You are presenting the main villain

>You are presenting the main villain
>You're in the middle of describing it and one players looks at you dead in the eyes
>She raises her X-card

How do you react?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't game with people who are triggered by 'things not being perfect'

because I don't associate with people who are triggered by 'things not being perfect'.

You're not giving us many details OP.

If my GM described the villain as a huge naked man waving his 5 foot long dick around while singing in a high-pitched falsetto voice I might raise a "seriously?" myself.

"Oh, sorry, Karen. Can you please go upstairs while I finish the description. I'll call you back when the party knows what it needs to know."

There's worse things than having a player with triggers. You just send em out of the room for a bit and continue and then when you roll the dice you call them back. I don't get it, but fuck, I don't judge.

I ask her why she drew an X on a card an what she means to convey with it that she couldn't do with words?

anyways, you have to give us more info.

Ignore her.

Does she have a question? Does she need to go pee or something?

Fuck off, shitposter, this isn't a thing that happens in games.

>Who the fuck are you and how did you get into my house

>DM begins describing the valiant knight
>he removes his great helm to expose his smooth, bronze skin
>sweat rolls down from his thick, curly black hair
>he wipes his wide, flat nose with a kerchief from his belt
*OP raises his X Card*

I tell her to leave, because her body language is indicating that she's not actually scared or disturbed, she's trying some scummy as fuck social domination. Also because she needs to seek help for even thinking she needs X-cards in the first place, or that it's appropriate behaviour to do that.

I don't play with anyone who uses x-cards.

I play my counterspell

Simple as this.

the fuck is an x card

I feel that you're trying to manufacture artificial outrage where none exist.

I ask "what the Heck is an X card?"

Because I have no idea what an X card is, other than a card with an X on it.

I ask how she got a hold of the treasure map

>DM opens mouth
>taps x-card

I actually had one of my players to propose X-cards for my table. He insisted that it's a way of making everyone feel safer while gaming.

I was surprised because my campaigns are usually tactical dungeon crawl but I accepted the x-card thing. So far no one has used it in the 9 sessions we have played.


>be me, DM
>after several months of campaining and player idiocy, I finally reveal the main villain
>female raises a large card marked with an X
>step 1, lay dm screen over notes.
>next toss dice in her face, distraction
>push chair back, brace, launch over the table
>wrap hands around her triggered little throat, carry her to the floor with momentum
>straddle her, pinning arms with knees, take X-card from her, stuff it down her throat
>stand up, glare at players, as if anyone else has objections
>walk calmly back to chair, raise dm screen, continue with introduction.
>if you want to be triggered, then as the dm i need to provide you with an actual triggering.

It lets the DM know you're triggered without having to explain why you're triggered, because explaining why you're triggered can also be a trigger.

ask them where they got such a stupid card from and why they think it matters for shit? Then proceed as normal if they dont like it they know where the door is

Jesus Bro you sound like the triggered one here.

You activated my trap card

Raise your X-card X-card and proceed

seek help yourself m8

Then my response is:

"Nnnope, continuing. If you don't want something in the game, then use your words and tell me what it is you don't want in the game, BEFORE THE GAME BEGINS. You don't have to give me the details of why you don't want it, but I'm not changing my plans mid-game."


Some triggers are hard to anticipate, for example let's say that you were raped by someone wearing a very specific shirt, you might not know of the trigger but if the GM starts describing something that looks too similar to that shirt it might trigger you.

Not because you have had a perfect life and have no PTSD it means that others don't suffer from it.

>The knight pulls off his helmet with a distinct Phwoof noise as his afro springs free
Let's be honest, that could trigger either side.

This, *but* I do ask player at session zero if there are any themes they find too unpleasant to explore. So if she had been honest this wouldn't have happened. I would also accept a normal "I'm sorry, could you please not?". I'm running a game, not a deep simulation of a fantasy world.

I loathe the X card, it's an attempt to turn normal human decency into a rigid bureaucracy. But I accept that some people are damaged, and I'm cool with not touching hurtful subjects when it is communicated using NORMAL LANGUAGE.

I take off my Moonman maskkk, look around the table and ask "Too much?"

I eat the X-card

So they can use their words and tell me that. Not hold up some card so that they don't get "triggered", which doesn't work anyway since the mere act of holding up the card means I'm probably going to have to ask them what it is that they want changed and they'll have to explain it anyway.

If they want to take a short break, or even call it a day, I can roll with that.

That's my treasure map. Stop copying my maps you fuck.

>The Black Knights helmet springs off with a distinct
>Revealing his afro.

to be fair, in a fantasy world all the men would be black

>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks

If I pull these off, will they die?


Bane was black too

it would be extremely problematic

Impregnate her on top of the rulebooks.


at what point did anyone try to cover up the moors being black? Anyone with enough high school English education to have read Shakespeare should know that. The rest is just etymology which I am too lazy to verify

That picture baited me gud

>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks

I want to have sweaty, raunchy hate-sex with Aqua.

Yours is a mimic

X-cards were designed for conventions so if your priest molested you you don't have to tell half a dozen strangers about it. If you're playing with a regular group there's no reason not to just talk about off-limit subject matter beforehand.




>flannel shirts trigger me
>goddamnit karen we are playing a lumberjack campaign

You're a "big" transgirl.

That's okay, the treasure it leads to is also a mimic

for xe

is the mimic the treasure?

>continue with the game
My players are reasonable people with whom I've already become friends and everyone at the table knows if something makes them legitimately uncomfortable, it can be brought to the head of conversation and reasonably altered. This can only be an attempt at being cheeky.

I've never run a game at a convention and I would never want to. I run games for my friends.

>mouth is actually butt

She posts on /pol/, you see.

Is that picture parody? Because it's seriously triggering my linguistics 'tism


Bullshit, if you actually read the document the motherfucker tries to tell you any group can benefit from the tool.

Kangz history is one of the most difficult to discern from satire, but I think the Bane mask bit pretty much pegs it as a joke.

I believe you mean /LGBT/

You're a woke guy

“What are you doing?”