What kinds of people would get enslaved in a post-apocalyptic situation?
What kinds of people would get enslaved in a post-apocalyptic situation?
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The strong could enslave the weak, but of what good is a weak slave?
Everyone posting on this board.
Women, people without guns, people most other people have agreed to hate, the children of people's enemies, people who owe other people debts.
Y'know, the normal people that become slaves in a non-chattel slave trade.
Also probably serfs, which are kinda like slaves.
>What kinds of people would get enslaved in a post-apocalyptic situation?
Women, children, the elderly, basically anyone weak or unarmed who can either provide a specific service, know something, can just provide basic manual labor, or is an individual from another tribe/clan who simply won't cooperate unless they're supervised.
I say that last one because despite what comics, cartoons, video games, n' so forth have taught you: we're not to keen on blindly executing or murdering people when we're actually allowed some breathing room, once the dust had settled even just a bit, you'd see people falling in line with more censored approaches to controlling people.
I crosspost from /k/, I think I'll do alright.
... and then you run out of bullets
It's not even a given that there were would be slaves, dude.
What do you mean?
White men obviously.
I’m a black belt, and am a skinny tall guy.
No guarantee, but I hope I’m imposing enough.
>Implying women are weaker than men
None of you basement-dwellers have obviously interacted with real women before.
Women are fiercer, smarter and often stronger than most men. It's not a coincidence that in ancient societies women warriors were the most feared and the most efficient. Just think of the amazons.
You know, besides the Spartans?
The mongols?
The romans?
The Vikings?
The immortals?
>Ever wonder why Bronze Age Greece never bothered conquering the Amazons? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Amazons and their women of destruction.
Admiral Yi?
Admiral Nelson?
Cherrypicking. Also both China and the Vikings had large armies of female warriors. Go educate yourself, manbaby.
What are you even trying to say?
Why is it that I can’t name a famous female general or group of warriors besides Joan of Ark (hardly fair, she was either insane or blessed by a diety) and the Amazon’s (who, ya know aren’t around today)
>What is patriarchy.
>I'm a tough survivalist
Well then, let's bring the classic, shall we?
>Of course when the collapse did come, the solitary survivalists’ precious little fortresses did not stay theirs for long. Most of the tiny bastions changed hands a dozen or more times in the first months—they were such tempting targets. The battles had raged all over the plains until every solar collector was shattered, every windmill wrecked, and every cache of valuable medicines scattered in the never-ending search for heavy dope.
>Only the ranches and villages, those possessing the right mixture of ruthlessness, internal cohesion, and common sense, survived in the end. By the time the Guard units had all died at their posts, or themselves dissolved into roving gangs of battling survivalists, very few of the original population of armed and armored hermits remained alive.
You realize that the greatest admiral of all time is a dude right?
Admiral Yi never lost a single sea battle, despite being against the fire nation.
And the art of war is still used today, written by Sun Tzu, one of the best generals of all time.
How do you know their true gender wasn't rewritten/suppressed by patriarchal revisionism?
But comrade, when you are having big enough barrel, anything is bullet!
>And the art of war is still used today
>Still used today
Never cease to amaze me how people keep sprouting this meme.
Have you actually read this particular Art of War? The only thing that didn't age from it are:
>War is hell and should be avoided
>There is never good time for war
>Deception is the point
Wow! What a revelation! Sounds almost like common sense!
... and then you run out of powder.
From what i understand, anyone is fair game for slavery provided, their sufficient leverage of violence, cohesion, or even out right business. i mean indentured servitude was a voluntary slavery with an end date. If op is curious you might want to cheek out Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Addicted to Bondage. He takes an in depth look on slavery as in institution and who does and does, and not get enslaved (Short answer everyone. Long answer slavery has evolved overtime.)
No fucking shit it's a bait. How did you figure that out?
We don’t know, because industrialized civilization has never experienced an apocalyptic decline in population.
Well, yeah. My money is on “an actual
apocalyptic event would decrease human population density beyond the point where slavery is viable.”
Generally, though, I do wonder whether the common assumption that we’d all revert to savage barbarism in a post-apocalyptic world is actually accurate. Human history is path-dependent, and we’d enter a post-apocalyptic world with a suite of political and ethical concepts wildly different from those available to our predecessors. It’s generally presumed that those ideas would prove
unfit in the brutally Darwinian world which would follow a civilizational collapse.
Well, would they?
Who knows?
Yeah, that's a common trope that forgets that, for a wild example, Washington State has 40,000 miles of logging road.
