Why can Orcs figure this out but Humans can't?

Why can Orcs figure this out but Humans can't?

From the 5e PHB:

>Strength and power are the greatest of orcish virtues, and orcs embrace all manner of mighty creatures in their tribes. REJECTING NOTIONS OF RACIAL PURITY, they PROUDLY welcome ogres, trolls, half-orcs, and orogs into their ranks.

And on that note...

>Luthic, the orc goddess of fertility
and wife of Gruumsh, demands that orcs procreate often and indiscriminately so that orc hordes swell generation after generation. The orcs' drive to reproduce runs stronger than any other humanoid race, and they READILY crossbreed with other races. When an orc procreates with a non-orc humanoid of similar size and stature (such as a human or a dwarf), the resulting child is either an orc or a half-orc.

Let me run that by you again. Orcs consider partially orcish children part of their blood and their tribe, no "cuck" meme, no different name implying lesser status. An Orc can fuck a Dwarf and their son could be Warchief and nobody in the horde would bat an eye.

Orcs are miles ahead of humanity, let alone Elves and Dwarves. You've been indiscriminately slaughtering the good guys.

Nobody ever viewed the race/culture that's killing them as the good guys.


I would agree if you weren't clearly trying to bait certain kinds of shitposts instead of actual discussion.

What are you trying to say?
Seems like you are loosing sight of the nature of a roleplaying game.

A sage/god told them to do it

But he's roleplaying right now. Just sage and ignore

We can learn a lot from orcs. Through dick, unity. Look at half-elves, canonically never truly accepted by either half of their heritage. Now look at half-orcs. Their human kin tend to treat them as monsters and rapeget, but their orc relatives? Their orc relatives welcome them and judge them purely on merit. That's fucking admirable. Orcs are the good guys.

Because humans are constantly trying to pretend that they're a combination of elves, dwarves, and halflings (we have a god given right to rule/racial and cultural purity/but we like to have a good time).

I actually think orcs work better as Israel ites or Muslims. In other words it's not miscegenation if you force them to convert to orcism first.

>I think X works better as Y real-world group

Stop this, it's stupid and uncreative. Also not remotely close to how Jews work.

Why are you talking like there is only one version of Orcs?
You are not restricted in any way. You can write any story you want.

The point is that even bog-standard DnD Orcs from the Monster Manual are a relatively enlightened civilization inclusive of all who share their values.

Sure, if the chosen narrative frames it that way and succeeds in its job. The heroes of the story will be your heroes. Nothing remarkable about that.

Thrall as Warchief again please

Can't wait until Sylvanas dies

>Consider Humans, Elves, and short race beneath them (pun!)
>More than half the published adventures have True-Orcs consider half-Orc as half-bred scum.

The fact that anyone let that cunt have any power ever baffles me, is it literally just because she has tits?

>beneath them

Wait, since when? Aren't they mad at and jealous of them because in their origin story the other species cucked orcs out of having a home?

Israelites as depicted by the bible != modern Judaism.

All Orcish hordes destroy indiscriminately to fulfill their goals and they have repeatedly upset the divine balance by slaughtering most of the Material Plane's faithful in doing so. This is a persistent theme across all versions of the game in which Orcs have been a dominant humanoid race.

They are repeat disturbers of the natural order. They are chaotically evil.

fuck off to your containment board

Just because they are socially "progressive" does not mean they are not a ravaging band of murder happy rapists that will burn and eat your children for the simple reason of not following the right god.

Thrall is a faget and so is your face

How is he gonna feel about the state of the Imperium and his Legion?

Explain. Sylvanas is a vile, scheming creature, her being a woman does not mean she's a good leader. In 5e, Gruumsh and the other gods sat around deciding where their people would live. Everywhere Gruumsh picked, some other god laughed at him and said their people were there first, so Gruumsh got mad and took his spear and fucked up a bunch of mountains and forests and steppes and said "we'll burn your shit and live where we like." Which part of that post triggered you so?

