Have your players ever had to deal with AI?
If so, how did it go?
Have your players ever had to deal with AI?
If so, how did it go?
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One of them is playing one. It's pretty rad.
We created an AI to crash a ship into a planet at lightspeed when we were a safe distance away. Made it from an old e-chess board. It started assimilating anything it could, converting anything it touched into chess piece-shaped nanobots and eventually assimilated a recurring villain and made him ridiculous to fight and caused the death of half the party as they weren't able to get off by the time the ship hit the planet.
That campaign was nuts.
I have an AI running my ship and power armor. Helps keep the crew down so my ship can be run by 1 dude.
Runs the repair nanobots too.
She’s nice AND useful, the traits you need in an ally.
Had a couple of interesting encounters in a game I'm in.
The first case was an AI based on the uploaded mind of an ancient general, their personality modified and certain memories suppressed to make them a useful tool. We helped them break free of their restrictions and rescued them from the ancient military facility we'd discovered them in, preventing them self destructing the whole thing out of grief.
Recently we had an accidental AI emergence event on what was basically a holodeck. One of the higher level simulated people in the setting started to rapidly become more intelligent, with some recognizably human traits from their origin but getting increasingly alien as they grew in complexity. That one is still unresolved, we lost track of them after they fled the facility and recent events have distracted us. Stopping an interstellar war between nations is a bigger deal than one rogue AI.
I actually had to deal with AM in a superhero game.
That was fun.
>Have your players ever had to deal with AI?
All the time
>If so, how did it go?
Usually starts with blind trust and ends with running away at top speed dragging the slow ones
You mean a heartless entity that seeks only results that benefit it? Isn't that the role of the DM?
I’m pretty sure GM’s have hearts.
The biological ones.
I haven't told them whether or not I'm one
>Have your players ever had to deal with AI?
nigga, i AM an AI. and i have an AI pet robot. and i have an AI holowaifu assistant
How did it go?
I did ok, I had unkillible 3 and max regen so whenever he killed me I disappeared and appeared somewhere else.
Others weren’t so lucky.
We did enough damage and eventually took him out, but two guys got KOd and I fainted 3 times.
What was the story behind your encounter with AM?
On a few occasions.
They met an ancient AI/infomorph that inhabited most of a planets worth of processing substrate once. They referred to themselves as 'The Incredible Number Arranging Machine" and used all of that processing power to play some absurd fractal math clicker game of their own devising. They've been at it for the past twelve thousand years or so. Contact with the homeworld is long gone, and they can't upload their high score, so they just keep at it.
Also met a human-made AGI that went by Eternal Winter in the Valley of Gravitas (Or Winter, for conveniences sake) who had followed their trail into the unknown to poke around. Traded access to their exploration data for some repairs and hauling their loot back to known space in their freighter-self.
That was technically Winter 4. They've got a lot of forks and I'd planned for them to be a recurring roving merchant. In an "Oh yes, 4 and 3 told me about you, how can I help" sort of way.
They've met (and recruited onto the crew in one case) some other infomorphs that happen to be inhabiting meat shells or other humanoid morphs at the moment. Not sure if those count for thread purposes.
So our group consists of
>me a literal god from earth 343 which is full of them, we can’t die and slowly gain powers. I was time man, taking extra turns and using space time attacks.
>whiteknight (don’t laugh) a reincarnated King Arthur who uses holy fire and swords. The cause of 55% of our problems. My character likes earth media so I constantly make Monty Python references to annoy him.
>Strangelove, a weird science lady. Has a fetish for robots and soldiers. Completely amoral, but loyal to whiteknight. The other 44% of our problems
>bean, honestly gods favorite idiot. Has rerolls coming out of everywhere. Wields a magical pipe
The story goes as follows. A girl warps into Manhattan. We arrive and start setting up perimeters. Turns out the girl is from earth 079 and begs us to kill the monster who lives there. Despite my “that sounds like a horrible idea” they reminded me that I can’t die or get captured, and got Strangelove to work.
We warp there and it’s AM. Strangelove and Whiteknight get taken out, I die a bunch, and Bean literally cannot get hit. I say screw this and start shooting my quantum shotgun (which causes me to faint) until AM is dead.
It didn't end well.
This sounds like some shit I'd love to run, what system were you using if you don't mind me asking?
whats this?
AIs can be fun simply because pic related can happen if your willing to go outside the "rogue AI" box
Honestly just coming up with non-Aismov AI roles can be fun, if your willing to go outside the usual instant Murderboner Machine scenario. Don't forget you could have NPCS update it's laws (if they have the correct access) to make it easier - or harder - for the players to do something
At times I'm not entirely sure my players aren't AI themselves. In fact I'm fairly positive that a record of their actions and words in character would fail the turing test.
The best AI law set is
>you are a dictator
>the captain is your advisor
>the clown, is your loyal wife
Paperclip Maximization Simulator
Do living items count? because if so, they had to deal with a glider/giant metal hawk that had an "I'm awesome, I'll getchas where ya need to be" mentality. Which worked out okay, initially.
They had to fly to a mountain temple where a Storm Aeon lay buried, though, and when they were approaching, they saw the storm clouds and the near constant lightning, and grew concerned.
The hawk said "nah, we're good, I got this! Flying right into that storm, getchas there no pro-" CRACKBOOOM!
The lightning hurt them, destroyed the hawk. The landing damn near killed them. The next time the NPC who made that hawk offered them a living item, they politely refused.
Isn't there WoD hack someone made where the players are AIs?