Searching such an area effectively is impossible. People go into the national forest and parks every year and vanish forever. That's when they want to be found and people are searching for them with aircraft, IR cameras, radio scanners and trained professionals.
Attempting to search the forest with people without supplies, fieldcraft or communications equipment would be doomed to fail.
Mostly the unarmed kinds.
Women (probably most common) the dim-witted, children, recently conquered peoples, the physically frail but skillfully useful, the usual.
Considering the invoked bit is describing situation in FUCKING NEBRASKA, it just shows how little you know about the book you try to smugly dismiss
Then, comrade, we will use air that has been the compressed to propel glorious bullet!
It doesn't take everyone reverting to barbarism, just enough to be a problem.
>That shit quality
Are you at least aware most of Cascadia's rainforest is dead in The Postman? At least in the book, the movie forgets about all the important bits and instead has a fucking fistfight between Kevin Costner playing himself and a copy-machine salesman in the end to decide the fate of the region.
We've seen how people survive localized apocalyptic events before, and in general it's people that focus on cooperation, mutual defense and unity that come out on top.
Basically, fifty people working together, even if none of them are very good or some are outright dead weight, can overwhelm the efforts of any one or five or ten people. It's far easier for fifty people to seize and defend an area and to secure the basics of life for fifty people then for one person to do the same.
These groups are also physiologically stable and self-reinforcing. It's very easy to think you are the good guys and justified in your action when there are 49 people that agree with you and there are children and elderly in your group.
>Requires only 600 hand pumps!
>And an air-tight container!
>And forged bullets!
Ever heard about simplier solutions?
Faggot OPs
actually, you can go more primitive - blowpipe
It would depend heavily on what the slaves would be used for. A full blown slave trade would take a while to set up and in a world in which finding enough food and water to survive is a real struggle you probably won't have very many slaves. Short of the sexual kind.
For large scale slavery to work you need people to be weak, docile, or stupid enough to enslave while also being useful enough to justify feeding/caring for them. Slaves were not treated like furniture they are treated like livestock. It is still something you own but it is also something needs to be cared for.
Comrade, if I was wanting the simple solution, I would throw rock, or perhaps stop making of the enemies in first place. Air powered blunderbuss is perfectly sound, especially with much modern technology being leftover.
Try it at range above 30 meters then
>especially with much modern technology being leftover.
The point, dumb nigger, is lack of said tech. Jesus fucking Christ, it's like you are dense on purpose
Don't underestimate my blowing skills!
Oh shut up. Air tight containers are not in the business of being hard to find, comrade. Or are you saying we run out of air next?
The rain forest are coastal, with red ceder and sequoia, it's the inland Spruce and Hemlock forest that make up the vast majority, and are only one example. I'd also note that even if all the trees were dead searching the forest for people that don't want to be found would be a insurmountable challenge.
>Nebraska is easy to fine people that don't want to be found!
The situation is potentially worse. Searching the grassland doesn't have the same challenge but you have a tiny fraction of the population of WA to work with.
>Air tight containers are not in the business of being hard to find
Not sure if bait or genuine stupidity
>Design that relies on elastic material for energy storage.
That kind of sucks. Why not use heavy springs for the arms instead?
>A legend based off of interactions with the Scythians, who would have both male and female soldiers
What comrade? Does technology just go poof when world is of ending? Everything already made just stops existing? No, you be of finding the things stupid, and of making them as well.
>Empty flat grassland
>Literally nothing obscurfing your vision all the way to the horizont
>Hard to find people
Are you dense or just trying too hard?
And not him, but the book was really explicit about the ecological damage and utter destruction of local ecosystem. The Cascadia is barren land, looking like pic related when the book starts
In fact, I've got a clue - why don't you read the book instead? See for yourself hwo things roll in it and what's the backgrop. Because you seem fixated in pretty meaningless tiny speck of the setting, trying to do god knows what with it, while almost comically missing the point of said extract
Because heavy springs require having heavy springs. That means you have a workshop, a lot of steel useful for springs and what not. Aka you are in situation that can hardly qualify as anything even resembling post-apo. Cosy catastrophe rather.
Give me five places when you can easily find air-tight containers that are small enought to be portable, have groves to connect them with your weapon (standard groves, so all five will fit same weapon) and are build with idea of containing pressurised gas inside and not simply air-tight.
Go on. You sound like that's a very easy task. almost trivial.
Oh, and don't forget about means of compressing said air. Surely you are also going to carry a portable air pump, right? Or maybe a hand-cranked one?
Jesus, you remind me that air gun cretine who popped once in a post-apo barter point thread and started seriously arguing about superiority of air guns, because "they don't need bullets".
