>GM or Player
>Time Availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Gane finder thread
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Don't really want to start a new thread so I figured I'd ask here and give you some free bumps
What's the best way of dealing with crazy work schedules?
I love to DM, but my players often complain if every session isn't on a predetermined (usually by them with no input from me) day every single week. This is typically a problem because I work such odd hours and it's not uncommon for me to suddenly have to pull double shifts without any warning beforehand. Last group died because I had to delay our session for two weeks because I was literally scheduled to work 2nd shift for ten days in a row.
Should I just give up, or keep trying to find more understanding players?
Is anyone starting a game of Adeptus Evangelion? I know it's a contentious system, but I've always wanted to give it a try.
reeee can't ctrl+f
I understand where you're coming from but I wouldn't play in a game with a GM who couldn't commit to a fairly regular schedule. Honestly I doubt you'll be able to find much more accommodating players, especially since you're presumably finding randoms online.
>Gane finder
i would be down
>GM or Player
DH 1e
>Time Availability
Sundays 1 pm UK time
>Text or Voice
discord for voice, roll20 for game
>Contact Information
walter.gorkamorka @ skype
>Additional Information
Dark Heresy 1E taking place in the Jericho Reach! I'm planning on running a short campaign in parallel with our Deathwatch game and not everyone from our group is available I have 2-3 slots.
You will be a part of an inquisitorial team deployed to instigate an uprising on Zurcon. See picrelated for details. You will be deployed deep behind enemy lines, without support and chance for extraction (unless you succeed, of course).
Main themes of the game: cloak and dagger, shadow war, terrorism, subterfuge and most likely spectacular acts of violence.
Current players have some rough concepts for martials outlined, so while a few things are still up in the air, a preference would be given for people enjoying playing social / loremaster characters the most. The way you complete your objection is entirely up to you, although class balance is a must.
Looking for proactive and creative players, with a solid familiarity with the setting and a good grasp of the 40k system. Previous experience with the RT/DH1e would be ideal.
To preempt questions, you will be starting at rank 4, working your way up to higher levels. All splats are a fair game and the system is set in stone to maintain compatibility between Rogue Trader and DW.
I envisage the campaign to go on for about a month or perhaps two.
Thanks for reading and feel free to ping me your character concepts along with the greeting.
Cool! Are you a GM, or a player?
I could be either but I would rather be a player
Story of my fucking life. Let's see if we can't get a few more people on board, then we'll go from there.
Play a better game.
>stop liking what I don't
No, no. Evangelion is really cool. AdEva isn't.
>why use bomb when you can cast Fist?
I've GM'd AdEva twice, it's not terrible but I'd like to try playing it at some point.
If someone else DM's I wouldn't mind helping with assets and rules experience.
I'm . I have some experience with AdEva's rules so I could help you out with that.
I found a Python program on GitHub that can possibly help with combat, called Combat Assistant: github.com
Not sure how much use it might be, but it could help speed things up. As for the group, I think we have three people ready to play, I think one more Player and a GM should be enough.
Anyone doing any play-by-post / forum-style games? I've been itching to play a TRPG but work doesn't allow much time for regular sessions.
I'm up for running a LotFP via discord chat if you're interested, or we could play forum style.
> GM or player
>Time availability
AEDT (Which is GMT+11) weekday evenings or weekend mornings (which should give a 5 hour window with PST)
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional information
OSR dungeon stomps/sandbox world (Say 4 sessions in total running once a week to make sure everyone is cool with it).
No magical realm bullshit or tone policing.
I have a group playing a game like that via discord. We are est (-5) though so you'd probably miss out on global events that we all play together.
If you or anyone else reading this is interested ill leave my discord.
What game do you play?
One more player reporting in!
If you guys are willing to tolerate my eurofag schedule, that is.
Should we get a discord server going then? Four players is pretty good, but a GM might take some time to find.
>GM or Player
AdEva 1e
>Time Availability
Whenever works, would like to at least play two sessions a week.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Be ready for kawaii desu
Would any of you be interested in playing D&D 5e Tomb of Annihilation on Fantasygrounds? I want to DM it and it's not looking like I can do it irl with a steady group.
