Will they add Ripple? It's technically not a crypto currency, so isn't regulation different on this coin?
Will they add Ripple? It's technically not a crypto currency, so isn't regulation different on this coin?
Can someone please tell me wat in da fck ripple's case use is?
How are you faggots such huge faggots? Even your b8 is fucking gay.
Joobilators' coin to completely fuck crypto
Fucking coin base. They are marking all transfers from your wallet as sales even if you didn't sell anything. If the IRS does another audit, these fuckers will be auditing all senders not just sellers. That is so fucked up.
the xrp has no use at all
banks will never use that shit. you can make money riding these dumb money pumps, but the token is worthless
I'm asking a simple question, faggot.
not according to this OP
Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin you fucking retard. Buy it up and be a good little bitch.
OMG ripple holders just got fucked. False promises at #2 spot
God damn Koreans played you like a fiddle
Ofcourse not.
Ripple doesn't WANT to be on coinbase.
Ripple's purpose is to drain Ether and Bitcoin from the normie's pockets into the bank's pockets, and it's doing a wonderful job.
Today look how many normies literally gave up their ether and bitcoin (Decentralised ACTUAL crypto).. for 'virtual coins' the bank literally printed out of nothing.
They want your ether and bitcoin, they don't give a shit about USD anymore.
That had nothing to do with my question, re-read the OP, you stupid mother fucker!
The use case is to design a coin that the banks can hold 70% of for free...
and then later can swap for ether and Bitcoins so the banks can hold ether and bitcoins (ya know, because the banks CAN'T mint bitcoins and ether, nor can governments regulate it)...
While normies hold XRP.. (The coin that the banks can literally print on a whim, freeze funds on, and control).
spot on fellow user
fake news
>XRP isn't used by the banks only the Ripple technology is
>Banks want you to buy XRP so they can steal your bitcoins
Pick one
So its identical to lightning network. :D
I LOVE watching you bcore chumps squirm with this one. The only response you will have is "SHUT UP!! I DONT HAVE A RETORT BUT YOUR A BAD WORD!! Lightning is totally not centralized because the centralized hubs that control all of your transactions are like magicaly not as centralized as it sounds because magical time magic logic!"
25-50 dollar transaction feesss HAHAHAHA
But Ripple has no use cases! HAHAHAHAHA
The jewish swine infected crypto with ripple. You are their masters when you buy it. I dont care about the "gains" with ripple. Im sitting this one out simply for moral reasons.
Are you fucking stupid?
Like are you not able to combine thoughts together coherently?
>Will they add Ripple?
Fuck it user. So the fuck what If it gets listen and moons. I'm ducking serious, did you get into crypto to help the banks establish another couple hundred billion??? Spineless fucks invest in cripple. Why even invest in ripple??? There are sooooooo many ways to invest in a bank. Just leave crypto and do something else! Or be Part of the ducking problem!
Also this.
Fuck ripple
>all these false flags
Sell your ripple so I can stack for when it's $100
Thanl you for your support. I've been insane with bewilderment as to how these people justify this investment. It's fucking lazy. There are plenty lf coins providing equal or more gain Potential. If they use gains as an excuse they're lying to themselves and backstabbing the entire crypto community
>banks will never use it
did I say wrong?
Banks are going to use OMG
You heard it here first
Don't forget, my name is James
Fucking retard. Tell me, what's the market cap for $100. Just amuse me with your knowledge. I'm assuming you aren't a troll because nobody with any inclination of how markets work could be so stupid. Tell me the market cap for 100 per ripple user.
Banks won't be using the Ripple tokens, they're worthless.
Look at it from the bank's perspective:
(This is coming from a trader that dealt with banks and foriegn exchange).
What ripple seems to be offering is a way to convert USD to EUR at some fixed rate instantly.
Do you know how Banks do that now?
They hire traders, the traders trade against the other banks trader to secure the best possible deals for the exchange and generate profit for the bank.
The ripple platform might not have fees, but it will literally mean the bank loses millions of dollars a trade as the rates are being set automatically.
Banks hold currency like assets. They have less interest in instnatly converting EUR to USD as they do buying EUR at 1.2 USD, and then selling it at 1.1 to their merchant branches.
