>Jesus has come to spread the Good Word to your setting
How does he do it? How does he fare?
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We kill Drifters.
So did the Romans. Didn't do a whole lot.
All according to plan then.
The Good God welcome him as the new guy in the pantheei while the evil ones think which of them wants to be his enemy.
All in all maybe he gets somefollowers but nothing ordinary.
A afterlife for the souls is granted in most fantasy settings as long as you follow your gods tenets, even if they are evil...
The totally not catholic church, tries to have him killed quietly.
Either way there's probably a Wars of Religion 2, electric boogaloo.
He's going to be very confused when there's only robots to preach to.
>He tries to speak with children.
>The children take rocks and arrows and try to attack him.
>Jesus send a fireball at them.
>Locals get angry and put him in the cross
But damn, that robot would be devout.
Why does that picture exist,
why do you have it saved,
how do you remember you saved that picture,
how do you remember where you saved it,
Save my soul, Lord.
In one setting he would do fine because deities are created memeticly. He has more than enough power to gain enough followers to generate enough power to create a diety/ascend himself.
In my other setting, he would cause mass chaos because Christianity already exists. Everyone would be arguing about him and I have no idea how it would end.
He probably starts with the Gnolls, since they are basically Jewish Mongols. If he is good at fighting the unspeakable horrors from beyond the stars, he might get accepted into the human pantheon, otherwise he probably gets stuck with a minor cult. Competition is pretty cutthroat in my setting.
DOES this mechanical being possess a soul, though? AI's would likely develop religion, yes - after all, a machine is created for a purpose, and sapient beings tend to project themselves onto the workings of their universe. They were made for something specific - why not everything else?
But at the same time, WOULD sapience confer that ineffable "beingness" upon them and grant them access to the afterlife?
Jesus was in the right. He was attacked with lethal force and the enemy was using psychological warfare. Those children most likely would of had explosive runes tattooed into their skin, and when Jesus and his super friends are killed in a explosion Yahweh would laugh and say "lol, should of killed the kids nigga. lol, it's just a game, nigga"
Fool, if you strike him down he will become more powerful than you can imagine!
Something like this.
If you have sapience then you have a soul.
I can see it happening much like how it did in real life
>For some reason the not-Romans get him killed
>But not really lol
>The religion grows over the course of the centuries, until the not-Romans declare it the state religion
>It eventually becomes the dominant religion of the setting
Sadly, this also implies that sooner or later M*slims will become a thing and destroy the remnants of the not-Romans.
Is this a metaphor?
Like, actual Jesus?
It would be a repeat of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. He'll amass followers, annoy hypocritical religious leaders, and get martyred in a horrible, horrible way. Then everyone who follows him after that will get to go to a Heaven that is worth going to.
What can I say, OP? Compared to my fairly generic fantasy gods, The Big G is basically using cheat codes. Or the pen-and-paper equivalent.
If not, how was the soul conferred to humans? God did it, I suppose, but I could see devout artificial intelligences believing that the human programmer was acting as God's instrument in this capacity, much as the human writer acted as God's instrument in the penning of the infallible word of God in the Bible.
Assuming he actually brought God along for the actual miracles and power-granting, they'll probably be fine. Will gain some followers and a quick talking to from the couple hundred gods who can be arsed about the "no other god" thing and general pushiness.
If he's just by himself, still a few followers, just enough to become a minor local deity.
>Nentir Vale setting
Followers of the Goodly Gods politely ignore him, since they already have patron gods who offer everything he has without the sticks like, say, condemning everyone who won't convert to his faith to suffer eternal torment.
Loses all credibility when it comes out that his god will not empower any others with clerical powers and, in fact, he preaches against the use of ritual magic as soul-damning evil - in a world where healing relies hugely upon rituals.
Asmodeus isn't sure whether to be amused or offended by the references to Hell in his preachings.
Finally ends up being killed off by an avenger or cleric of one of the evil deities.
Swiftly forgotten as just another crackpot would-be prophet.
He was in the right. The Children had enchanted slings that do 1d4 damage.
Jesus was right. The children violated the NAP
Some of the more open-minded Humans listen to him, and start a small cult in his name.
The Orcs and the more friendly Elves give him lots of funny looks, and ignore him.
The more hostile Elves torture him to death for blasphemy.
He would be tolerated, in fact the more cynical authorities would see the stuff he preaches as an improvement over their traditional animist tribal faiths ad support him directly.
"No other god" didn't originally mean "there are no other gods", but "don't worship other gods OR ELSE" (directed to the israelites) with the implication that he was the best/most powerful one.
He does REAL fuckin good
They say he can speak to the player behind the character from within the fourth dimensional medium of instanced roleplay
And the other gods are going to show up and disagree with varying amounts of politeness.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
"Before me" is the big part.
he gets eaten by giants.
>Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Pretty decent, the developed countries don't kill for heresy. His teachings echo enough of the most popular monotheistic religion that he might create an ofshoot that regards him as a new prophet (e.g. the Mormons). For those who have a better understanding of the metaphysics of the world like witches and the like, he might be seen as a reflection of God from another world/universe (e.g. Aslan)
(((Elves))) are Jews confirmed.
>tfw friemd found a copy of Testament at a book store
>Alright Players, everyone roll a d12 on the Apostle chart. If you get Judas.. uhhh.. yeah you can reroll if you want to, but I won't make you.
Illuminati kidnaps him and try to subvert his teachings.
>ancient Egypt right before Abrahamic times
Jesus, you're a little early... aren't ya jumping the gun here?
Last I checked, Jews didn't believe they were the direct descendants of the gods, forced to live as mortals after a divine war broke the world, and that all other races were the damned offshoots of the god that started the war in the first place.
The High Elves would kill Jesus for A. claiming that there's only one god/only one god worth worshipping, B. that said worthy god is a god that they've never heard of, and C. that he, a filthy Human, is the direct descendant of/earthly manifestation of said god.
I guess christianity will have a good foothold since all the good gods have backed off since the great evil. I mean if someone comes around, has the power of a god and preaches good he's doing 2 out of 3 things more than most priests and clerics of the gods.
Problem is they'll probably get mad about it, telling him that these people are facing their punishment. And so, with the help of jesus, the world fights the gods for freedom.
All liches do well in my setting, especially an entire religion full of them.
In fact 300 years later the Romans became his personal fan club
Elves confirmed Romans
Jesus claimed something even more outrageous, not that he was a descendant of God, but that he was literally God. Big G God, mind you, not made up wooden idol gods the elves dreamed up while prancing about in the trees. So good luck keeping him dead, because that's another part of the Jesus mythos that you seem to be glossing over.
Well, if he still claims to be the son of the ONLY god, he gets laughed at because there's magic that lets you talk directly with various gods that have actually taken a direct role in the world instead of just talking through messengers and telling you to take every mundane coincidence as a sign like Yahweh does.
>People honestly claiming that Jesus would get "Kidnapped and tortured to death, lel".
You guys *do* realize that at any moment, Jesus can call down hundreds upon hundreds of Angels from the higher Heavens to descend and deal with any problem he might face, Correct? Or that he could just cease to even *pretend* to be human, and just go full Lamb of Revealations on the world, right?
He gets executed for heresy, since the Emperor of Mankind is humanity's one true god.
>implying it's not the Emperor reborn
Ah but you see the kidnap and torture is just part of the long game. Unfortunately for those uppity knife ears they might be unfortunate to live the several millennia needed to come face to face with the consequences of their actions in a manner as you describe.
He gets arrested and sent to the death camps for lack of identi-chip, zealotry and disturbance of public order.
According to law enforcement firms, at least five other individuals have claimed to be reincarnated religious figures in just the last week.
Ah, of course, just like he did in the Bible when faced with the exact same problem.
> Big G God, mind you, not made up wooden idol gods the elves dreamed up while prancing about in the trees.
The High Elves have a pretty strong claim that their creation myth is actually true. Jesus can claim his god is the bestest, toughest, coolest god all he likes. It's not going to stop the High Elves from pulling out his intestines and showing them to him.
Yes, because the Abrahamic God exists in every setting.
Oh wait, no he doesn't. Guess Jesus is just a dude preaching peace and love under some very dodgy pretensions.
>Utter retards who just want to wank off to Jesus dying.
Here, have a Seraphim for your troubles.
>ow the edge
>implying Jesus only had nice words
>implying there isn't some bigger God that made the concept of existence so the shitty elf gods have some framework within which they can function and act
Whatever happens, rest assured it's not going to be the end of it and a few short millennia later the humans will gas the knife ears.
>Christfags think they can dictate what happens in other people's fiction
Hahahaha you're adorable.
>Using the "Christfag" meme.
Reddit is that'away, friend. Now get.
>Yes, because the Abrahamic God exists in every setting.
It does, if you go be the premise in the OP.
If he said a guy claiming to be Jesus shows up in your setting, you could assume that he's not actually Jesus.
If Jesus shows up in setting, it implies Big G exists. And the devil too for that matter.
The Devil showing up in setting would make things pretty interesting, come to think of it.
>what happens if Jesus showed up in your setting?
>who knows! But here's what would happen if a Jesus shaped punching bag showed up
Sad, really
>The Devil showing up in setting would make things pretty interesting, come to think of it.
