parts vitriolic and condescending. If that's your ideal warhammer fan, then I suppose he could be /yourguy/. He certainly isn't mine.
Also, anyone who's freaking out about SJWs invading our hobby is blowing things way out of proportion. Outside of the occasional calls for FemMarines (which are reliably shot down by fans) and GW including more diversity in their paint jobs (which just makes sense given how vast the Imperium is) we really haven't seen anything close to an "SJW invasion".
>a channel where every video is a massive shitpost
I mean, I guess he could be, given the state of Veeky Forums these days
He's nothing more then a autistic political commentator who does nothing but inject his special brand of the tism into the hobby.
Him and the SJW's should fuckign kill themselves.
Quite okay.
He style of narrating and his voice is way more entertaining then Remleiz monoton way of speaking, but he, and I say that even as a person, that agrees with him on the most of them, is kinda a /pol/tard about his opinons, be it poltical or on the lore.
What he does good, is to give a good and entertaining explanation of the Warhammer Lore, and I guess he is a good start, if you want to get more into the lore. For example, Remleiz is presents more sources and Vaults of Terras Videoas are a bit more objective, but both are not as entertaining as him.
What he does bad, relying a bit too much on his headcannon sometimes, beeing a bit arrogant and focusing a bit too much about every thing beeing absolute grimdark as its get. I mean, yes thats basicly what 40k is, but its also pretty epic and has hope, and its also pretty funny and over the top.
Even if I am a fan of his videos, I wouldn't necessarly say that he is /ourguy/. I mean, sure he is one of our guys, but not enough to be /ourguy/. But, to be fair, I wouldn't know about which other Warhammer Youtubers I could say that, except Bruva Alfabusa.
He's alright. His earlier stuff was much better though. More chill, less swearing and he didn't sound like some posh faggot back then. Still, he's somewhat entertaining if very cringe worthy from time to time.
Like him a lot.
He got me interested in the setting and lore of the warhammer world. Never played the table top game mind you, only the various related
video games.
He's too concerned with politics. Otherwise his smug nerd autism reminds me a lot of Veeky Forums
He gets butthurt too easily. So yes. he's our guy.
I used to enjoyed his lore videos at some point, but I had to stop watching because every time I did youtube started to think I must really want to see more videos with neck-beards whining about the "evils of SJW and there liberal agenda".
>what's wrong with remleiz?
He thinks the Emperor couldn't be built out of cyberdongs
I like Arch. Has good valid points and I enjoy his lore videos.
I'm also in favour "lets not shit tabletop game with political correctness".
>Shit up our tabletop
let me fix that.
I like the guy he does good lore videos weekly. Also he's not afraid to call BS on outside groups trying to push their politics into 40k
Pretty much this. Isn't he some assfuck nordic obsessed with US politics as well?
His voice is annoying and any videos related to lore focus too much on his retarded headcanons.
I like Arch, but most of the stuff he does is bad, annoying, or uninteresting. 40k Theories is much, much better. Arch serves his purpose though.
its more that people who were watching the stuff that is happening with MTG and has already happened with Comics are a little sensitive over it. And they have every right to be. its not irrational to think that Warhammer 40k could go the way of Marvel comics. Which no-one (especially any part of Veeky Forums) want.
Keep them out, it doesn't matter if they call for "diversity" or whatever they want. Even if it's a good thing.
SJWs slip in when well meaning points get adopted, then they try to force their views on ppl, drive off the original fanbase & ruin everything.
It happened in comics, science fiction, the American school system. SJWs are cancerous selfish fascists that want everything to reflect their politics no matter if it bankrupts companies & puts ppl out of a job.
They should be told to fuck off anywhere they show up.
>its not irrational to think that Warhammer 40k could go the way of Marvel comics
Because 40k isn't anywhere near as fucking mainstream as Marvel is. The only reason this shit was more than a blip on the radar is because it became so mainstream. When 40k gets big, dumb, Hollywood blockbusters, you MIGHT have a case to make. But now? No, it's still a niche tabletop game. On a list of worries, it's nowhere near as prevalent as GW just continuing to be GW and fucking things up for everyone. Maybe they'll deliver another nerf to Chaos next Codex. Maybe they'll make Primaris Babycarriers next update. Maybe the Nids will get fucking squatted. All of these are far more likely scenarios than any politics shit.