What is a fun / optimal / creative way of including sex and sexual themes in a campaign or setting?
Be it in the shape of complex relationships, cultures, religions, families, groups etc.
It seems tough to make interesting and not awkward.
What is a fun / optimal / creative way of including sex and sexual themes in a campaign or setting?
Be it in the shape of complex relationships, cultures, religions, families, groups etc.
It seems tough to make interesting and not awkward.
Easy. Just don't allow girl players. All males = fuck every NPC in the game.
It's because sex in general is a topic that people don't talk about around the kitchen table. You can't really mention it or describe it in detail without things becoming awkward or people assuming that it's some sort of fetish thing.
If you have to mention it or include it in some way, be subtle. Imply things instead of saying them outright.
Don't play with people that post on Veeky Forums. Oh wait, you do, so you've already messed up
Basically OP you should just do a TPK then have all the enemy NPCs roll to rape the corpses.
What did he mean by this?
Just do it OOC. Party that lays together, slays together.
Don't, unless everybody is on board. How is sex going to be involved? Is it going to be just satisfy boners or used as motives, reasons, goals? And if there are sex scenes, how do you handle uninvolved players?
I mean, lot of living creatures possess sexuality abd sexual desires and life, but usually it is better not to be elaborated
Don't come to Veeky Forums for a good answer to this question
In fact if you don't blow the DM prior to every game, you're breaking the oldest traditions of the hobby.
This advice is true for a lot of topics.
Rule 1: Don't unless everyone is okay with it.
There is no rule 2.
Pretty sure rules 1 and 2 are:
>You don't talk about sex and sexual themes in a campaign or setting.
I'm currently doing a Sci-fi campaign, and I want to include a civilization of robots who annex, assimilate, and enslave mammal planets through sex.
To keep it short: They convert cultural leaders, and encourage individual liberty, as well as granting voluntary biomodifications that increase their capabilities in that area. As time goes by, the entire culture is centered around it. Their old ways of life has completely disappeared, and the population is dependent on their new overlords for biomodifications and safety.
They keep the habitants of the planets alive and stable this way, to avoid alliances in their galaxy responding aggressively (In the galaxy the players are currently in, major alliances and military treaties are centered around stopping organizations or civilizations that rely on destroying planets and/or the life on them. So they realized abusing carbon based life this way was almost as good.)
They then use the planets natural resources to expand and improve, and the planets biological life as samples and subjects of experimentation.
Keep that robo-dong fetish to yourself, mate.
I'm not into robots, I just think it's a nice way to use the contrast between mammals and robotic lifeforms.
thats kind of hot
Some Persona type shit where strengthening the bonds with someone grants both parties special powers?
>Easy. Just don't allow girl players. All males = fuck every NPC in the game.
So you're saying that you've never interacted with girl players?
Go Giger or go home
You don't.
Sexual topics are something everyone should keep to themselves and never, ever include them into any group activity.
Nobody wants to play that shit. If we want erotic excitement we aren't going to hang out with our neckbeard friends. Nice reddit spacing my friend, upboated ; )
>It seems tough to make interesting and not awkward.
That's because sex is generally viewed as something which while not inherently awkward is usually private. Probably best to just not unless you're running a game for the express purpose of sexual gratification.
Most people will automatically jump to the conclusion that you're either running a fetish game or trying to shoehorn your personal fetish into a non-fetish game. If your players do romance NPCs or each-other then this , like they get small bonuses and debuffs when fighting side-by-side and they get more pronounced if either of them becomes injured or is in peril. Maybe they can reenforce each-other's will checks while they get a penalty to the same if isolated from one another. Those are simple mechanical ways to represent stronger than average emotional ties between people.
Why not? Sex it's an huge part in human interaction and social development.
Why are people such prudes?
Why sex makes you so uncomfortable?
Is it an American thing?
I've made it work with a close group of friends and a silly, lighthearted campaign with a purpose-built system and setting. I don't know how you'd add it to most systems or more serious games without it being awkward at best.
It's always going to feel awkward. You either deal with the fact that you're going to get side-eyed by your players for talking about how these robots make everyone giant sluts for their fat robot dicks.
