Warhammer 40000 general /40kg/

Two chaos and one loyalist codex left for this year edition

Previous thread >Warhammer Community news

>Full Tyranid Codex spoiled by SS1488
youtube.com/watch?v=yI_SZljKcGc&t= [Open]

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Craftworld Eldar codex(thank you user)

First for guardfags are cancer

Everyone is cancer

>Two chaos and one loyalist codex left for this year edition
daemons is next year you failure

first post best post

Nidfags are worse

>These fucking threads
Stop it.

*angry Pyro noises*

For 2x20 Termagaunts (both groups with 10 devourers and 10 fleshborers) and 1x20 Hormagaunts with Toxin sacs should I go with 2 Tervigons or 1? I think 2 would be best as I can keep both Termagaunt groups full strength and throw psychic powers around on the Hormagaunts as needed.

Full List:
Tervigon 1 bare bones
Tervigon 1 bare bones
Termagaunts 20 w/10 Devourers w/10 fleshborers
Termagaunts 21 w/10 Devourers w/11 fleshborers
Hormagaunts 21 Toxin Sacs
Raveners 6 W/6xSpine Fists
Raveners 6 W/6xSpine Fists
The Red Terror 1
Biovore 3
Trygon Prime 1 Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands
Tyrannofex 1 with Rupture Cannon.
Harpy 1 w/2xStranglethrone

With leaked point list comes out to 2000 points.

But user January is not in this year.

Will Necrons ever get Pariahs back?
They were some of my favorite lore pieces.

Nids codex seems a bit, meh? Or at least, its an upgrade but nothing amazing.

Its still gonna be Genestealers, the army.

Youre mostly gonna stick to 2-3 hive fleets and you're gonna run up the board and stab things.

Nothing amazing eh.

>tfw 4 defeats in a row
>tfw BA Codex coming out soon
>tfw assembling a Stormraven gunship
>tfw you know there's light at the end of the tunnel

First for daemons getting btfo by nids.

Also first for Carnac baiting


Disregard shitposts and talk about something entertaining, I found this funny. Please add the rest of the armies

>necrons sit silently by, not commenting from a "racial" perspective unless it's literally connected to them. Furthermore when they do it's with a lot of posters with solid, supported arguments and good evidence
>orks hivemind up and, despite making weird claims,
>Admech (the funniest one imo) stay on the sidelines unless something touches them, and when it does it's either a quinceniera for whatever tiny nugget they got or a week of autistic screeching about how something isn't exactly how it should arbitrarily be
>dark angels are fairly quiet about stuff but get uncomfortably defensive if someone questions/mocks their faction
>blood angels dindu nuffin but still somehow end up getting assfucked by everything around them
>marines are generally the 'basic' poster attitude but can get lost in the strange web of how their playerbases is supposed to act and represent itself
>sisters are so dedicated to their army (a faith of its own) it's genuinely offputting even when they might be an interesting and worthwhile addition to the situation
>Guard seem like a cool thing at a baseline level, but much like their soldiers and officers bought a little too much into how superior and badass each and every one of them are, resulting in wildly unorganized and annoying to work alongside posters who spam endlessly how great 'they' are
>chaos is a soup of disaster, everything from Carnac looking to BURNMAIMKILL threads to losers getting off on any bit of anything, to sad pathetic posters worshipping the entropy part of the hobby, and fags thinking they're smarter than they are (specially in terms of faction support)
>filtered through a million layers of double-think and misquoting, all that's known for certain is that A) they think they're better than everyone, and B) they're actually not, and are just propaganda-loving morons

RIP chaos vehicles

One fucking hive fleet or you're a WAAC.

>Not wanting to play the best, most powerful, most adaptable army that is also the biggest threat to the galaxy.
LMAFAO @ UR Sad Pathetic Lives

Now Prepare For Your Daily Ovipositor Injection

Until You Like It

pic related is me and my bitch

>be nid player posting in 40kg
>say that you want to make a Kronos army
>try to ignore shitposters and Carnac alike

user that light is another vehicle coming head on that is going to destroy us for good.

