what system would be best for an XCOM TTRPG, Veeky Forums? Does one already exist in the first place?
>inb4 GURPS or PbtA
what system would be best for an XCOM TTRPG, Veeky Forums? Does one already exist in the first place?
>inb4 GURPS or PbtA
delta green
Strike! was made for/partly inspired by XCOM.
I intend to soon run an XCOM inspired (but set in Eberron) game of it actually.
Could work for more classic X-com feel.
An Only War homebrew could work.
Only War can. Already d% based.
It's practically a tabletop game as it is. I used to play a homebrew with friends that was sort of a cross between a simplified 40k kill team and Xcom. It was all we played
System with action points and /k/ wank sounds spot on like the Phoenix Command.
Only War
Orks are now Mutons.
Grots are sectoids.
Only War doesn't even do 40k right.
>Anti-tank shotguns.
>He doesn't have a double-barrel, breach loaded anti-tank shotgun in his closet
You could literally convert any of the games directly to a tabletop format.
Look at their wikis, take their values, done.
I've done it before and it worked rather beautifully.
But you could destry tanks with a shotgun if they had AV10
>shotguns with AP ammo fuck up sectopods
its a perfect fit.
>not talon or bluescreen
Look at this noob.
>do 4 extra damage
>sectopod has 4 armor.
it means user wants to talk about xcom stuff on Veeky Forums
>your rangers don't have shredder
8th edition 40k killteam, death watch vs tau is basically as XCOM as it gets
It needs to have a poster mechanic.
Best fucking thing about XCOM 2: War of the Chosen.
>not playing long war 2
>playing LW 2
LW1 was good, but LW2 is like... okay at best. Will wait for the WotC adaptation and give it a go again maybe.
I like 2 but the absence of MECs really messes up the endgame.
Also I would love the performance improvements from WoTC.
So the chosen are anette and friends right?
Sparks are thing.
Granted they suck as compared to EW made out from a end level sniper.
it seems so
2 guys 1 gal
they were being experimented upon by ayys.
Hunter from dialogue is implied to be a former Reaper.
None of them are related to Annette or the furies in any way.
What happens to them?
My guess turn into black goo or avatars
Chosen seem to be Xenos with added humans genes.
Xcom lore implies humans have super genes
>Chosen seem to be Xenos with added humans genes.
Other way around, they are "uplifted" humans.
I played a savage worlds xcom game once, was fun.
In any case humans have super genes it seems
Yeah, that's the biggest plot point of XCOM2 (dunno bout 1, didn't play it).
The Ayys have been scouring the galaxy looking for something special that they have found in humanity; now they are working on extracting it, operating on a time limit, because whatever they were running from is catching up quickly.
How do you do a shotgun that kills tank?
I'm asking out of curiosity.
You shoot good
I don't know enough about guns to say wether this would work, but what if the shotgun fired a slug that's essentially a small HEAT shell
I meant in Only War
It is like the peasant railgun. Just because the mechanics allow it. Means players should do it
How does the mechanics allow it?
When i checked the rules, you get aditionnal hit for every 2 degrees of success, but they don't stack the damage. They are aditionnal hits. So even from the rear, it's not enough to do damage for most tanks and armored stuffs...
>essentially a small HEAT shell
That's called a Bolter.
I do not recall what it was that allowed a shotgun to blow up a tank. I recall reading it and chuckle
I've made an automated Roll20 system that plays very much like the XCOM video games, if you want to use that.
I meant IRL, because I thought the guy I was replying to meant that too
Maybe not best, but another alternative, d20 modern has some shit that would work for this
Probably with a rippergun, or a regular shotgun if you're feeling bold, and a build similar to this:
Seconding this.
A dedicated XCOM supplement is in the pipeline too, but it should work pretty well without it.
Litterally GURPS. I'm running a not-XCOM game set in the '50s. You got hi-tec with all the real guns, ultra-tec with the scifi stuff and one of the monster hunter books has a large chunk of the ayys from the game.
I'm actually in the process of making enemies and rules for an XCOM TTRPG based off Dark Heresy rules, I felt DH worked better because I'm planning on having some encounters that aren't just "kill aliens/exalt in a random area". I plan on having some covert-ops missions which EW mainly glossed over. However, I agree with the other anons that only war works too if you're going for a more traditional xcom type game.