I am not american.
I am a Finn.
Sex is something I consider a total taboo subject and I have zero interest in talking about it outside of private situations.
I am disgusted by modern culture and "liberated" sexuality. It is sickening.
>i am a finn
Being finnish means you don't want to talk to anyone about anything, I don't think you have any say on this.
Well fuck you too, cunt.
I love talking, especially when I am a bit drunk and with witty company. Just not about private shit or sexual subjects.
>Finns love to run their mouths off and shittalk their friends while they're off their asses but get flustered and turn into autists the moment they start talking about things they don't have any experience in
it's like pottery
And nobody was suprised
Yeah, because we have the moral decency not to talk about such private topics.
>It's an "idiot confuses politeness for morality" episode
Politeness is part of good and moral behavior.
>outside of private situations.
You don't count gaming a private situation? Do you regularly play with total strangers?
First: Make sure your players are comfortable with whatever you're doing. You should do this regardless of whether or not what you're doing is sexual, but do it anyway.
Don't describe it like a porno. Focus on the relationships, emotions, implications and consequences. Unlike combat (most of the time) sex isn't a competition with a de facto winner or loser, so there's no need to go into the mechanics of it.
If you want a setting with different cultural rules on sex, go for it. Just follow the above. If you want a story where players have to infiltrate a brothel and are the kind of agents where playing hookers and getting intel from Johns is a thing, go for it. Just follow the above.
Shit's not hard, nigger.
That's what amoral jackasses who want you to accept their easymode outward presentation as an indicator of morality want you to believe.
Anything that can be easily faked is not part of moral behavior.
>You don't count gaming a private situation?
No, I do not.
Private situations are ones in which I am only in the company of my family and loved ones, in the privacy of my home.
I do not have any friends I consider close enough to me for me to allow them into my sphere of privacy.
>It's a "Finn pretends that he knows how humans work" episode
From my experience the exact opposite is true.
how sad...
It's already been said a few times above but I'll chime in with my own version:
1. Consensual sex doesn't need rolls unless you're checking for pregnancy or disease or have a specific goal like blowing the shopkeep for a discount.
2. Communication is key. Make sure your players know what they're getting into.
3. Implications, consequences, and emotional effects are way more important than a description of physical feats and mechanics.
4. Sex isn't a huge part of most settings or the typical adventure story, don't try to force it just because you can.
I don't understand do Finnish people not have friends? I've known some of my friends for literal decades. Is that just not the case for you?
We Finns operate at higher levels than you sub Finnic mongrels.
How so?
I can only speak for myself, but I do have friends, some going back decades. None of them are that close to me that I'd talk with them about sexual subjects tho. That shit is strictly private and a topic I am unwilling to discuss with anyone other than people I trust completely.
this, all of this.
what kind of moron makes sex a rolling thing?
oh yeah Veeky Forums might...
if you want consequences for the act then just ask basic questions and roleplay the partner's response.
is your character good or bad at it?
is he rough? gentle? did he or she cuddled and slept with their companion or just came and fled? was it a romantic thing or just sexual?
sex can have social and personal consequences besides diseases or injuries you know?
Well sex rolling as a concept is fine, or perhaps I should say rape rolling. I've made a system/setting before with all violence replaced by mutual rape and that works. I agree that rolling for consensual sex is totally retarded though.
Take a look at how apocalypse world integrates it into the game.
Are you same Finn who was talking shit a few days back about how the Finnish are the one pure race and you hate all others?
Because if not, then damn, Finns are just plain backward all over.
1. Don't include it unless the campaign is explicitly erotic games where sex and the associated drama are part of the fun.
2. Don't play erotic games unless it's with people who are actually into some kind of fetish or sex scene, otherwise it'll always be awkward.
3. Don't play erotic games unless you can separate real life relationships from simulated relationships and can avoid getting attached to people sexually due to sexy things happening in game.
I cannot be sure that that was me, but have engaged in discussions somewhat akin to what you describe.
