and possibly plan insurgency.
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and possibly plan insurgency.
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Something Else's ban reasons are totally weird.
From my days of posting there, many years ago, there seem to have been a lot of changes.
They've banned BlackhatMatt, because apparently he did statutory rape. (Fuck that guy for writing Beast but I never saw that coming).
They've Banned Something Else/Bootleg Girl. Which is surprising seeing as they were basically a blank vessel filled up with its ideology.
They made Zeea a mod. Which is disturbing.
Arachne is still around. I think might even have been a mod at one point.
Baileywolf is still around and is now a moderator. I remember that guy going full SJW some time after Monsters and Other childish things.
Nezumichan got banned. Good, fuck that sociopath.
Is that Angry Finnish Lesbian still around? Is ResplendantScorpion still a massive douche?
Are SunlessNick and Paradim still defending Beast as "The Best Game Ever"? Those three along with Nezumichan were the most disgusting people during the Beast campaign.
>Angry Finnish Lesbian
I think it was Seiberwing and she's a Mod now.
Shit all the people I rolled my eyes at when I saw a post by theirs are mods now. No wonder it's gotten worse.
>starting a thread for inter-forum drama
Is this the most pathetic thread on Veeky Forums right now?
Which mod pulled the trigger?
They raise a pretty good point about not preventing harassment at cons though.
>They made Zeea a mod. Which is disturbing.
Very much so.
>Arachne is still around. I think might even have been a mod at one point.
Still is?
>Baileywolf is still around and is now a moderator. I remember that guy going full SJW some time after Monsters and Other childish things.
Keeps blaming himself for all evils in the world because his dick.
>Nezumichan got banned. Good, fuck that sociopath.
Well you can't do that on and we need some place to vent.
But TX Gaming con prevents harrassment along with their SJW shit. Sound win-win.
This person. This horrible hollow Shell of a person.
>The problem isn't popularity. The problem is that has 10000 mentally damaged people crammed into a narrowly profiled messageboard, and has enough inertia to be the primary hit when a newbie types in "D&D" in google.
This is the real problem.
>They've banned BlackhatMatt, because apparently he did statutory rape. (Fuck that guy for writing Beast but I never saw that coming).
Also I'm reading the TT thread now. "Beast sucked because he's a rapist" is ridiculous, and "I won't boy his games because he's a rapist" even more so.
>and "I won't boy his games because he's a rapist" even more so.
I dunno, that sounds like a pretty reasonable customer decision. People do have a right to decide what they want to buy and why.
Was that End of Transmission actually cool?
>banned BlackhatMatt
You know, I keep seeing stories of SJW writers and/or forum moderators becoming rapists. Why is this so common?
Presumably because it's notable. Hearing 'Incel forum moderator is rapist' wouldn't really be interesting or surprising.
>Baileywolf is still around and is now a moderator. I remember that guy going full SJW some time after Monsters and Other childish things.
This one seems particularly suspicious. Clearly hiding something. Perhaps closet child molester. And I used to like the guy.
All but reasonable. Stop eating bread because some farmers beat their wives.
That's a way to see it, but to me it's still bullshit. A work should be judged on its merits not on the perceived value of the people behind it. That way lie book bannings and neutered culture. That said people can and will vote with their wallets any way they see fit.
To be fair, incel forums are unheard of. Meanwhile, all this business with SJW rapists being in the news seemed to have started during Gamergate with Devin Faraci. It’s odd. It’s been years, but I keep hearing a new story every couple months.
>That way lie book bannings and neutered culture.
Eh, I'd call that a bit far. It's one thing to say 'I am not going to spend the money on this thing because I don't want to support the guy who made it' and another to say 'I want to prevent others doing so'. I mean, people don't have unlimited money so that sort of thing is often a deciding point for how they'll spend it.
Really though, the #1 reason people should not buy Beast is 'It's Beast and it's shit'.
>all this business with SJW rapists being in the news seemed to have started during Gamergate with Devin Faraci.
Eh, it happens plenty with non-SJW people too. I mean, right the hell now we have Harvey Weinstein in the news.
You know decisions are made like that all the time, right? People want to know about the farm their food comes from so they can know the conditions of the workers/animals.
I'm on the reverse side. A work should never be used to judge a person, but if you're a woman beater like Chris Brown by god your work should be known as "Trash by a woman beater".
I think it's just the nature of 'Hypocrites make good news' more than them being any more prone to it. Like when a family values senator gets caught having an affair.
That's a bad analogy. The farmers don't run the company that makes the fucking bread, you moron
Speaking of Gamergate, keep in mind that the narrative-twisting is taking place. Again. (Yes Reddit, I know, but I'm not posting the whole thing)
There was also someone on /vr/ kicking up a shitstorm about accusing someone of hating women and even relying on "kafkatrapping" as the called-out user put it before a mod nuked the thread for being bait.
Watch out for, do not engage with, and report these cunts on sight. They're obviously trying to distract from the interchangable subhuman actors being accused of rape or whatever.
