Warhammer 40,000 General/40kg/

Nids as fast as aircraft edition.

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>Daily Duncan Playlist
youtube.com/watch?v=KgBWLAKxi-c[Open] [Open]

>GW FAQ (1.3):


>FW FAQ (1.2):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

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Was there ever an edition where Eldar didn't have holo-fields? Fuck GW.

Fuck the Eldar

>Demon hunting ninja clown space elves
>Posthuman supersoldier bike riding werewolf vikings
>Psychic floating lizard bug zerg aliens
>Crazed Egyptian robotic skeletons wearing flayed skin

What's the weirdest unit in 40k?

Does anyone have a pdf/scan of the Custodes assembly instructions? Friend gave me a sprue but no instructions, and they look a touch intimidating to tackle without a guide.


>Calling zoanthropes weird
you're a racist

7th for Trypophobia

you're a nigger

How about the perpetual motion machine they strap a retard to and then let an ye olde knight ride around on?

Why are the Night Lords the best legion ever?

>Krieg mole-mortar.
Like a normal mortar that's had it's y-axis flipped.

Shokk attack gun, desu

Still less retarded than nailing a woman wearing only cloth to a power lifter with even the protective harness removed, that they then expect to last more than .0001 seconds in combat against even a simple lasgun.

I bloody fucking hate the Death Guard.

Why the fuck do they need to be soo disgusting? They used to be a cool legion in the past

do you mean aside from 8th?

Should i get these?

Great now my shouldercap is itchy.

What about the entire legion of marines who dont know who's jewwing who anymore?


Not if the whole point is for her to die so that she may find forgiveness in the eyes of her peers and, most importantly, the Emperor.

But that's not the whole point - she's a very expensive use of materiel (they could just use a post in a barn), and she's expected to help victory be achieved before/with her death, instead of simply popping up and instantly dying, which is what would actually happen.

>tfw actually like Primaris
>tfw trying to make an all-Primaris army
>tfw they're garbage

Get kakaphoni from FW, or 3rd party not-noise marine bits.

Or wait like 6 months because I'm pretty sure Emperors Children are next considering Fabius, and Lucius have both got Black Library books in the last few months.

Should I keep the Purgation Squad or swap it for 5-men Strike Squad? The cost is same tho

Vanguard Detachment +1CP (61 PL, 994pts)

Brotherhood Champion: 2: Hammer of Righteousness, Curiass of Sacrifice, Hammerhand, Storm bolter, Warlord
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Dreadfist, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Daemon Greathammer

Paladin Squad
- 2x Paladin (Falchions): 2x Storm Bolter
- Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
Paladin Squad
- 3x Paladin (Falchions): 3x Storm Bolter
- Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
Apothecary: Nemesis Falchion

Heavy Support
Purgation Squad
- 4x Purgator (Falchion): 4x Storm Bolter
- Purgator Justicar: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm bolter

Yes it is you dumb fuck. If they wanted her to survive they'd put armor on the front. Just like the sisters repentia they eschew armor so that they may find a redemptive death. Martyrdom is what they seek and not wearing armor makes it happen faster.

Just mix them in. Redemptor is trash, but hellblasters are a godsend of medium AV and intercessors actually do quite well on troop killing and objective grabbing. Aggressors are deceptively good and, while expensive, inceptors do quite well against T4 stuff (TEQs fold quickly in my experience, though plasma is better). Tank is too expensive, but they're decent mixed into a close assault army

Then why waste the resources on her Engine, you moron? It's a larger waste than issuing carapace armour to a Guardsman, at that point. They could, at a significant savings, strap her to a stick and have a Repentia wave her around like a banner. She'd be equally as durable, and contribute just as much to victory, but cost a *lot* less. And we know money matters, or Guardsmen would get carapace armour.

Penitent Engines are intended to kill more than 0 things before they die, and are designed to guarantee that never happens. It's idiotic.

Do the gals actually pilot the things, or are the strapped on like hood ornaments?

By the way you're starting to sound like a lot like a faggot.

Waste is the order of the day in the Imperium. There's a shit load of examples of it in the setting. You'd know that if you weren't so ignorant of the lore.

No offense but just a bad list. Drop the champion, drop one bunch of Paladins (3 with either all falchions or hammers), grab some flavor of PAGK, possibly a razorback, and go to town. Maybe an ancient as a force multiplier, but that's expensive. GK do poorly in small games tho so be wary

what have you done recently?

No. Noise Marine kit is an abomination

Why would you pick purgation squads if you don't give them heavy weapons? Don't arm the justicar with a demonhammer either, they shouldn't be in close combat. Drop the hammer and given them all psilencers and astral aim.