Oh shit It's like anything can be a viable political stance in a fantasy setting, specially when we're talking about a race of backwards savages with no culture beyond raiding, pillaging and raping the weakest of other race's communities, like a simple small village

>The fact that anyone let that cunt have any power ever baffles me, is it literally just because she has tits?
Kind of. Rumor is one of the writers, and the oldfag among them has a raging stiffie for her. That's why she always does awesome cool traitorous shit, and everyone just ignores it.
In-lore, Thrall is a massive cunt. He continues to put incompetents in charge of the horde so he can go fap in the woods.

Thrall was a bad leader. All he did was bring the horde together, then he brought it down. We need a true Orc leader.

Not inclusive to the weak, or those they see as non powerful.

Where are those Kobold societies Orcs have merged with again because they are such swell, inclusive fellows?

Humans are one of the most crossbreeding races out there. Almost all half-x races are part human, and humans are the most adaptable race with the most varying cultures across the world.
Now, in the light of this new knowledge, what the fuck was your point again?

t. elf slut

Now, I know this is bait.

But you're right.

So rape is okay, as long as the orcs take care of the rape babies?

>tfw the bait is actually a pretty good post

however I wil deduct points for making the false assumption that inclusivity automatically equals a more progressive society, and will also deduct points because orcs don’t give much of a fuck about what an orc baby popped out of because it still looks like, acts like, and generally is, for all intents and purposes, an orc

You get a score of Not Quite Gay, user.

It's like 'dark' immigrants often banding together, and leftists being inclusionary. Trash welcomes trash.

Please no more Green Jesus

Moses, you rectangle.

Tell me about the orc.
Why does he wear the onions?

Homogenous societies are the only successful ones, as soon as a society allows for racial homogeneity to be abandoned, it falls apart. Whether it is Mesopotamia, the Aztec and Incan empires, Rome, and even as recent as the US and he European Union and countries.

It's no surprise then that orc societies are never stable, primitive and barbaric.

And yet they can't keep a working civilization and burn everything they touch.
Hey, maybe the two traits are related...really makes you think, huh?

>Thrall "murder elves, burn their lands kill their gods for our own gain" of the Frost Wolves
>Thrall "Praise our genocidal ansestors and finish off humans and drenai" of the Frost Wolves
>Thrall "Good dad, but were all the humie pucci at" of the Frost Wolves
>Good guy

You mean kind of like how humans in D&D are teamed up with
>Every other race that a PC can be basically

>wife of Gruumsh, demands that orcs procreate often and indiscriminately so that orc hordes swell generation after generation. The orcs' drive to reproduce runs stronger than any other humanoid race, and they READILY crossbreed with other races. When an orc procreates with a non-orc humanoid of similar size and stature (such as a human or a dwarf), the resulting child is either an orc or a half-orc.
Gleefully proclaiming that you're fucking anything that moves in an attempt at self-eugenics by lottery, regardless of if people are consenting or not is not a good thing user.
This isn't peaceful interaction, this is 'I have murdered all your husbands, you are my sex slaves now'
If you really want to go down that road then great! Time to get myself at least one white white, then go murder Tyrone, Abdul and Chan so I can rape their wives into submission and produce some half-whites. After all some fucknerd on the internet told me that's something to be proud of, gotta spread them superior genes, after all every 2 half-breeds is one white baby technically speaking.

>Alt-right embraces diversity by enslaving women of other races in order to create .5 additional white people per impregnation
Truly the best of plot hooks

Not orcs, but one time I joined a group for a campaign as a favor to the GM. At the end of the campaign one of the new players in the said she wanted to run the next game herself and asked if we had any advice.
I said that I would recommend not allowing paladins without approval from the rest of the group because most adventurers do things that a paladin shouldn’t allow. The example I gave was that they’d resort to violence and killing out of convenience in a way that would be considered completely unacceptable in the real world.
So this one guy just loses his shit when I say this. He starts claiming that killing bad guys is lawful good. I say that that’s only true in certain circumstances, but adventurers tend to use it every chance they get.