>A work should never be used to judge a person
On the contrary. If the end product is shitty it definitely does say something about a person, at least about their skills and work ethic. I know I wouldn't personally respect and trust someone who knowingly peddles shoddy stuff and continues to do so with no effort to improve themselves.
Time for a throwaway account and drive-by sexual assault accusations.
Dude, no. That’s SJW territory, we want to elevate ourselves over that. Besides, that’s ban-worthy talk here. Take it to /pol/.
because the loudest SJWs are the ones who are trying to rebrand themselves in public eye so they aren't suspected of doing exactly the shit they claim to be against, maybe?
pretty much on-point to how some pedophiles claim to be gay to escape heat and anyone who makes a fursona "ironically" really is just projecting
Weren't theses the guys who freaking out over Numenera because Monte Cook's girlfriend included a Nibovian Wife monster.
right but if a work's good it usually has no bearing on the person who made it.
What you're describing is a cute coincidence that low work ethic is associated with low personal values, not an actual cause of happenstance.
Perhaps in your Promised Land Hyper-Liberal America. In other parts of the world? People are happy to eat at all.
I'm not in america and it's a serious concern here.
You mean...people with options make choices and people who don't have options don't?
>Hollywood Jew Democrat
>not an SJW
50 keks
Sweden is all but serious too.
Not Sweden either.
I think if SJWs are making jokes about how horrible a human being you are (Even at the holy-wood award shows) and have been for about a decade at this point, you don't really count as part of the group.
Well, there is no option to play WoD without using books by those people. If you happen to like WoD besides their SJW intrusions you're out of luck.
>Like WoD
>Don't like leftist politics are you managing both? That's what WoD IS and has been since it started.
I don't think that's really a issue, nobody plays WoD any more.
"Nuclear warfare is an exclusive territory of a single superpower."
I do and so do many of my real life friends (equally abhorring those authors).
No. That's what current ideological hegemons want you to believe.
WoD absolutely confuses me, why the fuck isn't the latest edition about Vampire politicians, businessmen, suits etc? why are they incapable of keeping up to date in political leftism?
Same here. I just used to ignore politics and play for fun, but it's more and more difficult now.
I Don't know. I just remember Nezumichan being a goddamn sociopath when it came to discussing Beast during its kickstarter.
She was one of those people that coined the "look she has ranks in intimidation, she must have been a horrible person and deserved to be put into a coma by the perfect angels that are Beasts" and "Beasts are Autistic and totally justified"
But that was mostly because she was autistic and acted like the eponymous Beast by trying to get people banned and miserable.
While I fucking hate BlackhatMatt, that he was a rapist doesn't have anything to do with how bad Beast was.
He did good work on Demon: The Descent but just let his own personal politics get into the book and he's a fucking smug ass-hat but him being a statutory rapist is not the reason Beast is bad.
Fuck, get your shit together and stop being so reactionary.
1st ed WoD was like cyberpunk with fangs. It was all about going against the establishment, wheter it's right-wing, left-wing or whatever. Only the current generation of writers is injecting it with pure leftist poison.
Let's hope not. He's got two or three adopted kids.
I don't think he is though, he seems like someone that bought into the SJW rhetoric that everything male is wrong. A sap, basically.
Death of the Author man.
A work is to be judged only on its merits. Beast is shit, but it was shit even before we knew about McFarland.
Lovecraft was a racist and a crazy shut-in, but his works are a cornerstone of fantastic literature. Huckleberry Finn is a masterpiece of Americana, but we can't read it because it says "nigger".
>Hydra Co-op cunt in the thread bashing the con for not going full SJW about Mentzer and Webb
Oh no what a big loss to have the group of SJW faggots gone from a convention.
I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with the only one among the five who actually puts out any products at all (Kutalik) isn't producing anything after Frog Demons now that he's gotten hired as a professional shill for the Austin Democrats.
You think that but literally every big name Hollywood SJW type who've been going on about feminism and diversity went radio silent when Weinstein was outed.
>muh exclusive rape club
top kek
I've always enjoyed Vtm, and never cared about politics period, so there's that.
Maybe you should stop seeing the world through the debilitating lens of your own political affiliations. Whacha think of that ?
Explain, I'm not exactly up to date here.
Nice analogy, you stupid nigger
1st ed Revised WoDbwas notoriously anti-PC. We’re talking, the Ravnos gypsy vampire clan’s weakness was they lost willpower when they forego the opportunity to commit a crime.
Keep in mind that to many of us rpgnet was Veeky Forums long before there was Veeky Forums. Long before Veeky Forums even existed.
It's like seeing your birthplace slowly turning into a Nazi camp.
Something Else got banned?
The same reason the same people are trannys at a rate exponentially higher than the actual populations. Those positions attract social and sexual outcasts seeking positions from which they can influence others, especially children.
Hell, look what did to Something Else, who they dug their claws into young.
There are multiple reasons:
Projection: Somewhat like how anti-gay preachers often get outed as homosexuals themselves, male-"feminists" get outed as harassers or molesters. They preach and parrot not very sensible "feminist" crap in order to cover their tracks.
Coincidence: Because they are notable, you're going to hear about scandals. Hypocrisy is especially notable.
