Looking to expand my collection, will be dumping some of my saved art
Looking to expand my collection, will be dumping some of my saved art
Other urls found in this thread:
>loot spills out of her swag bag
>smokes around alcohol and wears floor dragging garments in a place that is probably covered in bat guano
>swashbuckler wearing chainmail
>and probably heels
anything in particular?
Wuf. More of this, please. I need more sexiness demons in my game.
As you wish
I just want to know how she plans on wielding that shield with all of her hands occupied - or how she plans to wield that spear with her lower arm while holding a sword and an axe with her upper arms
what keeps her head balanced!? especially when she's drunk!?
there's no way she can lift that sword - unless it's made of styrofoam
>ass that looks like it jiggles with every step
It's an optional panoply. If she drops a weapon during the fight she can pick up the shield.
definitely not lifting that sword
also, her stockings are going to rip in the feet because she's just wearing them over her feet rather than inside shoes
just for you
does she have to run back home to get it?
I dropped my knife, let me run home real quick to get my shield. No cheating!
the look on her face says it all
she knows she's not going to be able to lift that out of the stand - her gauntlets are probably so heavy she can't lift both hands at the same time
that helmet probably weighs as much as a shield
and no way a lady could walk in that much plate, let alone stand without falling over
her one leg must be really cold
also, I see those swords have gun grips. how unfortunate (I'm sure count dooku could sympathize)
>swashbuckling in heels
good luck breaking your ankle
that's a pretty short wingspan for a full grown woman
she must be one of those flightless angels
I bet that blue dragon wasn't even expecting to eat a maiden today
How about something a bit vintage?
>orks fighting with their women
yeah, I doubt it
ork women belong in the hut taking care of and protecting the orklings while their men are out fighting
it takes a tribe
>woman on a ship
>not bad luck
>dressed like that
>not getting raped by pirates
>a woman pointing out an explosion to men
>a woman noticing an explosion before men
>not a woman screaming when there's an explosion
so many things wrong with this picture
pretty sure she's about to die from a snake bite, then that giant lizard is going to eat her
not sure what the scythe is for but her eyes rolling back in her head is a clear sign the neurotoxin from the snake is giving her a seizure (probably why her jaw looks rigid and her limbs are overextended)
snake venom also looks like it might be bloating her stomach
you need to leave
or at least contribute
why is this little girl wearing a woman's armor carrying a man's sword and a bow with more draw weight than she has pounds?
>I can only cast magic in my panties
wait... I like this rule
more panty magic!
now this is panty magic
what happens when she has to cut her hair? does she shave her armpits?
panty magic is best magic
this woman's left boob is at least twice as big as her right boob
and unless those panties are for spellcasting (I doubt this given her armor) she'll be freezing her ass off (the first spell you learn in panty magic is how to stay warm in panties)
Is this better?
that half smile is the face of a woman who just got done putting on an entire suit of plate armor and then realized she can't move
good thing the shield is strapped onto her arm but she's pretty sure if she doesn't get it off soon it'll sprain her shoulder
Do you have any examples that would pass your standards?
It worked in Scarred lands...
>panty magic arrows
>world of panty magic
>what's better than panty magic?
>no panty magic
and that's pretty much all I got right now
>Plate armor is really heavy and hard to move in
This a just a misconception actually.
it is if you're 5'3" and a chick
Nope. The weight of heavy armor would spread out across your body so much it wouldn't weigh you down at all. You don't need to be buff to wear heavy armor unencumbered. "Heavy armor slows you down" is just a myth invented by table top and video games.
If you just look at the thumbnail, the jug in that pic looks like pepe
"A new study that put armor-wearing volunteers on treadmills finds that wearing a full suit of armor (which might weigh up to 110 pounds, or 50 kilograms), takes more than twice the energy of walking around unencumbered."
Only you would find twice the effort of walking strenuous you fatass
I like them. Let them stay.
Not if you train in it. I remember Mythbusters doing a bit on something like thins. Basically someone trained in wearing something like heavy armor wouldn't be bothered by it.
Is that the Doomguy carrying like 20 weapons one or is it a different one?
Wait, why object to the pirate in chainmail? Shit might get rusty, sure, but it could be her raiding gear so she doesn't lose an arm to a cutlass.
that's twice the effort for a man
now imagine you're a woman without steroids whose body doesn't build bulk muscle and whose frame isn't meant to sport twice their own body weight in armor
Yeah, that's the one.
A.K.A user throws tantrum when shown to be scientifically and demonstrably wrong. You're everything that's cancer about this site.
because she's already a woman so she'll probably move slower swinging around a heavy sabre - and that speed drops to slow as shit with an extra 20 pounds on each arm in metal rings
not even men wore chainmail at sea, both because of the rust and because it's just better to be fast than well armored on a ship. metal sinks.
No, a woman who weighs 100 pounds, putting on 110 pounds (doubling her total weight and then some) would literally find it twice as hard to walk.
>I'm right because I say I'm right without taking other variables into account such as training because I'm looking for facts to suit a narrative.
Eat my cancer you twat
pretty sure you're the one with the narrative
we're just stating facts
both of these chicks would be the first to go down in any fight because they would be moving slow as hell.
perfect archer bait
can't dodge
can't parry
carrying a shield they can't lift
>yup... dead.
take your magical realm elsewhere please
if her hair looked like a sweaty rat's nest and her face was covered in dirt and sweat and she had a couple arrows sticking out of her because she was dumb enough to run across a battlefield for a kiss this would look a lot better
also I assume that guy's commanding officer is about to chop off his head for making out with his girlfriend in the middle of a battle when he should be protecting his fellow soldiers
say the walking twice as hard is fact, using that to claim that women can't fight in armour however is a theory.
Training can come into play, an average person gets in armour is going to struggle, someone who has done it often and trained with it will have far more ease.
Additionally, walking is pretty fucking easy, double that wont put strain on someone who isn't fat or a prissy.
hey virt
this realm you refer to is called reality - and it's not magic except where panties are involved
Oh my god shut the fuck up. This is an art thread. A Fantasy Art thread. Shit that is posted is neither expected or even necessarily desired to be realistic or practical.
If you want realistic and practical: POST IT.
If you don't have any art to post: EAT SHIT AND FUCK OFF.
>I'm totally not fapping to women being too weak to lift a teacup and getting gutted in visceral detail
yeah fuck off with that shit
Yeah, and it takes 4 times as much energy to walk at 4 miles per hour as it does to walk at 3.
Total energy use isn't a useful single metric for human biomechanics.
How much more evidence is required to drill one iota of sensible thinking in to your tiny brain, you thick twat It's spelled out for you in user's post.