>BA player
>is a raging gay

yep, checks out

It hurts me to see this list.

Reminder that Tau are going to rise up and be the next major player. The Great crusade was started just with the resources of terra and mars and the tau already have more Than that. All it’s going to take is for them to discover warp travel and for the rift to eventually subside. After that no one force will be able to fully fit to take them on since they’ll be so battered from fighting each other

How do I spice up a marine army?

I like the idea of playing as them, but I don't wanna go cheese while I'm new to the game, but I don't wanna run just another generic army.

Guard codex seems a bit, meh? Or at least, its an upgrade but nothing amazing.

Its still gonna be Conscripts, the army.

Youre mostly gonna stick to 2-3 regiments and you're gonna stay in your deployement zone and shoot things.

Nothing amazing eh.

Kek that looks fake as fuck
>conversions not happening anymore
>poor grammar on wargear
Better luck next time, 6/10 for effort

Doing anything makes you a WAACfag

Are that defeatist BAnon ?
Everything will be fine. We'll have relics, and stratagems, and warlord traits strong enough to bring us on par with the other armies.

Unofficial houserule sheet.

Nidfags are worse than Hitler

Death Guard question. I want to build a gun-line army. What should it include? There is a Death Guard great company which is said to dig in, and kill its enemy by wearing them down during sieges.

Plagueburst crawlers seem good for this. I'm thinking of running 3. Its an artillery thing, its got a battle cannon, a slightly better heavy bolter and 2 dark lances.

Would it be worth running one of these guys with spitters? In case something gets close to my tanks maybe? It will still have its long range battle cannon and heavy bolters.

almost there brother

For renegade/undivided chaos players.
>posters whose whole shtick is how cool and above it all but in conversation just come across as the little brother everyone forget was still alive

saving this

INBF CA custom land raider pattern example.

>Implying Hitler was bad

Doing nothing also makes you a WAACfag

How would I do a nid monster mash army?

Yes i am a defeatist. I see what has happened to us already. I know that we are going to get nothing and we will still need to ally in a guilliman with Lasback tac squads to be good.



>Nidfags trying to deflect from their assitude

Take one of each monster?

Inject me!!!

>Flamestorm Cannon Profle
>Cannot take a Flamestorm Cannon

My dreams are too good to come true. That's why its so easy to spot.

How do I Nids on really tight budget? I thought about ~40 stealers buffed by broodlord but a 1000pts army like this costs nearly as much as start collecting + big ass swarm box

>He isn't a glorious chad nid player

Just give up and take the ovipositor.

Educate yourself first tou, you double heretic!

It can replace the heavy flamers with flamestorms.

>i am incapable of reading wargear options
Still fake

Posting again 'cause new bread.

>are pretty attractive because they have more options than vanilla marines
I wish they would flesh out the other chapters more. Imperial Fists have awesome lore and looks, but their rules are so shit what's the point? They're basically just 'generic SM #3' while Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and Ultras get all the goodies. (And then there's Iron Hands, but who the fuck plays Iron Hands?)

I would love it if they were ever to release Dorn, to make it so the last wall protocol was enacted so players could pick from any Imperial Fists successor to pair them all together. It would be fluffy, allow more customization, and look amazing.

It would also put them nearly on par with the snowflake chapters, but they'd still be massively lacking in special characters and such.

I'm not sure what they could do with the Iron Hands. Maybe allow them to work with a new sub-chapter made of the zombies from after Istvaan?

Naw, just wait daddy is gonna come back eventually and then we won't need gorilla man to save us. Right?

Get both the start collectings and work from there

Nidzilla with a focus on Tyrants/Flyrants.

Okay. I am a Guard/Marine/Tau kind of player who tends to think in terms of modern military units. Explain to me what these weird bugamathingys do and what I should think of them as.

SM codex seems a bit, meh? Or at least, its an upgrade but nothing amazing.

Its still gonna be Guilliman, the army.

Youre mostly gonna stick to 1 chapter and you're gonna stay in your reroll aura and shoot things.

