/l5rg/ - Legend of Five Rings General

Shitty Roles Edition

Lion: Keeper Fire
Crane: Seeker of Air
Dragon: Seeker of Fire
Scorpion: Seeker of Void
Phoenix: Keeper of Water
Unicorn: Keeper of Void
Crab: Keeper of Earth



The FF Beta:


Tabletop Simulator Mod - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1099785017

Ringteki (Browser based game client) - mahois.fun/

Card Database / Deck Builder - fiveringsdb.com/

TTS Deck Converter - infamous-irc.com/dengeki/l5r-deck-generator/

This Paste: pastebin.com/0JF6Acgv

Other urls found in this thread:


Still does not have the Veeky Forums L5R Discord.

Can't complain about the Unicorn role

Need to make a new paste on pastebin
Should we also change the link to RPG files to mega or gdrive? As far as I know, mediafire had some of those pulled

Tester's provinces





Last one, did I miss any?

What a GILF!

Why do all the people in the art look white?

>why do all people in the Asian themed game look asian


Those hardly look asian at all.
See attach image for what asians really look like.

This is just white people in cosplay.

Still look better than these

That is a monkey in cosplay. It looks strange just like seeing those dogs people put cloths on.


Tell me what I need to update.

Added, paste .03 is up.

Thanks, I would propose
snip li/LFR
for RPG trove together or instead of mediafire

>This site cannot be reached.

They look plenty asian to me.

Anybody wanna do a quick tl;dr of the old RPG, new RPG and what the experience of Old5R was like?

For the paste. Much love.

qt for attention.

Strange, works for me. Does mega.nz open for you?
I am not sure about posting direct links because of copyright and stuff, don't want the troves to be destroyed.

I can, can you post the folder URL in two separate posts?

mega nz/#F!EuB3yRRI!FjYeEU2FdqzIZ6cM1dKoHA

Has this one been confirmed?

AFAIK not yet

The fact that the hard has Bushi AND Courtier makes me suspicious for that one.

. . .

Not like that is not a Lion thing.

Wouldn't be the first one though, LPB has Bushi and Courtier as well.

Speaking of which.....PRIDEMIND

Sick, updated.

Wouldn't even be the second.


>All OP cards are Bushi. Courtier. confirmed

Huh, didn't even realise Bayushi Shoju was a Courtier. I thought it was only Unicorn and Dragon champions that had an extra trait.

This is not even that great.
Lion has a hard time getting Favor and another 5 coster clogging up their flops.

Maybe a 1 of in some decks but is really a poor option for most Lion decks.

It's most likely going to just be Charge!(ed) in.

Still eats up a charge. You have to have favor at that moment for it to be worth it. It has shit Mill Skill for a 5 cost Lion so it is not going to help For Greater Glory plays without Favor.

It is a powerful effects but there are so many limits on it's usefulness that I don't expect it to see much real play.

how do we fix the spider clan?

Never bring it back

Sure but it can refresh provinces for extra dudes into the conflict if needed. We'll see if there can be a variation to Lion deckbuilding though rather than the all-in low cost swarm style that it is doing now.

Their holding already does that without having to get favor first.

Wait, provinces can get honored?

Meanwhile, the Doji Champion is only a Bushi. Of all the families.

>"eats a charge"
>Card provides two charges with its ability

IF you happen to have favor at that moment

No, it places an honor token, not an honor status token. It's just a binary flag, they could just easily have used some other component for that purpose.

bring them back with the new shadowlands, merging the two and having them be the defacto antagonist clan. The spider are fucking retarded because they are a legitimized clan within rokugan, introduce them as antagonists and keep them there.

But then why do they have honor points?

Uh, duh? Why the fuck else would you be charging him in? Otherwise you charge in something else and it's not "eaten" anymore.

There is no fixing the Spider Clan. Bringing back the old school Horde is acceptable though.

Old Horde was frozen at -19 (one point from a dishonor loss) for that very reason. It was a way to lock them out of the honor game and it insured they always went second (except against another Shadowlands player where they'd roll off for going first).

