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Old goodies called for?
new episodes and stuff
Can someone post the old Beserk CYOA?
Guess my name, man
so, how has everyone been?
I want to kill myself
I am not the OP
that hunted bane is super dumb because most of the time periods and situations you'd be in, murder is kinda easy to do and cover up, esp. if you take the total recall bit and have all your modern knowledge
thats good i guess
also haunted is useless, I dont give a fuck if some cat watches me jack off
Is the mega 90% repeats like I think it is?
You know you love the joke
Stop whoring yourself and finish your new CYOA
That cyoa suffers from fact that superior version exists
You're a liar
Repeats of the same cyoa
Breed them all.
but you didnt post the good one?
It seems to have most versions of a CYOA if that's what you mean. It's pretty thorough.
>not a torrent
Does a torrent even support the whole "link remains the same, but the contents get updated over time" deal that the archives are made for?
And take them to a new world.
No but they don't bully me into using chrome or downloading some program and as long as some single guy is still seeding people can still download it wheras mega can at some point die, or just go down
A mix is probably preferable, say have the mega be constantly updated, and release a new torrent every so often, say monthly or every 6 months
For a second, I thought you meant there was new content focused on episodes or episodic adventures. Only realized what you meant after searching the whole thing for the new changes, rip :(
>new content
maybe after season 5 finishes and theres more new stuff
I did say I was going to add more companions afterall
>they don't bully me into using chrome or downloading some program
You don't have an ad-blocker that you could use to disable such nagshit?
Its not nag shit its some shit about "fug off firefox isn't good enough to decrypt a file this big"
Ooohhh, for the "download as zip".
Have you tried increasing your maximum disk buffer size enough to fit the folder (about 22GB)?
This is cute as hell.
I know right?
I was separated from the internet for a while /CYOAG/. Did Guardians by ZBG ever come out?
Damn. What about that one SDA catgirl waterworld thing?
That's not done yet either.
Next you're gonna ask if PPP+ came out.
Guardians is getting worked on (), and other stuff is in the works.
Pokemon Personified Plus+ is coming out Soon(tm), though
>Age: 16
Yeah, thanks, Mom and Dad. You're a real pair of assholes, you know? How hard would it be to tell me?
>Emotional: No change
>Physical: No change
>Mental: Sharpened (-4) (26)
>Life: Reset (-5) (21)
>Memory: Fresh Start (+10) (31)
>Spiritual: Magnet (+5) (36)
Oh, shut up about "memory death" already. I'm treating this as more or less a character builder, not a self-insert - there's other CYOAs for that.
>Telekinesis +Power (-7) (24)
>Levitation +Flight (-7) (17)
>Apportation (-2) (15)
>Teleportation +Quick Step (-8) (7)
>Mechanics +Inner Focus (7) (0)
You've heard of water elementals, fire elementals, that sort of thing, right? My family is like that, but a bit...weirder. We're the spirits of black holes. Explains the whole space-warping thing pretty neatly.
>Guardian: Ally
>Yarrow Falls
>Leah Dawson
>Kate Fox
>Peter Blake
>Doreen Chapman (Guardian)
>Eric Strickland
>True Original (Alien)
This one would be why they abandoned me and why I'm not properly immortal like Mom and Dad. And why I don't have an Otherworld like they do. And...a lot of other things, really.
Just download it normally or download the primary folders, the ones that may give you issues is authors and themes as they're the biggest by far.
Not either of them but wouldn't you end up missing out on some cyoas that way?
Aka missing out on the whole point of downloading from the thing?
Bee. No contest.
>The Darker Path (10) [90]
It's never fun actually starting off as a good guy.
The New You
>Age & Gender
17 year old male, ok.
Panda ears it is.
>Starting Location
Haven Academy: Mistral.
So shiny, so pretty.
This would mostly just be me squishing things that I can use as my eyes.
Bastion of Will (10) [80]
Will I make a pun? Oh... Wait...
Aura of Fear (10) [70]
Unbreakable will and a death stare? Sign me up.
Paragon of Beauty (10) [60]
Bitch, I'm adorable.