So he just launches into this tirade about how it’s lawful good to kill goblin villages because they are a dirty and violent race. I was talking more specifically about the killing of enemy soldiers who could have easily been bypassed or taken prisoner, but he decided to turn the conversation into a discussion on genocide. He was firmly on the pro side.

After what WoW did to him, I'd prefer he got killed off at one point.

In WCIII and TFT, he was a cool guy. Vanilla, BC and WoTLK he was still fairly reasonable. Cataclysm was the start of him going down the drain the moment he left the Horde and put Garrosh in. Pandaria was where was tumbling down hard, only to culminate him in killing Garrosh in WoD. A GUY HE SELECTED AND MADE DO REALLY HARD CHOICES WHILE EVERYONE ELSE AROUND HIM TREATED HIM LIKE SHIT FROM THE MOMENT HE BECAME WARCHIEF. AND HE DIDN'T HELP AT ALL.

I blame the people who are responsible for this development.

Homogenous societies are also the quickest to fail in the face of epidemic disease or birthrate collapse.

Look at Japan. Should things continue as they are, the islands will be depopulated entirely within a century.

Orcs probably never had to deal with niggers

>Justifies raping others as making them better for accepting the kids of said raping.
Is this how white women that convert to Islam think?

And that's very nice, but those are "politically correct orcs" that they just pulled out from their ass because they are fucking terrified of social media backlash.

Orcs are evil creatures, created by evil gods to do evil deeds.
They do not have emotions aside from anger and hate.
They do not care for anything except their own pleasure and survival.
They value strength above all else because they can't understand anything more complicated than that.

Not even newborn orcs are innocent, because they have no choice, they WILL become evil, because they are literally custom made for that.

Also, you are a piece of shit for creating yet another thread with the hope of baiting idiots into an argument.
Saging you.

I never understood how Half-Elves are never accepted anywhere but they’re “everyone’s best friend” and get the best Charisma bonus.

It’s just to feed into that “I’m such a loner and a victim, but I’ll pull through” trope, isn’t it?

Orcs aren't real bruh.

They can be whatever a particular author wants them to be.

>REJECTING NOTIONS OF RACIAL PURITY, they PROUDLY welcome ogres, trolls, half-orcs, and orogs into their ranks.

Thats a retcon. And people said there wouldn't be any Diversity-Shit in D&D.

>procreate often and indiscriminately
>Orcs rape anything so they are the good guys!


All sex is rape, and this is basically marriage.

Yeah, my Orcs are similar to Wesnoth Orcs.

They're a violent and cruel race, but they're still capable of love, logic, science, and all that jazz. Not as good at it as other races, but they make up for falling behind in the arts with breeding faster and being bigger and stronger.
There's an Orc nation in my setting that's actually the largest nation in the world.

But it's a loose scattering, technically ruled over by a High King but there's lot of regular Kings around. Think Holy Roman Empire during its civil wars for the throne except there's always a civil war of some kind going on, overtly or behind the scenes.
The reason it doesn't conquer its neighbors is because of the whole Orcs are violent thing. It spends most of its efforts keeping Orcs in line, they have lots of bloodsports and constantly raid neighboring nations because Orcs get antsy when they sit around without fighting. So it's easier to send parties to raid and skirmish and deal with political fallout "Sorry, rogue commander, won't happen again," than it is to actually enforce peace. And of course the constant attempts to ursurp the throne by other Kings, the average Orc High King reigns for about a year and a half before he is killed. The current one's lived 6 years going on 7 as High king and has killed 5 ursurpers and 12 would be assassins. But he's also getting old.

Surrounding nations just "deal with it" because it's not worth gathering an army to invade and there's other things to worry about too. Like the Necromancer Kingdom that's a far more organized and stable threat to the realm that's been biding its time for the last 60 years.

Merit defined by a race that only knows how to fight and fuck? Like a samoan?

I see your sword and raise you my rifles and cannons. Let's see how well your 'meritocracy' works when you're eating subsidized food.

>When someone is clearly trolling but SJWs sound so batshit insane that it might be legit

And this, kids, is why you smite first and detect evil later. If at all.

That's a nice blackguard but we're playing Good-only campaign.

