So which is better:

So which is better:

>arcane fairies that wear leotards and thighboots, or

>nature fairies, that wear leaf dresses

and finally, do fairy wings grow back?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know, but how are fairy dust made?

fairy dandruff

lots of people like sausage but they don't want to see how it's made.

I made sausage before. Stuffing the meat in is hard without machine, but I prefer them that way.

i wish i didn't find a way to make this sentence fairy related

Easy, arcane faeries that are tight

fairy toe clippings

Living mystical symbols of nature's splendor; their appearance is essentially illusionary and they aren't actually effected by gravity in the first place.

so if their wings are damaged or missing, they can still fly?

do they float, fly or levitate?

The ones drawn by Kaneko.

what's really important, do you want a good fairy, a neutral fairy, or a misunderstood fairy?

They levitate without effort and can fly as they please, not actually physically interacting with the world of coarse matter in the ordinary way. They can fly regardless of a lack of wings, but, given that their appearance is a visual expression of their base nature, if you have the ability to harm a fairy in such a way that it can't have wings you can probably also impose such a restriction on them as "no flying allowed."
I'll admit I think I misread the OP in a way closer to allowing for "muh setting" fags like me, sorry, I don't actually mean to pretend this is in some way "better" than the alternatives.

That's just what wasps are like in regions with high background magic.

Cute creatures that will fucking murder you if you offend them by the slightest cause, like all fairies should be

I know fairies are hurt by iron, but what about silver?

No effect. I know mercury harms humans, but what about copper?

poison is in the dose. but aren't faeries damaged by iron for some reason? like it fucks with their magic?

Cold iron only, i.e. not forged yet

I thought "cold iron" meant pure iron, as in no carbon to make it into steel.

Cute looking, innocent acting and with an unnecessarily complex evil plan to backstab your ass because fuck you for crossing her path. I like the kind of fairies that will stalk lost children in the woods, turn them into rats and have them be hunted by snakes and owls, just for shits and giggles.

Other way around. Cold iron is their term and unrefined ore is what they'd be most familiar with. Smelted metal would be remarkable enough to them to need a special name and the industry it represents makes it an obvious bane.

fairy meth labs

I thought "cold iron" was a linguistic flourish on an ordinary iron weapon, like calling lead bullets "hot lead" when fired from a gun.

Is there a different type of fairy kryptonite? (cold)Iron just seems so common and I prefer silver for unholy creatures

Bells, particularly church bells, are sometimes effective in driving them off; perhaps the sound harms them?

Cold and lifeless iron. Cold dread iron. "What's thermal conductivity" iron.

Old-school mischievous faeries who will fuck with your head and get up to nasty shit if you let them soul-cuck you

Have you ever used or encountered(as a player) a Fairy Ring on your game?

Thanks, I relly like this idea

The best is clearly Dungeoncrawl fairy

I've encountered them in real life.


Bronze includes Copper. It killed people.

>no muderhobo fairy

a french fairy
They work a bit like djinns: Free them, get reward.

>Pleasant, regal light fairies with flowing locks in princess dresses
>Devoted, yet borderline-yandere dark fairies with tomboy cuts in gothic lolita dresses.
>Aloof, semi-tsundere air fairies with long curls wearing sundresses
>quiet, kind winged mermaid water/ice fairies with long flowing tresses. Alternatively they're made of ice.
>Short-tempered, simple-minded, slightly chubby earth fairies with simple dresses and earth-toned hair.
>High energy, frenetically cheerful fire fairies, with short, fiery hair, wearing halters and short-shorts/spats made of fire
>Calm but easily stressed nature fairies with long hair and dresses made of flowers
>Mischievous, troll-happy illusion fairies with hairstyles and gowns that could be hiding the fact that one might be a trap.

Verdigris and many copper salts (like copper acetate) are in the "irritants" category. So they won't be pleasant, but are highly unlikely to kill anyone quicker than through causing cancer. Metallic copper won't do anything much in itself, but if you get it into you the rather corrosive environment within the human body will start slowly turning it into those salts and oxides.

>I misread the OP in a way closer to allowing for "muh setting" fags like me, sorry
Don't be sorry. If the OP does not specify a setting you are free to assume any setting you want, as long as you tell us what setting that is

>completely nude fairies

It depends on how highly cut the leotard is.

Yes, 'misunderstood'.

9/10 needs longer, more feathery hair.

this is the 80's A E S T H E T I C S that I crave.

>9/10 needs longer, more big hair.
And despite it all, that movie with Jamie Lee Curtis working out in a thong leotard was supreme fap material.

>Does your arms grow back?

Both of you.

>9/10 needs longer, more big hair.
>that engrish
Holy shit, this place is riddled with ESL fags

>do fairy wings grow back?
Why are you asking?