I have never claimed that we Finns are one pure race. I claimed that we are a distinct ethnicity with our own distinct genetic background and culture and that it is within our interest to preserve our existence. I do however, have profound dislike of non-Finns if they inhabit my homeland. I view them as existential threats to my people and children.
Depends on your players and you, moron.
>I view them as existential threats to my people and children
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge buddy.
Really 3 can be expanded to all RPGs and all situations. Schizophrenics shouldn't play tabletop.
>Dare you enter my transhuman realm?
Nothing edgy about it.
I simply view the world trough a lens that has been fundamentally colored by my understanding of evolution, ecology and history of our species. I cannot view a member of a competing tribe as anything other than a threat.
>I am unwilling to discuss with anyone other than people I trust completely.
Is that trust limited to the people you are related to by blood and/or have sex with because of those or is that just a coincidence.
In order for me to have sex with someone, I'd have have grown to trust her enough to be intimate with her in the first place. So yes, sexual matters are something I would only consider talking about with my family, and significant other, if I had one.
Hah, yeah, you're the same guy. I remember you went on a spiel about your views being based in evolution, while revealing at the same time that you had insane magical ideas about how evolution and genetics work that in no way reflect reality.
Keep on truckin', user. I'm not surprised to find that you're backward in another element of your life.
Nice miss-characterization of my position. Sure is easy to attack a strawman.
I am full well aware of how evolution works, and I am better informed of how genetics work than a layman is, given that I sought to go to university to study the subject which required extensive preparation.
And no, my views aren't "backwards". My views are based on all the knowledge I have accumulated in my still quite young life, logical thinking, and fully articulated form of my subjective framework of values and morals, that places my family and their well being, as the highest arbiter of moral good. From that foundation, are my other views drawn.
That's... Actually kinda realistic if you think about it
Did anyone say square dancing yet?
>given that I sought to go to university to study the subject which required extensive preparation
I'm guessing you only 'sought' to because your bizarre, unfounded ideas about how evolution worked meant you were incapable of actually completing a degree.
I'm pretty sure I know which thread is being talked about here. You were the guy who thought that evolution was like this force modern humans are fighting against, and only pure humans like you understood that you had to go with the flow of tribalism or something. Hilarious.
user, the first step, as everyone's said, is to make sure ALL PLAYERS INVOLVED are okay with this. If they are not, drop it. PERIOD.
Also, make sure that your players can approach you if they're uncomfortable. As in real sex, the key to success is communication. If you and your players don't talk, sooner or later someone will end in an awkward, possibly painful situation. Sex is a touch subject for a lot of people, and the IC intimacy that often comes with it can raise uncomfortable RL feelings into the limelight.
Speaking of which, assess your players. Make sure they are mature and adult. Make sure they are good at roleplaying. Make sure none of them would humiliate the others outside the game. Make sure that they can handle the subject matter reasonable well. Make sure none of them have emotional issues that will cause severe problems for you. Make sure none of them will do anything that will make you wonder if they might be stalking you. Make sure none of them will start a killing spree IC because they can't deal with their emotions and probably actually need RL Help with things (that one actually happened. He eventually got things sorted and got a lot better).
Next, assess yourself. Why are you doing this? If you really just want to roleplay out sex, or roleplay in a sexually charged environment, or your Magical Realm, or whatever, that's actually fine, so long as your players are on the same page. If you want to because you're trying to tell a story that you think this will improve that story, that's okay too. Again, make sure your players are on the same page. If they want sexy funtimes and you want serious stories... things will go badly.
On to the sexytimes themselves. Firstly, if you don't need to actually roleplay out the sexytimes for your purposes, don't. Keep it vague. It makes everyone's lives easier. If you're going to roleplay it out... text is easier. There's a reason cybering is so popular, and erotic D&D isn't.
Trust me. There is nothing more awkward than sitting across the table from someone, describing how your character licks their character's nipples. Besides, if you're not physically in the same location, it's less awkward when you get erect/want to get one off on what's going if your players are especially talented.
If the sex is going to be especially weird, the bit about communication goes double. Seriously. Getting someone else's fetishes forced on you sucks.
