Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Does your character set trends or follow them?

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Neither. He exists within his own little bubble of self importance and cares naught for what others think of him or his attire. For who would want to look like a gargoyle with a huge axe if not an insane man?

He's blazing new trails in the academic fields of arcana and esoterica, and as with any genius ahead of his time he has no choice except to set new trends.

Or at least, that's what he thinks. But he's still not much of a follower. He's more of a "whatever lets me continue my research"-er.

>just spent 2 hours in a combat where some character used Bodyguard and aid another cavalier archetype to give another party members +6 AC three times since it stacks with it self and give another party member AC 37 at level 5 with the help of a couple other spells
>does this to multiple people so that no one can get hit
>entire campaign turns into a fucking slog
I hate this game. I am so fucking sick of it. I am so sick of people making these gay-ass builds and me having to spend 3 hours dealing with their gay shit. Melee enemies are completely useless, this game's CR / XP system is so completely retarded and broken it's not even funny. And how the fuck can a level 5 PC be boosting peoples' ACs into the 30s? That's fucking ridiculous. How is that fun? It's just exploiting the rules at this point. The worst part is I don't even know if this shit is legal or not. I don't care. I am done having to do an hour of research on each character's abilities because of their autistic builds, and the fucking cunt pfsrd giving these autistics fucks access to everything, including 3rd party shit that they give their characters without even realizing it's 3rd party shit.

Explain the value in this bloated-ass game. "It's fun" is not an argument, because 5e is fun, too, without this stupid autistic power-building shit. And of course you fucking autistic niggers will blame me because "you're a bad GM for not wanting to be having to do a shitload of math because some guy stacks up 30 modifiers on his AC, you're a bad GM for not ADAPTING to them and making all encounters some wizard / incorporeal shit even though that shit is rare as fuck in the world", fuck you you pieces of shit. Pathfinder players belong in the goddamn gas chamber. I am not even kidding, I hope there's a venereal disease that spreads between people playing Pathfinder, except instead of sex it spreads through the actual playing of Pathfinder so all their cocks rot off and they die.

Dude, if you want to play a different game go play one. I don't have to justify anything to anyone, least of all you. Just play a game you like more than Pathfinder and move on with your life.

Partly those actions are illegal. As "Bonuses without a type always stack, *unless they are from the same source.*" Which in the case of your player would be Bodyguard/Vanguard Style (assuming they picked it up because that's how it works really well)

>using XP
>rules being broken
>bad GMing

I'm going to say that this shit didn't happen. Go back to 5e general.

>since it stacks with it self
Dafuq? I might be wrong, but don't bonuses from the same source not stack with themselves?

8/10 tasty pasta

they don't. This guy is wrong.

You're that same retard that complained about the kineticist. You deserve your terrible group.

She wears what is practical and plain, as not to draw attention and to move freely, should she need to fight. In private, she has a few dresses she thinks are very cute that she keeps. They don't suit her work or her demeanor, but she secretly loves them. Her deceased boyfriend thought she looked cute in them.


>having problems with fucking AC of all things
Have you never considered, I dunno, throwing even a single wizard at the party to toss Charm Person and Fireball at them?

But they are typeless bonuses so according to him, they stack. I am so sick of this rules lawyering shit, too.

>implying that digging up an entire city is not more broken than shit a 5th level wizard can do.

Fuck off, Sappy.

I don't know, have you ever considered that, y'know, having to throw out 50% of the monsters due to their broken shit, is the sign of a bad game?

I don't have to do this "adapt and overcome" bullshit in 5e, because that game is actually balanced. I also dislike parts of 5e but those parts are rapidly becoming friendlier.

Yes, nignog, I can send opponents against them that challenge them. Except that they make no sense in the current adventure, so that would be retarded.

>i don't know the rules durr hurr durr
>literally drooling at the mouth retardation
>hurr durr just dig up the entire city, this works
>pathfinder so bad

Ok then go play 5e.

Again. "Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source."

Your players bullshit the rules, and your understanding of the rules is too shitty for you to argue. To top it off, you're too limp-wristed to tell them no. You and your players are the problem. If you were complaining about actual rules issues, I'd agree, but this is garbage.