If I honor a Goblin sneak, why do I gain an honor when it goes away? Adding anything shadowlands to the game will require some suspension of disbelief, user asked how to 'fix' the spider, using them as antagonists, I think, fixes them. They might not fit into the the game mechanically as well, but they will be FAR less of a stupid idea.

I hope shadowlands will have plenty of ways to disrupt opponent.. stealing honor and fate.

My Fair Japanese Goburin?

Leave them as the Lost and forget the whole clan business.

What is this scorpion drama going on?
Something about a non-Scorp player stealing their pick and killing their meta?

The guy is a Scorpion player who doesn't want them to be insanely busted going forward, but he was wearing a Spider jacket so clearly he's actually a Spider player out to ruin everything.

There was a Dragon Hatamoto who played Scorpion to change the roler. He was the dude who almost lost to the Unicorn player.

However the dude who won was a Scorpion player

the guy who picked scorpion role picked the weaker of the two so that the game wasn't fucked. Now a bunch of assblasted scorpion players are pissed because he decided roles based on what he thought would be healthier for the game rather than what he thought would make scorpion even better.

Honestly I think the people have the right to be pissed. It should be the development team's job to balance the game, not the players


No I have not.

FFG devs are super bad at not breaking their own games.

What was the other choice?

Well that's on them. Not on the players

>It should be
100% agree, it SHOULD be. But clearly this scorpion player doesn't trust FFG, and I'm not going to call bullshit on someone trying to make the game better.

This. Considering how far in advance sets are printed though, the response times can be too slow. But that's why banned and restricted lists should be used, even temporarily.

Another issue is the way clan roles are picked, but I'm not sure how it's fixable without removing too much player agency/incentive.

>scorpion player
>being the villain to make everything okay
It's pottery.

Yeah, I'm not personally mad myself, but I sympathize with the anger if that makes any sense.

between seeker or keeper. keeper is better but the guy who picked thinks its TOO good, compared to what some of the other clans have so decided to pick seeker instead, in the name of creating a more balanced game.

>Clan-specific role cards

This is such garbage game design it's incredible. I really hope we end up getting strongholds that modify deckbuilding restrictions (aside from influence) further down the line.

At least our seeker card is okay.

how are they worse then neutral role cards?

Makes for metas that do not last 2+ year like Netrunner had.

The fact that the opposite choice can't be used at all except in another clan if it has influence. And even then, it might not even mesh with the mechanics of any of the other clans.

Good thing all the clan-specific keeper and seeker cards except two are very purposefully splashable using influence then.

>The Clan's duty is to serve the empire as a whole. People tend to forget that the Scorpion don't just keikaku for the hell of it. They're just as likely to solve your problems from the shadows so you don't have to worry about it as they are to *be* your problem in the shadows if you're cunting up the place.

More likely, really. Not all Scorpion are brilliant masterminds. You're more likely to know the guy who is really good at circumventing and negating bitter betrothals in ways that leave both husband and wife happy in their marriage, than you are to know a real and genuine Shosuro Infiltrator who specialises in assassination.

Will the nezumi ever be a playable faction again?


You're more likely to get Minor Clan Alliance Right Now, but if you want to wait however many years for a card, then however many more for a full faction ...

There could be some as neutrals or crab cards. Unlikely to be a full faction though.

Yeah, it's not Consumed by Five Fires bad or anything.

This game lacks loli wifus... It is like they it to fail.
Why make a Japanese game without anything Japanese about it?


Agreed. FFG are SJWs so you'd think they'd be super into Loli's and pedo stuff.

Didn't you get banned from your FLGS for those sleeves?

No I just google anime loli sleeves and that came up.

Whatever you say, you do know that 4plebs can pull repeat images right?

Why are those ban worthy

If you have to ask you are part of the problem

They guy who brought them is a degenerate and should be made fun of but its not ban worthy.

because konosuba is shit

Shit may be bit the memes are great.

>ironically hating the best anime of the 10s
When did Veeky Forums get this hipster.

>the best anime of the 10s
