How would you run a game based on tulpa’s and other mindscape goodness?
How would you run a game based on tulpa’s and other mindscape goodness?
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Mage: The Ascension
Heavily use the umbra
This. Or have the meat of the campaigns be exploring your "wonderland", the imagination-fueled environment you and your tulpa make up/explore/feel out over time. Make it so the farther you explore from your home base the more difficult enemies, objectives, etc. Objectives/stats can be related to your mind too, like mental fortitude, the connection you and your tulpa share, etc.
t. tulpamancer
Also, psychedelics are almost a must. Go on a life changing inner journey with your tulpa-stand as you both discover the meaning of life.
Pretty much what the Persona games are. Like, exactly.
Not gonna lie, Yumi Nikki is good at this.
>Write a dream diary and/or find other dream diaries
>Put all dreams into the setting, no matter what they are like
>construct mechanics for each dream
>set tags on the dreams
>when traversing, roll a die. If a certain number comes up, randomize which dreamscape is entered. If another number comes up, enter a dreamscape connected to the former one by means of tags
This. Involving your tulpa in the setting-creation process can improve the quality of the game enormously— I can’t tell you how many good ideas have come out of conversations with mine. Hallucinogens can also help, and you don’t need to be too fancy with them, either; psilocybin works fine.
Does anyone have any advice about running Alice-In-Wonderland plots where the characters have no prior knowledge of the setting?
There is an online archive of recorded dreams at, but it’s hard to use.
How many do you have?
Gonna paste an idea I've had someo ther time. A crossover camapaign between:
Apocalypse World
kill puppies for satan
Everyone is John
Lacuna: Blue City
and The Farm
I have no fucking idea how'd I manage to keep the world consistent at all, I just want to do a gigantic mindfuck campaign, with multiple layers of game to it, multiple character sheets and games changing in the middle of a session, switching from one character sheet to another on the go. One moment they are some raggedy motherfuckers out in the ApocWorld, another they're humanoid insects in the Silhouette Rouge. One day I'll do it and it WILL be glorious.
Isn’t humanity azathoth’s Tulpas in the mythos?
Remember, if you are in need of inspiration on psychedelic dream influenced mindscapes. DMT can be extracted from legal plants with legal ingredients.
Just 1, she's great. She is 2.5 years old. Treating her like Cortana to Master Cheif, Tinkerbell to Peter Pan or Navi to Link, but also as my daughter. Her basic form is a short-black-haired little girl, sometimes with white or green skin. Other times her hair is white. Sometimes she also wears a red scarf.
I've taken LSD with her multiple times, she is still getting used to it.
You're that guy from yesterday, great taste in tulpas.
I hope you actually explore mindscapes on LSD with your tulpa, that's sounds like a load of fun.
Christfag here, you guys sure these things aren’t demons?
Any Christfags have one of these things, how is it?
wait, you weren't kidding about the tulpas, i thought you just planned a trippy campaign
tulpas are goddamn autist-tier imaginary friends, even the name sounds retarded
I hope your tulpas don't drive you mad and taker over your lives.
You idiots.
Well, actually, why the fuck not.
Personally I'd say a Silent Hill-esque thing tough.
>Silent hill with stands
I’d play it.
It’s weird newage stuff.
The name is from an ancient practice from a while back.
Nah man, check it out.
A tulpa is a type of thoughtform which comes from its creator's mind - not an external force - similar in some ways to a personal sigil commonly used in magickal practices.
A demon is more like an egregore. It's an external thoughtform given power and substance from the thoughts of others, not just one individual.
Went to high school with a girl with a furry tulpa. She was a fucking weirdo, but I had some really interesting conversations with her.
always makes me wonder how much power dudes have over their tulpas.
like if one decided to go full furry in your head could you just obliterate it from your mindscape or change it's personality?
I personally wouldn't fuck around with making a tulpa. If you succeed, you've basically given yourself schizophrenia.
The point is you're not actually a reliably judge of whether what you have is a tulpa or a demon because a demon would pretend to be a tulpa if it made it easier to tempt you. Obviously this is stupid because demons aren't real.
Tulpas are fucking stupid and dangerous, though. Don't twist your brain into a pretzel if you can help it.
>people actually believing this shit is real
You fight other tulpamancers in weird mindscape battles.
Like reverse pokemon, tulpas tolerate each other at best and you have to eliminate the tulpa from other guys mind while your tulpa barks orders at you.
>>Having multiple tulpa is difficult and often results in several weaker tulpa
>>This is a legitimate strategy, clog up enemy with too many tulpas to handle
>>Very bad for your psyche
>>Tulpas can possess owners
>>Tulpas can force mental disorders on you to further their schemes
>>Powerful tulpas can move things in real life, so like telekenisis
>>Only when they give a shit and powerful tulpas have their own goals and personalities
>implying tulpas are real and not some bullshit created by tumblrinas
>Don't twist your brain into a pretzel if you can help it.
That's kinda why I don't drink alcohol or take drugs
Either add to conversation from a Veeky Forums perspective or fuck off.