Man, if you can't handle basic fucking teamwork in a party of martially-inclined individuals, including just coming up with a reason for there to be enemy variance because YOU'RE THE GM AND YOU CAN MAKE THE STORY FIT WHAT YOU NEED, then you need to step away from tabletop gaming and do something you can actually mentally handle. Have you considered basic paperwork, or perhaps mustard-gas creation?

He has sleeves of many garments, so he doesn't really need to worry about trends.

>it's the game's fault a player convinced me to play it wrong

I haven't been accused of that one before. Not playing a /pfg/ game. Not a celeb. I'm in the public discord, but I don't say much and don't stick out. What did I say that made you think I was Sappy?

>your understanding of the rules is too shitty for you to argue.
I know that the rules are bullshit. The problem is that I had to spend all this time explaining them because he claimed that different attacks were different "sources."

Kill yourself kike shill.
Why don't you consider blowing your faggot brains out over your ceiling.
How about fuck off and I'll play a game where the characters can't just obliviate certain challenges by giving themselves ACs in the mid-30s.

It's the game's fault for allowing a character to give everyone around him +7 AC without even taking an action. AoOs aren't even fucking actions.

>hurr durr just dig up the entire city, this works
It does. A kineticist can literally rip a wall down if the vague-ass rules which define no limitations allow you to say a brick is an object. You want a game that lets you get into semantic discussions with autistic retards as to what constitutes an "object"? Play Pathfinder.

The only reason you cunts play this game, is because the only enjoyment you get from RPGs is the powergaming hyper-customization system mastery crap that you wank all over everyone. There is zero other reason to play pathfinder. It offers NOTHING else as a system. Nothing. Else.

This guy's baiting, I've seen the same shit posted here before.

>we keep getting BTFO about how our game offers no benefits as a system besides autistic powergaming arena, so if someone posts about how the system is shit, it must be bait
>GMs should change the entire adventure that the characters asked for and put in random wizard NPCs just to challenge a party doing broken-ass shit
>a game with 30 modifiers to keep track of per turn, is fun
>a game where an entire mode of attack becomes basically useless due to powergaming and cheating, is fun.
>a game where a player stops every other turn to look up a rule, is fun.
Okay. Whatever you autistic retards say.

Which one gave y'all nerds the most trouble?

Seriously, how is one wizard "changing the entire adventure"? Go on, tell the class what the adventure is centered around and has as its main antagonists; SURELY there's a way you can throw a single monster or NPC in that won't decimate your delicately-crafted and perfectly-formed adventure, right? Or are you just blowing shit out your nose and calling it an adventure because you're not actually playing any game?

The melee one. Took out 2/3rds of a Warder's HP with one strike, and proceeded to go toe to toe with half the party, almost killing the archer.

Although, props to which ever one had the geomancy powers. Dropping a pillar on 3 people, and the giant hand were both cool as fuck.

>is fun
We never actually said this.

Sidisi probably put the most hurt on us, though he didn't last long once we finally engaged him. Umaw's jumping all around was really annoying in the beginning, though and he took a decent chunk out of the character that nearly bit it.

That's how you can tell it's bait.

Does anyone have the new ultimate wilderness pdf yet

Funny, not-Kars was the one who was most dangerous to us. Umaw and Sidisi got locked down really fast, but Srak turned out to be the one who we left right next to the squishier PCs.


ok then go play 5e.

Care to share it? I can't find it anywhere yet

Then why would I play it.

>Seriously, how is one wizard "changing the entire adventure"?
Why would there be wizards in an undead dungeon that has been abandoend for thousands of years?
No reason.
So fuck off.

Not an argument.
Explain why Pathfinder should be played instead of 5e.
If you have no reason, then there is NO REASON for pathfinder to exist AT ALL.
It has been out-done in every category by 5e.
deal with it.

ok, you win, go play 5e.

Seconding requests for wilderness pdf

I would, but last time I admitted for paying for any material, new or old. somebody told me to fuckoff for being a paizodrone. Plus I haven't scrubbed, nor am I leakanon. So now you just have to wait kindly for the actual leakanon to do his magic or for whoever is in charge of the trove to get it in there.

its not out yet, if it was it would be in the trove

whenever you think to ask 'is x PDF out yet', if its been scrubbed its in the trove, if its not, then its not yet and you need to be patient.

asking in these threads does nothing.

