>boohoo where's jace
>fuck you have all the flip planeswalkers and every flip you could ever need
Based wotc
>boohoo where's jace
>fuck you have all the flip planeswalkers and every flip you could ever need
Based wotc
man, this FTV kinda blows.
The art is really cool, tho.
Eh, it's still pretty meh. You've got Delver, Jace, Bloodline Keeper (surprisingly expensive), and Huntmaster. Oh, and some bad cards no one cares about. For fucks sake, they had to put in a card from Ixalan to fill it out since they couldn't find enough good transform cards otherwise and they didn't even pick a good Ixalan flip like Treasure Map or Iltamoc.
I mean probably cause there's less than 15 good flip cards so they had to throw in some stuff. New delver art is sick though
Its literally perfect for edh players. Plus 7 fucking foil planeswalkers. I dont even care that one is flip chandra, ill use the bitch as a token
i like it, somewhat good reprints, nice new art, pretty much the best cards to choose (tho i'd have preferred itlamoc's growing rites to that black one)
4.5/5 pretty good
>No alt art Avacyn, that sucks
Other than that I like it!
>not including the more unique flips like accursed witch or nightmare
>no thing in the ice
>only 3 new arts
Guess I'll just buy a playset of the new huntmaster instead
I kinda feel like this is quite the step up from FTV Lore; maybe it's because most of the value in FTV Lore was locked up in the Jitte and Dark Depths, whereas this one has the value spread out over a larger area.
I've been needing the flip walkers for Cube for ages anyway, I only have JVP and Liliana, and Lili doesn't seem to suited for Vintage Cube whereas at least Chandra might find a home on the Spells Matter/Storm/Burn archetype.
It feels like this got delayed or something and that was supposed to be the Exciting Preview Card
>FtV announced
>5 cards that are currently in Standard right now
>4 of which don't even see play in Standard, let alone non-rotating formats
>the only flipwalker that has relevancy is Jace
>the only other relevant card is Delver, a fucking common
Who the fuck is this marketed towards? Collectors? 'cause they can just buy the singles at low prices due to what's likely to be no demand. Not even counting the fact that FtV foiling is fucking ugly.
Have we seen both sides of all the cards?
The product page on the Mothership has all new arts on both sides of each, so yeah, we have. The Delver and the Garruk look good, the Huntmaster is kinda meh.
Only one is in standard, though.
It's the second worst card in the package, mind you, but there's only one in there. So of course the other four aren't seeing play in Standard.
So how much do you think it'll go for?
Wizards don't know or care at this point. They could print FTV: Modern with all 10 fetchlands, Goyf, Lilly, Snapcaster, Karn, and Engineered Explosives in it and ship it at $300 RRP, but they won't.
You mean HuntMISTRESS. Please don't misgender.
Card says Huntmaster, I'm calling it Huntmaster. Shill your low-powered bait somewhere else.
Are you saying she can't be masterful at hunting just because she's a woman?
That she has to be some other hunter's mistress?
No, she is a huntmaster in her own right. Stop trying to discredit her just because she's a woman.
This product must have literally been made for me, as I want basically every card in the set. Funnily enough, only one I don't care about is delver.
To be fair the only way they could have made it better was including Azcanta. From what the limited options they had it's an 8/10
>Assuming xer gender
Check your privilege.
>Who the fuck is this marketed towards? Collectors?
You guys are retarded, of course Jace is in it. All of the flipwalkers probably are knowing how WotC loves muh patterns.
I just want it for the meld angels and Cuntmaster of the Fells.
Pretty sure this is the first time they've put a full cycle in a FtV product, actually.
Growing Rites would have been better than Blood Fast.
>Implying there's no wolf dick
> Arguel's instead of Westvale Abbey
They apparently wanted one of the Ixalan cards, which if they wanted one then whatever. There were better choices for that, also worse choices.
The real question is why Elbrus instead of Westvale for the 'noncreature to creature' slot.
FYI this FTV contains 18% of DFC/meld cards that have been printed.
Imagine if FTV Dragons or Relics had contained a fifth of all Dragons or artifacts?
Huntmaster is a cutie