What is your ideal world/country name? How do you generate them?
Mine is Elysium
What is your ideal world/country name? How do you generate them?
Mine is Elysium
I just string syllables together till I like what it sounds like.
I roll 26d26 and see what sounds good, each number letter corresponding to an equivalent letter.
Then if nothing sounds good as is I insert a 1d6(for vowels) in between every letter unless its a Br or a sh or something
Or I spend 8 hours pruning etymology sites for a meaning/word I like.
Or I'll shove a -fort, -beaux, -dorf to the end of some random shit I think of
Welcome to Fortbeauxburgdorf, where all of your dreams come true. If they happen to involve cholera that is.
Would be a good base for a parody campaign, it would be the very bastion of all civilization, both origin and culmination of all derivatives.
Iridell. Just sounds nice
Arx Sidera. Latin for "Citadel of Stars" of something like that
The land of Cellardoor. Nothing more beautiful than that.
Phallosia. Famed for their towering pillars.
The United States of America
New New England. (Or New New New England if you consider North Germany/Jutland as Old Old England.)
I like "Simago" personally
When I created my world I spent hours in Google maps looking for place names, translating them to english and then fantasy-fying them.
I just think up what the given world contains and make up a name based on words that describe the majority of the world's contents or the most important fixture of the world.
Like Gargantine, a world inhabited mostly by giant creatures.
Or Axledisc, a flat two-sided world whose main fixture is the tall, clockwork-powered Axle Tower going straight through the center and connecting the two halves.
I have to run to work, but nationstates are a modern concept, and empires are just named for the people who head them who are more often than not named for their gods.
Szeketia :^)
I use random Polish, Italian, German, French phrases or cities names
I prefer the Sergio Aragones method.
My favourite countries are:
New Alexandria
Nomanisan island
Frankish i sometimes use for a people because i couldnt think of anything better.
Edison-Noble Corporation
Axeley Executive.
Free Radical Sports Bionics
DEES Sports Drink.
Terra Nova in sci-fi setting.
Anything with an adundance of A's K's and V's in fantasy.
Lots of americans in here it seems.
Eisen, hardy germanic country in the 17th century that's split by many noble houses who all want claim on the title of the holy roman emperor. Even though Rome was swallowed up in a cataclysm and transported to the fey wild a century ago.
>all those g*rmans
Ophiacre for an occidental medieval kingdom.
Port-Jouvence, Freux-Béron, Sélénie, Vercibeaux and Sabreroc for its main cities.
Kyydim for an oriental kingdom.
Aïdja, Ophtis, Hikikata, Hül and Nafinda for its main cities.
I always find a way to put these two countries in the world I create, with at least half of these cities. This is kind of an obsession.
Explains /pol/
Complicora, capital of the State of Impractia, completely annexed on 241/10/16/12:03:52:81 by King Autus of Ash-Burgha, conquerer of the Sea of Improva, Hero of Charlatus and rightful heir to the distant throne of Overbos
The main kingdom in my kitchen sink setting is called Wayaway, because I feel like that kind of captures the light-hearted fantasy feel I'm going for. Other than that I just make up a bunch of pseudo-Germanic bullshit
The People's Republic of North Hitlerstan, ruled by the the good Baron Adolf von Evilsatan III. Mostly I just use it to fuck with metagamers.
The Confederate States of America.
I actually wrote a random name generator - I fed it with a list of fantasy names, it would take a random name, split it into syllables, take the first one, go for another random, take second syllable, continue till the next random word has an appropriate syllable. It worked relatively well. Maybe Markov chain generators are better - but probably not much.
>all those aussies
Explains the amount of shitposting.
Consider the idea stolen.
It's always fun to look at the etymology of plane names. Quite often people just name places after shit around them. Plenty of fancy place names around the world comes down to like "Big Old Tree" or "Wide River Bend."
I remember talking with some people about surnames where I live, and especially how they differ from one region of the country to another. Where I live a lot of surnames are geographical, related to hills and such. But on the other side, where the land is pretty flat, you have more surnames related to man made things, like buildings, fields, etc.