There is no need to include the players whose characters are not involved in the sexytimes. That just makes it more awkward for all parties. And gives more opportunties for someone to not be discreet, and proceed to tell a mutual friend about how you fucked a guy in an RP (god dammit, man. What the fuck is WRONG with you?).
With that... good luck, user. Sex in RP can be fun - that's why ERP and cybering exist. But it can also suck. This is the best I can do to make it not that.
I don't get you, if you despize the outside world so much, why do you continue to post on a Web site with countless non Finns conversing with you?
First and foremost your players should know that sex and relationships will be a factor in the game. You don't want them being retards, and you don't want to scare the girls.
The best way imo is making sexuality part of the story. Taking the PG-blinders off a setting and saying (in the appropriate context; say, a big city) yeah there's strippers over there, there's a pimp NPC over here, this girl at the bar is giving you signals (and you may have to be separated from your party).
>TFW I find out I should have been Finnish
> if you despize the outside world so much, why do you continue to post on a Web site with countless non Finns conversing with you?
I feel like that one's easy to answer, anyone who is suspicious or competitive with outsiders should want to keep an eye on them and grow to understand their thoughts and motives. The easiest way to do this is to infiltrate, keep a low profile, and let more talkative sorts reveal their own thoughts, arguments, desires and weaknesses in front of you.
And yet he spends most of his time spouting about himself loudly and the superiority of the the Finnish in such a way that seeks to have enemies, he lives in a world of self fulfilling prophecy
Well, this is an anonymous discussion forum, he could very well simultaneously "infiltrate" other threads while acting the blowhard in this one and you'd never know.
There's a whole faction type exactly like this in Stellaris. Rogue Servitors.
It would be much easier to just use sex robots. Sell them robots that will do all the work for them, and then give everyone free sex in the form of sex robots that work for free.
The entire population will be too busy boning or getting boned by sexbots to give a fuck about anything they're doing.
Play Bliss Stage
Finns are literally slavs who are now enslaved by cuck-swedes. Also, too poor to be scandi.
Depends on what specifically you want to do.
Sex as tool for adventure, that's all that matters.
You are seduced by a barmaid and she's actually an assassin/doppleganger/murderous stalker/your daughter from the future come to warn you/kill you.
Freaky sexy rituals to summon a demon are being performed by a cult of nobles in a whole Eyes Wide Shut masquerade. You need to infiltrate the mask, and everyone is naked except for masks.
You wake up in the morning with a corpse/someone important/another party member/your mortal enemy/your clone, in your bed.
You wake up in the morning and find that they're ugly and you're married.
Oh shit, someone on this Mediterranean ciabatta duelling board actually said something sensible.
Politeness has no direct link to morality because etiquette is basically a language. What's polite in one culture can be an unforgivable insult in another.
I suppose morality varies between culture as well, but people aren't as even handed about that. "Sorry, I didn't realise that was rude in your culture" tends to be accepted a lot better than "sorry, in my culture it's considered reasonable and polite to orally rape preteen boys."
No, I merely failed the entrance exam by few points. And at that point, I did not hold the views I currently do. My descend to this ideological path happened fairly recently, though the underlying elements that allowed me to go down this path were always there, chiefly my strong bond with my family and the knowledge of evolution and biology I had accumulated in school.
>You were the guy who thought that evolution was like this force modern humans are fighting against, and only pure humans like you understood that you had to go with the flow of tribalism or something.
This is a complete miss-characterization of my views.
My view is that humans are a product of evolution like all life is, and our evolutionary path has made us into intensely tribal animals. In my view, the tribe, as in the collection of related families tied together by common tongue, territory, and way of life, is the social reality we evolved to exist in and that modern societal organization in many ways, directly goes against the "natural" way we socially organize ourselves. Our families are broken, we have become atomized and individualized and have to increasingly cling to the state for the role of the unifying tribe, instead of our actual kin. In my view, this is an unstable situation.
I have nothing against communicating with the outside world. I am opposed to having the outside world invade my homeland and demographically displacing my people, like it is happening right now. I want my people to have a strong, and secure ethnostate where we are the masters of our own destiny, nothing more, nothing less.