Depends on which guise he's using. If it's his usual "trickster" form, then he wouldn't be *that* different from DnD's version of Devils/Asmodeus. If it's his "true" form as the Dragon Of Revealation, well the world that it manifests within is almost certainly fucked.
You do realize that not even every sect of Christian faith in the real world believes that Jesus was the same entity as Yahweh, right? There are many sects that specifically claim him to be an enlightened messiah whom God worked through, but still mortal.
And this kind of shit is just one of the many reasons why Veeky Forums hates Christians. You want to know why most RPGs are hostile to you people? It's because you're arrogant, conceited, know-it-all, moralizing assholes.
Doesn't necessarily mean that Yahweh is everything the Abrahamic faiths claim he is. There's enough canon examples in D&D alone of worlds where gods have made shit up to make themselves look good to throw doubt on God's omniscience and omnipotence.
Just because it's Jesus does not mean that the setting's established articles of religious reality have to suddenly be clumsily retconned to be falsehoods.
I hate that this is the best analogy I can think of, but just because the DC version of Earth is under the mandate of the Olympians and the Marvel version of Earth is under that of the Asgardians doesn't mean that Thor and Wonder Woman cancel each other out in a puff of smoke when they cross over.
It implies it, sure. But OP wasn't explicit, so I'm free to assume whatever the hell I like.
>"A bloo hoo hoo, why isn't my imaginary friend getting special treatment?"
The church sends out the paladins to capture him. He's assimilated into the religion and everyone forgets about him after a few months.
Fucking thank you. Couldn't have put it better myself.
>It's because you're arrogant, conceited, know-it-all, moralizing assholes.
This is why you don't play with hard core fedoras.
>I'm free to assume whatever the hell I like.
At that point why bother posting in the thread, if you're planning on making assumptions unrelated to the original premise?
I'm thinking that the Devil is probably going to end up rallying a bunch of forgotten gods, and kicking off an Ragnarok style confrontation pretty early.
So its fine if its after Him?
This is why you should *Never* let fedorafags have a say in anything at all. They are almost always completely retarded cumdrinkers who think they're hot shit.
That's the original meaning, yes.
I dunno, we got plenty of messiahs. Will he be more popular than Grumby, the famous gnome hero-king? Will he be more ruthless in his quest for salvation than Hannibal Gwynffor, the aasimar strongman with the golden hand and pet angel of death? Can he out-party Ormal, the King Dick Vampire himself? I tend to doubt it.
Time to go worship Thor! But just a lil bit
>DnD gods comparing at all to YHWH
>I can't handle even the vaguest possibility that my worldview could be wrong
>At that point why bother posting in the thread, if you're planning on making assumptions unrelated to the original premise?
Because that's how every "what would happen if thing A suddenly appeared in setting B?" thread works, you moron.
OP also never made it clear whether Jesus appears on land or beneath it. I assume he appears on land, because him appearing underground inside a shelf of solid rock, and choking to death out of sight of anyone in the setting, would be fucking stupid.
those 4 zeroes support your statement
syncretism all day baby
>he's dissing Jesus
>he must hate all gods
Isaiah 45:5. You've fallen victim to a disinfo campaign.
I have a question: what gives you the right to dictate what is and is not true in my own fiction?
>you're arrogant, conceited, know-it-all, moralizing assholes.
Are you being ironic
>I'm thinking that the Devil is probably going to end up rallying a bunch of forgotten gods, and kicking off an Ragnarok style confrontation pretty early.
I don't think there'should much that could stop the Devil and its forces from twisting the world into an absolute hell pretty early on. Hell, they don't even need to manifest directly. Their mere *presence* will increase the Ills of whatever universe they manifest within by a billion-fold.
>a bloo hoo hoo why aren't my speshul elfs speshul enough to smugly disembowel someone at who is at least at a demigod level
Oh, sorry, I was under the impression that you understood how fiction works.
My High Elves can put Jesus to death and get away with it, because they're fictional. They can be as strong as I want them to be, and Jesus as weak as I want him to be.
That's how fiction works. I can't make it any simpler for you, user.
>short haired Jesus
What is this heretical bullshit?
>i have a fundamental misunderstanding of what fiction is
Tell me, would Superman beat Goku?
>My High Elves
I'm a bit weirded out that you keep referring to them as High Elves.
>currently played campaign
He'll find a niche following with other various faiths, chances are he'll get challenged by other faiths as well, and from there it's up in the air. I don't imagine a fairly standard DnD setting would shut Jesus down, especially since the guy can clearly do cleric casting and isn't linked to any previously encountered deity.
