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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Reminder to lurk 1 year before posting
Here's the SpoOoOoOo0oOky update for Generic Creepypasta's Cryptid perk combos, again. Everything from Spook+Stranger is new, and I added a line to Genius Loci+Spook about setting up triggers for spooky events since I liked the idea so much, and I added Spook to the list of abilities that your Spawn/Mutants/Biome creatures can have.
Shout out to TopHat for coming up with all of these additions, too!
Alright jumpers, tell me about your relationships with your companions as of the moment. Bros, waifus, new members of your self-esteem team, everyone.
Well, I'm fairly certain I'm biting bait with this, but you know what, I got no fucks left.
Somebody only has as much authority as you're willing to let them have. Always keep that in mind.
Bu... but I've only done it for a few weeks! I don't have that kind of lurking stamina, user!
Reminder that you're all heretics.
Iron Giant-
+100CPThe Kid-
0CP Townie-
100CP Government-
300CP Superman-
0CP Book-
300CP Remember Who You Are-
The Metal Ones are coming, they are coming because of you. They will claim the Earth for their masters and all that remains to stop them…is you.
Friendly reminder this is the best waifu in the chain
We have a list folder on the drive but why isn't the list of sex perk on it?
Wait are you actually making an Iron Giant jump?
No, just collecting comments on it, until someone adopts it.
That's not Medb.
You only really need the dinosaur one from the 80s action movie jump
Not quite. Val all but explicitly asked him to delete his drive. See:
He goes by "Regina" in the Discord. Also, if you read Val's posts last thread, she was seriously shitton on some of his decisions.
It's funny that you only post the discord images and not anything of her actual argument. Just posting the replies on another forum of the guy overreacting proves nothing
Neat. That's a bunch of Spoopy effects to get.
Can we be selective with Spook+Mark, making some marked people terrifying and some not so terrifying?
I'm glad to see Val defending this community's rules so well.
I feel like you aren't showing us everything here. Do you have any more?
Manicman knows what's up
Doesn't Dirges drive still exist though? Last time the shitposter brought this up I remember somebody posting a link to it to prove he was lying.
But there's so much other cool stuff to get there!
Like the 'don't look at explosions while walking away' perk!
>Softanon not caring about answering questions
Such a wasted jump
I'm surprised that Eternal + Possessive doesn't let you go all Lucius the Eternal on the person that killed you.
Go to Thing Thing and back flip away from explosions
Does anyone want to take a crack at a conversation that isn't shitposting?
The jumps fine. You just regret not getting the chance to ruin it.
Fuck you by the way.
I believe someone backed them up for him.
Sure. What's your favorite perk or item that you don't see picked or talked about?
>All those merchants
I mean I would be less angry if he had not waited more than 3 days just to give "its a generic dude no need for fluff" as an answer to everything. I am not saying it should be removed, just that there could have been a lot more to it.
He's not linking the entire conversation in question, all of which happened in the thread so there's no reason to not link it. People are even responding to the posts he did link to point out that Dirge is doing the same thing and twisting words to suit himself.
Reminder that Jeff the Killer is the worst shit ever.
Well I might as well just be a xenos then, huh?
Anyone want to help make a Disney Atlantis jump?
Both of the Drives posted in response to the shitposting were made by anons and are outdated as hell.
I really wish the Drop-In origin didn't leave you under machine gun fire from the start, I wanted to do that jump earlier in my chain than I would be comfortable with such a situation.
True. Wouldn't surprise me if Dirge were one of the anti-Val fags.
It's shite all around. Both Valeria and Dirge fucked up, and now there's several assholes just using it to rile up people for shits and giggles.
I really, really like Dark Contract an Deal with the Devil. Both really good perks and the lynchpin perk of one of my chains.
I only have one human companion. She doesn't understand why I do what I do at all, but it gives her something to do that isn't "sit in the Wasteland not being the Mechanist."
Sometimes weeks go by where I don't pay attention to her at all. She spends the time tinkering. It's what makes sense.
How did Valeria fuck up? It doesn't look like she did anything wrong here and even made sure to point out that she was fine with most people involved, going by what others have said.
Neat. Happy to help.
Both of them Ghost Rider, right?
You're getting baited. No real namefag would ever dare to criticize Val.
