What happens to the blood angel recruits who fail to stay awake during their vigil trial?
What happens to the blood angel recruits who fail to stay awake during their vigil trial?
Imagine if this forum didnt have "what if" threads about 40k, threads about hypotheticals in 40k lore, why doesnt x in 40k do this? threads or threads about what would happen if other IPs crossed over with 40k.
I want to know what browser forces you to look at threads you don't like and then comment in them.
They get eaten by the Blood Angels. Didn't you notice the vampire theme?
Firefox. It's a little known feature. It's why superior faggots use Chrome, it doesn't force you to comment on shit threads.
t. Firefox user
they die
wow touched a nerve.
The truth is, they also get turned into Blood Angels. The Vigil was long ago found to not improve the quality of recruits, and they keep doing it only out of tradition. It does not matter if you pass or fail.
sorry wrong post
The senior blood angels put a blanket on them so they sleep comfier, make em some hot cocoa when they wake up and then they are told to fuck off since they failed their trials like the chumps they are.
Forum would be deleted due to inactivity. Sigmar/Paizo remnants would migrate to /r9k/.
Be much nicer to browse without this shite clogging up the place. Theres already a 40k general to ask this question in. No other IP clogs up the board with frivolous threads that belong as a post in the general in this way.
Without this shit 'clogging' up the place you'd have a dead board.
there are other tabletop games than 40k
if "deadpool vs a space marine" is not front and center in its OWN thread then your looking at a dead board buddy. Everyone LOVES this content, thats why theres a special exemption for 40k cack threads and the board is called /40k/.
>Sigmar/Paizo remnants would migrate to /r9k/
Legit lul'd. Thanks, user.
They become Dark Angels.
There'd still be D&D and Magic.
It would be nice if all 40k threads would contain 40k so they can be filtered better.
Veeky Forums would split in Veeky Forums, which would be dead, and /tgg/ which would be nothing but generals.