>Currently the mainstream and most well known Orcs are literal elves with green skin and tusks
How does this make Veeky Forums feel?
>Currently the mainstream and most well known Orcs are literal elves with green skin and tusks
How does this make Veeky Forums feel?
>play with a bunch of WoWfags who preach the noble savage shlop
My dick is the hardest metal known to mankind. Even harder than Dragonforce.
Since the original fantasy orcs were debased elves, this does not bother me. ESO does interesting stuff with their green elves with tusks and gives them an actual culture so it's not just contrarian. And it's overshadowed by their Dwarves being elves.
Orc women are truly the patrician taste
Female orcs never had a good track record though.
They are either never shown or are a lot more human-like than the male ones because people can't fathom ugly women in fiction.
>the mainstream and most well known Orcs
wouldn't that still be warcraft orcs at this point?
the elder scrolls isn't as widely popular
Makes perfect sense given the popularity of WoW.
>How does this make Veeky Forums feel?
The inverse of "a rose by any other name would name just as sweet" applies in this case.
Is it?
>typical savage orcs kidnap and rape women from other races
>over time, the 'exotic' traits orcs desire out of those women become more prominent in female orcs, as they're most likely to be chosen as mates
>eventually almost all female orcs are much more 'human' and slender than male orcs, though still far more heavyset than females of most other races
It kinda makes sense.
Pfft. No.
I mean, I know you have no real friends and think that Veeky Forums is an accurate representation of physical reality, but come on.
>literal elves with green skin and tusks
I want /v/ to leave and take its shitposting with it.
You may be right because of Warcraft’s recent movie, but Elder Scrolls is still crazy popular on console. The Witcher is king of the RPGs on console, but you can bet ES will be back on top when the sixth ES game comes out. Not to mention the franchise has a sizable population in Elder Scrolls Online.
Warcraft Orcs are still sexy regardless
I feel nothing, since this is not how they look in their lore at all.
Please don't call yourself a fan of orcs if you don't actually like them.
I appreciate the fact that the races have an evolutionary tree, always loved speculative biology. if your problem is that they look to elvish maybe you shouldn't be wacking off to screenshots using mods to make the face more human and the body more lithe
To me, what makes an Orc recognizable;
>Green or gray skin
>A primitive, warlike culture
>Pointed ears
>Black or brown hair
I prefer my Orcs to have the capacity of being anywhere between beautiful and ugly/good and evil like real life humans, but I know some are staunchly “Orcs are only ugly and evil”.
I leave the pure evil and ugliness to (hob)goblins, bugbears, and Ogres.
Is this what they call projection?
>How do you feel about stereotypes that only exist in Veeky Forums shitposting threads or porn?
gibe orc gf
better than pig furries i guess.
>Currently the mainstream and most well known Orcs are literal elves with green skin and tusks
If only
im just gonna post some orcs lads
Not sure if I’m misunderstanding you, but Elder Scrolls Orcs are literally Elves. Their prefix is “Pariah” along with High, Wood, Dark, Snow, Deep and Sea Elves.
>can't fathom ugly women in fiction.
No, we just have normal fucking tastes. There are plenty of powerful, ugly women in fiction. Guess what, they're never as popular as the powerful, pretty ones, or even the unpowerful pretty ones. People want pretty females, that's literally the entire point of females for many people: to look pretty.
>>Currently the mainstream and most well known Orcs are literal elves with green skin and tusks
Pretty sure these are the most mainstream and well-known orcs right now.
never mind Veeky Forums has decided that every thing i try to post is a duplicate reply
>that night elf head on a spike
> those night elf corpses hanging from the tree
God damn
Cannot unsee
WoW peaked years ago and is basically dying, just look at the realm populations these days. Meanwhile Skyrim and Elder Scrolls are essential normiecore.
Orcs play a far more central role in Warcraft than in the TES series. Even if (and that's a big IF) more people have played TES games than Warcraft ones, it doesn't even really matter. Orcs in TES are almost an afterthought. The average person sees one and isn't even going to know that they were once elves. They just green dude in a loincloth screaming about honor and if anything it reinforces any impressions they got from the noble savage Warcraft orc.
Not to mention that Warcraft got a movie and the orcs in it (play a huge role) are examples of some of the best cgi in movie history.
Besides, nobody played TES online and Skyrim came out at a time when WoW had roughly 11 million players.