>have to increasingly cling to the state for the role of the unifying tribe
Having one happy-dandy ethnostate sounds great until you realize your country has 300 ethnicities and 700 languages, and everybody's separated by jungles, mountains and water. Who the fuck else is there to turn to for unification except for an overaching government, even if that government is fairly shit?
Yeah, that is the case for some people, but not for mine.
I make no claim that what I see as a good system for my people, would work for all other peoples as well.
Try the opposite.
I generally stick to male groups to avoid this sort of thing. It is far less likely to pop up, and guys generally seems very intolerant of sexual themes.
My last "girls only" group was a Fey campaign, and my god, that was neither fun nor interesting, but it sure was ****creative****.
As a Finn, I should point out that the idea of one unified Finnish people is a historically recent invention. Genetically, people from eastern and western Finland are completely different people, and culturally before becoming a province of Sweden there was no one unified Finland, but multiple areas inhabited by different groups of people who did have some contact with each other but no shared national identity (the term Finland originally referred to the area on the Southwest coast, which is why it's still called "varsinais-Suomi"/"Finland proper"). Even the common Finnish spoken language is an artificial one, cobblef together from different local dialects, some of which used to be more like closely related languages (like Spanish and Portuguese), for admistrative purposes.
ERP campaigns are a thing.
Have had two. One was a couple kind of thing, where we were two couples who mostly just fooled around. The game was still important, but any session would involve everybody getting off at least once.
Then I had another one. It was a lot more subtle, and was generally more for teasing, with only a few actual "live" performances, aside from a few blowjobs and handjobs when simulating something happening in the game. We could go session with nothing happening, and then suddenly have a session where someone got double teamed, torn clothes, and everything being an absolute mess. It was quite the campaign, but it was very clear that the campaign was the most important thing, but that sex was a part of it, and would show up from time to time.
The thing our Finnish friend doesn't understand, is that the group *should* be private. Similar to talking to a girlfriend or wife about this sort of thing, the people in such a group should all be on board with the concept of getting down and dirty, and with clear boundaries for what is okay, and what is not.
Like... this is not vdn about being liberal or anything, this is just being a grown up who knows how to set limits and engage in regular adult activities.
>As a Finn, I should point out that the idea of one unified Finnish people is a historically recent invention
Obviously. We were a bunch of tribes, and while we did have largely same ancestors, we had diverged into competing units by the time Swedes conquered us.
The nationalism and national romanticism of the 19th century that united us into a Finnish nation was largely just a tool of the elites of that age via which they were able to gain full independence from the Russian empire.
All forms of nationalism are fundamentally imagined constructs, because they involve the creation of an imagined unifying tribe that encompasses all the actual real tribes that are based on existing human bonds. That doesn't make nationalism any less of an useful tool however. I view ethnonationalism as an excellent tool for promoting a sense of unity and mentality of "us vs them", that I view necessary in order to ensure the continued survival of our peoples. No future where we Finns no longer exist, is acceptable to me.
>Genetically, people from eastern and western Finland are completely different people,
This is actually not completely true. There is a lot of genetic divergence between eastern and western Finns, but genetically both are still distinctly finnic people and also share a ton of genes that they don't share with other groups of people. The divergence is mostly because of the fact that travel at the time was hard here, and most populations were fairly isolated from one another, and because genetic drift eastern and western Finns were exposed to, differed from one another due to their neighboring populations.
I am well aware of the history of our peoples and how our national identity was forged. Do not take me for an uneducated fool who is utterly blinded by our national mythos. I know full well how our nation was formed, and I see it's pragmatism. I desire to use similar methods to reform our nation once more.
>I desire to use similar methods to reform our nation once more.
uhuh. and how are you going to go about that?
Right now, by educating myself further in university. I am still far too uninformed on far too many things, as well as lacking in necessary connections, to be in any legitimate position to pursue my ambitions in any real sense. But time is on my side, I am young, and the world is rapidly changing. The older generations are dying, and so are their taboos, and the remnants of the world order that was established by the cold war are coming to their end. We are witnessing an end of an era, and for many, this will mean social unrest and uncertainty. In 10-20 years, there will most likely be excellent opportunities for me to capitalize on the fears and concerns of my fellow Finns, and to push my agenda further in ways not seen since 1930ies.
