Hot on the heels of the Cuckolds & Dragons thread comes an unrelated chain of thought.
Question: Is it okay for a good character to have a personal relations (sexual or otherwise) with an evil character? Assuming their 'evilness' has no bearing on the relationship however the good character knows the partner is evil. Example: Paladin & a minotaur.
Hot on the heels of the Cuckolds & Dragons thread comes an unrelated chain of thought
I'll bite.
Consider it like this, you are a cop. You do a good job and uphold the law in all aspects, keep yourself from becoming corrupt and making bad career ending moves.
Your girlfriend is a ganger, who regularly deals drugs, has killed before, and even though she loves you, she will not turn away from it.
If you were a good individual, what possible reason would you have to turn a blind eye.
Especially if, say in a more realistic avenue, your wife is a manipulative bitch and fucks over most everyone for her own personal gain, save for you.
There'd be some alignment shifts because of it, leaning more toward neutral.
Short and sweet, it wouldn't work.
What if it was just casual sex instead of a full blown relationship?
(I'm genuinely curious to get perspectives and this isn't intended as a bait thread)
Like Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle in Telltale Games’ Batman? Yeah, that’s fine. One of the issues is Bruce thought fucking her made him a worse person for specifically your scenario above, but he gets over it.
It might just be a case of "I hate you so much, but the pussy game ridiculous."
Personally, I wouldn't be able to stomach sticking it into someone who's murdered a bunch folks.
Hmmm no. Supposing a chaotic evil power group surrounded and opposed by various other chaotic evil power groups similarly opposed to one another.
link to the previous thread
If you know she's a murderous criminal then you should be stopping her when you have the opprtunity, either through arrest or murder depending on the situation.
Thanks, it's not really connected to that thread is why I started a new one.
Basically a situation has come up in game that I'm undecided on how best to adjudicate is why I started this thread.
Not in a civilized environment basically it's in an area outside legal rule.
A Minotaur being evil depends on the setting.
And in most settings, yes. The evil Character holds no moral problems, but the good Character would literally have all the problems.
Depends on their brand of evil
Redpill me on what the NTR acronym stands for. Newfag on terminology here. Is it basically cuck fetish??
Reposting because new thread, still curious.
Well this was a ride and a half reading through these threads.
My thoughts are we simply don't have enough information to make a call either way on whether the DM is a cuck fetishist or if the player is an autistic chimp.
OP should apologize to player and try to make amends, explain his reasoning for the NPC's actions quickly and succinctly, and ask what he can do to make the game enjoyable for the player again.
If the OP's account was honest and the player continues chimping, then he'll probably be kicked from the group by the other members. If OP is lying or significantly over/underplaying parts of his account, then the other players will probably dissolve the group and kick him from their social circle.
I'm curious how this'll play out.
See Yes. Lurk more hentai boards.
Man, even if the area doesn't have laws, a Good character should have standards.
>A Minotaur being evil depends on the setting.
Definitely evil but the thing is this takes place in an evil environment which also most definitely chaotic, evil preys on evil and also any other invaders that attempt to take the territory.
Standards of what? Genuine question.
Cuckold general it is. DM want to RP wife cucking player as the next mission but not before.
What they feel is right, probably informed by the culture, religion, etc they absorbed throughout their life; and if they're indeed Good in the D&D sense that should more or less line up with Universal Objective Goodness, and if not but they're simply among the good guys then it should probably more or less line up with the moral feelings of the players and/or GM unless they're really into historical authenticity.
Yes definitely universal objective D&D.
So you're going with by and large subjective and respective of culture and ethics?
Yeah. I figure even if objectively right ethics exist, actual mortals, with their limited knowledge and perspectives, are mostly muddling along doing their best, as (you'd hope) they do in real life.
Gotcha that makes sense thanks.
If I take my Pathfinder book, put it on the opposite side of the table then pull out DnD5e and prop it up. How long should I stroke DnD5e with my dice to get Pathfinder going?
Would it be too much if I also started displaying videos of me playing multiple hombrew indie RPGs that are distributed over the web?
Had this but instead of staying static, it just turned the character into a bigger dick. Kind of always had it inside him because I took Fleming's original book Bond as the concept, so now he's more of a recurring villain and sometimes ally of convenience than a good guy, still thinks he's doing the right thing. Oddly though, the relationship between him and the woman in question is perfectly stable. They're just complete dicks to everyone else.
My post before I saw the new thread.
Both were at fault IMO. The GM for not butting in that she's angry with him more, like say an angry letter or something like that so he really has to deal with the situation. Player for getting obscenely butthurt about a game and not just working shit out with the GM. If the player didn't want his waifu touched, dude should've set up some concrete ground rules with the GM beforehand on how the wife is like, not just a vague description that implies that she'd be far from loyal.
