>vampires can feed off of animals
>they dont just start farms like normal people but instead choose to go around being cannibals
Vampires can feed off of animals
Other urls found in this thread:
Depends on setting
>orcs are sapient and have manipulatory appendages
>they don't just make their own stuff but instead become raiders and steal shit off others
Either animal blood tastes like shit so vampires don't want it unless they are desperate or try to live the most humanly possible or only young very young vampires can do it. (With maybe elder vampires needing vampire blood or something)
That's because orcs are a racist stereotype of a rampaging foreign horde. Killing evil foreigners is not socially acceptable now, so DnD created a surrogate, whom you can kill without remorse, because they live and breathe evil.
Perhaps vampires are simply that malevolent.
The main vampire in my setting stopped giving a shit about things like 'the effects his actions have on other people' a long time ago. He's a comically evil necromancer who's happy the party killed a bunch of his allies because now he can bring them back as undead under his command.
>Humans can feed off plants
>they don't just eat fruits and vegetables like normal people but instead choose to go around eating sentient creatures
Oh shit, that's right. Unless something about the disease means it has to be human blood there is no reason that they can't just eat animal blood.
Now I gotta make a small vampire farming settlement, they live in a more dense wood area and farm sheep, cattle, and pigs. Sell the over abundant lofestalk to passing traders.
Mabey I'll make a second settlement In a cave in the desert, they farm lizzards and Cati juice (they will be drunk hick vampires who get drunk of moonshine Cati blood drink.) And have a lot of shiny jewelery because the desert is next to the jewel city.
>redditors can post normal threads
>they don't just post interesting content but instead make stupid frog treads with pointless questions that wholly depend on the setting
When in any setting has any human society eaten a sentient creature and it be acceptable?
Many if they got lost in the mountains with half the party being elves who died from the cold faster. But that isn't really acceptable, just not shammed or punished because the situation was dire and "extreme"
you got sentient and sapient confused, fgt
>they dont just start farms
They did.
>vampires have every weakness ever brought up in fiction
>they essentially neets with all the bullshit rules attached to them
like sunlight, entering buildings, and crossing rivers alone is absurd to work around.
>D&D created orcs
Haha what a rat sucker
No I didn't. Sentient: able to perceive or feel things.
Animals don't have feelings. And plants have the same ability to feel things. A plants physical perception is limited, but some can perceive their environment.
>Animals don't have feelings.
I am legitimately looking forward to how far this meme image will go. My bet is a puddle of goo with a face, or giant pixels arranged in a very identifiable pattern.
>Let me fuck the child and the animal!
>Let me post an unbased pic that doesn't relate to the "discussion" other than a pointless insult like "....well I don't have anything intelligent to say like a retard so...uh...
Fuck you!!?!"
Animals are not people and animals don't have real feelings. If you want to provide an actual counter point you might get a (you) from me. If your response is "herp derp" I'm not giving you the attention.
Also KYS.
Yeah the guy who unironically think that humans suddenly went from flesh automatons to full fledged sensible beings when they became homo sapiens is a /pol/fag, how surprising.
Kys newfag. Also where is your aurgement? All i see is shit post and a lot of heavy implication.
Animals are both sentient and sapient. Knock off this meme already.
Animals are a way too diverse group for somehow all of them not even having feelings but somehow humans having these, humans are animals too and don't have a radically different brain compared to apes or even most mammals and almost everything concerning emotions and consciouness is the same.
Sure they can't have language or complex reason (some are able of some reason though) but the bare minimum to be considered sentient is far lower than that.
Are you arguing that if you punch a dog he feels nothing because he lacks language and an autobiographic memory or that somehow he reacts like he is feeling pain by instinct but somehow that's not the case for an human?
It's not a meme. Animals are just animals, they don't have real feelings, souls, or human critical thinking. Never has a money taught sighn language asked a question, even when they have been taught how.
They might be smart but they will never ask real questions.
Physical feeling and emotional feeling are not the same. The definition should more clearly define. And yes. I'd you pinch a frog it won't have emotional feelings.