>No future where we Finns no longer exist, is acceptable to me
You can't conceive of a day where humanity will move beyond this rock and start to consider planets a 'nationality' and the idea of clinging to heritage that hasn't always been there, and will be unlikely to still be around by the time we're leaving the solar system?
Just seems like a small thing to hold on to, like insisting on running an old farm because your father's father's grandfathers have been farmers... even as we move into an age where animal husbandry and the like are increasingly outdated.
I don't give a shit about rest of humanity. I only care about my own people. I have zero investment in a future where my people and my descendants are dead, so why would I care about such a future?
Only a future where my descendants still exist has any meaning for me. I would not sacrifice myself or my people to ensure the survival of rest of mankind, but I would certainly sacrifice rest of mankind to ensure the survival of my people.
Even accepting that, you still ignore the point that do you think the Finnish will 'exist' in a time when they leave this rock and settle somewhere else? Do you think you will have "Finnish" people when they're not born and never set foot in Finland?
Can't take land with you...
An identity is more than just the land you are born upon. It also ties strongly to your ancestry. Because of that, I will never see descendants of immigrants who were born in Finland as my fellow Finns. They are spawn of invaders and thus my enemies.
>They are spawn of invaders and thus my enemies
No no see, we have this thing in modern times, were we invite people... hell, we even had it back in medieval times, it's called trade, emissaries, moots...
Also what Finnish group are we talking about? Varsinaissuomalaiset? Satakuntalaiset?
Hämäläiset? Savolaiset? I mean it's hard to say "this is Finnish" when you've been conquered by Sweden, cultural immigration with Russia, Norway...
Just saying, your goal seems... unrealistic?
Don't bother. user lives in an imaginary version of Earth where historically everyone used to keep entirely to themselves, and this was the right and proper way because it's the evolutionary inertia of tribalism or something. In a previous discussion he implied that if people could stay ethnically pure and isolated long enough they'd somehow ascend by raw evolutionary power into a greater race.
I have no respect for modern age and it's decadent and weak values.
>Also what Finnish group are we talking about? Varsinaissuomalaiset? Satakuntalaiset?
Hämäläiset? Savolaiset?
All of them. As long as they pass for an ethnic Finn and speak Finnish, they are ok in my book.
>Just saying, your goal seems... unrealistic?
My goal is just to make Finland into an explicitly ethnonationalist state in which ethnic Finns will always be the absolute majority of inhabitants. I desire this because I never want my descendants to be forced to live as minority in their own ancestral homeland or fall under the reign of foreign powers.
Again with the strawmen. Do you deny the fact that if a population segment of species stays isolated from the rest of the population, it will eventually diverge into a new species?
Why would humans be an exception?
>ethnic Finn and speak Finnish
You do realise that will allow a great deal of Norwegians, Russians, Swedish and even some Germans to pass your test?
I mean you might as well say "I'm for the Viking revival", as much as anything Finnish...
Sure. That doesn't matter to me. Though, an additional criteria of "descending from finnic tribes" could be added if you object to pther europeans that much.
>Do you deny the fact that if a population segment of species stays isolated from the rest of the population, it will eventually diverge into a new species?
It will, but a small homogeneous gene pool is more likely to compound errors than generate a new species with any advantages.
>Do you deny the fact that if a population segment of species stays isolated from the rest of the population, it will eventually diverge into a new species?
Not that guy, and I don't... I just don't see any evidence it will create a superior species...
Also as I mentioned with the Norwegians, Russians, Swedish and even some Germans, unless you've got a realistic plan to genetically test these guys, and their ANCESTORY... the eventual goal you want to work towards isn't very realistic...
>if you object to pther europeans that much
I don't! But I thought this was about Finnish survival and evolution... how is including Russia, Norway, Germany and Sweden anything to do with Finnish heritage?