The banks don't have much to gain from using Ripple. In the end currency these days is digital, and banks trust each to honor transactions.
It's not like one bank is suddenly going to take the money out of the trade window and hope the other bank clicks accept. That isn't a problem in modern banking it's a problem in Runescape, so the 'trust' part of Ripple falls apart as well.
There is however ONE thing ripple does really well. It trades for Eth and Btc.. the currencies the banks literally cannot print or aquire without paying through the nose for.
Banks don't want 50 Btc, or even 500 Btc. They want 50k-500k btc. If they put a buy order like that on the exchange do you have any idea what the Price of BTC would inflate to?
Instead of all that, why not just trade XRP (which the banks basically recieved 60% of for free for signing up to the platform).. for normies ether/btc.
It's so fucking simple, and it's working. This is why the poor stay poor, and the rich stay rich.
Oh really, South Korea bans new exchanges and is on the brink of banning popular crypto in general and all the sudden they will start allowing the use of using cripple for their banks.... do you suck government dick??? Wtf is the matter with you??? You must be poor if you need money that fucking bad
Of course, people are dumb, they are giving wealth to the bankers. Anybody that invests in Ripple is potential killing the idea of what crypto stands for. Bitcoin is a redistribution of wealth to the people. When a alt coin becomes centralized it puts power in the hands of a few men.
No dude they use zelle. Look it up. Wells Fargo developed their own crylto to use in such a case. Verify it user, its a blockchain tech. Why the fuck would banks oursource this???
Furthermore, why would you support the coin the outsourced?
Not a chance in hell this shitcoin will ever be added to Coinbase.
It's not even a cryptocurrency.
>article literally says they aim to use XRP
>"hurr durr they won't use XRP"
>being this retarded
You have not followed Ripple at all. AT. ALL. Do you have any fucking clue how many regulators and central bankers Ripple has met with in SK? Clearly not...
Today has been a shitstorm. I realized that people put profits over morals in the moon crypto community. This is how the normie kill it. Glad to see some support against it, it's been getting bad.. 104 billion market cap atm. Sad
Do people unironically think banks will use a crypto with insane levels of volatility as a means to facilitate their transactions?
Are cryptovangelists so delusional that they can't fathom the thought of each bank creating their own blockchain solutions?
You don't need crypto to move fiat currency around.
This is how you know it's a scam.
Money these days is 90% digital, and is printed out of thin air for no reason by almost every keynesian central bank.
Sending money isn't difficult there are no physical goods, it's not like dollars might accidentally get lost in the transfer.
In such a world why would you use a block chain?
Banks do some shady shady shit they don't want all their transactions to be on a verifiable public block chain. This will never be adopted with banks more than maybe a few smaller honest banks in corners of the world as a 'trial'.
Its gonna be bad when it dumps and it will dump hard. People are going to lose millions.
The funny thing is that normies are just fucking themselves over by giving away like the best chance of changing financial systems. Oh well hope they all enjoy getting buttfucked hard by big banks and wall street's bitch, the government.
Since it is centralized, no. They specifically said centralized coins will not be listed.
>Do people unironically think banks will use a crypto with insane levels of volatility as a means to facilitate their transactions?
Google: What is a market maker.
>creating their own blockchain solutions?
Sure. Good luck getting Bank Of America to accept a token created by JP Morgan. Have you even considered WHY a business like SWIFT exists? There has to be a neutral 3rd party, dipshit.
You dumbass millennials literally have ZERO idea how the financial world works. Absolutely none.
This but it's even dumber. The BANKS know the value of Bitcoin and Ether as decentralized curerncies.
They REALISE that this is the new 'gold' and that this gold can't be counterfitted, it can't be printed, and most importantly it will allow banks to grow out of the control of the governments as it can't be frozen, controlled etc.
They realise this value..
The normies don't.. which is why the normies are so eager to swap their Ether / BTC for ripple... and why the banks (who hold 60%~ of the ripple which they got for free) are so eager to make that trade happen.