>muh newfag
>muh arguments ?
The telltale signs of a stormkike who came less than two years ago on Veeky Forums. Your board is this way
>Mix matching common terms like newfag and /pol/tard.
>Think shit talk is a discussion.ans shit posting so hard you forgot to pretend your retarded instead of being retarded.
>Thinking animals are people like some Reddit fag or Tumblr fag that come here during the election to crash the place and stayed for the shit posting.
Your board is this way But your website is this way >>>www.reddit/Tumblr.com
>underage newfag spelling
>desperate need to not look like an underage newfag
Your board is r/the_donald.
Yeeeeeeeeeees /pol/, you are very cute and sex. Now, stop trying to sound smart by falling back on your personal triggers when you are the stupidest thing this site has ever known. You have your safe space, go the fuck back to it !
Lets not go over board fella, some animals are sentient and sapient.
>Depends on setting
But let's see:
>Animals taste like crap
>Drinking animal blood gives no/far less power
>Establishing a farm where you are regularly bloodletting the animals might raise eyebrows.
>Farms require all sorts of outdoor activity during the day, you know, under the sun.
>Vampires look awful with farmer tans
>Establishing a bloodletting farm crewed by loyal humans that won't expose you is more complicated than just feeding off loyal humans
Otherwise, I can't see any reason not to have such farms.
Not that user, but good catch, there is a fair distinction.
Also, >they can't have language
I'm pretty sure a number of animals definitely do have language.
Possibly language more complete than emoji-speak.
Fuck you I wanted to make this joke.
That's 100% false, dude. Look up videos of Koko the gorilla's conversations with people.
There are other simian communication experiments that involve picture systems instead of sign language, and those have similar results.
Then again you are going on about souls, so you've already got a doctrine to reinforce your 12th century thinking.
And they can fund a blood bank (in modern settings) which is virtually fills the same purpose of giving up the hunt and settle without necessarily killing people.
>Sentient: able to perceive or feel things
>b-buy only emotional feeling. Physical feeling is different..
What an idiot
Now Fuck off back to Where you came from
Elephants feel something for their dead boyo
The definition is feeling OR perceiving. Do animals not preceive anything? Do they not understand whether or not something is food? That is perception
>Physical feeling and emotional feeling are not the same.
What about abused dogs, that are fearful about humans? Emotional enough?
Alternatively: psychologytoday.com
You can stop pretending to be retarded now, user. Nobody will ever know.
Gentlemen, the question as to whether some animals are sentient and sapient has clearly been settled and resolved.
Now, a better question is whether this /pol/tard user is sentient and sapient.
He probably is, but I personally feel this might be setting unfortunate precedent where fungus is concerned.
But then my mycology knowledge is admittedly limited.
>Farms require all sorts of outdoor activity during the day, you know, under the sun.
>Establishing a bloodletting farm crewed by loyal humans that won't expose you is more complicated than just feeding off loyal humans
Why would the sun be an issue if they have loyal and semi competent thralls working for them?
>Establishing a farm where you are regularly bloodletting the animals might raise eyebrows.
I mean if you're just tapping the goats like you do with a tree for syrup sure, but blood is used for lots of dishes especially if you go back in history. That's why blood sausages are a thing, it's an amazing food binder readily available. A vampire butcher actually sounds interesting the more I think about it.
>Why would the sun be an issue if they have loyal and semi competent thralls working for them?
Each item on the list is more or less separate from the others.
>blood is used for lots of dishes especially if you go back in history.
For every meal though?
Not saying it would get the villagers to gather their torches and pitchforks, just get unwanted attention.
>A vampire butcher actually sounds interesting the more I think about it.
>Animals don't have feelings
do you know what a dog is user
>human can feed of plants
>as long as you eat complements because you are supposed to eat meat
Fuck off, frogposter.
>they don't just eat fruits and vegetables like normal people
Vegetarians are the exception not the rule. Which again different from what they claim it isn't a healthy lifestyle.
>human can feed off plants, like fruits, vegetables, and legumes, as well as pedantic semantics.
