How is everyone finding the new warbands? My shop owner said he was underwhelmed by them (being an Ork player mainly)
Shadespire general
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Yo dawg.
I do like the fact that the skelli's are straight up out of WFB, but aside from that it does nothing for me.
Which faggot painted that orc yellow
Gotta love the new Orks and Guard. Reavers smell look like shit now.
Bought a band of the undead guys, dice and sleeves on pure impulse. Can I read about this game before I can get the basic box? Out of stock till tuesday here and would like to learn stuff about the game
So, what sort of models would you like to see in future warbands?
Any particular play styles in mind?
I would like a Wanderer warband, but that would actually be pretty difficult to make, since their theme is archery.
In order for it to be remotely balanced, I feel that only the leader should have a significant ranged weapon, so something like a Wayfinder with 2 Eternal Guard and a Wyldwood Ranger.
>So, what sort of models would you like to see in future warbands?
Bretonnians would be dope.
on your feet in theory looks good for skellies because of how many of them you've got on the board, maybe not as good for Sigmarines or Orks, but Khorne too maybe
I want to see goblins/squiggs
Grab the pdf and read.
Where the fuck is it?
Ork is pretty weak but your leader is so strong, and when you're playing versus non-stormcast warbands orks are really strong
It's weird that Chaos is the one barely armoured while everyone else is covered in plate top to bottom.
When we gonna get new Chaos Warriors, GW? Wouldn't mind some Stormcast sized fellas.
Quarter 1
i just bought skellemans, any advice?
From the little bit in the rulebook it looks like there's another chaos warband coming that's a real big dude and maybe a dog.
>It's weird that Chaos is the one barely armoured while everyone else is covered in plate top to bottom
Skellies aren't all covered in armor :(
Isn't their skin armour?
Link > Warhammer AoS > Warhammer Underworlds. . .
So are the Orcs. They seem to have shifted back to the old aesthetics. The new Orcs had different faces and longer legs.
Ork is not weak, they rely on combo card like this which let them bypass the charge restriction and move+attack multiple time in a single turn. And with 4 HP they're pretty safe from getting 1 shot.
>It's weird that Chaos is the one barely armoured
Bloodreaver never wear armor.
Blood Warrior (upcoming) wear full plate.
Fyreslayer never wear armor, or pants, they have ur-gold etched all over their bodies act as magic shield.
>Blood Warrior (upcoming) wear full plate.
Oh, great, more Khorne shit. How about updating generic Chaos Warriors?
Has anyone got blank shadespire unit templates? Or the font used to write them?
In friendly games I plan on using skaven team rules for a converted goblin warband and want to get a head start on the custom cards.
Fuck Brettonians.
Not in the pipelines, they seem to like the Darkoath vibe, generic shit is basically not updated in Age of Sigmar to begin with.
>they seem to like the Darkoath vibe
Then make generic Darkoath vibe chaos warriors.
Little reason to do so soon, Chaos Warriors still sell very well in their current from.
Have you seen the Ironjaws cards? A lot of them focus on late-game scoring and keeping the enemy in their own territory. Their niche seems to be knockbacking.
Is this game worth 60 bucks?
It's fun, but you will have to spend far more if you actually want to play even semi-seriously. Also depends if you have people in your area to play this with.
If you like to play other boardgames from time to time for sure. If your intend is to be competitive you'll spend more.
It's worth the money depending on what your own intend is. Much like any game.
These are 'Ardboyz which are the lesser rank and file of the Ironjawz. They are literally the old Black Orcs.
Somebody know which paints will match the boardgame the best to paint the bases of my orks ? Thanks
The noun is "intent" not "intend".
"Intend" is the verb.
DESU I was sure second Chaos army would be Tzeench themed one or Nurgle since they have seen some action in AoS already.
I hope those khorne plates wont be doted with symbols so I can just paint them with non red :)
So last night I played like...10 games against skeletons, as mostly Sigmar but Khorne here and there and they just seemed kind of garbage. my few Khorne games were close but he couldn't edge out a victory but my Sigmar games were literally mopping the floor with this guy.
Did we miss a card or a rule or something that states like "You don't get glory for killing petitioners?" or "You only get glory for killing the Skeleton the first time" or perhaps anything along those lines? Or did I just roll and play better than him?
ya know posts like this make me thing about the future of shit game
maybe gw doesnt have a clue on how to balance it with upcoming warbands
>gw doesnt have a clue on how to balance
But seriously, a moron could have seen this issue coming from a mile away with Hordes and getting glory points for killing models
If you have to spend glory to upgrade a character, isn't it more worth it to just not upgrade a character and score more objectives? Reducing your own score seems never worth it. If you have to upgrade a character to score an objective or kill an enemy, it's still a net gain of 0 glory
Spent glory still counts towards your total for victory points.
ok, that makes a lot more sense
Thanks mate (hope you read it) I ended up going to the LGS and managed to grab their sealed store copy to play a tournament. This game is fun
the majority of your team gets 2 shot by anything strong (any liberator, most blood reavers, etc) while doing 1 damage back
My FLGS will make a "launch tournament" Which of the Core set armies is easier to win with?