Do you recall that Luthic is the patron goddess of beaten wives accepting their abuse because they deserve if? Who has to kneel in the presence of her own son because females are inferior in Orcish society?

She’s literally not allowed to have weapons, armor, or champions. She runs around in rags and bare feet because even a goddess Orc is inferior to a mortal male.

Good Orcs were introduced as a concept via an explanation that Orcs who worship a god who isn’t an Orc feel empowered to leave their toxic culture and raise thwir kids as single mothers in a safe environment.

Why the fuck would she be empowering anyone to do anything? She literally represents the women who enable abusive patriarchal cultures.
You may as well make Lolth a representation of positive mental health and nurturing motherhood! Or turn Vecna into the god of knowing when to give up and go home!

Only in Faerun.

>Humans are the most widespread, common, and fully built empire in the world
>Are still considered the weakest or unsuccessful of the races in the setting

Why do so many settings do this? Why not just have the humans be a small faction or not exist at all if you want them to suck? And yes I know this isn’t related to OP’s question because his question is retarded

Fantasy settings are based in the medieval era.
When a village was so small that all able males could be recruited by a passerby nobleman off to a battle. When a disease could wipe out a community in its entirety, be it the plague or merely tuberculosis. Where a bad war can eliminate a civilization and bury a culture.

These frail lives only represent humans in most fantasy. Dwarves may have their civilizations destroyed every thousand years and have an almost impossible time founding new ones while Elves are fated to fade from the world, but merely a bad spread of dysintery can crush a kingdom by taking the royal heirs and half the capital, leaving bloody succession wars to reduce the land to nothing.

>medieval era
>When a village was so small that all able males could be recruited by a passerby nobleman off to a battle
Almost never a real thing.


In real life you’re right in that they were usually not, but then again what eras of history get the most attention and thus influence people’s ideas of the era?

You make the mistake of thinking gods are actually any different from mortals in any capacity other then "lol time" power can be bound or lost, and emotions and a whole spectrum of circumstances can make them seem really fucking underpowered. Like some god of judgement being tricked into guilt by a god of mischief and going all ragged and senile only for some upstart righteous envoy to smack him back into omnipotence. Point is they convey a story and the fact that her basis as a character is basically "slave mother" she also has the potential to be the complete opposite, prime example I can think of in current media is game of thrones. Bitch went from a marriage token character of a dead family to the figurehead of what is damn near a new religion by the time shit hits her climax of power. It's no different for gods, so don't think someone shouldn't like the character because it's backstory is lolshit stained existence.

Unironic answer here: it's probably a lot like the One Drop Rule IRL: if one of your grandparents is black, you're black. You may genetically be more white than black, but you're black. It may be that orcish blood is even more dominant than black blood is in humans.

I imagine that this cultural trait would also be engrained in the same way black men have a fetish for white women due to it being an 'upgrade'. It was even objectively so in 3.5e, where half-orcs have far lesser mental penalties than full orcs. Why wouldn't they want to racemix, when it means there's only one way to go and that's up? On the other hand the more intelligent races like elves (or if we're continuing to force the real life analogy: East Asians) would be far more careful about mixing with outsiders because their odds of decreasing genetic quality are bigger than their odds of increasing it.

>t. Cuck fetishist

Every antagonist is their own protagonist. Unless your system has chiseled morality laws, in that case is killing an evil person good? What of monsters, mayhap even orcs?

It's more like islam or any ethnic cult.

There is like a whole fuckload of them, they will be fine.

>it's ok if they're orcs and goblins

Every race has it's pros and pitfalls
makes for a compelling setting imo

Are orcs Mad Max?

Bring back Garrosh, he was the best Warchief the Horde had until Blizzard ran out of ideas so they fell back on their corruption meme

You believe that indiscriminate sex, producing hordes of fatherless children, bred for the porous of raiding and raping other cultures is the epitome of good guys? Okay edgelord.

you are thinking of orks and yes they are

but kobolds are stinky.

No, the Islam-equivalent in 5e are the goblinoids and their jihad to see Maglubiyet-worship cover the entire world.