Your right.. banks will use ripple! Infact they're using Ripple right fucking now to steal shitloads fo bitcoins/Ether from normies that have NO idea what they're parting with.
bankster scam coin ripple is pumping based on the speculation that it will be added to coinbase
coinbase itself is a fucking cancer on the crypto community
greedy fucking pajeets deserve to be fucked over since they don't care about what crypto stands for and that is taking back control of money from the fucking banksters and corporations
>Don't forget, my name is James
anyone have that copypasta of the youtuber and james?
>'virtual coins' the bank literally printed out of nothing
>'virtual money' chinks literally mined out of nothing
>literally admitting to being a boomer
okay boomer
>idk what PoW is
So damn true
Look at my comment user. Do you see anything about the banks not taking it or the morality of supporting it??? I said you're a spineless fuck for getting into crypto and investing in the banks. Just leave the fucking market
Do you think the phed will bail out cryptos? Are we too big to fail?
I'm 37 you fucking delinquents. But it's pretty funny that's all you can come up with is "hurr durr boomer"
You've literally proven my point. You have nary a clue how the financial world works or the grease that makes it fluid. You actually thought you were going to usurp the banks. Well welcome to reality, buckos - THEY HAVE ALL THE FUCKING MONEY.
Keep masturbating to your anarchical fantasy worlds and stay salty.
This Ripple horseshit will blow over in a few days and all that money will flow back to other coins such as the real Bitcoin (BCH) which is extremely undervalued.
Ripple fart out like what? 1 Billion coins a month? Roflmao. The next time Ripple releases a huge amount of coins the price will go back under $1
LTC ready for some of that ripple profit. Support already tested. Expect 300$ in a few days
Stop making me so nervous.
LTC is dead, the creator already exited after scamming millions out of you cucks. Wake up. LTC never had a future.
>forced laughter
Gen Xers are more loathesome than Boomers, because they are actually jealous they weren't born Millenials.
Boomers just care about muh retirement and their disappearing jobs, not posting on a taiwanese crypto-cookie bakery board about the future of money.
so the Jews are pumping this niggercoin during the holiday slowdown right?
How's this for nervous? Ripple was under $1 only 6 days ago. Does this chart look sustainable to you?
Sell before you baghold forever.
Listen here you little jizz stain - I'm in this to make money. Period. I'm not here to change ideologies. I'm not here to appease your bullshit sentiments. I want dollars. That's it. And you know what? There's 50 million other motherfuckers coming into this market JUST. LIKE. ME.
Who the hell do you think pushed this market to half a trillion dollars? Loser unemployed mommy dwellers like yourself? HAH! It was middle class, discretionary income. All we care about is the almighty dollar. And we have more of them to throw around than you.
> State of Veeky Forums, no one read White Paper anymore.
XRP is decentralized faggots, everyone could use a decentralized node-validator.
Only RippleNet transport protocol for Bankers is centralized.
Even /g/ hate Veeky Forums brainlet, plz go back to twitter or kys.
Has this never happened before?
Hey fuckface, if you give up control of your value to a central authority there is no long term gain for you. Short sighted faggots like yourself are exactly why central banking systems persist today.
consider suicide
Litecoin has to be mined by big servers making it inherent store of value. And im glad Lee left, now its really decentralized.
sadly it's more than that
> give up control of your value to a central authority there is no long term gain for you
They already control it you insufferable retard. What is your precious BTC valued in? Oh that's right - DOLLARS.
Oh my fucking god user. Im a previous entrepreneur. I just finished my chem egg degree. Fuck you and your ducking money. I've made plenty of ducking money on crypto. And guess what???? I didn't support the banks to do it you shitfuck. There are so many opportunities to make money in this market gains are not an excuse to give ripe money. You're fucking lazy. You take the easy way instead of doing due dilligence to make your dolllar. Go invest in the military industrial complex. Same fucking thing. "But muh gains, but I'm in it to make money" That's a fucking excuse and you know it. Go suck some banker dick and you'll make it easy you slagg
Exactly. Short term greed resulting in long term suffering when banks end up destroying our economy again with absolutely no accountability as power is centralized.
You fucking retard. Do you think things can't change? Do you think financial systems have not been overhauled again and again in history? Do you not see how impactful new tech has been towards our society?
Fucking choke on a kike's dick and die.
