You know that statement is 100% accurate
don't pretend otherwise
You know that statement is 100% accurate
don't pretend otherwise
the absolute STATE of posters
yeah, I guess that's why pathfinder is pretty much 3.5 then huh?
5e is more popular. It's more widely played. It's the new standard. Shitbait harder.
>b-b-b-but neckbeards still cling to-
Wrong, fuck off.
>b-b-b-but 5e draws from 3-
Irrelevant, fuck off.
>b-b-b-but the lasting ideas from older-
Wrong, fuck off.
5e is shit-tier and you know it
maybe not as bad as 4e, but still nowhere near 3.5 or pathfinder
which is why most people play pathfinder and not 5e (unless they're youtube shills or something)
>doesn't know how to reply
What a fucking retarded newfag.
>doesn't realize thread is archived
>or doesn't know to check
looks like you're the newfag, newfag
>trying to dig up a dead thread
>thinks he knows how to reply
Go back to gaia, newfag.
This is fucking retarded and you inhale penises
but hey, at least you're not pretending like 4e or 5e is better than 3.x or pathfinder
I guess as newfags go you're not so bad
not that much of a dig, the thread was just from a few hours ago - got archived while I was away
Imagine being THIS BUTTHURT
Can you? Is pretty hard, even worth toys demonstration.
you're the one being outraged and butthurt here - not me
just sitting here, stating facts
sorry if facts make you uncomfortable (or that you spent your hard earned money buying 4e and 5e books and then realized they were shit so now you have to defend them to try and make it worth it [this is definition of being butthurt btw])
Commenting in this thread about how your Weaboo LGBT-Pathfinderfinder game is much superior Dungeons & Normies 5e, or vice versa, means you test positive for severe autism.
I'm also autistic for phoneposting, because the "to" just got deleted by auto-corrected.
are you the same user who was stringing nonsense words together in the last thread?
please learn english before you post
do you even know what autism is?
>people responding to this eight-year old
No, I just barely got on Veeky Forums today.
ah, gotcha
this is the most butthurt post in this thread
>because it's a samefag
and nobody answered this question - WHICH I FIND VERY INTERESTING
It keeps going! Truly this is the gift that keeps on giving. I wish you the best in finding someone to reassemble your fractured fanny, user.
>doesn't know how to reply?
what do you call the link in the OP then?
you keep trying to claim I'm butthurt but you're the one being outraged
good luck with that denial
sorry 5e sucks so bad (although I had nothing to do with it)
Dragons are assholes, you don't want to ask them for favors.
the dragon was already helping them though - and despite being a blue dragon was good and nice. he helped their goblin in hell for over a year
the dragon was also set free by the party and then at the end of season 1 served as a deus ex machina to send the manticore back to hell
so maybe he's an asshole to everyone else but the party - but we never see him be anything but nice so there's no evidence for the former (especially because his inherent nature of being evil seems to be inverted by the GM)
Shit tier perhaps but it's D&D so that's par for the course.
What 5e Isn't is a collection of neckbeards frantically wanking themselves off about how smart they are for figuring out (I.e looking up on an build optimization board.) how to build 'le ebin pun pun build 2.0 the anal assassining infinite damage crusader' for the fiftieth fucking time.
lol, I can't disagree with that
>GURPS ftw
but to be fair neither me nor anyone else I've ever played with was into that minmaxing shit
creative character building, sure - but no 'builds'
>endless fun making new racial packages in GURPS though
but what 5e IS, is a collection of neckbeards who are trying to justify their shitty purchase and leading newfags into playing it when it's just going to confuse them and make it difficult to play an actually good system like 3.x/pathfinder
luckily they're not still trying to push 4e though - what a friggin trainwreck
I agree, having 200 different modifiers for rolls is fun and useful! Have multiple attacks per round? Better get used to standing in one spot!
love me some cleaving
Why are linking to another thread? Is this some new abstract form of shitposting?
no, thread got archived while I was away
Agreed. Due to geographical isolation, play by post is my sole option to play RPGs, and I see far more people starting 3.5 games than 5e or Pathfinder. Fuck, on some sites I see more 4e games than 5e.
>when it's just going to confuse them
If 5e confuses you you may be retarded.
>and make it difficult to play an actually good system like 3.x/pathfinder
Oh, I get it, your post was a joke.
way to misunderstand my post, reading comprehension much?
I obviously meant that playing 5e would confuse someone who then went to play 3.x/pathfinder - making 3.x/pathfinder more difficult to learn
anybody want to answer this?
But why would you play 3.PF
also, once you learn 3.x/pathfinder there's no reason to go back to 5e or 4e so you'll basically be unlearning those - because 3.x/pathfinder is the best and it sets the standard for D&D (hence my OP)
I think this answers your question
>dnd and its derivatives
yea, I'm more of a GURPS or my own homebrew system type of player myself
but harmonquest is still pretty entertaining, even if it does take a lot of liberties with an already mediocre system