>Mainstream and most well known orcs
Say what
Orcs aren’t an afterthought. Skyrim actually fleshed out Orc culture and they made a point to add Orc strongholds instead of, say, Wood Elf or Redguard outposts
But I see what you’re saying withe everything else
>this is considered "best CGI in movie history"
Why are we pretending that anybody outside of China saw the Warcraft movie?
Have some eye bleach. I know I need it.
I was a WoWfag and thought they should have all been gassed
Of course I prefer the goats and they hate the greenskins so i might be biased
>currently the mainstream and most well known Orcs are literal elves with green skin and tusks
nah, it's still warcraft orcs. And no one cares about orc women, they always vizualize orc men.
TES orcs are elves. Also all these are modded. All Skyrim vannilla assets look fugly. Also define "mainstream". The most "mainstream" fantasy thing is probably the LoTR movies, which depict orcs as smelly shrieking goblins.
>LotR: Orcs are elves that have been corrupted by the dark god Melkor
>Elder Scrolls: Orcs are elves that have been corrupted by the dark god Malacath
>Warcraft: Orcs are aliens corrupted by the dark god Mannoroth
What's wrong with elf orcs again
Don't lie, you still would.
That art is so painfully generic
It's from a drawthread here on Veeky Forums, my dude.
Still woefully dull.
Well whatever, not like I requested it or anything. Besides, free art is free art.
Best thing about female orcs is artists aren't afraid to show them having scars all over.
>GM unknowingly enters my magical realm
>Before you stands a heavily scarred orc warrior, her group of bandits surround you
Never enough scarred warrior women. It you're wearing bikini armor, I demand scars!
Draenei are objectively the worst fantasy race. The females are pure sex though
And while we're at it the distinction between Dwarf, Gnome and Halfling seems arbitrary at best.
>And while we're at it the distinction between Dwarf, Gnome and Halfling seems arbitrary at best.
Probably the dumbest thing I've read on Veeky Forums today.
Svirfneblin are closer to svartalfar than dwarves are.
>one is short and grumpy
>one is short and chipper
>one is short and would rather be fishing
Why does this need three separate races
How many times must we have this thread before you are satisfied?!
>outing yourself as a brainlet like this
Not an argument.
It's not something worth arguing, only mocking.
So your opinion on the matter is close-minded and dogmatic, and you were never capable or arguing in the first place.
"brainlet" indeed.
I’ll try to give you a legitimate answer instead of being a child and mocking you without providing substance like that other user.
If you look at a Dwarf, Gnome and Halfling skeleton you would see the Dwarf is built more stout and sturdy. The bones would be thicker and would obviously not be human or look deformed at first glance. Halflings are proportionally very similar to humans. Halfling skeletons would look like an adult human’s, but child-sized. A Gnome skeleton would appear human, but closer examination, would show the skill to be proportionally larger, and the eye sockets and nasal cavity would be stupid large.
The Dwarves skull would be wider, the brow, nasal cavity and jaw would be more pronounced, but the eye sockets would be smaller.
Not to mention on a dermal level, Dwarves would have nearly double the hair follicles of Halflings while Gnomes would have little to no body hair. Dwarf eyes would be adapted to darkness while Halflings would be adapted for light
So there's no difference other then hair amount and slightly different skeletons.
Ignore my comma splices. It’s very late where I’m at.
TL;DR is Halfling are built (skeletons) proportional to humans, Dwarves and Gnomes would look deformed in different ways. Coupled with dermal, ocular, and cultural differences justifies them being different races.
Yeah, along with intelligence, culture, and how they evolved to different environments.
Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, Orcs and Gnomes are basically mammals and possibly hominids with common ancestors, so you can’t expect a large amount of differences.
There’s more differences between them than there was with Humans and Neanderthals
>So your opinion on the matter is close-minded and dogmatic, and you were never capable or arguing in the first place.
>this coming from the guy who reduces gnomes, halflings, and dwarves to "short people with x personality trait"
You seem to lack a sense of irony, another notch on your brainlet belt.
There's no difference between an elf, human, and orc aside from slightly different skeletons, skin tone, and ear shape.
The same reason we're pretending anybody other than Veeky Forums still cares about Elder Scrolls.
Stop comparing fantasy races to IRL science you fucking nerd.
Why not run with the idea? Rather than Orcs being corrupted elves ala Uruk-hai they are another offshoot of the elven race that chose to worship a god that embodies strength and martial prowess/survival of the fittest or some shit like that.
basically, replace wood elves with orcs