You have to enter this labyrinth.
What are your obstacles and means of overcoming them?
I cast Fly.
>What are your obstacles and means of overcoming them?
Walls; spools of string.
Minotaurs; Swords.
Climbing over each wall with suitable equipment.
Logic puzzles involving guards, David Bowie
>no-magic edition
I climb the walls.
We drill.
Does "pick a wall and follow it" disqualify you for being predictable or something?
Since I can see much of it clearly from whatever hill I'm on I'll draw out a map of it and find a path through before entering, marking what walls I need to climb over where necessary to compensate for not seeing the entire thing clearly.
my brother knows how to fly a helicopter, may i ask him to fly me to the middle ?
It's a labyrinth.
A really big mirror on a really long pole.
How much string am I allowed to bring in?
Miners, pickeaxes and explosives.
I handle mazes Teddy Roosevelt style. Bring a pickaxe and a hammer, walk in a straight line until something blocks my path, break it down and keep going forward.
I dont see any disconnected segments, so just left-hand rule this bitch
this is exactly what i did in breath of the wild
There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
cheap trick for adventurers that lack refinement and agility. i bring rope with grappling hook and balance my way on top of the walls towards my destination. they look wide enough.
alternatively, watch for the regular food (or other goods) deliveries and follow them.
Surely the materials would have been better spent on the castle itself?
Walls. I would use a bulldozer and drive a road through it. Or just go round it.
Have our supporting IG regiments set up artilley positions in the surrounding hills, then flatten both maze and any traps, etc., through indirect bombardment.
Time for a parachute jump.
A labyrinth by definition has only one path through it. So I simply keep walking.
A ladder.
Enter labyrinth... Turn around and leave labyrinth.
There. Entered and exited. Boom, done.
This. I'm gonna run through this labyrinth, literally, physically.
Bumble through it like the excessively lucky moron I am, barrelling head-first through any traps.
Stick to the left.
I think it has multiple entrances, making it an island maze, so that's not guaranteed to work.
If not though, you're 100% correct, place your hand on one wall and walk in one direction along the wall. You must reach the end if it's unicursal.
only problem is that a maze that size is also fucking huge, how long would walking the whole thing take do you think?
>foolish maze-master has given me a birds-eye look at the maze before I enter
>map out my course with it
our only obstacles are the friends we make along the way :)
Go back I time, have a secret passage built from where I start to the exit, them go back and take the passage.
>my obstacles
>how I'll overcome
Me personally? Sure, I'll assume it's a low fantasy setting. Well the maze is likely stocked with guards and hounds patrolling the thing, so bringing some hard leather armor along with a crossbow and sword wouldn't hurt. The walls look easily scalable, but I'll wear some textured gloves and bring a grappling hook with rope to be sure. You should really make sure your labyrinth's wall are smooth so people like me don't get through so easily.
That labyrinth looks really small. Like, I'm 90% certain that those "trees" I see are actually parsley. Imma just step over the labyrinth.
David Bowie is not an obstacle, he's the main objective
Depending on the size, as long as my left hand is on a wall, I'll walk to the other exit eventually.
While mapping.
If this doesn't work I'm fucked.
I thought it was right hand.
It's not like guesswork would get you there any faster, all the hand rule does is prevent you from "going in circles"
or control stone - just shapeshift a path straight ahead to the end (if you don't have enough mana to do the whole thing then instead bring a wand/rod/staff enchanted with that spell so it can be cast an infinite number of times)
>"Boy that's a really well crafted maze, it must have taken it's maker(the GM) years(days) of hard work(several sheets of paper) and labor(staying up till 3am) to create. Delevi Deus Anima: Exterminator of the Souls of the Fallen"
>The GM dies a little more on the inside.
That's not necessarily true. Mazes can be designed that lead you in a loop on certain walls when followed.
I think you mean 'low mana/magic setting' - 'low fantasy' is fantasy where earth is a setting (i.e. connected to the real world, or as in harry potter's case, part of the real world)
>When the character activates it, the power that arists from the character manifests in four immense wings of light...
>Each one of [the wings], equipped with unparalleled power...
But there are four of them. Each wing has three other powers which are parallel to it. Also,
as opposed to high fantasy which occurs in an entirely fictional place that has no connection to earth or human history, or earth humans
How does the castle trade for food?
If you start on a wall which touches an entrance, you will always either find another entrance or loop back around to the first one. If you looped to the first one, the maze is either impassable, or the exit/"goal" is in a central part of the maze instead of along an outside edge.
But if you start in the middle of a maze with no indication of where the edge may be, yeah, you can totally loop around with the "every left turn" rule.
Literally doesn't matter. Put either hand on a wall and just fuckin' run. You'll get there eventually.
did that rat just bust into the maze?
You're assuming the maze is a flat plane. if it has multiple levels (or spacial weirdness) the left/right hand rule can fail.
Sup nerds.
That's a real pretty maze. I'm just gonna walk over it if that's okay.
This is where being a wizard who was forced to marry a gender bent minotaur at gun point then had his pelvis broken finally pays off.