I actually really like that idea. Penitent engines machine spirits are running the show, but each "pilot" linked to it adds their own feelings of guilt, shame, and thirst for redemption. Over hundreds of years the machine is crazy with fragmented memories and junk, but there's always another meatbag to strap on the front and fire it up.

>power armored satanic punk guitarists with organ shattering acustics
>an assassin that screams and hacks its way directly to the target
>a chitinous raptor with a hive that shoots worms attached to its arms

In the end, the strangest thing in 40k is the lowly guardsman.

you should convert this thing into a daemon prince or a count as helbrute

The LGS is selling a Nemesis DK, two boxes of termies and a box of GKs for 50% if I buy all these boxes
>Why would you pick purgation squads if you don't give them heavy weapons?
That's why I asked if a strike squad would be a better pick

>le ebin scary man
no thanks


Shooty Raven Guard Primaris is very good.

GK are in a shit spot ATM. Bottom tier shit spot. If you don't care about winning, then go for it. If you want to play tournies, then run away.

As for the Purg/strike problem, if you're just running both bare bones, go strike, since then they get objective secured at least. Otherwise, do as I suggested and build all heavy weapons on a five man squad.

Do you think She who thirsts would have been kind to Eldar souls if they ignored all the pain and death her birth caused and loved their god child?

I'm not really into tournies - I'm just getting into 40k and there is no 40k competitive scene in my area. Just few people having fun with 40k and AoS while rolling dice and talking about their plastic soldiers. I mean everyone wants to win and be the cool guy but no waacfagging at all


No, get the Forge World Kakaphonoi if you want official models, or just get regular CSM and third-party guitar bits if you want an old-school approach.

I'm not convinced GK are as shit as some of their players say. Definitely top 2 weakest codices so far, but external balance in 8th among codices seems a lot better than usual.

but cheers, found em.

Finished magnetizing all my clowns and their arms. Now getting ready to prime and paint... once I finalize my paint scheme.

It does the job. It's not like you're going to go to "Warhammer Instructions" for discussion.

>Crazy-ass daemon-robot hybrid
>Made from the bottom-half of a defiler, a daemon-engine designed by Abaddon and constructed in M31
>Somehow also exists in an alternate Renaissance universe with no possible way to construct or even think about any portion of the Defiler
>Nobody in this universe gives a fuck
>Not even the Chaos vikings
>They don't even bat an eye

magnetized my warriors, trygon/mawloc and tyranofex/tervigon. About half way done painting the warriors, mostly done with the trygon and just starting the fex.

As long as you know it might be tough to win with and enjoy the battle more so than the win, go with it.

Not as shit as people say they are, but top 2 shittest?

Want to beat a GK list?

1. Go shooty with mobility or high toughness/armour.

2. Go melee with high body counts.

Any army can field either of these two options.

>build all heavy weapons on a five man squad
It might be a stupid question but am I limited with "For every five models in the unit, two Purifiers may replace their Nemesis force sword and stormbolter with an item from the Special Weapons list" type of rules in point games or can I just pay for 5 psilencers?

How good are dreadnoughts? I feel like getting one for my GK (since my stormraven can carry it along) but I feel like dreadknights are the better choice in almost every way except for the damage table.

to be fair, soul grinders are not actually made from defilers, they're the results of a daemon surrendering to the forge of souls, and are much older than defilers. More than likely, defilers were inspired by grinders, not the other way around.

Purifiers are a different squad type to Purgation squads. Purifiers can do only as quoted, Purgation squads can run 4 heavy weapons per team.

Oh shit, I confused purgation with purifier

>but external balance in 8th among codices seems a lot better than usual.
this is basically it. There isn't anything like 7th eldar that just can't be beat by others, even the worst armies can still do well against the top ones. Plus GK's have stormravens, which are great.

>Kraken is red
>red goes fastah
My mind is blown

Found a whole bunch of sisters a few weeks ago, what else am I looking at getting for a good base force?

Got 3 pentinent engines not pictured, and I'm assuming I'll have to run the stormtroopers as scions.

I'm a silly bosh

Jesus christ, you're supposed to paint them to be disgusting not make them actually disgusting.

Reminds me of the guy who, when painting his death guard, thinned his paints with milk.


Stare intensely at my half painted test model and unsuccessfully will myself to finish it.

Nothing compares to pic related with the most retard concept.


>Posthuman supersoldier bike riding werewolf vikings
>supersoldier furry fetishists mating with living and cybernetic dogs

Because they understand that marines are supposed to be monsters, not heroes.

Plus, they would usually ran from danger which is a very smart thing to do

Redemptors are that bad, or do they not match up to leviathans and contemptors?

This December

Really depends whether you want a gunline army or a fast, aggressive army.
I'd run the scions with an "Inquisitor" Tempestor prime with a Power fist/sword. to keep their doctrine.