Shame they need so many different other things they are even less practical than standard guns.
Yeah, where would you get springs? I mean, clearly anything that qualifies as PA is going to disintegrate every truck on earth, leaving only piles of elastic and surgical tubing in their place.
yep pretty much them
Well... yeah, that’s what the research suggests. In these situations, cooperation emerges. But nobody believes that, so mentioning it probably invites a shitstorm.
>Here, this is a simpl
A crossbow literally requires a solid base, an elastic piece of anything, a short solid stick and a cord. That's all. Why do you want to pointlessly complicate it, adding new elements? There is a reason I've originally posted the most primitive design imaginable, entirely skipping trigger group AND the bow itself.
To keep things as simple as possible.
And you for whatever reason instantly jumped to using leaf springs (which are useless for this purpose, just so you know).
Surely you know what that means.
This is good bait. I'm stealing this one.
A post apocalypse does not have enough people for slavery to be a valid industrial model.
You are going to have to wait for the re-establishment of cities before slavery happens, which is post-post apocalypse.
Anyone who wastes time with slaves before re-establishing society is most likely going to get fucked over by any number of issues they invite to themselves by taking responsibility for a number of people.
I literally have a stockpile of airproof, cop-dog-resistant containers, user.
Don't need them any more though, which is WEIRD.
Engineers, mechanics, doctors, and any other nerd who has valuable knowledge/skill that would be sought after, but are too weak or otherwise unable to protect themselves or monopolise on it
man, that's a real toothless apocalypse you had there.
Kinda the point.
But that movie has the most all-time American line ever! And it was entirely improvised, because script was about mail service
>- I know your problem. Do you know why you won't fight? Because you have nothing to fight for! You don't care about anything! You don't value anything! You don't believe in anything! That's what makes me better!
>- I believe in the United States!
Try to imagine this screened outside the US and the reaction of the audience. Entire cinema bursted in laugh.
>I-I have them a-already!
Still waiting for other solutions than pre-stocking.
Go on. This was supposed to be so easy, by your own claim! Prove it then
Hell, let's even be cavalieur about it and account that pre-stock as 1. Give another 4
I'm not even the guy you were talking with, user.
I just happen to have containers and wanted to point that out.
You guys are going to have to work with me if you want them.
A crossbow stores energy in a bow, basically a wooden or metal bit that wants to return to shape after being put under load.
What you posed is a slingshot, an item that stores energy in elastic bands.
One is a weapon, the other is a child's toy.
>Leaf springs are useless for crossbows..
No, that's wrong. Are you a fucking retard, son?
Or, you know, you could convince them to work for you, rather than making them despise you, hate you and plotting behind your back their escape or maybe even your assassination. After all, supposedly they are the weak and you are the strong. Why not make a mutually beneficial deal instead, huh?
I mean that would be a fucking REASONABLE solution, rather than edgy shit.
1) Why would anyone want to get your containers in the first place?
2) What for, exactly?
Not him, but for making leaf spring useful, you would have to heat it and hammer it down from two pieces. In the process killing half of the elasticity of the spring. So yeah, they are useless for making crossbows, regardless of what your survivalist book told you. That's just basic metallurgy.
Unless of course you have welding equipment, but in that case, why are you making crossbows?
For whatever the hell you two are arguing over.
It seems valuable. Now you guys owe me money if you want it. Or whatever we're using as money.
>Heat it and hammer it down to two pieces
Why in gods name would you do that?
>Welding equipment.
I see the problem now. People in this thread don't know what a leaf spring is, or how to work with metal.
Picture Related is a leaf spring. You can make it into a crossbow by bolting it onto a bar, then attaching a line to the ends. If you need to create attachment points you can punch a hole though it with a hammer and punch.
If you need to cut it down for some reason you could heat it up like you are goddamn retarded or, if your brain works, you can use a fucking grinder to cut it to length. In the event you don't have a grinder and still, for some reason, want to cut it down you can use a hack saw or file.
You don't enslave anyone. It's entirely counter-productive.
By making them your slaves, you need to fend for them, feed them and protect them, while also keeping an eye for them to not get away, rob you and generally keeping them locked up. They won't protect you, won't cooperate with you and the only motivation they might have is pain, torture and death. With some of them (given it's post-apo) being suicidal as default stance this might actually make them eager to get killed and be done with it.
There is also nobody really interested in buyin slaves, since they would be as much of a burden to new owner as they are to you.