If you play either wrong you'll get fucked up
Bloodreavers are slightly more forgiving, but overall the core warbands are fairly well balanced, as are the orcs, supposedly.
No info on the skelingtons, but I'm curious how they'll play. Seven guys is a lot in Shadespire, even if they each such. Targor and Arnulf from the Blooreavers suck individually as well, but they are still plenty useful.
Skellingtons suck, you need to have the guys die to inspire them, and doing so gives loads of glory to the enemy. I am hoping for a FAQ about that, because it is not a glory difference you can compensate (you want to have the 2 good goys die, so you can reanimate them and then the leader also inspires after reanimating two), that's a minimum of 2 free glory to the opponent, then whatever they get from oneshotting the scrubs that clog the board
Sigmarines are more straightforward and punchy, Khorne needs to gear for a turn with glory from holding objectives to put gear on the dudes
Then I think my group and I have been playing terribad
Every time somebody plays Eternals at my LGS he is at a noticeable disadvantage (not that much more resilient, easily ganged up with expendable charging Khornites, etc), pretty sure our reading of the rules is wrong
Sigmar has those +1 damage cards and you can use the "push one" ploy to have someone fall into charge range, then instagib one of the enemies with Steelheart's charge
I'm undefeated with stormcast
So you've never played?
I've played over 30 bo3s
teach me your ways
a neat idea would be either maybe a band of freeguilders, or maybe like some sorta 'tavern party' of like a dwarf slayer, elf swordsman, a human fighter, and led by a human wizard.
or something with the dogs of war?
>the majority of your team gets 2 shot
So your team will always live to activate power card for next activation. The majority of fighter in the get get 1 shot by anything strong. Also way to go completely ignore what i said that they rely on the cards and combo.
Tzeentch warband with a sorcerer and some horrors who are all about ploys and shit
you can't get cards to combo without any glory and most of your orruks are worthless
does this game have much replay value/think people will play for a while? I don't want to paint a warband up only to find that nobody plays anymore
>can't get cards to combo without any glory
>Need glory to activate ploy cards.
>wont be doted
Don't worry, they'll just be big Khorne symbols with arms and legs.
>Bloodreavers are slightly more forgiving
You've lost your mind. You have to constantly out maneuver the stormcast, and time your attacks just right, because 9 times out of 10 if they catch you and hit you, the person they're attacking is toast in one hit. Meanwhile they almost always take two hits to drop
It's even better when you clump up to get advantage on the attack and they whirlwind strike 2-3 of your guys out of the game in one go.
oh boy, I moved and got to attack to deal 1 damage
>Except that I deal more when inspired if somebody attempting to 2 shot me.
I played a dozen games with the core warbands and the game is really fun, but it seems that the game design doesn't leave much open space for new mechanisms. We'll see if the new warbands will feel different enough, e.g. Orcs and Liberators share a couple of objective cards. Same with the skeletons.
The reavers won more than the liberators, but we haven't customized our decks yet.
I want to see more ploy cards mentioning actual items, like the potions, trinkets or explosives.
Did anyone try Orcs vs. Liberators? How did it go?
How do the cards in this work? Would I want some warbands to use their cards in other bands?
Im not a Warhammer player but I paint minis as a hobby. What set are those undead from? Whats it called specifically so i can search for it or get it ordered? They look so badass i need to paint some!
Each warband has a power deck (at least 20 cards, half ploys and half upgrades) and an objective deck (12 cards). There can only be one copy of any card in your decks. Some cards can only be played by a specific faction, though each expansion pack adds cards any warband can use too. You build your decks with a combination of generic and faction cards. Usually ploy cards help you only in the next activation phase, while upgrades are equipped to your characters and have lasting effects.
sepulchral guard and it's dirt cheap
I don't even play AoS but this game looks fun. Is there any chance there will be a malignants warband?
in interviews they said they want to make a warband for every army in aos, so if it continues to do well anything is possible
That's good to hear. What's Malign Portents going to entail?
nothing to do with shadespire
Cool, thanks. I don't need another minis game, but this looks pretty sweet, so it's going to be hard to not at least try. Also, the scale of warbands is perfect for me.
The main issue i see with it is "x-wing syndrome", where you'll want to own ALL of the factions just so you have the neutral/upgrade cards to make the tier 1 decks.
