So my party is exploring some centuries-old dragon ruins.
What do they find there, Veeky Forums?
So my party is exploring some centuries-old dragon ruins.
What do they find there, Veeky Forums?
Centuries-old dragons.
a tome with text no one in your party can decipher
Graffiti from the party that beat them to the ruins and nothing else.
Why haven't you planned this out BEFORE you made the dragon ruins available? What kind of shit DM are you?
Since you're obviously creatively bankrupt, go find a random encounter and loot table and roll on it.
A collection of statues and bas-reliefs that are basically the dragon version of /d/.
Or corpses of dragons
Mounds and mounds of dragon shit.
If they search hard enough, they can find a perfectly ordinary longsword in it.
A scroll, 8.5 x 44 inches.
What kind of dragons are we talking about here?
what climate/region, woodlands, mountains, desert, swamp, urban?
what were the ruins used for prior to the dragon/dragons moving in? A secluded monestary or temple, a keep or castle some kind of settlement maybe a network of caves?
these are all important factors that would determine what might be found in the ruins.
>Urban dragons
Now I want a setting that takes "black dragon" to mean "african american" dragon and run with it.
>dragon rap
>drive by burninatings
>demanding governments give them welfare gold
Whel I meant urban as in a vast ancient metropolis that was devastated by the dragons long ago.
Now it remains as a scorched ruin of its former majesty, its winding allyways and crumbling spires filled with treasures, knowledge and curiosities of a bygone age all there for the taking.
but be wary brave travellers for the dragon that was mighty enough to devastate an entire city has also made its lare somewhere within its labyrinthian streets.
Petrified dragon bones. Could make for excellent crafting materials/spell components, or could be sold for a high price.
Man, I fucking love the Drakeblood Knights. Complete fucking idiots who had no possible chance of success, but they still went the full mile anyways. Easily my favorite bit from DS2.
Undead dragons. It's a necromancer's lair now.
A quaint little shop staffed by a century old dragon, it sells "gently used" adventurer's items at a high cost only payable in barter, preferably in rare and expensive tea leaves.
A blind and rotting but still horrifically alive dragon, cursed to live until the world ends.
A guy called Greg who is annoyed with adventurers coming to his ruins all the time and tries to scare them off by pretended he is a ghost.
Some little old hermit who is tending to the ruins like it is a garden. When he asked why he is there, he says that someone has to show the dead that they have not been forgotten. He offers the party some rare alchemical ingredients in exchange for listening to his stories.
>red dragon
A friggin republican dragon
>green dragon
... ecologist dragon?
>white dragon
Arch-nemesis of the black dragon of course
>blue dragon
I got nuthin.
Century-old dragon latrine site; potentially haunted
The very old, very powerful, very PISSED dragon that still very much lives there despite people not seeing him come out for a few centuries. Apparently he's going to have to get up and burn a few kingdoms to the ground again to remind the little fuckers to stay off of his lawn again.
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