I agree with you. OP should have had the wife hint giving the player a chance to prevent it.
OP wanted the drama though. We see this becuase he bought up "classical literature" in which Cucking happens often.
In 1001 Arabian nights the story begins with a king being cucked by his Negro Slave and his brother being cucked by 10 Negro Slaves no explanation as to the wife's views or the state of the marriage, only summary exection. But this was before woman had rights in the world and were seen as objects.
But this should not apply to modern lit. Back then stories were very fast and unabated. Things happened without explanation or with finite details to them. Like the wife cheating on the husbands in 1001 Arabian nights. Nobody cared for their agenda or views only that they had sinned and were evil. Not saying that they weren't in the wrong but that way of telling stories is completely dated becuase they were woman the Cucking seemed absolute and not at all preventable.
Nowadays we care as to why someone did something wrong or cucked their husbands becuase this adds drama.
But OP seemed like he executed to the old way(where it happened without prevention) and then added the modern afterthought of "BUT THERE WAS A REASON"
All that being said. Player was still a 24 year old sperg with a wife and children REEEING about his imaginary waifu.
At the very least, if player wanted specifics he should've talked it out with the DM. Hell, if he was insistent, just let him play her himself as a sort of a fluff NPC as long as she doesn't get some extra stats to boost his character, it should be fine. If the Player didn't set up some ground rules, then its obvious OP will have taken some initiative, even if it should've been preventable as you said.
For me this all boils back to the point "to which point is it okay to punish your player for their mistakes and how to execute consequences well"
Sort of reminds of the guy whose player killed guards and neutral NPCs indiscriminately. GM gets pissed so he has it that the famalies and friends of his victim join up and drag the player away from the party and murder him(no rolls, no checks) just outright "roll a new character" without giving the player warming of the consequences. Didn't even attempt to add gameplay value to it where there would have been a good plot there like having the party to decide whether to rescue the scumbag or not but no. He was just outright executed.
Mods consider Cuckolds & Dragons Veeky Forums related and allow 3 threads in a row. Yet 'elf slave wat do' somehow isn't Veeky Forums. It speaks volumes about the current timeline.
Maybe it'd work if you keep her locked up.
Look at the quality of the posts in the threads now look at your post and your knife ear fetishists threads.
OP of the other thread here. I sort of doubt the wisdom of a third thread given how the others became raging trashfires, but I feel like I need to correct some misrepresentations.
I feel like I gave the player adequete warning, specifically role playing a short scene where the wife bitches at him for money/inattention and they have a fight about it then she stormed out. I didn't do any more than that because domestic dramas feel weird to do and I have 5 other players to keep happy. Nobody else in the group wants to be dragged through this fighter's couples therapy with his imaginary waifu, I can guarantee it. I haven't asked them but I'm sure of it.
Secondly as much as players play off the GM, GMs play off the players. What I mean by this is it's established within the group that various players tend to their backstories. The cleric for example conscientiously tithes an exact 10% of any cash he receives for the church, roleplaying it out as he does. The thief deliberately has withheld some of the money she's supposed to kick back towards the guild, again for roleplaying reasons. For both of these characters there's been in game consequences.
The cleric, for being so conscientous a follower, once got some of his spells refunded to him for free midway through a fight, to keep the party alive because his diety recognised a the great need of a devout follower. The thief had guild enforcers come knocking round her metaphorical door when the guild found out what she'd done (which was caused by one of the party members inadverntently blurting out how the party divvied up their gold in the hearing of guildmembers, who then compared that informatrion to their books). You see there's a clear chain here of action and reaction, and consequences. The cues for the player to act on his wife were clearly there, and not just from the GM. Other players had even commented OOC about how shittily the guy treated his imaginary waifu.
Continued in next post
Quality of long thread chains is about the same. Only color and viscosity differ.
Secondly I'm 100% sure the sperglord in the other thread was trolling hard. The fact he had to continually lie about the situation (when the information was easily available to anyone to read) speaks volumes. Mind you he might just have been virtue signalling hard, or he might genuinely be a sperglord autist. These past couple of days have really opened my eyes to the possibility of real actual autism within the community. The fact he outright said he rfefused to believe what I was saying I took as just another example of how he was baiting.