>Winner of Grand Clash tournament is a GW employee who play the game forever yet still somehow miss some basic rule allow him to activate a charged unit to move his 2 skeleton and score some illegal glory point.
>The 2nd place guy is a regular hobbyist who didn't even get his hand on the new team until 4 nov. Play Khorne.
This is why I question whether GW is capable of doing a comp game, I mean wfb and w40k are played comp but really its a beer pretzels game.
Did a small scale tourney yesterday in my local gw.
4 out of 6 players put ironjaws on the table, but only cause I decided to borrow a friend's blood reavers at the last minute.
Otherwise it would have been 5.
In the end it's all a ploy to find good cut cards, else you are a cheater too :P
Expansion card are widely reported to have low quality and distinguish back printed, also corner cut are different too.
Just GW and their amateur printer. Should've take a field trip to the USPCC company to learn how to print proper playing cạrds.
Is Shadespire good game for a pair or regular boardgame playing with friends?
I want some casual wargame without spending too much (I am not fan of Summoner Wars).
No one knows ? I recall somebody posting top tier painted stormcasts and the bases were matching the boardgame
Corebox have everything you need. 60$
Gameplay? Youtube. Although try to avoid Miniawrgaming, the guy play like 8,9 game and still get the support rule wrong.
But considered spending 30$ every 3 or 4 months for expansion, add more variety to your deck and more team. That's not too much imo.
Depends on how much is too much. For 2 players one core is enough, for 4 you need 2 core games, but then you'll have 2 2x2 warbands. As for now it seems like the release rate of new bands is slower than X-Wing, so even if you'll get everything, it won't be that expensive.
Also if you'll be playing in your group only, you can proxy cards and don't need to buy warbands just for certain ones.
Finally got to play some shadespire (my expansions came before my main game..).
Played 2 matches, one with skellies and one with orcs. Started with skellies first cos they were the ones i were interested in the most. Played passive with them and focused on board control on my side. Things with shardcaller and trying to do hard objectives. However i feel like i played passive at the wrong moments and aggressive at the wrong moments too. (killed the sigmarite hammer dude but my opponent managed to get objectives done with the other two) In the end i lost 11-9.
2nd match i played with my orcs... and it was a massacre. Third activation i got an objective done (charge with 3 guys) and equiped the cleave upgrade on my leader... I then won on the 3rd activation of turn 2 by wiping out my opponent, finaly score 5-0 to me. (vs sigmarites)
Really weird, I was really interested in skellies (and still am) but had a lot of fun playing orcs (even got them painted, just need to do the bases. Phone broke so no pics.)
How did everyone else's first couple of games go? Anything fun happened?
Theyre insanely good for aggressive stormcast and ironjawz, since they have so few models.
>And with 4 HP they're pretty safe from getting 1 shot.
Watch out for stormcast though, they can get to 4 and 5 damage + cleave
>Skellingtons suck
That's why they were in the finals at the GT, right?
The reavers are really flavorful. Khorne rewards massacre no matter the side. They are good for aggressive play, especially against the Liberators. I like the skellies too, but I haven't played with them yet.
My fear is that the game is too clean. There are not enough variables to diversify upcoming warbands from one another. I like the game, but I feel they put themselves into a corner, because there's not enough room for novelty. I want to be really proved wrong.
Do the orcs play different enough from the liberators?
>because there's not enough room for novelty
Have you seen the skeleton warband...?
You don't mean that cheating/all rules wrong event, do you?
Havnt played with libs yet and dont plan to till after christmas (wanna convert mine but my bits are back home so ill pick em up during christmas) But they seem to be a balanced team, jack of all trades, master of non. In their starter objective deck they have a mix of everything from securing objectives to stopping your opponent from entering your board end.
Orcs on the other hand... forgive me Veeky Forums but i have to use a /v/ meme... They go face. All of their team specific objective cards(apart from 3 i believe) have something to do with hitting things. From 3 guys having to charge in a turn to everyone hitting different targets or having all your guys be on the opponent's board edge.
In short, yes they play differently from liberators, they are full on aggressive while libs are more of a can fit into any playstyle.
Yes, but they repeated a few of objective cards in different warbands. The variables used in the game have a narrow range of starting possibilities. How are they going to make Skaven different enough from the existing warbands? What about the Dwarves?
That's good to know.
>The variables used in the game have a narrow range of starting possibilities
Look at blood bowl - the staline and rules are minimal, but they managed to create over twenty teams which all play differently through very subtle variations. I think there's potential in Shadespire for the same, they probably have even more design space to play with. The four warbands they've released so far are all pretty different and flavoursome.
What do you guys think of the new skaven models?
I might start playing the game now
They look amazing and give me hope to maybe see some skaven verminus stuff in the future