Well yeah, I was assuming the maze was of the same format as the OP pic.
But even for crazy shit, all I need is an adequately large supply of chalk. Depth-first-search, bitch. Works for any number of spatial dimensions that can be traversed without shattering my primitive human mind.
>genius intellect
>magic spells
>can't get past a normal fucking maze
>needs directions from a monster
>incapable of defending himself from said monster
This kind of shit is why magic is fading from the world
It shouldn't be too hard to build a labyrinth where that won't lead you to the center.
Hey, I gotta let my wife feel she's contributing to the party lest I have to deal with her whining.
Plus why cast fly when you could just use an airship you built yourself?
I may not be a control or blaster wizard but at least I'm specced out at building constructs and vehicles.
I've never been allowed to go full FUN wizard ever since I ended up derailing a campaign so badly that the DM had to pull me aside and asked me to tone it down. I gladly did since I didn't want to compound his work load since he was going through a rough patch in his life.
I finally have a chance to put all the skills I learned in the Bloodrealm to good use.
>one path
sure there's only one path that goes _through_ the maze, but you might be in a dead end that has no exit.
>hungry dragon stalking the halls
How to overcome?
>Belly rubs and roasts.
Don't fall and break your neck.
>Apply brute force to anything
>If that's not enough, apply more
Not sure what came first - Americans being stupid and thus picking stupid people or picking stupid people and thus getting stupid.
FFG scraped the bottom of the barrel when hiring translators for Anima: Beyond Fantasy.
It's rare to find a translator that somehow does a WORSE job than Google Translate, but they did.
Doesn't this raw cause a tpk?
The amount of Ki you need to accumulate gives your party members a few turns to teleport away/slip into the wake/use an Immunity ability/increase their defense ability, or it can be used if you expect whatever you're fighting to wipe the others out.
But yeah, it CAN wipe the others out.
I was intending to put a simple hedgemaze with gazebos and fountains in the backyard of the a manor.
Of course the space is fucked and moving upwards requires ridiculous effort, staying in the open draws attention of extraplanar beings and there is an armed (high level) madman in the center of the maze.
>hating teddy
Normally I'm all for making fun of em, Teddy was pretty good though so not this time.
Every door is guarded by traps and reverse traps that makes you question your sexuality
Each dead end has a pitfall right before the corner that leads to it, putting you in danger before you can even find out you were on the wrong track. The right path ends in a pitfall that falls further, taking you down to the next floor of the labyrinth.
Are you a bad enough dude to defeat the spiders from mars and rescue the pres... uh david bowie?
Even a few weeks ago this would have been a real problem. Luckily I have obtained a new piece of equipment that should make it much easier.
Depending on what stage the real world is in, I would call that Urban Fantasy or Medieval Fantasy.
The distinction between low and high fantasy in my opinion should be based solely on the amount and intensity of fantastical elements in a story.
The outer portion is flat space, intended to weed out the inexperienced.
The inner layer is however a 5 dimensional tethagonal maze, making magic movement the least reliable form of travel, even something as simple as flying.
The inner inner layer is a what seems to be a flat plane, but its warped space. You need to walk backwards, looking at the center, to pass trough. Many a soul has died of starvation, so the place is littered with bones.
>20-foot ladder
Oh, did I forget to mention the walls are 30 feet high? Sorry about that.
Maybe I'll just kill myself.
Didn't think of that huh? Guess I win again.
>have to enter
So I walk in, turn 360 degrees and walk out, you haven't given me any sort of motivation as to why I would want to make it through the labyrinth
I get a bunch of peasants with ladders and build a plank walkway directly to the castle.
Teddy was certainly a brute but not stupid.
This is really stupid, no wonder weebshit is looked down on.
Why does it have to be wings? That's like the go-to for tryhard edglords attempts at being epic. It could be the same except replace the wings with something else and the description would be far better for it.
Falling feathers, really? If you destroy the whole planet how will the feathers fall when there is no gravity to make them fall. Why do they even leave behind feathers in the first place?
Chuuni / 10 would not play
With wings of light, it stands to reason that the feathers are also some kind of magical light residue and not literal feather downs falling.
And why the wings? Because the author wanted to include some religious symbolism. I admit, it is boring and played out. But hey, better than four giant barbecue tongs made out of magical light.
Hugging the left wall and getting through the maze effortlessly
not possible with a 2 dimensional maze
I'm a 9th level wizard.
This is not an obstacle or a challenge, I can beat it with three spells.
Now, the fighter - he's screwed. I mean, even by the standards of D&D fighters, he's screwed.
Don't worry kid, you'll get over your inferiority complex one day lol
Hand on a wall won't necessarily work if there's more than one entrance and only one exit/goal. And in one like in the OP's, the central circle could be unconnected to the outer one and you might never notice.
You just put your right hand on a wall and start walking, it eventually leads you to the end.
>stop liking what I don't like
Maximum power
Full destruction.
What labyrinth?
Maybe Teddy got the idea from Alexander. Why play by someone else's rules when you can hack that knot in half?
>Not bringing the pro-pain
If you can get to that tree, you can climb it and walk along the top of the walls