Hey Veeky Forums, I'm part of one of the several groups adjacent to Veeky Forums working on a game inspired by D&D 4e, and I figure it can't hurt to discuss the concept.
We're all people who liked the game and are hoping to make something that retains its strengths while improving on its weaker aspects, but it's always good to get more information on what people would want, both those who liked and who disliked the prior game.
There are some things we're not going to change. We liked the combat system and how powers work (although we're slightly broadening the definition of Dailies, to allow powers with other usage restrictions to occupy the same slot), we like the focus on heroic high fantasy stories about badasses doing awesome things, along with structures like the three tiers and Themes/PP's/ED's.
On the changes front, improved non-combat is a large focus, with dedicated slots for non-combat powers and a removal of permanent costs from non-permanent rituals. We're also looking at a more abstract wealth system, having less magic items but making those you have more interesting and significant, focusing on interesting traits and powers rather than raw mechanical focuses.
There's other stuff of course, but I can answer any questions people have. Keep in mind that we're not really considering 5e- People who like it already have a game that caters to them. We're looking at 4e as an alternate evolution of the D&D formula, and trying to improve on it and create a more refined version of it.