Why would any self-respecting vampire do that?
It has to be people-farm, but even that cannot beat taste and value of lover, struggling hero or virgin maiden.
What are you talking about?
You literally have to take nutrional complements (like b12 vitamin) if you stop eating meat. Go ask your nutrionist.
Dumb frogposter.
>Why would any self-respecting vampire do that?
It would reduce the chance of having a wooden stake shoved through your heart.
I mean, as a vampire your only worry of dying is being killed. Anything that can lower your chance of it happening helps no?
>people like to kill people and fight
>when people are given power they REALLY like to kill people
Vampire just gives them an excuse
>like b12 vitamin
Fortified grains or nutritional yeast which, yeah, technically is not a plant. But it's not animal derived either.
Colossal pain the ass =/= impossible
Its always funny when people start these debates isn't it? There is an established scientific process to determining if an animal is self aware. But somehow 20 plus year old people think it has to do something with philosophy.
>Fortified grains or nutritional yeast which, yeah, technically is not a plant. But it's not animal derived either.
And? It's exactly what I said: you have to take nutrional complements if you stop eating meat, because you are also supposed to eat meat.
It's not only a colossal pain in the ass, it's an unnatural lifestyle so it really shouldn't be sold as a natural one.
Puddle with a face was posted a few weeks ago
>you have to take nutrional complements if you stop eating meat
Fair enough.
I wasn't aware that natural sources of those nutrients were bacterially derived when I disagreed.
>it's an unnatural lifestyle
So is indoor plumbing.
post it you bungus
>So is indoor plumbing.
Yes, but it's sold as something natural. The problem isn't stopping eating meat, the problem is people selling it as something it's not.
>humans can survive feeding off plants and vegetables
>they don't just go vegan but instead choose to go around killing animals
Every time somebody starts a semantic game involving a mythological/folkloric creature, they are entirely missing the point of the mythology they're currently raping and beating into a shape that can be more easily parsed by the 21st century mind. What's sad is that you don't need to be a cultural anthropologist to understand the truth of these myths and stories, you just need to put bare minimum into understanding basic history and cultural symbolism.
Do you really think the people telling and later writing the Norse sagas ever said "well akchyually Fafnir is more properly called a 'wyrm' because of his serpentine body." Those fucking semantics are a modern institution. "Wyrm" MEANT dragon and the schema of a dragon in that culture's mind was "serpent monster". We get these separate terms from looking back on history and seeing what different interpretations each culture had on the universal human cultural symbol of a primordial serpent monster. "Wyvern", "drake", "dragon", it's all different words from different times and cultures referring to the same cultural symbol, which arises in slightly different physical forms on different cultures. The idea that different codified "types" of dragons exist or have existed is the most dogshit plebian thing you mouthbreathing dipshits do and it drives me up the fucking wall.
I'm not done with you idiot faggots, so shut the fuck up and let me finish on vampires next post.
You are right, user. Those corpse-eaters are all nazis contributing to the animal holocaust, and I hope that women wearing fur coats will all be raped for what they are doing
>this is what asshole related actually believes
>this is what all vegans start to believe sooner or later
... what, vampires you said ? They probably find humans to be the most appetizing of all creatures. Like drugs compared to candy, or something.
Now, relevant to this thread- this whole question and discussion is bullshit. The reason why vampires drink blood is because it is evil and abominable and against God and Nature. In folklore, Vampires are risen corpses that feed on blood from the other corpses interred in their grave site or people from the community. The legend is supposed to impress on the audience the social misconduct of disturbing buried corpses. The community already holds respect for the dead as a value, so the act of disturbing the grave is abominable and the feeding on the interred is even more so.
The significance in folklore of the vampire feeding on living blood, and really, of the story of the vampire in all times, historic and modern, is that it is TAKING blood. The Vampire is dead, it had its chance at life. It has bargained with the Prince of darkness to extend that life beyond the limits placed on it by nature and god. The price of that is to do evil. The sustaining act doesn't come from the material nature of the blood, it comes from the fact that the vampire is biting into the neck of a living, Christian person, injuring them and causing them pain and possibly killing them, and drinking, taking by force, their blood. All to sustain a gift given them by Satan. It is about the disregard for the lives of others and the taking of life to extend one's own, plus all the Judeo-Christian philosophical implications of refusing the gift of resurrection by Christ and doing the work of Satan etc.