To address one of his bullshits, I didn't dislike the guy because he was a jock. In fact I liked him because of it, because here's the thing, after him I'm the next jockiest guy round the table. It was really nice to be able to talk to someone about sport and lifting and regular stuff. I mean my brothers friends are really nice guys and I've come to think of them all as being like older brothers, but jees they talk about some nerdy shit. Whether Elon Musk is a genius or a fraud, or the minutiae of one guy's home radio project or the nearly weekly discussion of the importance of gut bacteria bought up continually one guy (the cleric as it happens). They just go on and on. The guy who sperged out was actually really normal on the surface, which is why I was so shocked.
hand me eye bleach
>Question: Is it okay for a good character to have a personal relations (sexual or otherwise) with an evil character?
That shit is my jam, especially because you can do so many different things with it.
You can for example have a paladin and an evil empress who deeply love eachother, leading to a severe conflict of interests. If you want to play it for laughs, during one of the peace periods between the Good Guy Kingdom and the Evil Empire, you could have the paladin and empress arrange a sort of informal wedding in secret and consumate it, leading to a child that the paladin raises. The paladin will tell him very little of his mother, telling him she died in childbirth, and raising him to be his successor. Imagine his surprise when, 20 years later, he finally confronts his mother only to be told that he looks just as strapping and handsome as his father when he was younger. That could work for a lighthearted campaign where the evil empress is barely more malevolent than a saturday morning cartoon villain.
For more legitimately evil villains, I like it if they feel one-sided lust for one of the heroes and make it clear in very denigrating ways. I imagine for example a cyberpunk setting where one of the most prominent corporate masterminds is an unscrupulous businesswoman who not only owns some of the largest megacorporations of the country, but routinely bribes multiple governments and the mainstream media, making her nearly untouchable. I imagine that at some point she'd meet face to face with the heroes just to mock them, knowing they can't do anything to her (and even if they tried, the cybernetic enhancements in her body are worth more than what all of Poland produces in a year). She'd probably mock the one she's interested in especially viciously, and tell him she always has an "under the desk" entry position available if he feels like getting a real job.
Yes, we've just entered two magical realms at the same time and I'm not apologizing.
The Goddess Thicc is the one true God, infidel. Bow your head and worship her meaty feet.
>She'd probably mock the one she's interested in especially viciously, and tell him she always has an "under the desk" entry position available if he feels like getting a real job.
hello boner
Your first post was already enough to absolve you of any Blame. Guy should have known or atleast suspected
If he is a jock or not doesn't matter. How experienced was he with table top Rpgs?
Besides that it seems like you may have hit a nerve by parodying some theme going on in his real life marriage that you could have had no idea about.
Also. Good taste mah nigger.
Thirdly, I don't have a cuckold fetish. I don't have strong feelings about it though beyond it not being my bag. I see it as a subset of BDSM play, where the turn on is explicitly the huiliation one partner receives, and humiliation also really isn't my thing. But I don't really care about people who do have that fetish. For reference my fetishes run more towards cute girls and improbably large dragon dildos, which have so far never made an appearance in my game.
I suspect the biggest problem was my use of language. Because I'm on Veeky Forums and I thought it would be funny, my OP used the actual word "cuck" as in "she cucked him". I didn't say that to the player though because you'll be surprised to hear that I talk and write differently in real life than I do on Veeky Forums. I thought it would be more funny to say she cucked him here than the more anodyne "she started a relationship with the innkeeper". Clearly that language choice triggered some people hard.
I don't believe what happened in the game strayed into the territory of cuck fetishism though. As far as I can tell it stayed within the bounds of infedlity storytelling.
Fourthly, I've never been to neogaf. I didn't even know what it was till it blew up and ended and I learned about it on /v/.
This is the last I'm going to say on the matter.
>>She'd probably mock the one she's interested in especially viciously, and tell him she always has an "under the desk" entry position available if he feels like getting a real job.
What if I play my character as accepting her offer and getting my way up to be her trophy husband and second-in-command?
Let's be honest here, most of us would have a bad aftertaste (no pun intended) about being with a woman who starts wars and crashes entire countries just to maintain her grip on entirely self-serving power. And that's even assuming she won't have you end up in a "car accident" once she gets bored of you and wants a younger model.
I don't know, it works for some people.
Kayfabe isn't real life.
The HHH-Steph thing is a shoot though.
Plus it's a good way to retire a character by turning him into a villain and rolling a new one.
I'm pretty sure it was a worked shoot.
>Clearly that language choice triggered some people hard.
For some reason people are getting ultra hostile about it.
I bet he was arguing on the thread where a sword had sex and fell in love with a different PC than the owner.
Bruh you could have stopped posting after the first explanation.
You are user(YMOUS) you don't have to explain jack shit to people.
The fact your choice of words and story created 3 successful threads and some proper discussion is great. You did good mate. Now stop trying to defend your face when you have none.
feel free to post more thicc
Thicc is all fun and games until she hits 35, user.
