Monstergirls, legitimately?

Can monstergirls ever be a part of a setting's racial cast without it automatically being a magical realm?

Whether it's "Cuteness Dimorphism", where women are hot and human-like and men are more monstrous (cf: Draenei, Draphs) or a legitimate monogendered/heavily female-ratio'd race (cf: Viera), if you stick a monstergirl race in the setting and play it just as much a part of the setting as the bog-standard elves, dwarves, gnomes and orcs, does that still make it magical realm?

Depends on HOW the setting and GM treat them

If the setting is full of brothels full of them, it’s an MR
If the GM uses a heavy hand to describe them sexual or near-sexual terms, it’s an MR

If they actually have a culture and a background, then it is usually fine. But then I run a sci-fi setting with a bunch of Aliums in it, so what do I know?

What's wrong with just having girl monsters?

No. Monstergirls are inherently magical realm.

>furry dimorphism
>monogendered race

You should go see a doctor

Monstergirls can be done in a non-MR way but if they're civilized and friendly are they really monsters anymore?

On a semi-related topic that I felt didn't warrant its own thread, does xenophilia have to equate to magical realmism?

I mean, given just how common the fetish is on our one-sapient species world (cf: furries, monstergirls, robosexuals, xenosexuals), then surely xenophilia would be even more pronounced in a world sharing multiple compatible sapient species?

No. Yes. It's still magical realm. Fuck off.

I crackship Otachi and four-limbed Smaug.

I mean, I have a setting where many suspect that humanity were created by the God/dess of Love, Lust and Fertility (think Chaotic Neutral Slaanesh), because interbreeding with just about anything is practically as much a human racial power as dwarven poison resistance or dragonborn breath weapons.

Sex is not thrown at the player's faces, but interspecies couples are there in the background if you specifically go looking, and there are different attitudes based on the precise kind of relationship, but still, nothing sexy happens on-screen or in the direction of the players.

So is that still magical realm?

"Demihuman" relationships, which're humans with any of the humanoid races (dwarves, gnomes, elves, halflings, orcs, goblinoids), don't even warrant a second glance, unless it's a coupling where one of the races has a local reputation - human with orc/goblin/hobgoblin, for example. You might buy your beer 'n' pies from a tavern run by a human/dwarf couple and their half-dwarf kids, or local gossips may be chinwaggin' about how the gnome schoolmarm married the human "teacher's pet" when he came of age.

Human/Beastfolk (dragonborn, gnolls, minotaurs, ratfolk, etc) will probably earn a few stares, but since such couples can still produce kids (under the "gender equals breed" and "mother's species is most likely" combined paradigms), they're not as taboo as they could be. Again, it depends a lot on the race's reputation; dragonborn wives/husbands are quite respectable, but ratfolk spouses are much more lowborn (the local ratfolk take a lot of their lore from Rodduns).

Human/Monster, now THAT will get stares, simply because humans having the chance to peacefully interact with dragons, sphinxes, etc in that fashion isn't especially common. Though, again, it depends somewhat on the breed; harpies are pretty much tamed in this world through sexual evolution, whilst male sphinxes have all but gone extinct since gynosphinxes worked out that human men were much better lovers. Of course, this led to an explosion in the population of maftets (magically adept winged catgirls), but what's that saying about omelets and eggs?

>how to make them not magical realm

Take the whole MGE book.
Then flush it down the toilet.

Done? Good. Now let's fix this shit.
-Introduce actual culture for each "monster" race.
-Make them eat normal food instead of subsisting on semen.
-Introduce (gasp) the males of the species (some species can stay monogendered or non-gendered, but don't make majority of them like that. Also FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO FUTAS!)
-Make the main aspect of the setting the exploration of how races that are so different physically coexist (I would honestly use GURPS for that but i am old literally insane grognard).
-don't make all of them cute/beautiful. Badass and muscular is fine. Old and cranky, fine. Fat or disfigured, fine. But if you're describing each passing lamia with language usually seen on less savory fanfiction sites, don't be surprised at magical realm accusations.

MG fans claim elves, dwarves and gnomes all the time. Why wouldn't they be?

It's real easy.
For instance, in the last game I played where the party was monstergirls, the focus wasn't on sexy stuff, it was on being goddamn invincible senator armstrong, hunting, and infrastructure improvement.

The closest it got to lewd stuff was joking about how the spider is wearing underwear.

Sure, Gorgons are monster girls after all.

But if it isn't cursed based it basically smells of sexy fun times, so you might want to go for body horror.

Not really.
It only smells like sexy fun times if you've been on the internet too long.

>Only if you are from a first world country.
The Internet is 20 years old, everyone has been on the Internet too long.

Harpies are not cute. They are monsters that can interact normally dwarves, humans, and orcs, but the moment they see an elf they start thinking like a crack fiend, and those bitches will not calm the fuck down until they've snorted enough treehugger blood to drown.