Roll as many dice as you dare and then tell us about the character that pops out.

>what is a vampire, who has magical abilities
>what is a Mummy, who might be a cleric
>what is just using a bog-standard wizard NPC and changing his type to Undead to make him fit in
Wow, so tough, much reason, fuck off.

You really have nothing better to do than tell other people how to have fun? Play what you want, other people will play what they want. Problem solved

Does 5e not have liches? They're an archetypical monster, and they're both undead and spellcasters.

I think the reason he didn't give us too much trouble was that he wasn't as mobile as Umaw and didn't stay on the far end of the arena like Sidisi. We're not always super mobile and once our heaviest hitter got in place for a full attack she dropped 90+ damage on him with three attacks (two of which were crits) to down him.

>Does 5e not have liches?
It effectively doesn't. Remember how 3e introduced monster templates and those were a really good idea? 5e got rid of them, now all liches are level 20 wizards. And since real campaigns don't make it to such a high level, they might as well not even be in the book.

Let's see...

>6, 64, 26, 7, 31
>Battlefield Healer, Svirfneblin, Brawler, Lawful Evil, Osirion

Let's do it again

>22, 59, 26, 3, 28
>Fearless Zeal, Merfolk, Brawler, Chaotic Good, The Worldwound

One last time...

>15, 3, 17, 3, 13
>Dead Inside, Dwarf, Oracle, Chaotic Good, Lastwall

I think I might use that last one. Cursed dwarven oracle that just really stops caring about shit.

What are the current /pfg/ games?

Can someone summarize the problems with Spheres of Might? Without blaming stack or ssalarn please.

It doesn't actually add much new to martials.

Essentia has an open slot

How would you mesh chaotic goodness with being emotionally dead? That doesn't seem easy. Is he only doing it out of a sense of duty?

Currently running or currently recruiting?

Currently recruiting. I remember Ensoulment.

Ensoulment is still recruiting?

No, I mean I remember the hooplah around Ensoulment. Seems like that's a thing of the past.

Currently recruiting games

Think of it like nihilism, but optimistic. He's emotionally dead inside and he has no meaning but he has his commitments and figures, hey, might as well do something.

>nihilism, but optimistic
I honestly am a huge mark for this mindset. The whole idea of "It won't matter. But it's the right thing to do, so fuck you, I'm going to be a good person."

So an Existentialist? "The world's uncaring and life's got no meaning, so why not make something meaningful and worthwhile while I'm here to make the next generation better?"

Both of you anons get my point.


Would it be a significant balance issue to remove the vast majority of racial requirements on feats/traits?

For stuff that is just "culture" thing? No. For straight up racials? Still no, but it would be fucking weird.

Not broadly.

Christ... that line summarizes so many of my PCs.

So what kind of Oracle curse do you think he should have? Has he had it all his life, or did something happen at some point that changed his life forever?It could be the same event that left him dead inside... But maybe that would be better represented with a series of events. It might be more believable that way.

Jesus, I cringed hard reading this.

In the end it's too combat focused, everyone wanted Spheres of do-stuff-outside-of-fights, but instead just got Spheres of kill-more-gooder.

Who the heck does the north high guy think he's kidding?

What's the weirdest, most desperate and utterly gonzo bullshit you ever got away with?

For me, it was fishing in one of the rivers of Hell in order to retrieve the stolen soul of a murdered NPC. We were utterly out of ideas, and all I had was a fishing line and some fried snack foods for bait.

The GM had me roll to get a bite, and then roll Strength to pull the souls out. It took half the party using Aid Another. But we did it.

Say a Pharasma worshipper had to abort her child, how would Pharasma punish her?

So, I want to take leadership. GM okayed it.

Now, in his game, he's made it a huge pain in the butt to buy anything. He's using the rules that a town will only have *this* many magic items or what-have-you, in town. These are random. So if you want to buy something, you've got to

A) have someone craft it, provided you can find someone with the ability to do so, while waiting for a month for it to be finished, and buy it at full price.
B)Talk to some merchants to get it shipped in, which is going to take weeks and the price will go up.

Now, I don't want to make a magic item sweatshop. I don't want to fuck up the balance of the game. However, I do want to be able to get what I want, and not have to wait an exorbitant amount of time or spend a markup to get that item.