If you focus on the blood, you are missing the forest for the Goddamn trees, which is what you idiots do every time you look at mythology through the lens of contemporary genre fiction.
Which is EXACTLY why Vampires need to feed on humans.
They can suck a goat's blood or whatever just to survive, sure. It sates their thirst. But in order to actually live, they are required to drink the blood of humans.
>Which is EXACTLY why Vampires need to feed on humans.
Please give me a citation that vampires may develop anaemia, nerve damage, loss of energy, tingling, numbness, reduced sensitivity to pain or pressure, blurred vision, abnormal gait, sore tongue, poor memory, confusion, hallucinations or personality changes if they avoid consuming human blood.
Funny only in the sense that if we don't laugh we're going to have to cry.
Except myths about Vampires or Vampire-related creatures were around from before Christians linked them to the devil.
The whole Satan thing you talked about was just typical religious behaviour of linking anything and everything to either God or Lucifer.
There's also the fact that the word "Vampire" is vague by itself, there is no canonized vampire in pre-1800 mythology and there certainly are lots of different types of vampires in modern times as well.
Drinking blood, despite religious meaning, has mostly to do with the fact that Blood quite literally is the source of life and the quintessential symbol of the living. Only the living can spill blood, and blood is the essence of life itself. It therefore makes sense that the vampire feeds on it, since it is a being of the grave, cold and dead, it requires the warm blood of the living to sustain itself outside its domain.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm not an antrophologist, but I am a psych student and a myth buff, so I feel more or less the exact same way you feel.
Especially when people pretend that they are clever by introducing "muh Physics" mythological creatures or magic that is supposed to run on symbolic icons.
>How can skeleton bird fly?
>"In the novel I'm writing right now, vampires may develop anaemia, nerve damage, loss of energy, tingling, numbness, reduced sensitivity to pain or pressure, blurred vision, abnormal gait, sore tongue, poor memory, confusion, hallucinations or personality changes if they avoid consuming human blood."
- Me, right now
You happy with that? There's no TRUE answer to OP's question because all vampires only share broad and generic traits.
I'm the guy you're quoting.
You're absolutely right - I'm angry and phoneposting so even if I put up a wall of text, there are important details I didn't include.
Absolutely the modern "vampire" tag is an umbrella in modern genre fiction for creatures inspired by a whole host of Eastern European folkloric figures (moroi and strigoi just two amongst them), and absolutely these folkloric concepts existed before Christianity was adopted by those cultures.
However, we all know that Christianity's spread through Europe (sympathetic as I am to the sensationalist version sold by neoPagans) was largely accomplished by synthesizing local cultural beliefs with church doctrine. I think the pre-Christian and Christian folklore would have remained true at its core, with only the "window dressings" changed.
Your thoughts on the significance of the blood are also things I agree on but did not include in my post due to reasons above.
While you are right it depends on the setting, there's no tradiotional vampire setting where a vampire may develop those attributes by consuming animal blood.
Of course you can try to shrug it out as "I homebrewed it diferent", but an exceptional act shouldn't be used to argue against someone arguing against a general rule.
I didn't want to fully contradict you, I just wanted to make sure whoever was reading understood that vampires are not inventions of the Christian religion, but rather something that manifested itself in extremely different ways throughout many cultures since ancient times, and gradually came to be canonized in the figure of the pale immortal superhuman bloodsucker we all know.
In oWoD, certains clans take massive penalties for feeding on animals. oWoD is about as traditional as it gets.
Vampires are a metaphor for jews. The whole blood drinking is a reminiscent of the jewish blood rituals of old, which would usually happen at night(since it was easier to hide) and the metaphoric "life draining" of the jewish usury.
I'm not sure where the sun burning came from, but it could very well be related with pagan solar cults.