Then it's mature thicc, which is even better
You truly are a high level cleric of Thicc. Your devotion passes the test. 7th level divinity spells are now open to you.
See If he talked with you and tried to set up some guidelines for his NPC wife, would you have gone with it?
I'll agree with u on this user but at the same time. Few woman survive the war that is going on In their face and body to become true "milfs"
I've seen some woman pull off thicc until atleast 60 but at that point I'm probably going to be screwing my wife as an act of love to remind her I still care not becuase of her looks(fucking the same woman repeatedly loses its splendor long before that and stops becoming for pleasure but becomes an act of love)
Never seen "mom" body the have you?
Some woman actually become perfectly ripe at that age onwards.
Even skinny woman will start sagging later on. Besides thicc is in the same category as elf/Orc/gnome babes and such it's a fictional Attraction to unrealistic body Proportions that has few instances where it turns out well in reality. Same with muscle girls or skinny girls.
All of that bullshit has already been addressed in the previous thread and you're on full denial. You went out of your way to run the game in a mean spirited way because you are a mean spirited person. You didn't give the player direct warning, only in-character shit that was poorly executed and they probably misinterpreted. You failed to deal with the responsibility that comes with handling background details by not asking the player if they were actually trying to play an absentee husband. You failed at your job as GM, on every count, so it doesn't matter what you say here on Veeky Forums, you already lost in real life.
>hurr durr ur dumb and shit
Notice how you never have any deeper critiques than just asserting this over and over. You're a bad troll, go away.
yeah no you're just trolling now
I think that speaks for itself. Good going, That GM.
Not okay in the alignment sense, but interesting and can lead to good character development. Like all sorts of conflict. Love-hate relationships are great, and you don't really help who you fall for... but actively pursuing a relationship with someone you know goes opposite of your ideals is a slippery slope. Maybe they'll influence each other into a neutral alignment, maybe one of them will change side, maybe they'll explode in each other's face. Anyway, it can be interesting, but not stable, that's for sure.
The most interesting character relationships I've played were made of opposites, but more often Law/Chaos than Good/Evil.
>Lawful neutral honor-obsessed knight with very strong morals and a strict non-killing code, in love with a survivalist chaotic neutral engineer who'd do absolutely anything to live. They were basically hobos with almost nothing but each other in the world, and clashed all the times. The engineer relied on the knight not to fall too deep, and the knight owed him his life a few times, and the only time he killed someone was when he had to save his partner.
>Lawful evil tyranny paladin, with a chaotic evil hedonist fuckboy elf warlock. She wanted to make him behave, he liked provoking her, and they hated each other's lifestyle. The paladin was in denial about their having a relationship - they were having hatesex between every session, basically. Which the warlock used to flirt with everybody else and make her angry.
>Hey man, I'm just giving you some direct warning that there's going to be some plot coming. There's going be this surprise, and that twist, you cool with that? Oh yeah, remember to act surprised when we actually do this.
I think you may be the worst roleplayer I've ever encountered. Do you even play tt games?
OP from the other thread, you really need to work on this samefagging schtick you've got.
Roleplaying shit that's already on the table is done all the fucking time, in every game. Trying to pull a surprise twist on the player is not a necessary part of roleplaying, especially not when said twist requires making it so the player gets railroaded into being an absentee because you decided his NPC wife wanted him to retire from adventuring. You probably would've made her cheat no matter what he did, but you were smirking all the while, because you knew you were going to get away with saying "it's all your fault", and you deservedly got your player to call you a faggot and leave, what was indeed all your fault. You are wrong and a faggot.
Evil means the character is selfish and has no qualms about doing what it takes to get what they want, not that they have to.
Take Viconia DeVir. She was Evil because she was willing to do a lot of shit to gain power, but even Evil people have standards. It's less about Evil vs Good, but how their ideals, goals, and what they would/wouldn't do line up.
Each relationship is their own, and it would come down to how compatible they are, same as if they were friends. Someone who is too selfless for their own good could use some self preservation instincts, and someone who is evil could use some compassion and care.
I like to think of Mr. Scruffy and Belkar. Ideally, the Evil character will end somewhere south of Neutral, still kind of selfish and driven by their own gain, but some of what they do for the sake of their love.
Or, a Neutral's relationship with a Lawful Good. That too sounds like a fun relationship.
Projecting this hard is bad for you. The only people who agreed with you in the other two threads were yourself.
You are comically easy to spot. Especially as you continued to accuse people of being me LONG after I had gone to bed.
Still trying to tell this bullshit? If your position is correct, why do you have to lie abouit what I said? Why can't your argument stand up on it's own?
You are the faggot here, and I think you are jealous, probably because you're That Guy and have no group of your own to play with.