>My Urban Fantasy collab setting
Given it takes place in our world, probably a bit of panic since he's been there before and that will have everyone assume "oh, shit, end of days are upon us!" Strangely, among his followers and faithful though will include the Necronomicon, a vampiress, Frankenstein's monster, and a werewolf
>my OC donut steel fantasy setting
A lot of confusion, but his teachings line up with the two big religions of the setting that have filled in the void since the old gods died/disappeared. People will wonder "where the fuck is Israel" and "what's a Cesar?" but otherwise probably give him a chance to talk.
He'll probably immediately be catapulted to 'worshipped' status if they find out he's from another world.
At least he looks passibly non-white this time.
Silver Age or new 52?
Both would get their ass beat by Saitima, so it's a moot point
But don't worry they'd just all get noodles together afterwards
Yes, they calculated it out. They mathhammered Goku into oblivion.
We're back to
>im gonna ignore the point of the thread to wank over my edgy elves
Look m8. You already said what happens when a powerless jesus shows up in your setting.
Why not also consider what would happens if one with powers shows up?
Instead of just being a faggot for no reason?
Get's shot by some mobsters for rabble-rousing.
>my Jesus can be as weak as I want him to be
Then your fedora torture porn fantasy isn't related to OPs discussion, is it?
Real-talk, Goku could totally beat Superman. Dragonball's power-creep has gotten really fucking stupid lately.
Yeah, I know it sounds dumb. I was trying to point out that there are other kinds of Elves in my setting who wouldn't care about Jesus' worldview, or might even be amenable to it. On reflection, that was probably unnecessary.
And just like real life, the mobsters prove themselves to be really bad catholics.
Does he have actual divine backing? If not, he's dead, no matter his oratory.
If we're going to take the sterling's lore at face value, we probably should for Jesus's source material as well.
I assume so, since it's Jesus and not a guy who think's he's Jesus.
Although, whether God does anything to stop his death seems to be up in the air. I'm not sure if Jesus dying (again?) is part of the divine plan.
If you're GMing, it's up to you.
Here's the thing: Jesus having actual miraculous powers DOES NOT invalidate the existence of miracle-performing Divine classes (Divinists? What is the shorthand term for them anyway...) or legitimate deities in that setting IF they existed prior to his arrival.
That's the thing. If the setting has real gods in it, then logically, he's maybe going to make some converts, but he's not going to necessarily be a huge splash.
That's why my original example , specifically set in the Nentir Vale, basically has people going "okay, your 'good news' has parts of it that are completely unappealing and parts that are redundant, so we're going to stick with the gods who give us reliable healthcare and other uses of miracles and don't punish us for all eternity for relying on their help as expressed with ritual magic, thanks all the same, nice talking to you."
>specifically set in the Nentir Vale
What about other locations? I assume Jesus picks an optimal location to show up.
Although in my mind I imediately placed him in not-Iberia.
Him showing up in Vampire controlled not-England would put a very different spin on the whole transubstantiation thing.
Sure it is. OP didn't explicitly mention whether Jesus was actually divine in his posited scenario, so I am free to assume whatever I like. And no, all "what if?" threads involve assumptions on some level - there is no "objective" way to interpret OP's question. See And lol at you two trying so hard to make me out as some fedora-tipping stereotype. I don't give a damn about Jesus living or dying. I just like considering scenarios in which common assumptions are wrong, which I suspect is what you two are actually asshurt about. Can't have people thinking nasty thoughts like "what if Jesus wasn't possess divine?", now can we? I even acknowledged that there are people in my setting who would accept Jesus' teachings and convert, even if he was just a man. But no, you homed in on the people who would persecute him and go unpunished. Gotta maintain orthodoxy, haven't we? Gotta make sure people give Jesus the respect he deserves, at all times!
>How does he fare?
Not too well, not because he'd be killed or maimed or tortured or physically inconvenienced, I just don't think he'd be a very popular prophet:
The main reason is because the planet has seen a lot of interference from aliens before, specifically in this case it's been visited by the Mormon Race at least five times and their teachings never really caught on or became very popular due to the absence of sufficient caucasian looking species.
Though, with that said, I think there would be many spiritualists, shamans, and clerics who'd be quite interested in what he'd have to say.
I don't think the current Pantheon that the people worship would be intimidated though, so I don't see any divine interference or danger coming his way unless he started doing something TRULY miraculous or started stepping on their divine toes. I am, though, curious how Christ would advertise and or sell his religion to a world where Gods still walk the earth and talk to their followers; awfully hard to say you're the son of god when people are asking, "which god? Typhus? Dagon? Scylla? Echidna? We're all sons & daughters of Echidna, Jesus."
Actually, if he started spouting that "one true god" scripture in public I think people would get upset about how entitled and intolerant it was compared to their own beliefs.
>"what if Jesus wasn't possess divine?"
...And of course, I always make a typo when I'm trying to make a point.