How could I use Leadership to mitigate this issue? Make a merchant caravan, get some wizards to teleport shit around, start a spy ring that smuggles goods while carrying a grocery list? How would you do it?

its pretty much agreed that he's an idiot for running it in pathfinder

Covering a dragon in glue and bombarding it with rocks and debris until it was covered in them and then throwing glue covered rocks and debris until there was just a giant pile of crap on it, making it unable to fly due to having enough crap on it to cause it to go over the max weight carry limit.

She wouldn't because there's a billion souls she needs to judge and having a baby in there wouldn't change her schedule at all.

"Pharasma makes no decision on whether a death is just or not; she views all with a cold and uncaring attitude, and decides on which of the Outer Planes a soul will spend eternity."

>Why would there be wizards in an undead dungeon that has been abandoend for thousands of years?
This is a template from Bestiary 1
You're welcome

>but instead just got Spheres of kill-more-gooder.
How? Spheres is shit for adding damage. Plus the Scout, Athletics, Alchemy, Trap, and parts of Beastmaster spheres all have noncombat options to them, and some of the new classes (Blacksmith, Technician, and Scholar) have a shit load of out of combat options.

Hell, iirc the major complaint about Scholar was that it had too little in the way of good combat abilities

Check this list. These are all undead creatures of verying CR, intelligence, and magical capacity.

In trying to make pathfinder combat more dynamic, they only succeeded in replacing full attacking every round with vital striking every round.

>Explain why Pathfinder should be played instead of 5e.
Pathfinder, despite its many problems with internal balance, allows for much greater breadth of options for character builds, customisation, party niches, themes, fluff, and interactions between all of these. It allows for greater exploration of character concepts and has more active support for providing more and more content to flush out those concepts.

Plus, it has significantly more 3pp backing and content for it, which further expands the breadth of the types of characters archetypes and game styles/themes that can be explored therein.

This is the sole catagory that Pathfinder outdoes 5e in

Tried to hard to be compatible with base PF Martials and systems

I thought the problem was that Paizo martials were too boring?

But this is /pfg/, which plays Pathfinder.

Why would you run a game for /pfg/ in a game other than Pathfinder?

Pharasma wouldn't punish her for doing so.
You seem to be looking for excuses to screw over your players.

Could someone link the Discord, please?

Pharasma wouldn't care. Lamashtu, on the other hand, would destroy that woman's life.

There, happy you have a reason to fuck over your players, as if you needed one? You cockmongling retard.

What actually good uses are there for combat stamina assuming I get it for free?

Pharasma doesn't care. Urgathoa only causes mother's to have abortions because she's petty, would rather annoy the midwife clerics since she's too much of a bitch to face Pharasma, and has no qualms with using dead babies for food/undead creation because she's an edgy fuck like that

>every category
Except, of course, beign able to continue in other directions, playign past 20th level, havign actual usable content, and of course, being a game where you can chose to play in many different ways without being bound to the exacting specifications of a system that you are not meant to adjust or alter.

That last one is a very good reason not to play 5e.

If she worshiped Lamashtu, her life has already been destroyed. Well-adjusted or happy people don't worship Lamashtu.

>made everything "stack riders to attack actions, people who didn't mind full attacks not welcome GET OUT REEEE", with a side helping of "vital strike is the hot new tax"
>didn't have quite enough out-of-combat utility compared to what people wanted, and though what it does have is pretty nice it could stand to get expanded some
>associated feats are a mess, I've heard people say that they'd enjoy the rules but wouldn't be able to stomach it without feat taxes folded in such a way to mitigate some weirder things
>complaints of the system trying to be "too safe" and "pander to the paizo audience" have been thrown around, the latter of which comes from dev comments about "why did you do this?"

The things you can pull with SoM are cool enough that I'm still down to play a game with it, but I'm gonna have to see how it plays out to nail down just what look "wrong".

Almost every feat gets a neat secondary effect for burning stamina, you should check those out because there's a lot of interesting options in there.

What shield would you recommend for a drunk barbarian?

I know they get secondary effects. The list is daunting and filled with garbage so I'm asking if there's any obvious standouts.

Isn't there a fighting style or something that lets you use a tankard as a shield?

So is Intrigue game a closed box? Will there never be greentext?