Flawless Memory (20) [40]
Somehow still gonna forget the most basic shit.
Boundless Strength (20) [20]
Who needs to dodge when you can punch the attack back at it?
Endless Energy (20) [0]
Fuck rest.
Unwavering Precision (20) [-20]
If worst comes to worst, arm toss.
Prosthetic {Striker Tower} (400) [600]
At least disarming me will be a lot harder and a lot more literal.
Dust Compatability (100) [500]
Redirecting my opponent's face into my fist seems nice.
Masterwork (100) [400]
I got nothin
Blaster AUG (250) [150]
Finger guns. Pew pew.
Stylish (50) [100]
Hey, if you don't look amazing doing it you're not doing it right.
Dog (100) [0]
He will be the best boy and I will love him forever and ever.
Grappling Hook (100) [-100]
Just find a way to make a grappling arm and I'll die happily.
Hunted (+100) [0]
Stalker? More like rival.
Outcast (+20) [0]
Given the origin, this seems fitting.
>What the Future Holds...
Old Friends
Old habits die hard, I suppose.
Light Up the Night
The Tournament
Rouge Le'chance
No team is complete without a fancy French woman with a caffeine addiction.
Dawn Mnyama
Well, someone's going to have to lead this shit show.
Viridis Celsus
Edgy sniper seems like a must have.
It That Speaks
Killing a god seems like a good bit of fun.
It's ready. Just need to reread it to make sure everything's fine and there are no glaring imbalances. OC coming soon™
I mean, I am actually working on another boob cyoa collab with Textanon, but I don't know when that will be officially started. Expect MECHFU first.
Interesting to see you pick Ramla. I don't think she's picked too often. Being the biggest KAIFU though, she's sure to help you with the monster rampage.
And you didn't get anything from your healing factor, but it's certainly better than the alternative.
>This is my favorite
>Killing a god
no no no
thats its boss
I pick Whisperer. Social abilities are always the most powerful, even with the immunity penalty.
What's the appeal of this show/webshow/w/e
All I see is not!anime
Like I said, killing a God seems like fun. Fuck the mission, go straight for the biggest one and punch it until it stops moving.
You're going to miss out on stuff regardless of if you download it or not. There isn't a log of what's new being added or when it was added. I'm just adding cyoas as they appear in the thread.
A torrent file I believe would have to be updated constantly with new stuff and a mega download would have to be redownloaded periodically too probably. Not sure if the mega app will allow syincing on the users end.
I am very tentatively looking into some sort of very basic searchable tag system thing that can be downloaded so that people can find cyoas easier but the amount of work it entails is herculean as I'll have to enter every single cyoa by hand and come up with a set of universal tags, more so then the directories I have, that can then be searched, though once that's done adding new cyoas should be easy. No promises if this will even work and it needs to be in a pretty universal format...mac/android/pc at the very least.
Thought so too.
It is a bit hard to read but fun.
I don't understand this reaction.
please delete that, it offends me with its very presence
thank you
its schlock with some nice characters/fights
The hidden shit is kinda startling but disturbing might not be the proper word for it.
well, good luck with soloing the BBEG which the settings version of the emperor couldn't beat in millennia
Will binge watch then make a build afterwards. I have nothing better to do.
go for it, its not very long
just dont expect anything
The Corporation
Strength 3
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Enhanced Senses 1
Reflexes 3
Natural Weapon 2
Immunity 3
Self Healing 3
Unarmed Mastery 3
Focus 3
Adaptability 3
Signing Bonus
Prime Subject
Aaron Moore
Alex Keller
Corrine Devoe
Isabelle Hart
I figure this build will be able to take down just about anything I might be forced to deal with
>eins and zwei are both good sounding legitimately hard choice
shape shifting
You will regret it
Have fun, user!
... I mean it, you probably shouldn't take this too seriously. 'tis a silly show, even if the writing and production values improve markedly over time.
Posting here 'cause this is a dope CYOA and wanted to make a build but was busy with my CYOA and missed the chance.
"That picture? Back there, you see the guy struggling to open a can of soda? That's me.