Why is dirge such a controversial figure anyway?
That whole generic isekai situation was odd
>british teen girl
Except that she wasn't raised in Britain, she was raised in Magical Britain. This is a culture whose "elite" tend to think inbreeding makes their descendants stronger; if they even had sex ed it'd probably be on a par with their muggle studies classes...
Do those let you make the deals or weasel out of them?
Oh yeah. Suuuuure, ValkyrieAnon. Absolutely no one ever criticizes Val while letting everyone else get away with the same shit. Whatever you say.
Dark Contract is Ravenloft. Both of them are effectively the same perk though with minor differences.
That's been what I've gathered as well. there's only one person at fault here for reasons we may never know, and that's Dirge/Regina. They wanted the drive down and used Val as an excuse rather than give a proper reason. It's just like SoAnon's leaving all over again. When will people learn to just tell the truth even if their reasons are shitty rather than make pointless drama to 'justify' their decisions. You will note that in both cases WE are the ones who've had to deal with the resulting fallout, leaving them untouched!
Which is your most used style of combat, Melee, Ranged, or Magic?
Right, sure, whatever you say. You've won whatever argument it was, now please let it go and interact with us rather than people from hours ago. Can you do that, user?
To be fair, inbreeding WOULD make their descendents stronger if they actively selected and bred only physically powerful individuals together. They'd be more prone to genetic issues though, look at dogs.
You read it wrong. First the bed you wake up in promptly explodes, THEN they start machine-gunning your house.
But yeah, if you're not already superhumanly durable, you're dead. Fuck that noise.
Thanks user, that's a perk I'm sure to be interested in given how many really nice things there are in Ghost Rider.
Although I know little about Ravencroft beyond that it's a pretty gothic d&d setting.
Magical melee.
Very nice. Oh, the spookiness got me a couple more ideas...
Spook+Demograph could be a combo to know someone darkest fears, if that's not covered by Demograph on its own?
Spook+Meme could have the fear of you spread, in addition to the stories?
Spook+I Know lets you know if someone fears you?
Spook+Emotion Manipulation let you have auras of other emotions instead of just fear?
Spook+maybe Enhanced Senses to get a sense for finding people who're afraid of you?
Some people are genuinely unable to user. Like autistic retards. Like this guy.
Basically, don't do anything that can be construed as evil and you'll be fine.
She engaged with the exact same assholes who then kicked up a shitfit and made the situation what it is today. I don't know how the chat between her and Dirge went so I can't comment on that front.
Oh fuck off.
Running away and telling the proper authorities.
Or hitting it with whatever is at hand.
I'm writing up a new chain and jumper just got punted into a zombie apocalypse with no idea what's going on. He's not even wearing shoes that fit at the moment.
Tell me jumpers, are you a man of the law?
You know you have to tell someone like me if you are right?
Who's authority do you enforce or work for?
and what gives you the ability to enforce your decisions and The Law?
>Yubel: Former yandere and rival, now close friend. May or may not still have feelings for Jumper, but has decided to let him be happy with Mikotsu. As someone who was also tortured by the Light of Destruction, she is best able to sympathise with him over the attack.
>Frisk: Younger Brother figure, also serves as Jumper's sounding board and arguably psychologist. Likes to tease and mess with Jumper, but is there for him when he is needed. Recently has started coming to Jumper with his own romantic feelings involving NiGHTS, and his belief that the two of them are becoming yanderes for the other (Frisk due to Chara's influence and NiGHTS due to her being a Nightmaren).
Mikotsu: Jumper's love interest. The two of them are extremely close in many ways, due to the fact that they saved each other from madness at different points (Jumper saved Mikotsu from her initial state and Mikotsu saved Jumper from the Light of Destruction's mental assault). Very shy around each other, but they trust each other more then anyone else. Recently Mikotsu has become more protective of Jumper after a psychic communication caused the trauma of the Light's attack to resurface.
>NiGHTS: Jumper's sister figure and comrade. NiGHTS and Jumper tend to squabble like typical siblings, but always have each others' back. She was outraged after the Light's attack, and spent many years trying to clean his dreams of its' influence, swearing to destroy it once and for all. Recently has started speaking to Jumper about her problems involving Frisk, confessing the fear that her nature is causing her to become more possessive of him and more vicious towards any perceived 'threats', something that hurts her given how fiercely she has tried to fight her nature as a Nightmaren.