Highly Prevalent: Sexual harassment as assault is actually not a rare occurrence in society in general. The social justice movement has convinced more people to speak out against perceived harassment.
Treachery: The current twisted incarnation of the social justice movement might make it easier for a woman to defame a man she doesn't like, which means that loyalty with these so-called "feminists" is a poor investment.
My money is on projection and treachery, but I have to be careful about confirmation bias. It might actually be possible that treatment of others is more unfair than we thought it was. I also know that unintentional sensationalism is a thing. We hear about "rape culture" because rapists never get charged, but keep in mind that most shooting cases don't end up with arrests, at least in Chicago, and law enforcement is sometimes overburdened with a lot of stuff, at least in Dallas. Sometimes you got to look at the larger picture.
>Hell, look what did to Something Else, who they dug their claws into young.
The problem is they never go out but rather try to draw people in. Then they ostracize anybody who's ideologically or politically opposed, or doesn't want politics in gaming. Then their little echo chamber starts intimidating our little industry and somehow they actually get results.
Does Veeky Forums or other non-wacko communities get results?
Meanwhile in another dimension.
They're trying to shut down that TX Con by emailing the hotel with complaints en masse.
What is this I don't even...
The problem is, people still assume tg is a wacko community because Veeky Forums is scary. The only place an alternative to could pop up is reddit.
The problem is people still asume is not a wacko community because they seem credible at first glance. And they pop up first in google.
reddit's too autistic to ever go mainstream
Your definition of projection is mismatched to the term. What you are talking about is "coverup"
Projection is this: They have committed the sin. However, instead of dealing with the sin that is residing in themselves, they instead choose to focus on the same sin that is external to themselves.
The coverup is just a beneficial side-effect of the projection.
We're talking about rpgs, reddit is far more mainstream than rpgs. Thats a ridiculous thing to say.
>People thinking a forum that has been online for nearly 3 decades that only has 12,014 active accounts is mainstream
I do know that many anti-gay preachers are either abused or ashamed of what they are, but I'm not sure how many of these male-"feminists" are ashamed of what they did. There is also the idea of game theory, which means that these guys don't believe their crap and are just doing it to boost their reputation and/or to increase their chances of getting laid.
It's really a shame how good causes can get hijacked by bullies and selfish people, and how false virtues can manipulate people into compliance. While I'm glad that their influence is waning, I worry that the good causes will not outlive these assholes.
>They made Zeea a mod. Which is disturbing.
I keep hearing about this...'thing' apparently. What about this thing is disturbing?
I remember they banned a friend of mine for "attacking depressed people"
(What he said was something to the tune that they aren't sick, just they are "more aware of the inherent breakdown in the world. " and
"more aware and cognizant then non-depressed people"
Y'know, trying to show support and shit.
Isn't Zeea the sexually harasses you in PM's then bans you when you complain to other mods guy?
Most of these people were some flavor of asshole long before 'SJW' became a buzzword.
Fuck MacFarland for writing Beast? How about fuck him for writing Geist? (And for then being a jackass who talked shit about people who expected a game advertised as a horror game to actually be about horror?) Or his incredibly shitty and hypocritical run as a mod?
Same thing for a lot of these people - fuck, I remember when the Ink Monkeys were just annoying, unimaginative lurkers on WW's forum; apparently they stuck around and whined long enough some idiot gave them a job. Now they've been shitcanned, and the worst of them is going around the internet whining about how unfairly he's been treated because he couldn't do the job he was fucking paid to do.
These people have sucked forever.
I don't know, that's what I asked
That's how many times more active accounts than Veeky Forums?
>flawed human commits a crime
>writes The Next Great American Novel
>it's irredeemable trash because of its author
O-okay Schlomo
>forum; apparently they stuck around and whined long enough some idiot gave them a job
This is actually really really common, The amount of companies formed and collapsed leaving the authors and publishers in debt when the Forge was active numbers in the hundreds.
Yeah, the only genuine feminists are women and men who say they believe being women.
>What about this thing is disturbing?
What isn't? Terrible people are terrible.
EXAMPLES nigga. If I go on nothing, then i'm just as bad as them, believing someone is horrible because somebody said so.
Bonus for screenshots
Veeky Forums gets over 28 million unique a month, with Veeky Forums being the 7th most popular board, so yeah, Veeky Forums is still massive more active than RPGnet.
Check her posting history faggot.
I keep hearing people talk about how useful the Forge was for learning new things about games.
Did anybody actually learn anything from the Forge other than 'none of us know how to run a business'?
(Then again, I think the Threefold Model was a terrible theory, so I may not be the best guy to try and judge this.)
I fukken cant, homo
Proof? You don't know how many uniques RPGnet gets. However, they have more active accounts.
I also can't anymore. Welp.
Still better than
Tell us a story grampa user
Eh, I'd say that the concept of "failing forward" in rpgs came from the Forge.
>Eh, I'd say that the concept of "failing forward" in rpgs came from the Forge.
My DM was doing this in 1999. It's the only sane way to run a game if you don't want your players constantly making new characters.
That and so many others.