Nothing amazing eh

Gav confirmed that Daddy isnt coming back in his AMA


Just play what you like, faggot.

Are there any warhammer-related profiles on twitter, youtube and instagram worth following?

They're support fire units or a heavy assault unit.

L-lies to make it extra surprising when he comes b-back.

WHTV duh

But user, what Nidzilla is?

>using social media

Versatile unit that can be kitted out in quite a few ways and provide synapse support for nearby bugs.



*Tips Carapace*

O w O

Think of them as bigger more efficient tactical marines with better wargear at the expense of their slightly weaker armour save (although if you play Jorm they make up for that, Leviathan is great with them too though).

Big models for Nids as an army.


Fucking normie

Yeah, that's obvious - same as Duncan profile on twitter tho


How is my Grey Knight list? I was going for fun and such but trying to at least be semi competitive. I would have liked to slap a hammer in the Purifiers or an Incinerator, but I was short on points.

GK Vanguard
Brotherhood Champion - Warlord, Cuirass of Sacrifice, Hammer of Righteousness, Hammerhand

Brotherhood Ancient - Falchion, Purge Soul

Apothecary - Warding Stave, Sanctuary

Doomglaive Dread - Stormbolter

Grey Knight Purifiers - Falchions, Hammerhand

Vortimer Razorback - Stormbolter

Stormraven - Hurricane Bolters, Twin Assault Cannon, Twin Multimelta

GK Vanguard
Draigo - Vortex, Gate

Grey Knight Paladins - 3x with Falchions, Paragon with Hammer, Hammerhand

Grey Knight Paladins - 3x with Falchions, Paragon with Hammer, Hammerhand

Grey Knight Purifiers - Falchions, Hammerhand

Vortimer Razorback - Stormbolter

It's good to see it finally get updated rules

I'm having fun and you are powerless to stop me. How does this make you feel?

>tfw the ovipositor goes in dry


Veeky Forums - Traditional Games

I'm happy for you.

Blob of 9 with a prime for 400 points, 30 18" 3+ s5 -1 1 shots, 41 2+ s4 -2 1 melee attacks. 33 wounds, buff them up, shoot stuff, get into melee. Hard to to kill with catalyst, Jormung, and -1 hit aura.

Yes. And ?

Any predictions on the upcoming Chapter Tactics ?

I'm guessing Blood Angels will get bonuses on charge while Dark Angels will get a copy paste of the ability the Fallen get:

>You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for any Fallen unit when shooting (including when firing Overwatch) as long as the unit did not move in its last Movement phase. In addition, Fallen units can never lose more than one model as the result of any single failed Morale test; any additional casualties beyond the first are ignored.

It's pretty much an updated Grim Resolve.

Why can't Guard sergeants take a lasgun?

We created an entire system mod for a 40k rpg that was based on an anime we are one of the weebiest.

How have Primaris marines affected the lore?

Well they replaced the entire Blood Angels Legion.

bonus to strength maybe? Thats what the red thirst used to be right?

Doesn't matter because Tyranids already adapted to everthing you did or ever wanted to do and won. Check mate Imperialfags!

It's basically rendered the triumph of the Emperor's Astartes project obsolete by saying a techpriest can do better.

It's cool that it's actually the guy that originally wrote the rules for it made this update.

Chapter Approved is supposed to bring back vehicle creation rules.

Damn right

Plagueburst Crawlers are pretty good. Don't take plaguespitters. You never want them in range of anything plaguespitters can hit. If you want to protect them from being attacked by some deepstriking units, just keep a few cultists or plague marines near it.

BA will probably get jipped out of a good tactic because of blood rage which they have factored into their point cost.

I'm just asking about loadouts my dude

It took the emperor less than a century to do his work, it took cawl 10000 years I think he still has cawl beat.

Rumor for Blood Angels is +1 to charge and advance.

As a BA player, if this is true, I'll want to kill myself.

Jokes on you - I play nids already

Sell me your army first and for cheap please.

Cawl made Astartes, but better, with no flaws. Somehow.