>Bass: That one asshole who decided to tag along with Jumper to get stronger. Despite his protests and behaviour, he legitimately has come to care for the group, though he hides it behind a dickish act.
I once thought about making an Iron Giant Jump, but I just can't get myself motivated enough to do it.
I did put down a couple notes though if anyone wants it.
Man such a nice setting once again botched by a shit jump maker.
The law is only followed as long as it benefits me.
Having worked on and off on the Diabolical Jump today, I'd like to get some feedback from the current peeps on the board if you would be so kind to do so.
Diabolical is a game in the Choice of Games Series, an old-school style CYOA. You can find it on Steam if you're curious. [store.steampowered.com
Things I would particularly appreciate help on would be the Specialty Section; I've pretty much exhausted myself in terms of ideas for how to further specialize in to a given archetype, and I have learned I **really suck** at thinking up superpowers for the Juggernaut specialty.
However, feedback on any and everything would be appreciated: what you like, what you don't like, what you feel is missing or excessive.
Well, he's passive aggressive as hell, that's one thing. And on Veeky Forums we're more about active aggression.
On a spontaneous tangent, anyone know of any places in the real world that actually look like that background - a flat green grassy plain extending all the way to a range of mountains on the horizon?
Why not just use canon powers for the power section?
Law, chaos, I'm the one with the illusions.
I'm Dredd, I AM THE LAW!
You're funny.
Of course I am. I abandoned my (physical) humanity millions of years ago!
Add an 8th free choice possibility to the Lair roll?
Sorry, I was busy doing life stuff, but yeah, I have plenty. What specifically do you want?
Undaunted seems overpowered to a ridiculously bullshit extent. I don't think it should be as strong as it is now when as written, you can go up to an omnipotent being and get enough power to have a chance at beating them. Especially not when there is no cost to getting this power and you retain it for a time after the battle ends. You need to put some limits on that.
It's also much better than the other capstones.
Funny that you still aren't posting links to the actual conversation.
Nice to know Nika is the sort of person who believes in this though.
I still dont understand what did Val has to do with this
>Free Choice - Seaside Burger Shack, Delaware
Got a free choice, decided to go with that burger shack one of the angels mentions to Dean to try to bribe him. Burgers!
>24 years old
>Monster - Djinn
Went Djinn, considered Siren but Djinn is better thematically, they both get mind reading, Djinn are less ugly and they seem to have a bit more metaphysical oomph. Plus Djinn can cause incredibly complicated hallucinations with a touch which could be handy for if I want someone to think they got turned into an ostrich or something for a bit.
>Mental Projection 400
Is a pretty broad fucking with people's perception perk allowing you to cause people to see mad stuff from far away. It's a lot of fun and half of the stuff I've considered in terms of plans for this jump is using this perk to mess with people (mostly really small stuff like making it so when people look at me in a reflective surface I'm wearing sunglasses).
>Spooky Eyes
Blue and glowy.
>No Dogs Go To Heaven
Lets me send people to my Purgatory easier after Djinning them up.
>Alpha 700
Lets me turn people into more Djinn, control Djinn (as well as my spawn in general) and gives me some control over other beings of my own kind which is pretty great when you can change species.
>Force of Nature 1100
Going fire for thematic reasons. Probably blue fire due to the Djinn stuff but it increases with power with belief so that's nice and with enough worshipers I should be able to burn all sorts.
>Silver Lining 1150
50 CP overhang mostly, still my weapon of choice is now super effective against shapeshifters so that's nice.
>Vital Nutrients
People parts and cleaning materials. Probably good to have the latter if I'm going to be doing anything with the former.
>I abandoned my (physical) humanity millions of years ago!
As any sane person should!
If you get options for transhumanism like what jumpchain offer, you damn well take them!
The best that comes to mind being Eclipse Phase technological transhumanism and for the more mystical Exalted Infernal Devil-Tiger transhumanism!
The full conversation between Dirge/Regina and Val, please.
Are ya going to do another Choice of Games jump after this?
