Hey Veeky Forums how do I make a character that wants to become a lich chaotic evil without making him a copy paste animu edgelord.
>animu edgelord
Just make a character you cunt.
You have little to no concern for most people's lives and well-being save a handful of your closest and most trusted friends, you acknowledge personal liberty (particularly, your own) as being more important than what the King thinks and that he can fuck off most of the time, and your unrelenting (need for power/fear of death/goal that requires a theoretically infinite lifespan/etc) demands you seek out necromantic powers to attain lichdom, after discovering some trinket that led you to pouring through a thousand tomes to discover what, exactly, a lich is and the forbidden secrets that started you on your way of discovering how to become one.
In order to avoid being a meme, not only do you not let your retard flag fly and do shit that will get you murdered by the overwhelmingly non-evil body of people who exist around you, betray your closest companions and most useful assets when they're put in the best position for murdering you possible, or cause unnecessary havoc just because "I haven't done enough unambiguously sinister things yet", but you probably don't let on your plans or your "all people who aren't me are pawns for my ambitions or pets I like enough to fawn over" mentality.
tl;dr: Be a sociopath, but the kind that goes into business/law/politics as a career path except one that's better at pretending to not be an obviously evil shitbag than certain famous ones that can derail this thread and not the kind that kills children for giggles (the retarded one and quite possibly also the same shitbag as before).
Do you just randomly latch onto a subject and keep making bait threads about it? Yesterday, it was Goblin Slayer. Today, it is liches. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
dumb frogposter.
Thinks for the advice man I just started making this character and since he is my first character I want him to be memorable.
What goblin slayer?
This is my first post to this board anyway.
"I have amassed too great a collection to know in one lifetime. I will need several more."
No, I made one of the threads about liches. Or two, I don't remember.
I, as in not the OP, but a different poster.
Well, if you're not baiting, then I'll give you a real answer. You aren't going to survive to lichdom if you interpret chaotic evil as the first thing which springs to mind, as some sort of baby eating sociopath who can't contain his raging boner for murder. You need to be cold. Calculating. Careful. If you go around murdering random people, someone will notice that shit and slap you harder than a redneck's wife.
Be aware of what your ultimate goal is and do what you can to make it there. If people along the way can help you to your goal, then you might as well pretend that you get along with them to further it. I'm not saying that you can't legitimately care about other people or that you can only see other people for how they might further your goals, but you should definitely not care if some peasants have to die along your path to power. As someone who is chaotic evil, your only true loyalty is to yourself. You have no real code you follow and you will break any promises, rules or laws you have to if it means achieving what you want.
so I should be a nuetral or lawful evil.
I havn't really read much about the alignments sorry.
Alignments are just to give you a general idea of what to expect from an entity or character and we've had lengthy discussions about what actions fall under what alignments. Lawful evil would probably work better for lichdom because it's a more subtle evil. Someone works within a framework of codes and law in order to further their own goals. It's like having a judge in your pocket or being the CEO of a corporation. It's the idea that order and control is a more effective means of furthering your own goals than acting like the previously mentioned baby cannibal.
So I also had a question friend I don't know what race to pick i wanna be a lizard man.
Design the character's personality first, then decide what alignment fits best afterward. Actions dictate alignment, not the opposite.
Whatever floats your boat. You're going to become a skeleton anyway.
You *can* do it as chaotic evil, you just can't be a psychopath - that is to say while you enjoy hurting people and generally follow your gut you do understand the concept of consequences and avoid actions that result in bad shit happening to you.
Depends on the system/how lichdom works in the system/What the world is like/How your GM will rule becoming a lich will occur
Basically talk to your GM. Also alignments are fucking stupid and if you think "Hurr i'm going to be chaotic evil" as your main character concept you're fucking stupid fuck you
I thought chaotic evil meant only caring about yourself which a lich does which is why I made that assumption sorry.
There's actually no good explanation in D&D why liches have to be evil. It's just some vague blurb in the description about how performing the ritual is an evil act, but it never goes into detail. If you're a wizard trying to be immortal, there are other avenues. Unless being evil is your intention.
Oh I thought siince all liches are stated as evil that I should do that to avoid being a special snowflake.
What do you want more, to be evil or just to become an undead? If the former, than lich is fine. If not, then yeah that could be seen as snowflaky, talk to your DM about alternate methods of immortality.
A bit of both
I played an Elf Necromancer for a while, the way I did it was that he basically saw knowledge as the greatest good and highest end, and curiosity led him to necromancy. He basically gave no fucks about anyone or anything except getting more books to learn from, but would do basically anything to get them. Once this meant literally murdering a village with the resurrected corpses of their own ancestors, another time it meant helping some people.
I guess my point is this- determine what your primary goal is, and then use your alignment to determine what lengths you'll go to and what techniques you'll use to get it
you just need to find a good example of chaotic evil
Kill yourself, frogposter.
While we're at it we should brainstorm for a race that'll give OP the best skeleton for his lichform, assuming he can keep it together long enough to get there.
I for one think a minotaur lich would be both unique and fukken sweet
You see, villains who murder their teammates without proper replacement don't get far.
6 Juggernaut is likely Lawful Neutral.
Contempt for amassing wealth, or for those dedicating life to create it, doesn't make one Evil
6 Juggs literally wants nothing more than Omnicide.
>"b-but he and 2 Michael are royalists now"
Much to 6 Juggs' displeasure. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Thorns didn't stage a full scale coup against the rest of the Concordance before the comic's over.
first, you have to not post a frog for a solid five years.
>Wants to be Chaotic Evil Lich
>Doesn't want to be an edgelord
I don't understand the question.
Literally the motivation of a Naruto villain
I played a character like this. Neutral evil though, everything he did was in pursuit of knowledge, no matter who or what had to die for it.
Same user this was basically my character down to being a an elf. If the guy who posted this sees what subrace where you? I was high elf.
Most characters that try to become liches are insane, desperate, foolish or some combination of the three.
Make a mage. The character's primary goal will likely be pursuit of knowledge, not a stretch for the archetype. If the road to hell is paved in good intention, it's built on a substrata of indifference and compromise. Do what's expedient rather than what's right. Getting him to a point where he's desperate or crazy enough to think becoming undead is a good idea will take some effort, much of it will depend on the circumstances he's in, and it'll be a campaign's worth of effort to get there.