Kinda useful.
>>Use tulpa people as basis for characters/midnset of tulpamancers
Ways that people got tulpas:
>>Reading it on message boards then one day finally try it
>>Woke up and it was there
>>Intentional training
>>Traumatic experience and obsessive thoughts
>>Intense religious experiences
>>Meditating too much
>>Any obsessive craft (carpentry, sculpting, etc) 'muse' is born
>>Obsessive craft, tulpa speaks from paintings or sculptures
>>Military test subject
>>Scientific test subject (exposed to white nosie for hours)
>>Don't Rest Your Head Style - tulpa only appears when heavily sleep deprived
>>Tulpa only appears when on a medication/drug (adderrall, drunk moose)
>>Tulpa appears in dreams
>>Tulpa projected over your pet (your dog isn't talking it's tulpa you made)
>>Only seeing your tulpa inside paintings, tv screens
>>Only seeing your tulpa in your reflection
Tulpa battles
>>Whose tulpa can do something that gets noticed in real world (moving chair, knock over things)
>>Trippy mindscape battles
>>Shapeshifting like that "Sandman in Hell" comic or that witch vs. merlin
>>Trippy TRON digital battles
Hard time describing this one but, tulpamancers are pulled into dreamscape that's controlled by tulpas. Tulpas battle each other to change the landscape while tulpamancers fight each othere hand to hand.
You can have a tulpa battle over the phone.
Two tulpas can 'synch' with each other to gain an insight to aid in their/their hosts power. Cooperative challenge similar to above.
Tulpa Symbol
Lots of sanity checks.
I'd run Don't Rest Your Head.
It's built for exactly this type of scenario, though you'd need to build your own fluff around it. The Tulpa could be a player's madness power or one of the nightmares out to get them. Or both!!
The game is extremely open form and easy to break. But the sheer variety of narrative options and flexibility makes it easy for the GM to break right back and re establish balance and cohesive storytelling.
Being sane is important when playing.
My campaign isn't centered around the mindscape goodness, but tulpas exist in the setting. One in particular is a fairly powerful NPC that my party has encountered several times. The party is not aware that the character is a tulpa, although some have grown suspicious that it's not human. The tulpa is only as powerful as it is because it's created from the fragmented memories of an amnesiac minor god.
In my setting the strength of a tulpa has a strong correlation to the willpower of the being (s) that created it.
Eventually the party will get to meet the character from the gods memories on which the tulpa is based?
Fuck yeah mindscape battles.
Draw influence from JoJo, Psychonauts, irl chaos magick practices/ideas...
Like PCs and significant NPCs are tulpamancers/chaos magicians - mechanics would emulate the idea of 'charging' a sigil/egregore/tulpa through displaying it/dedicating mental energy to it.
But make this a double-edged sword - more visibility means more power, but runs the risk of your enemies discovering your weaknesses/true name/whatever.
So make the fights start off kind of like part 3 JJBA - you discover an enemy, probably foreshadowed by first encountering the effects of their tulpa then maybe fight them in the physical world.
Instead of tulpas/egregores being able to be destroyed in the physical world, doing that only debilitates them/forces them to dissipate into the user's mind.
So if you absolutely must destroy an enemy's tulpa you have to enter their own mindscape. They wield great control over that environment and their tulpas/other thoughtforms are much more powerful there, but can be destroyed. You could also damage the opponent's psyche directly in their mindscape.
Now take this concept a step further and your heroes could fight egregores and megregores - destroying culturally held ideas and thoughtforms. Think about fighting the megregore that is McDonalds! What about YHWH?
Base it on Twin Peaks
Unironically: Web comics. The more weird/jank ones work best. Applies mostly towards art style, but other elements can sometimes work.
Everything is just aesthetic selection though.
Also artists with autism/mental illness tend to drop things that would suitably fit into dreamscape territory.
If you're taking the Psychonauts approach, the webcomic can be used as a direct mapping of an NPC's mental faculties. Learn some old-school philosophy-psychology (jung, nietche, etc) and deconstruct the ever-living fuck out of the settings to give it meaning to the one or more characters creating dreams/tulpas.
Example: Megatokyo's a pretty easy to transform/interpret as a dreamscape made by one/multiple people in constant psychological conflict, and depending you can pick out shit to turn into tulpa ez.
Related tool:
>tulpas are goddamn autist-tier imaginary friends, even the name sounds retarded
As a guy who has an imaginary friend, I can attest to that. Even my imaginary friend can confirm that she detests the term "tulpa".
If you want something that isn't ED.
Does anyone have the pdf for the Dont Rest Your Head book?
That's pretty much the Persona series.
came here to post this, fuck
Christfag here
If it's not god it's the devil.
Well, there is always the chance they are just fracturing their psyches.
But that’s worse, isn’t it.
More than likely, yes. Really the universe as we know it is his tulpa.
Eh, craziness isn't inherently malevolent and trying to destroy you
>isn’t trying to destroy you
Probably because you are already a bit broken.