So I've been having thoughts on creating a Space Marine chapter heavily influenced by the Imperial Guard.
Current ideas: > Lacks a name, simply "974th Chapter" or something like that > Wears tan and olive drab power armor, no specific markings other than standard skull+wings on chest and company number painted on pauldron > Large motor pool, supported by enlarged complement of Scout Marines and a core of Tactical Marines > No Primarises (judged unimportant chapter for reinforcement, and not particularly in need of replenishment at the moment). >Works closely with certain Guard regiments, basically cooperating on a strategic (and sometimes tactical) level
What does Veeky Forums think? Would it be possible? And can I get some writefags to help with fleshing the chapter out if so?
> Chapter formerly had a name > Some event heavily enamored them with the Guard they served with > They ended up ceasing the use of their chapter's name and simply utilized the chapter number instead in the same fashion as a Guard regiment
Cooper Ross
I think this idea is pretty crap tbqh OP. If you're going for silly then it's too bland, if you're going for serious then it's too derpy.
Chase Rogers
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "it's too derpy", please?
Sebastian Rivera
Carson Ortiz
The no name part and influenced by IG part are fucking retarded.
Military colors, no bling, working with IG, and tactical vehicles and squads are fine.
In fact, I even know of two different custom chapters like this, but they choose desert yellow over olive drab.
Aaron Torres
I mean that the whole 'Marines who want to be Guardsmen when they grow up' is goofy. It's like having orks who admire grots, or a Guard regiment that admires the Arbites and so they dress up like them in battle. The fact that you've just got "some event heavily enamored them" means you're thinking about it purely as a wallpaper theme. The core idea of a Marine Chapter that has ties to a certain IG regiment can certainly work, but making it as IG-themed Marines pushes it over the edge into derp. It doesn't help that Marines are badass while IG are mostly just grunts. Maybe if you had some exotic regiment instead of !NotCadians then that might make it cooler, but it still works better if the Marines aren't fawning fanboys for them.
If you want reasons why Marines might have ties to IG, then something like:
>Imperial world was liberated in a Crusade 3000 years ago >the Lord General Militant of the Crusade personally led the assault with his favoured regiment >the world became a Chapter World for a new Chapter >the Chapter still honours the old Lord General and maintains ties with his old regiment
You can have that without having to paste IG stuff all over the Marines.
Thomas Green
If you want to play Guard, just play Guard.
Jacob Lewis
Valid points. Any more ideas on fleshing this out?
Nathaniel Flores
>No name
Jesus fuckign christ. Is there a product this company won't do? They're everywhere!
Joshua Powell
Go to the archive, there is a whole fleshed out marine chapter there with infrastructure rank system and tactics. if not just play Raptors
Blake Martinez
I could see potential for this chapter, maybe an overflowing 10th company as a result of recruiting directly from the IG, sergeants wearing and wielding gear similar to commissars (make trenchcoats out of DA/BT robes or green stuff)
Oliver Lopez
Have it a garrison chapter that has integrated the local IG as auxiliaries. Think how special forces stiffen local troops. Maybe a sergeant in command with a 'special' support team of the chapter along. Being hit by enemies and stretching the chapter thin, this gives the chapter head confidence that position held by IG will hold, plus it puts the locals under direct SM command. The IG see the SM as the heroes and want to live up to the standard. IG will be too old to become SM, but outstanding IGs could have sons that are fostered into the chapter.
Tyler Ward
Strong local recruiting world- early medical screenings for adolescent males.
Yeah, you pass a gene screening, the seed will take in you. You can be an aspirant for the chapter.
You, you got a bad R573 tail on Chromosome 14, so the biscopea won't take. On the other hand, you smoked the test for artillery math, so you will make a great fire direction warrant officer in the Guard regiment's artillery train. No dishonor in that, we all serve the Emperor somehow.
You, you're a girl, so you can't screen for the Chapter, but you did great on the flight aptitude test, want to be a fighter pilot in the Chapter fleet?
Josiah Clark
Not an instantly terrible idea, but needs work. I think the trick really would be to design them as if you were designing a guard regiment as normal, only applying it to marines, instead of trying to make marines as "guardsy" as possible. "Drab" is never what you want to go for. Less ornamental, more practical, definitely, but never "Drab", if your guardsmen look drab they're poorly painted. Highlight that shit, add in kill tallies, poker cards, decals of women, go full vietnam, after all that's what cadians do. No name is retarded, but a less flashy name can do, "Dorn's 74th" or "[insert planet name here]'s 1st" work well, Guard regiments all have names, what sets them apart from THE ULTRA-MARINES is that the "Tanith first and only" or "Cadian 332nd" sound more grounded, but are still interesting. Again, you need a chapter symbol, but you can make it grounded (I feel like I'm overusing that word a lot), just again, pick from IRL army symbols. Some sort of star? A playing card? A cartoonish devil head? Or if you want to go full tacticool a simple bird would work.
When you get down to it, you want to play Your Guys version of Raptors. Reasonable marines that function like marines actually should in conjunction with all the assets at their disposal. Go nuts, but always keep that in mind.
Justin Wright
Give them tons of devastator marines with multilasers and lascannons.