But if they put an order for 500k btc, exchanging it with xrp, wouldn't the btc price grow up anyway?
>I've made plenty of money
Oh yeah? What kind of money? Seashells? Wampum?
>Do you think things can't change?
Sure they can. But here's your dillema: The banks control the governments and militaries. To beat one, you have to beat all 3.
You got a 1st world army in your backyard we don't know about? Do share.
Yeah you fucking twit, crypto profits are sea shells and wonton. What the fuck are you even arguing about???
>This whole thread thinks they are ahead of the elite
Ripple has ~70 nodes you retard. Even paypal is more decentralized.
Try and connect the dots, stupid. You claim you've "made money". Fantastic. What did you make? Dollars? Euros? Yen?
All of which are controlled by centralized entities. Try as you may, you're still playing their game... retard. Do you need this shit in crayon?
Dogecoins. He's right though, you don't really understand this and your 80s "muh profit" attitude is annoying.
Hello again! I think black water will accept payments in cryptos, and the military doesn't back any currency. You're misunderstanding the relationship between power, money and force because you attended too much university and it made you into a cuck.
Cut out the soy.
Justify it all you want. You're a stain on the community which has been designed to eliminate the stain on the globe that is the central banking system.. you know what that means???? You're a fucking stain user. Everywhere you go, you're a fucking shitstain
Mental gymnast that all you want. It doesn't matter, with your mentality you're lying to yourself if you thunk otherwise. Enjoy being part of the problem, or don't idgaf, we all know what you are
fucking ripple, did not want to buy at ATH but even at 1 i would have big profit now.
Yeah, a mercenary group is going to overthrow the power structure of a 1st world nation.
GTFO. The real world is not "the expendables" you goddamn assclown. Also, read
This is the type of simplistic retard logic I expect from brainlets like you.
Your inability to make connections and understand causal relationships is why you will always be a cuck.
>simplistic retard logic
pick one.
No I'm mad because people like you are literally supporting this centralized banker shitcoin. Feeding money into the pockets of those who fucked us royally since the inception of fractional reserve banking. You're one of them, the problem.
Basically. These delusional NEETS thought they could actually beat the banks at a game they've been playing for 1,000 years.
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking sad.
My shitcoin is controlled by protocol. Your shitcoin is controlled by kikes. I will kill you fucks.
Clearly you already forgot
Ya I pick simplistic retard logic, especially now I know you don't even understand how to properly set up a greentext contradiction.
You're assuming I have a stake in bitcoin???? I invest in blockchain tech that had a purpose. You do to apparently but the purpose you invest in is the same that brought us to the point of needing mass decentralization as an option. Fuck yourself user, you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. You live with your shit choices, no way around that
Addendum: If you've got a legitimate, feasible idea as to how to beat the power structure at hand - I'm all ears. believe me, I hate them as much as you do.
The difference is, I'm completely cognitive of the fact that I don't have the power to beat them and neither does the collective opinion of some japanese panty sniffing image board. So I'll play the game and profit.
Holy shit user, you don't think so many libertarian anti bank enthusiasts have made a fuck ton of money. Your argument is shit
Who the fuck said anything about bitcoin?
>I invest in blockchain tech that had a purpose
So did I. International remittances are a thing. A BIG thing. And Ripple is aimed at revolutionizing that market. It was a no brainer.
So if ripple is the (((bankers))) way of stealing eth & btc what is xlm. My pajeet friend told me its ripples little brother & is partnering w ibm. Is xlm an evil jew coin. Also thoughts on ltc future & why. Thnx
Anyone can make many, that's the blessing of capitalism. Have fun.
Holy shit. Then leave the fucking market. If the entire society believes they can't win they never will. The fuck is your neuron problem. "Just give up user" fuck you you shitbag shill.
Go against your morals if you want, I doubt you have any. No doubt if everybody had your mentality shit would be way worse than it is. I can't even comprehend how I have to explain this to somebody. Give up and lose, fight and have a chance to win
Fuck your defeated flimsy mentality. Spineless fucking shitstain.
"You can make many" make many what??? Make many money??? What is your half assed statement supposed to mean anyway???
lol exactly
Might as well try, I don't understand this fatalist attitude when shit fucking changes all the fucking time