>paladin keeps making "DEUS VULT" and "REMOVE KEBAB" """jokes"""
Paladin keeps making "DEUS VULT" and "REMOVE KEBAB" """jokes"""
why do you play with bigots?
Nothing wrong with removing kebab.
>historical humor is bigotry
>Not understanding Irony
>Not understanding memes
Maybe you should play with fellow autists.
It does get pretty annoying when they try to force it in a setting where it doesn't make sense.
Luckily I get near 100% less of these players/characters when they pitch their dudes as paladins, and I tell them that their character should be a highly religious fighter instead, on account of paladins being actual paragons of good. Divorcing paladins from the idea of templar orders and such has been one of the best things ever for the quality of my games.
Just because you hear a joke often and/or the joke gets old, doesn't mean that it stops being a joke.
>The paladin keeps crashing through peasant huts to force rebellious children to eat their vegetables
>The paladin publically flogs teenagers who talk smack to their parents
>The paladin breaks and enters the rooms of pupils to help them with their math homework (the resemblance between the + and the crucifix inspired him to study mathematics in his free time)
>The paladin harasses little girls in the streets
>"Templar, I'm only six!"
>The paladin volunteers at a local orphanage in his free time
>The children love him for his many fun activities, including but not limited to reading such beloved classics as "the little Hospitaller who could" or "How Saladin stole the Nativity Church", Gregorian chanting, jousting lessons and the ever controversial reverse-circumcision classes
>The paladin crashes through the bedroom ceilings of masturbating adolescents
>The paladin publically preaches about humility, the need to liberate the Levant from Saracen oppression and the importance of filing your tax reports on a yearly basis so you can use your savings to buy a sword and armor
>General opinion about the paladin is overwhelmingly positive, but everyone wishes he'd fix all the property damage he causes
On the same level with people who repeat the same Monty Pythons jokes for 40 years.
"Ni! Ni! Ni!"
Yes, we know you're upset because you were BTFO about your paladin of ideals complaints, but at this point you're worse than questfags.
What does the player have against Greeks who first invented kebabs?
>unironically using bigot incorrectly
stop it
It's a step below it honestly, at least the Monty Python repeaters don't actually believe in the retarded worldview they "joke" about
>Plays Middle Eastern Paladin
>Screams "Allahu Akbar" every time I channel divinity or divine smite
>Everyone get's really uncomfortable
What do they mean by this?
maybe he's vegetarian?
>memespouting is "historical humor"
>What do they mean by this?
>spouting memes at the gaming table
I punch him in the throat so he stops spouting stupid memes.
there might be cops nearby and not immediately realize you're just roleplaying
>crusader koolaid man
Stop playing in an airport, user.
wtf I love 3rd world mass immigration now
Deus Vult is not a joke.
>Thinking Deus Vult larpers are annoying means you like mass migration
This black Muslim has killed more Muslims than all of the Deus Vult larpers on /pol/ combined.
you haven't heard? neogaf is fucking dead.
>why do you play with bigots?
hes not a bigot. you are.
he is judging people by their merit and and their belief system.
you are judging people by how they are born and what they look like, irrespective of what they think or what they do.
this is glorious
>he is judging people by their merit and and their belief system
Wut? He's literally just an autist shouting a single Latin phrase. Would I be a hero if I started constantly shouting "ultima ratio regum"?
fucking Crusader Koolaid Pucci, i'm stealing this
Hmmm yes ironic racism and memes, the true hallmark of the socially adjusted player
Crusades ended a while back, the eternal jihad is ongoing.
>the ever controversial reverse-circumcision classes
So does this involve cutting off everything BUT the foreskin, or what?
I think he was referring to OP judging crusadercunt by his being an unfunny asshole
Sewing it back on using the urethrae of infidels
it really is. they aren't butt hurt about little things,
People like you are why comedy needs to exist
If it was up to you, butthurt would be an eternal force.
I bet knock knock jokes really push it, don't they?
>First row
Assuming the woman in the middle is rational, the left and middle pictures will look the same.
>Second row
Assuming the boss in the middle isn't shitting out of his mouth and talking out of his ass, most of his office will be white
>Third row
The guy in the middle's uncomfortable look is justified
Do you know why the column on the right exists? Because objective observation of the facts moves you to the left colun. There are two paths:
>Begin with objective observation
>Draw facts from it
>Adjust your behavior
>Be "bigoted"
The other path is:
>Begin with the assumption of arbitrary equality
>Hire on a meritocratic basis, expecting to see diversity
>See a lack of diversity (or not the "right kind" of diversity, when was the last time you saw Jews as a diversity hire?)