Basically, it's the worst thing you can do. It's much mor profitable to instead cooperate with those people you could easily overpower otherwise and thus make them willingly work for you, always ready to help you while you are busy protecting their asses, and they covering yours in need.
A cooperating group is always going to be more efficient, even if everyone inside is an Average Joe, solely because they have numbers and mutual trust.
And that's the primary ingredient in any relationship
>Not him, but for making leaf spring useful, you would have to heat it and hammer it down from two pieces.
I'm morbidly curious why you would think this is true.
>He wants to use a single piece of leaf spring as a bow
Oh the IRONy... Are you at least aware you would have to bend in the other way to make it useful for crossbow? Meaning somehow producing enough draw to literally bend it over for shooting? You can do that with a iron spring, but using actual leaf spring for suspension? What are you? Some sort of cyborg with hydraulic draw in your arm?
In rome, skilled slaves were a status symbol for the owner and got to live pretty cushy lives. Slavery was commonplace for most of human history and if it didn't work or somehow account for these situations people wouldn't have done it
he probably lifts.
Also, people on Veeky Forums tend to grossly underestimate how powerful non-atrophed humans can be.
Weird that you're calling the history excuse when, in a post apocalypse, you wouldn't have enough people for a slave economy, and would instead have pre-city societies.
You might laugh now but sometimes it's fine to go back to basics - we had local gang smuggle smokes through EU border (on massive tax evasion) with a good old catapult.
Rome wasn't post-apo, you know. Just saying, so you won't get confused. Because you are apparently under some weird impression that slavery is possible in situation where basic necessities like water and food are uncertain.
Please tell me what kind of status symbol is another mouth to feed. And sybol for whom, if the society collapsed?
Slavery has existed from literal prehistory. You don't even necessarily need agriculture for it to work.
>Please tell me what kind of status symbol is another mouth to feed
The same kind of status symbol that keeping exotic pets is, with the difference that keeping a doctor well-fed and happy is actually useful.
user, just for your notice:
Leaf springs are designed to sustain wear and tear of carrying vehicles. Do you seriously think human muscle is capable in any conditions to bend something that doesn't bend when used to support a truck bed? Not to mention to do that in fashion quick enough to make it useful in combat, not straining muscles and all that in situation when you are underfed.
Because you would be amazed how hard it is to keep your body toned in any way when food is scarce.
People make leaf spring crossbows all the time, ranging from small ones you can draw by hand to ballistae that fire four foot spears and need a wench to draw. It's a really common maker project and relativity easy.
You are like a fucking flat earther over here.
I personally like reverse draw crossbows for aesthetics and mechanical advantage.
It existed in an extremely limited state in pre-history.
It didn't become big enough to be a response to people until WELL into the civilized eras.
>It's not even a given that there were would be slaves, dude.
With the exception of a few Western countries, America not among them, there have literally never not been slaves.
user, humans are capable of moving MULTIPLE trucks simultaneously.
Just load crossbows the same way people have always loaded crossbows that have extremely high loads.
>what good is a weak slave?
One weak slave would still be able to perform some of your labor for you. A hundred weak slaves would be able to perform all of your labor for you.
Well, except for the times before city states, then slavery was much more rare because it was kind of pointless.
>You don't even necessarily need agriculture for it to work.
Only that you fucking need. You are not going to generate enough food by just scavenging. We are not talking about hunter-gatherers in "pristine" wilderness here. You are desperately trying to use some sort of historical argument to situation that is unprecedensed. The only thing that even comes close to your "arguments" is Toba event (which made slavery impossible) and fall of Western Roman Empire, which, you've guessed, made slavery entirely impossible and redundand, due to collapse of urban centres and large plantations.
So tell me, what is the logical issue with giving a educated individual with valuable skills that are only going to become rarer protection and food in exchange for subservience?
I give up. You are too dense to even notice the problem here.
Yeah this middle aged German guy with an earring is clearly super-humanly strong.
That he has way more skills and abilities than you do, is most likely stronger than you, and most likely already has a more successful warband than you.
Also that you cannot gather enough food to feed yourself, let alone someone else, let alone protecting it.
Oh, so now not only you need a pointlessly complicated weapon requiring materials that are hard to work with without destorying their propery, you also need a mechanical winch!
All the joys of post-apo scavenging!
Jesus fucking Christ, do you even think over your "arguments" or just shit them out?
I have a grenade and a board with a nail in it.
This world is mine when it goes to shit.
>Leaf springs are designed to sustain wear and tear of carrying vehicles.
>All leaf springs are made for the same purpose and in equal strength
Cool story bro.
>Joan of Ark