Modern D20, clearly.
Wow, all that cover rules sure look like a bundle of fun.
when did the xcom = isis memes come from?
Because XCOM terrorize and explode (although not always intentionally) civilian places and non-combatants out of their misguided backward ideology.
Average human actually liked the alien technologies and leisure they provided, they made it very clear in XCOM 2. Which makes you a backward sect of terrorists.
Because in X2, you basically *are* ISIS. You spend the game going around terrorizing the ayys and ayy sympathizers and murdering anyone who tries to stop you. Now, it turns out that you're completely right and justified in your actions, but you still perform guerrilla insertions and terrorist actions like bombings and sabotage, so you know, ISIS.
Also, snekfags need to be beheaded. On this, there is consensus.
Whatssssss wrong?
These rules are dead simple
GURPS would work great, despite your inb4
There's also this obscure German RPG called CONTACT, which fairly blatantly an X-Com TTRPG. Its mechanics are meh, though
>Implying you're not jealous of the ayy's and their natty gainz
Bitch no. You are for kill, not for sexual.
I'm running an X-Com Campaign using Contact. Its pretty good once you lock initiative down.
It's inititative seems to be fairly interesting, if possibly a bit of a pain. How's the system overall? From reading the book it looked like what a german would think a rules-medium game is but too fiddly for the rest of mankind
I'm interested in this
The biggest hurdle is that theres a lot of rules and many are not super intuitive, but once you sit down and play for a bit it comes together pretty nicely. Some of the weirder rules can be dismissed or worked around pretty easily once you realize they're problematic.
Its good on a tactical level. Combat is very granular. It feels like each action my players take has more weight and I get a lot more description out of them than I do in other games. Less "I move here and attack" and more "I dive behind the table and try to keep my head down while I wait for the one with the plasma gun to reload."
Combat is also very satisfyingly dangerous.. Getting hit - if the total damage exceeds a character's pain tolerance - imposes a penalty on all actions, so if you take a bullet to the leg, even if it doesn't kill you outright, it will make your life very difficult. We've not had quite as many character deaths as I was expecting, but I figured it would be an issue so I had everyone roll up a few characters so that x-com felt properly staffed.
Strategically it feels lacking. There's rules for basebuilding, research and manufacturing, but they feel like a kind of afterthought and are not very well integrated into the rest of the system. You need a spreadsheet to keep track of everything and there's not really a 'character sheet' for your base given anywhere. I'm glad we have a guy who likes to do that sort of thing cause research, development and funding would be a huge pain otherwise.
Something that's come up is that it doesn't have very strong social mechanics. Its lacking a lot of talky skills common to other games, so most NPC interaction rolls are done as straight charisma rolls. This is a little disappointing since I'm having the PCs do a lot of MiB-style investigation stuff.
Overall, its fun to play, which is the most important thing, but its got some flaws. At least its got anime catgirls? And you can play as a dog? That's kinda cool I guess.
>8th edition 40k killteam, death watch vs tau is basically as XCOM as it gets
elaborate please?
Thanks, that was interesting infomation
Also those freaking catgirls stick out as a sore thumb among all those other aliens but at the same time are kinda cool as pro-human greys
can you post a link to the pdf?
Should have everything.
I'd recommend to only skim over stuff that's not the combat system.
As lazy as it is to recommend a generic RPG, Savage Worlds is a generic RPG with a decent degree of support for sci-fi stuff, that was designed initially as a minatures war game. It would be well-suited to capturing the feel of X-Com.
It's shotguns are also overpowered.
It's the one the game (XCOM) is using. I'd rather nab those for a tabletop than the % hit chances and modifiers.
Ignore the Shadowrun coat of paint.
I've been planning an X-Com/X-Files hybrid with Delta Green for a while now.
Just XCom with more investigation really
There's a scan event you can get called Furies which is basically an old wrecked ayy ship with three ruined stasis pods in it, the inhabitants long since dead. You just get some alloys for it I think.
Just for inspiration, you might want to check out X-Com Files mod for OpenXcom. It's very much a work in progress, though