It was not a /pol/itical post, therefore does not belong in /pol/.
Have you ever heard of blood libels?
Also draining blood is a normal part of the butchering process and it's normally just washed down a drain.
They could drain the blood sell the meat and get rich because they'd be living off of a normally disposed of bi product.
>They could drain the blood sell the meat and get rich because they'd be living off of a normally disposed of bi product.
>normally disposed of bi product.
But that's where you're wrong.
Trex doesn't wanna be fed.
Trex wants to hunt.
Vampires need to consume the lifeblood of prey with approximately human-level sapience, or they will swiftly begin to devolve into animalistic retards. You can find vampires who have been reduced drinking the blood of rats for extended periods, and their minds will typically have more in common with a feral dog than a human being.
It's been theorized that vampires gradually take on the cognitive traits of their victims, meaning those that are discerning with their targets in practice ultimately become more intelligent and refined than those that feast on whatever street trash comes their way.
By choosing to feed off of animals in the way you described, their job/profession then becomes farming.
Whereas humans don't need to be tended to, you can live anywhere, do anything, and just pluck one every so often without damaging the whole.
Heres your answer. Halal meat.
>Physical feeling and emotional feeling are not the same
Most if not all of what we consider above intelligence animals mourn their dead.
Conversely, why does every depiction of a human blood farm look super unsustainable? Draining every drop on an assembly line, while still creating new vampires.
It makes old human hunting practices look conservative as hell.
Fuck man, stupid shit like this is what gives /pol/ a bad name. Run by an animal shelter, get yourself a dog, and stop being fucking retarded. I know you've got it in you.
>I'm not sure where the sun burning came from
from your ass, much like the explanation you just give.
Vampire folklore originated from open graves where decomposing corpses had their skin naturally shrink exposing prominently their teeth, and gas pressure would make the corpse look not only fatter but also to bleed from orifices (usually the mouth and nose).
Because no one saw the corpses walking around during the day, people assumed they fed during the night, and the sun burns them because corpses and a nice sunny day don't really go hand in hand and this was something that even a poor medieval peasant knew.
Damn, that's boring as fuck. I didn't know that all mythological concepts have to be restricted and regulated to only be about their original folklore heritage, and never about anything else - concepts and questions like these are fucking bullshit, and we shouldn't ask them at all.
Get over yourself, man. The reason why these threads exist is to help stimulate people's creativity; something to spice up the concept of 'blood-drinking vampires' with additions that add or modify the concept into something that's more fun, or more interesting, to write or play around with. It's created two interesting concepts already - that of farming vampires, or of a butcher vampire, and probably more, as the thread goes on. Who fucking cares what the original vampire was supposed to be and do? It's more interesting to throw realistic questions at it, and see how the concept can evolve around and adapt to said questions.
Yes, but WoD has vampires that eat meat instead of drinking blood.
WoD really shouldn't be used as traditional.
So who decides what is traditional and what isn't? You?
>Ackchyually, Python was a Red Dragon of Age Category: Ancient, he should have had like 10 13th level Sorceror spells per day, he would have totally OHKO'd Apollo, omg Ovid so dumb
That's what you sound like.
Try harder and fuck off, retarded cum drinker.
Came here to post exactly this.
>There's no TRUE answer to OP's question because all vampires only share broad and generic traits.
And also are fucking made up, so presenting scientific stats is a bit difficult.
>believing killing evil foreigners was socially taboo in the 70's
>believing Tolkien didn't make orcs just as savage in the 30's
>believing orcs are based off of anything but Orcus the ancient Italian god of the underworld
>Animals don't have feelings
Insert relevant meme picture
>I don't eat the blood
Look at this faggot!
And then this user was btfo so hard that he never replied to any of the proof of his retardation
There are billions of vampire-like creatures out there, so pretty much any theory about them is right.
But if you look into more recent vampires, you'll notice the jewish features that most of them have.
Hey now, the last guy you quoted was telling the animal-hater off.
These are the same people who claim global warming is fake despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that says otherwise. There's no cure for arrogance