Why is everyone talking about these weak fairys when they could be talking about the strongest fairy

Basically all heavy metals are more or less toxic if you manage to get them into your body.

I'm gonna big you all over the place.

This. Lots of people think depleted uranium is safe because its radioactivity is so low, but they completely forget that it's still chemotoxic as shit.

Mostly because this board doesn't count it's posts in Base-9, user.

So, thhe whole Cold Iron thing goes waaay back, and has evolved over the centuries. Originaly people were just starting to move from Bronze Age materials to Iron Age, and iron was seen as magic, therefore able to harm magical creatures. Over time various properties and different definitions of cold iron got applied, such as unrefined ore beaten to shape, refined but not alloyed to steel, or eventually even just steel as in "taste of cold steel". Generally the symbolism reflected a growing sense of mundanity toward iron which held it's own magic. Iron was solid, unwavering, more real than fey and their ilk and it imposed harsh reality upon their glamour.

>Over time various properties and different definitions of cold iron got applied
Don't forget that one of the definitions for "cold iron" was basically lodestone, or magnetized iron.

if you want to make it rare go with meteor iron. before anyone learned to smelt iron from ore they had to hunt down meteors for their iron and forge that. That makes it rare and could even make it magical or have some special property

Rapier wielding leotard fairy that worships a NEET is the best fairy

I like fairies.

Smug space fairies that help their friends pilot giant robots are better.

I made fairies in honey select and did both using outfit's and such. I get in moods.


I tend to prefer nature fairies a bit to fit with them being more like aberrant-but-still-functional personifications of nature and the wilderness.

To that end, not only do Fairy wings grow back, they can completely regenerate from any injury and even 'death' as long as the aspect of nature they're tied to isn't destroyed or severely damaged.

In that sense, while weak, fairies are insanely resilient since you don't just cut down one tree to kill them you'd need to wipe out an entire forest, drain the rives and lakes, and salt the earth. (warning: Fire is not useful as the fairies will then just negotiate with the fire spirits.) Iron will repel them, and if you're a sadist, be the only way to cause them actual pain from injury, otherwise they'll just complain. At length. Loudly about being inconvenienced.

So random question that I didn't feel like creating a new thread for.
Let's say pic related happens.
Would the half-breed's hair color be determined by the hair of the human parent, or the scales of the dragon one? Would they both have an effect, with dominant and recessive traits playing a factor? If the dragon's scales DO affect the hair color, which scales? The scutes?
This shit's been driving me nuts.

>big hair


Consider the following:

Fairy-dust harvesting factory that works the same way as chicken-egg harvesting factory, i.e. entire rows filled with caged fairies that never leave those cages for their entire lives.
The fairy dust is, of course, cocaine equivalent which is vital to the local economy the same way alcohol and tobacco is vital to ours.

Is this a great way to introduce my magical realm into the setting?
Yes or yes?

Are you prepared for more morally-minded players who may want to shut it down?

There are no great ways to introduce your magical into the setting.

Depends on the method of harvesting.

Sure. As long as they are prepared to deal with a bunch of fairy-dust-addicted locals who will do anything to get their daily dose.
Are you a bad enough dude to shut down the local highly immoral drug production AND manage to survive the locals' wrath?

>Stop inserting your fetishes into our game!.jpg

what if i don't believe in them?

>So which is better:
nekid fairies

>do fairy wings grow back?
Naturally, on their own? No.
They can, however petition a lord of the fey to restore their wings, but that usually caries its own cost.

imagine being this autistic

>nekkid fairies

do they have details or doll anatomy?

probably the safest bet. It won't stop them from antagonizing you for damaging their homes or intruding into them too much.

But it also means they're far less likely to antagonize you just because.

Scary fairy is best.

It sucks.

T H I C C fairies are the best.

Took a lot longer than I expected.


Nutritious Fairies


For a moment, I was about to be disappointed by the lack of Fairy Meat in this thread. Thank you user

what sort of materials is her armor made of?


So how do I write a good fairy?

I feel that one freely following another being's will is pretty unlikely without significant coercion. At least an 'unnatural' being thats not a personified force of nature


go with misunderstood

They heal magically right?

just find a rubber fairy



Sooo source?

I need sauce user, please.

It's not even cropped, come the fuck on

Not those two, but it's clearly been edited, with "WHOOPS CAN'T SHOW THAT ON A CHRISTIAN IMAGEBOARD"

Having said it's "Seieki ni Muragari Suitsuku Yousei-tachi" which is a PSA about why you shouldn't fuck fairies.

Dragon Pink.

relevant to this thread

Muh dick. There's not enough porn of tink

Aren't fairies technically knifeears?