Well...? Laugh! – 100cp, Royalty
With as unruly and fractious underlings as goblins - or orc or demons – it’s important to let them know who’s boss. A domineering presence will keep those weaker than you in line, even if they’re normally the sort to buck any rule.
Dance Magic! – 200cp, Royalty
If you feel like singing your heart out, who would dare to stop you? Not only do situation-suitable lyrics come to you like a thunderbolt out of the blue, but your voice can now at least hold a tune, and a backing track will spring out of nowhere for you. And if you happen to use the song and dance routine in casting your magical spells, you’ll notice a fair boost to their effect.
In Thirteen Hours, You’ll Be Mine – 400cp, Royalty
The power of the Goblin King is so great, they can transform stolen children into Goblins, forced to serve them forevermore. In a process taking thirteen hours, you too can transform children brought to your kingdom into your minions, stripping them of any identity (and powers) they originally held.
Unfortunately as a rule these underlings tend to be rather small and are not especially competent, nor will any upgrades or training they receive be carried over between jumps. Should they be removed from your kingdom before the thirteen hours are up, this process is foiled.
The minions acquired in this method do not take up companion slots unless individually imported.
If you have My Kingdom Is As Great, then instead of turning into goblins, they may be transformed into underlings suitable for whatever themes your kingdom has (fairies, snowmen, mer-people, etc.). If you do not have The Labyrinth or My Kingdom Is As Great as your personal Kingdom, then one of your pocket dimensions or planes (such as your Warehouse or a Territory) must be used.
So all of the Overlord origin's specialty options are worthless post jump unless you buy the minion companion options, in which case they are only drastically reduced in value?
Wow I would not be sorry at all to see NikaMoth leave this thread and give all her claims to Val.
Which more likely, Steven King story jump or Generic Steven King?
Thanks user!
The Power of The Labyrinth – 600cp, Royalty
Ah, but now the crème of the crop. You are the undisputed master of your own domains. You will find yourself able to project your senses across them and even exert some control over them. You can choose to observe any part of your domain at any time, as though you were standing right on the spot, and even sense multiple positions at once, limited only by your attention. With but a little focus, you can even transport yourself to any position in your domain.
You may alter your domains in limited ways when outsiders are present – only changes that seem to have mundane causes can happen ‘on screen’, when others are present. Trapdoors can open beneath invaders or a bridge can collapse, but a building won’t magically appear.
Off-screen, however, when no outsiders are present, you may twist the world about you in bewildering ways, even shuffle around the various parts of your domains like puzzle pieces, fitting different domains together. This is moving around the substance of your domain, not creating more of it wholesale.
*Domains are any personal plane or pocket dimension that you have gained through cp or personally created with your own power, not simply have ownership of, have taken over, have stolen or subsumed etc.
Basically, Val got in an argument with an user in the thread one day, and mentioned that she thought that outside drives were dividing the jumpchain community and she didn't think they should exist.
Then dirge pulled a "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG" move revealing himself to be the user and deleted his drive, while telling everyone it was what Val wanted.
Friendly reminder that someone actually thought pic related was a good idea, and had the power and funds to make it happen.
What does he do?
Thanks again, man!
I like some of these. Give me a few minutes and I'll add them, too.
What a monster
I beg to differ. It certainly isn't better than having a workable contingency plan for any situation+plot armor. Undaunted only gives enough for a tiny chance at victory. You'll still be squashed 99% of the time with the perk.
Good thing Val never makes huge controversial decisions about changes to the community in secret, only announcing the results to the thread after making a private decision. Otherwise she'd be a massive hypocrite.
I've not noticed anything particularly overt, or anything that really stuck in my mind. It's generally pretty generic, as far as I'm aware: super strength, super durability, flame-resistant, etc.
Derp. That's perfect.
Hmm. Good point. I don't often get into it with omnipotent gods, but I understand a lot of people do. That was a serious oversight on my part. What would be a good limit to it, then?
I might. It depends on if I feel I can do it justice. This one is taking a lot out of me, though, so I'm not sure if I'd even be up to it. I think an user thought they could have fun making a Choice of Robots Jump, though, so there might be more Choice Jumps coming.
Unless you have a lot of Companions, I would imagine so. I'm aware of the unappealing nature of having ability for only one Jump, but I haven't thought of any good work arounds. Do you have something in mind?