I'm wary of online groups with randos, and I can't be fucked putting in all that work just for a bunch of strangers to flake every other week. Also just finding 4-5 players who are consistent, not crazy and chill seems impossibly difficult. I don't want PvP, and while I appreciate the "you can do whatever you want!", I'd like to minimize too weird randomness and have people follow the story and discover the setting. Is that asking too much? I don't want to railroad; I imagine I'd explain the setting and then let people do what they want *within* that world.
I'm mostly interested in just gaming with chill people, you know? No weird power gamers or any fucking That Guys we keep reading about.
You can't even run two sessions per alt account, LCD.
Remove LCD.LSD
Remove Sleeping Dragon
You only do oneshots, and only when you can flip your boss off for trying to control your schedule and truly commit to it. I'm not going to be "understanding" for a GM who expects me to set aside four hours of my time for something that could go up in smoke at random.
Fuck off LCD.
Now here's something to talk about: Anyone got storytimes of dealing with him? Here's mine:
>He constantly delays the game and has session with molasses pacing until everyone gets sick of it and quits
I wish he flaked on the first session.
Just play board games.
>GM or Player
Looking for either.
P&OCT (Adaptation of Monsters and Other Childish Things for the Shin Megami Tensei setting) [GM]
D&D 5e [Player]
>Time Availability
MWF - After 6:00
TTh - After 4:00
>Text or Voice
Text ideally.
>Contact Information
CPA#5256 on Discord
>Additional Information
The P&OCT game I'm looking to run is more or less a tabletop adaptation of Strange Journey, albeit with a couple of twists and turns. If you don't know what Strange Journey is, imagine Apocalypse Now but with mythological figures and demons.
For DnD, I'm willing to dip my toes into the water at all - I have experience GMing but none as a player and I'd like to have that.
Session 1
>game opens with PCs flying in on a helicopter to be picked up by NERV
>we get off helicopter
>Morgernstern is there waiting for us (I know you've all encountered this NPC before. This fucking guy. Every single time.)
>this tiny bit of content took several hours to accomplish, and the session ends there
Session 2
>we talk to Morgernstern
>suddenly... something explodes! Roll to not get knocked over
>This takes about an hour to resolve for some reason
>car arrives to quickly take us to NERV because... something happened with the explosion. I don't know, it was really poorly explained, I can't remember if it was an angel attack or terrorists or what
>session ends
>this 5 minutes of content took several long hours for some reason
Session 3
>we're riding in the car
>we talk to Morgenstern a bit more, but he doesn't say anything meaningful
>still have no idea what the actual fuck is going on
>more forced RP between the PCs to try and pad things out
>several hours of this later
>session ends
Session 4
>the car finally arrives at NERV
>the car goes down an escalator/elevator/thing
>we get out of the car
>the commander is waiting for us, Morgenstern introduces everyone
>the commander is also vague as shit and doesn't say anything meaningful, just random DEEP dialogue
>we still don't know what was up with the explosion several sessions ago, or know anything concrete about being Eva pilots, or the angels themselves, etc
>I think some guy was supposed to take us to our quarters or... something?
>session ends
>game ends abruptly
Keep in mind, these few sessions happened across a period of several months, with LCD having cuck excuses every fucking week about why he can't make the session. He didn't even bother to declare the game dead himself until everyone gave up on him and quit after a solid month or two of him no showing.
So you're saying I should wait for someone else to GM?
>GM or Player
>Time Availability
Most nights, I have a flexible schedule
>Text or Voice
Text Only! I dont want to hear your awful voices. If you can't type quickly and easily enough to enjoy a text only game, kys
>Contact Information
This Post
>Additional Information
I fully intend to make it to Immortal tier play. If you're not up for it, look someplace else
I've been trying to find a chill and cinsistent online group for a good minute, I have Sundays and Thursdays off every week, and I'm off work by at least 5:30 every day. If you can work with that, I'd love to hop into some 5e
*consistent. fug.
What times and days are you available?
>not crazy
choose one
Thanks for the (you)s
Yeah I would be interesting in playing. Timezone is pretty important information though
I'm a consistent player ( no job college student ), don't have to worry about me flaking I'll just straight up tell you if I'm quitting ahead of time. But you would only have to worry about this if the rest group is awful.
Discord: Detros#0506
Im this guy. Get at me on discord: badwulfwho #0715
Which edition?
I was hoping for 2.5, since I've heard it's the best. Also willing to give 3.0 a spin.