I got a hankering for a goblin thread, how do you like your goblins Veeky Forums? green super rapists? inventive? hobgoblin mercenary bandits?
I got a hankering for a goblin thread, how do you like your goblins Veeky Forums? green super rapists? inventive...
Gremlins from gremlins but without the weird reproduction and capable of speech/culture. So smart in a technical way but stupid most other senses, hedonistic, and sadistic.
I like settings where goblins are mischievous and sneaky but not outright evil, and might even help humans fight the REAL evil shit out there.
Thinking about writing a campaign focused on goblins. They'll start out fairly neutral creatures with little impulse control, stealing food and causing mischief. How the players treat them will influence whether they stay mischievous child-sized creatures or grow into the more cruel, rapacious monsters they can be. A big thing will be that they naturally generate magic when they are working together, though they can't control it. A ring of dancing goblins by a bonfire can cause the air to shimmer with potential, a horde matching together will bolster their strength, etc.
My goblins are essentially Filipino rice farmers subjugated and civilized by the Empire. They make great forward auxiliary scouts in the imperial legions. Lots of goblins are venerable heroes whose legends are told through the lore bards of their tribes.
Telling tales.
i steal wow goblins
Essential allies of humanity along with Harpies
I like them strong and cute.
Corrupted halflings.
I prefer kotlins
holy shit they're adorable
I kinda like this, but I prefer them stratified. Yeah, the goblins themselves are just tricksy and a little stupid in the head, but their betters, the hobgoblins, orcs and bugbears, are all evil fuckers who can't deal with good intent to save their own lives.
More. Now.
That's literally just an elf you fucking retards.
She's tiny, a monster and eats people, plus has green skin.
Elves are tiny, monsters and eat people in many myths. Green skin is just a recolor.
Fine. I'll dump the first chapter, after that you can go read it elsewhere yourself.
It's called Goblin Is Very Strong, if you hadn't figured that out.
I'm not attacking you personally
but this looks fucking retarded
Ech. It is what it is.
>Likes things that go BOOM
>Courageous when it comes to enter a dragon's lair and steal it's shit, cowards when it comes to fighting strong foes
>Not inventive, they culture is based on stealing from other races
>Curious and quick learners
>Some tribes took over dwarven junkyards, where they learned about tinkering
>Ugly cute
And that's your lot. Later she makes a rival of the mage she stabbed, visits the human town and we meet a succubus wizard loli thing who wants to do lewd things to Goblin.
If that sounds like your thing, have fun. If that sounds awful and you think it's retarded, thats fine too.
That is still not a goblin. It is an elf.
Also pedophilia is disgusting and in any case this is a blue board.
Who are you to say what the difference between an elf and a goblin is? She green and the author says shes a goblin, so shes a goblin.
Also, nothing posted is NSFW so just chill out famalam.
Another thread ruined by animu waifufags.
Had the idea about a legendary human warlord trying to conquer foreign lands. So he used the then primitive goblin tribes, taught them smithing, simple laws and farming techniques. in return the goblins help the warlord conquer the shit out of those foreign lands and worship him as the GOBLIN GOD.
An author can be wrong.
Or stupid
Ugluk did nothing wrong.
wrong place wrong time, all he did was put meat back on the menu for his orc comrades.
I don't know how to feel about a wooden machine gun shooting pellets and seeds?
I can only imagine that the firing mechanism consists of something like bits of wood that the handle rig bend back that slap the projectiles to "fire" them.
Well that was surprisingly grim.
Goblins should eat rice
IMS goblinkind consists of:
>Base goblins
They live underground, in large cities, and are technologically talented, even if most of their products are crude - they believe in cheap, mass manufacturing. Only race to have explosives and steam power. They are cruel and vile: raiding surface for slaves whose lifespan is counted in months after capture, backstabbing and bullying each other, also canibalistic. Their technologies are also inherently destructive since they don't care about creating, only despoiling. They look monstrous, like mix between lesser orcs from LotR movies and that dude from Legend, and are about 4 feet tall.
Hobgoblins - bigger (almost human sized), meaner goblins, almost human sized. They aren't separate race, more a breed, and dwell amongst other goblins usually forming ruling class, because they are as cunning and intelligent as normal goblins but stronger - size is the only difference.
Gremlins - barely sapient, but very cunning, 2-feet tall vermin that occupies the lowest niches of goblin society. Look like miniature goblins but rarely have any more clothes than loincloth.
Ogres - purposefully breed hulks, 10 foot tall and lots of meat. But dumb as fuck. Utilized as living weapons by other goblins, except in rare cases when the tribe is too small for usuall skulldugery and backstabery, where despite their dim wits an ogre can seize control by force. They look like hybrid of goblin and LotR-movie troll.
Orcs - Orcs are simmilar to hobgoblins, but bulkier and more feral, less grotesque (kind of like LotR movies uruk-hai). They don't live amongst other goblins, dwelling on the surface (mostly badlands) instead. They are so destructive they don't have the technology savvines other goblins have.
Kobolds - feral goblins, barely conscious, and furred. As orcs, they form separate communities, living in the caves, particulary where deposits of ores are found (they like shiny things), hence they are constant nuissance for miners and prospectors.
I like the atmosphere conjured by this image. Goblins mingling with the rest of them in seedy taverns. But don't piss them off.
Except not too much, I still want them to be little garbage munchers who have tiny races gang wars between gnomes, kobolds and ratfolk.
Goblins are fey, but the grimiest and greediest common fey. They trade silly fey trinkets to commoners for things like hair color, memories of first kisses, first born children and other things that fey value. They then go back to the fey world and trade these precious mortal "goods" for favors, positions, etc.
Other fey revile them, but admit they're a necessary part of interaction with the mortal world.
what would make a goblin rage like that?
>there must be more to life than launching feces out of a wooden gattling gun
Not ten posts in and it became borderline porn, cool. I hate this board.