That's also the person that has been scouted to train a gigant, shapeshifting monster, which I'm fine with, as long as I don't have to teach them how to open a can of coke."
>Event: Monster Rampage
"I've been told that there are others like her. Others that aren't really able to think like a person would, which makes me want to ask what exactly have they done to this one."
>KAIFU: Laura O'grady
"I gotta say, I wasn't really expecting the gigant monster to be a redhead nor irish. Now that I know, this actually sounds pretty rad."
Nuclear Assets
"This also sounds rad. The bad kind of rad."
Special Fluids
"Titty spiderwebs. I can't complain."
Encanced Comms Device
"Dude, this looks like one of those VR helmets that were around in the 70s. It's probably more useful than those."
"This reminds me to the movie in which Godzilla fights Mechagodzilla. For some reason."
Combat Training
"Maybe they'll also teach me how to open a can of soda."
ant a best, just like reality.
Oh, someone asked for big tiddy cyoa a thread or two back, so here ya go
I'm done with the weapons. I'm posting a WIP version of P3 with only the weapons in case there's anything to ask.
I'll also be posting the P2 WIP in a second, just so folks are able to see all the weapons.
And here's the P2.
Next after the weapons section comes the attire section, FYI.
With the Magnetic Leash being a thing I'm surprised you didn't include throwing knives or tomahawks.
How much agility do you need to respond to bullets?
Knives and tomahawks will be in in Ver 1.0. Not sure where I'll put them. Most likely I'll swap one of the existing extras for those. Besides, the Hill can act as a throwing knife, the Frostbite can act as a javelin and the Gilded Axe can act as a tomahawk in its 1H form.
If by "respond to bullets" you mean "being capable of reacting to a shot before the bullet hits you", it'd be 12+. Remember that all stats cap at 15 unless otherwise stated.
>No past, Strange Land
>Age & Gender: Male, 17
>Race: Human
>Starting Location: Beacon Academy, Vale
>Semblance: Blank Slate. Beast Mode. Berserker story event
>Gifts: Beacon of Ferocity, Bastion of Will, Aura of Fear, Exemplar of Intelligence, Unwavering Precision, Unrivalled Agility, Boundless Strength.
>Equipment/ Weapons: Melee(Close Combat Gauntlet+ Weight Enhancement), Ranged(Three barreled pistol like pic related(don't know if it would require Custom made weapon), and Weight Enhancement + Dust Compatibility + Masterwork +Stylish.)
>Equipment/Miscellaneous Items: Scroll, Armor, Survival Gear, Outfit(heavy cloak to wear over armor and the sturdy clothes I wear under that), Grappling Hook, Parachute and Landing Gear.
>Drawbacks: Hunted(+10 Points), Fated(+40 Points), Aggro Magnet(+20 Points), Second Rate(+10 Points) Unknown trigger needed to activate Semblance, cannot use it at the moment.
Using the points in Talents and Gifts.
>Talents/Gifts: Blademaster(Fisting and Shooting my Sig), Survivalist, Endless Energy, Paragon of Beauty.
>Challenges and Adventures: The Stand, The Hounds, They Come At Night.
>Teammates: Luc Sang, Dawn Mnyama, Zuri E'Bardhe
>Foes: It That Speaks
That feel when my favorite build pic is used as an enemy. It is an odd feeling. Anyways, just going to be Vincent....pretty much that.
>That feel when my favorite build pic is used as an enemy
Jesus that grammar is an eyesore.
>just the grammar
hes wearing what looks like a diaper on his head
>hypnosis not labelled hypnotits
I made the random murder hobo build, well, basically a murderhobo. I was the guy that made the Redaxe dude before the farcified fix of the CYOA.
He's a shithead, what did you expect?
>Redaxe dude before the farcified fix of the CYOA.
was this for the old CYOA?
Haven't visited Veeky Forums for a while, where did the nsfw cyoa threads go?
The frostbite is really fucking cool. What do you have planned for the attire section?
Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d6)
>Skin Lotion
>Self-driving Car
>Gender Swap
Going for hard mode; me then her.