Luis Evans
you basically just described the pre-Heresy Iron Warriors, minus the livery and bitterness
Tyler Sullivan
So you are thinking of making Reasonable Marines?
Dominic Young
I kinda like the idea that you have a planet with regular guard regiments, the [whatever] 21st, [whatever] 322nd, but the [whatever] 1st is a Marine chapter (possibly with the chapter companies or demi-companies taking up more numbers, given the way the Tactica Imperialis classifies "regiments" - despite the numerical size, a Marine chapter is worth far more than a regiment)
Charles Bell
Make them have conflict with other space marines, and give them a really good reason for this. For example something something SONS OF HERETICS or just being shamed before by some weird combination of bling and honor bound strategy. Like say their founder gave them a colour scheme that looked neon as fuck, had very honor bound tactics and got the entire chapter shamed by getting the whole chapter basically annihilated, and making his successors shun the use of bright colors and standard chapter heraldry, warcries, etc. This will also establish the conflict with other space marine chapters.
No chapter name and fancy livery cou;ld be motivated by going overboard on "pride is a sin" part.
You might want to go for Krieg mentality - chapter shamed themselves long in the past, and in penence decided to no longer stroke their egos, but instead do the most thankless jobs and never complain, brag or take credit.
Gavin Morris
But OP, they already have a name and concept Veeky Forums came up with ages ago:
>Reasonable Marines
The only chapter that uses proper camouflage and tactics rather than running out in the open in bright colors yelling "FOR TH EMPRAH" like morons.
Samuel Morris
>what is ravenguard >what is raptors >what is calgar and friends when convenient to the plot
Parker Peterson
Makes no sense. Just play guard.
Easton Reyes
The fluff of my Guard army and my friend's Marine army works very much like this. The regiment is the human auxiliary of the chapter who failed aspirant trials or were too old but still were deadly in combat augmented. No life wasted in the Emperor's service, even if the trial fucks you up you can still load artillery shells as a hunchback!
Angel Reyes
Butthurt without.
Charles Moore
Ah, but they still are a bit too zealous compared to the Reasonable Marines.
Jeremiah Wood
>Undetected >in power armor >Nightlording this goddamn hard
Kevin Hill
Marines are tough infantry but they're still infantry. Even Ultramarines know that.
Isaiah Baker
>the survivors of a regiment made space marines, and that regiment's name stuck
Nicholas Collins
>pic as two marines Where is the other one? No...seriously! WHERE IS THE OTHER ONE?!
Bob do you see any second marine? ... Bob?
Christopher Cox
Samuel Gutierrez
Brother Timmy is off his meds again...
Luke Foster
OP here. Pretty surprised to see this thread still going since last night.
I'm loving all the ideas that we've put up here. Now to get around to consolidating things...
Thanks! Which original Legion and Primarch would this chapter originate from in your opinion? I'm thinking either Ultras/Imperial Fists, but if there's anything more (inb4 Iron Warriors) suitable I'd like to know.
You'd better watch for some Ork Snipers. I've heard they can kill every Marine in a chapter save 92.
Jackson Ramirez
>implying the drugs aren't working EXACTLY as indended
Aiden Moore
Did someone say DOOMRIDER!?!?!?
Ryan Rogers
Christopher Sanders
Regiments can have names you know.
>Tanith First and Only
It may be technically unofficial, but it works.
You need something similar, like the Crimson Sons, ect.
Christian Murphy
So a more militaristic Brotherhood of a Thousand?
Michael Flores
Start with a young,proud, haughty chapter thats flamboyantly, borderline slaneshi adorned. On there 1st real test, their pride leads to disaster. They not only get their teeth kicked in, but fuck up badly enough for the survivors to be censored and thrown on a penitence crusade.
Enter your guard's home area. They're under a threat of some kind, and desperately need assistance. Due to a combination of insignificance and other, more pressing disasters, no reinforcements can be expected in time.
However, the Imperial Governor, due to some great deed in the past, is able to get an audience far beyond his station and pleads for aid. The Powers That Be assign this newly disgraced SM Chapter to defend the area as their penitence, mainly as a parting insult to this soon to be extinct chapter of fuckups.
Against all expectations, the Chapter both succeeds in holding off the threat(s) and completes their crusade by working closely with the local guard as you envisioned. They now take "pride is a sin" to heart, completely abandoning their old chapter culture and traditions. Fluff their new culture as a cross between Raptors and Doom Eagles.
The attached guard & their leadership are still star struck by the space marines, and enthusiastically follow them everywhere. The Marines Doom Eagle like outlook is juxtaposed against their guard auxilary's gung ho conviction that they're the best of the best in the Imperium.
Caleb Jackson
>and completes their crusade by working closely with the local guard as you envisioned
Really? For 100 years? Because that's how long penitent crusades last, in case you didn't know.
Matthew Flores
Not the guy you're replying too, but why not? Sounds cool to me.
Daniel Morales
and one is a fleshy dude in clothe fatigues and the other is a walking superhuman tank with a rifle that shoots missiles, in the case of the latter you dont have to be sneaky
John Harris
This was what I thought about instantly as well. The past event could be very interesting to do.
It even does not need to be Chaosy corruption. Probably mortal stuff could be better in fact.