What if it's cursed, but willing to work with the PCs for a chance to break the curse?

There are numerous MGE books, clown.

Says you.

Sounds fun actually. "I hate being a Shurpalurpa, help me out bros."

not even remotely.
Many people on the street don't even know what a monstergirl -is-.
Hell, they don't know what an ANIME is.

Not as "monstergirls." As a heterosexual race with male counterparts that don't look wildly different, sure. You might be able to get away with ONE highly dimorphic or monogender species, if you don't introduce it right off the bat, but any more than that and it's just blatant magical realm.

Also, if they're wildly attracted to humans that's an automatic fail.

Art thou from Tesas?

I am in fact from liberal hippie + guns land.
The average person has not gone past the most minor of internet things. They've not gone past twitter and facebook. Hell, the idea of a chatroom or messenger program baffles the fuck out of many of them, DESPITE them knowing how to chat on phones.

Many settings have female monsters

Nothing odd about it

"Monstergirl" designates 10/10 nympho bombshells who literally exist to copulate with male adventurers and satisfy the neckbeard roleplayer fapping to it

>"Monstergirl" designates 10/10 nympho bombshells who literally exist to copulate with male adventurers and satisfy the neckbeard roleplayer fapping to it
Only if you are being purposefully obtuse for the sake of starting arguments, instead of accepting people using the word different ways.

>Can monstergirls ever be a part of a setting's racial cast without it automatically being a magical realm?

Yes, but only if they can pass two tests:

> The "anime elf in disguise" test:
Does the female population of a monster species look like a disguised anime elf girl (e.g. : your minotaur women look like elves wearing a pair of horns and hoof shaped boots).
If the answer is "yes", then it is magical realm.

> The "same race but not actually" test:
This one is about dimorphism; do the female part of a monster species (specially if they're humanoid/reptilian/mammal/avian-like species) look so different from their male counterparts that you would never say, at first sight, that they're part of the same species? Specially if they also within the "anime elf girl in disguise" spectrum.
If the answer is "yes", then it's magical realm.

This is my system, though. Do whatever the fuck you want with your monsters; just posting this here in case someone might find it useful.

>"Nuh-uh! My blatant wank-fuel actually has deep and interesting lore! You prudes just don't understaaaand!"

user, some people use monstergirl to describe literally any humanoid monster that is female, regardless of if they have males.
The only reason you would use your definition of monstergirl exclusively is if you want to have internet arguments.

You are underlining this point by, instead of responding reasonably, trying to respond with a hyperbolic greentext.

Are you going to continue proving me correct?

Not the same thing
>Monster Girls
girls with the property of a monster
>Girl Monsters
Monsters with the property of a girl

Was it entirely nessecary for that snake monster lady to have vestigle spread legs?

Yes. Next question of absolutely no worth may be posted now.

They aren't vestigal. They're to allow her to present as more humanlike when she's bargaining with mortals for their souls (i.e. so she can appear to be standing upright). They actually have no purpose other than that.

flush em all down the pooper.

And what's wrong with that?

>Monster Monsters
Monsters with the property of monsters.The most fuckable of the lot.
>Girl Girls
Girls with the property of a girl. The most dangerous of the lot.


Yuan-ti spend a lot of time justifying Pureblood attractiveness, their attitude toward miscegenation, and their extreme separation of characteristics. They aren't magical realm as long as the whole table agrees they're grotesque.

I can't think of anywhere else that is hippie+guns land.

You could say the same for any word

A faggot is a pile of sticks, but I doubt you'd deny the intent behind "Do people burn faggots in your setting?"

And yet, I'm not going to start an autistic argument over whether or not someone means gay people when they tell me they're going to burn this faggot while holding a bundle of sticks.

Which is what I'd be forced to do if I stuck to your bullshit way of doing things.

This is absurd

Like Ghost Pirates vs Pirate Ghosts

A Ghost Pirate is a ghost who made the conscious decision to become a Pirate

A Pirate Ghost is a Pirate who died and became a Ghost

Monster girl just means not a furry, the humanoid sort of demihuman. No need to get uppity and cloud that just because you don't like monster girls.

>Don't be uppity and cloud about not being a faggot.

So, honest question here: if the party goes up against a human necromancer and a gnoll blackguard who are a couple, and the only references to this fact are A: one will go absolutely mental if you drop the other in combat, and B: if you search the master's room, you'll find non-lewd stuff belonging to both of them, does that count as magical realming the party?

Only if the concept arouses you

>posting second best FF9 girl


But Veeky Forums is adamant that ratfolk (and thus burmecians) are furries, not monstergirls, user.

They serve the secondary purposes of
1. Resembling a Cobra's hood
2. Being sexy maybe, doesn't really work for me

Good point. Deleted it because I've gotten banned for retarded shit lately.