Is there anyone that sells decent spaceship interior terrain? I want to try and battlefield that's half ship half open battlefield.

What's wrong with Curze's claws? I thought the blades were connected with his fingers, like actual claws and not like Wolverine's blades

>Redemptors are that bad, or do they not match up
Basically this.

It tries to do too much with being a big box and only a 3+ to keep it alive.

Don't listen to him, user. Redemptors are good. Run them as dakkanaughts with two gatlings. They do wonders against heavy infantry, and their D6 damage fist is a great counter to enemy monsters.

hit my fleshmower bloat with prescience and blades of putrefaction yesterday and I was pretty pleased with the results. I also had a bloat drone make 9 5+ saves in 1 fight phase and fly off with 1 wound after two melee dreads went to town on him. luckly little guy

So, can I call it a day?

Vanguard Detachment +1CP (61 PL, 999pts)

Brotherhood Champion: 2: Hammer of Righteousness, Curiass of Sacrifice, Hammerhand, Storm bolter, Warlord
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight: Astral Aim, Dreadfist, Dreadknight teleporter, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Daemon Greathammer

Paladin Squad: Astral Aim
- 2x Paladin (Falchions): 2x Storm Bolter
- Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
Paladin Squad: Astral Aim
- 3x Paladin (Falchions): 3x Storm Bolter
- Paragon: Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Storm Bolter
Apothecary: Astral Aim, Nemesis Falchion

Heavy Support
Purgation Squad: Astral Aim
- 4x Purgator (Psilencer): 4x Psilencer
- Purgator Justicar: Storm bolter, Two Nemesis Falchions

I like aggression, sisters are mainly mid range right?

Can I take an eversor?

Put together and painted a manlet priest.

Damn. I hate the space furries.
This chapter/legion had so much potential, but the GW ruined them forever.

There are really that many furries(actual furries) playing 40k that it justify the inclusion of a furry chapter?

Lol that fucking chin. Looks like Chip Hazard

So, Abbadon > Horus

Uh, user, which is it?
Are they just bad, compared to other dreads, or are they not as good as contemptors and such?
One means they are no good to take in any situation, the other means they are serviceable, but not as powerful as the other high end dreads.

When we finally get rules for the Imperial Guard regiment from Carlos McConnell, you're going to be even more upset.

Reminder that:
Imperium = Americhads
Chaos = ISIS & terrorist virgins

I think I need to wash the contact points around the collar.

Knight Warden with Gatling, Chainsword and Stormspear Missiles (511 pts)
Knight Crusader with Gatling and Thermal Cannon (512 pts)

lol no.
>inb4 carnac

Who is this semen demon?

At least Abaddon isn't a low IQ retard that decided to follow Chaos because his father decided to give control over 18 legions.

The holes are a bit too clean. Rough up the edges like the ceramite and paint has chipped from the impact, and apply some metallic paint to the affected area, before adding the paint.

So, Chaos is a tool of the Imperium?

Really makes me think

Dunno, that's just a common picture.

There's also the possibility of taking a Crusader with Stormspear Missiles, but it would bring the cost to 557pts, which is huge.

Well Abaddon did kill multiple clones of Horus. Whether this is because Abaddon is powerful or Fabious is a hack is up to the reader.

Sorry. Meant to copy, compared to other Dreads

Do you think any Chaos marines have ever considered the idea of "farming" Eldar? I imagine the sheer excess of suffering they can inflict and the souls they provide would be immensely pleasing to Slaanesh (resulting in increased favours and rewards, possibly even Daemonhood) and marines can even adopt the Dark Eldar process of gestation to speed up the process/increase the rate of return.

Maybe the direct Slaanesh worshippers like the Emperor's Children are too short sited, self centred and/or impatient due to the time it would take, but I don't think this would stop Undivided types merely looking for favour and power, or even just Independents like Fabius from farming and then selling their "crops" to the highest bidders.

Only during the cold war.
But hey, It worked and we fucked the commies!

Then you should get 5-6 Immolators/Repressors. Footslogging sisters get butchered.
It's personal taste, but I prefer Immolators.
12" is the magic range for your army to be shooting at.

Dominions are great for blasting vehicles and big 'uns on turn 1-2.
Seraphim w/ Inferno pistols are great for sniping expensive characters but require Celestine and a lot of practice.
Exorcists tend to perform poorly for me, but try it out yourself before you make any judgments.

Are there any custodians corrupted by chaos? I get it that since they were staying by the emperors side they were "protected" but now that Guilliman made them free-roaming... so much potential...

Love can bloom

Gatling and Thermal.

>Fabious is a hack is up to the reader.
I mean, Cawl did show that making new marines isn't nearly as hard as it's been for fabius. I think it's clear that fabulous bill isn't as bright as he likes to think