>Because the dogma of equality cannot be questioned, assume there's something wrong with your hiring policies
>Change hiring policies over and over but see the same result
>Conclude there must be come kind of "inherrent bias" or "institutional racism" or something else that neither makes sense nor can be falsified
>Start hiring more black people with lower entry standards (diversity hires) to "compensate" for whatever prevents you from hiring more black people and women on the same conditions as men, Jews and Asians (read: reality)
In other words: the entire middle column relies on the assumptions that lead to the left column. Much like in Islam, if observation does not correspond to revelation the observation is wrong and must be adjusted until it corresponds to revelation.
Is this Pucci if he never met Dio?
Post the whole thing, faggot.
Go back to pol
Am I the only one concerned about the crusader wearing an anachronistic armor?
>I'll just spin some factoids to cover up my trailerpark racism
yeah fuck off to /pol/ with your shit
Yes, You are.
It's ok. It's Veeky Forums.
>Veeky Forums
Where do you think you are?
>Crusaders get btfo when trying to reclaim the holy land what, six times or some shit
>Dixie south gets btfo trying to secede to keep slave-economy
>Nazis get btfo trying to create a "Master Race"
>all three are highly fetishized by right-wing /pol/-tards
Are they attracted to failure across history because they themselves are such failures in life? I may never truly understand.
go back to neogaf
I like this Paladin. He seems like a righteous dude.
>Are they attracted to failure across history because they themselves are such failures in life?
Reminds me of the Draka
>British royalists after the American Revolution
>French royalists
>Southerners after the civil war
They should suck it up. Fixing property damage builds character.
it's a bit more complicated than that, at least for some.
Yes, the Crusaders, the Confederates, and the Nazis all lost their respective wars in the end (though the Crusades were victorious for a couple hundred years). The thing is that there's the concept of "might makes right," and "right is separate from might." So saying "well, they're just losers" doesn't matter to people who believe that Right/Correct can exist outside of victory or in spite of defeat.
So you look at the Crusades, which were an attempt by Christians to retake lands from Muslims which had been Christian for hundreds of years, and part of the Roman empire for about a thousand years. Sure, the Muslims had the might to conquer, but that doesn't automatically give them the right to the land. Especially in a world where present day the fact that Europeans conquered the world is held up not to show they had the right to those lands, but rather they were evil people for taking them. So the Crusades were in the Right, but ultimately lacked the might.
Same goes for Dixie. The south had a constitutional right to own slaves, and to leave the united states at any point if they so desired, and to not have other states enforce their morals upon them via the federal government, especially if said moral crusade would have a very destructive impact on said state. So they left the union, but the Union ultimately had enough might to force them back in. The south had the Right, but not the might.
The German people had the right to self determine their own course and to regain their dignity after WW1. There's a lot of other stuff there that would derail, but regardless Three Global Superpowers ultimately had the Might needed to defeat Germany, but depending on your view on certain issues (outside the Jewish one), germany could be considered to be in the "right" but not the might.
tl:dr. Ideals separated from force and victory but rather judged on their own is why "losers" are attractive ideologies.
Muslims were a theocracy, the North considered niggers to be 3/5 a person, and segregation was still legal in 1940s America.
>The queen looks with utter disdain at the paladin and priest
>Look, the rest is okay, but Mark is clearly fictional hyperbole
>when you get so triggered by a comic on Veeky Forums that you fill up the character limit
>and to leave the united states at any point if they so desired
>historical revisionism ftw right guis?
did they have the "right" to kill federal soldiers too? fuck off with your long winded apologism
delet this
Tell that kike to fuck off
I think the irony doesn't come from the defeat, but from the whole "my race is inherently superior and god is on my side" bullshit.
Like that RaHoWa RPG (which to be fair, I have not read) which says "jews are inferior subhumans and therefore will attempt to bribe the white master race into not fighting them." Except it paints a pretty shitty picture of the 'master race' if their most dedicated crusaders will turn traitor on their dearly held ideals for a handful of shekels.
but user /pol/ fucking hates facts.
All right, see, the thing about a Paladin is that he's the Sword of God. A Cleric is arguably the Shield of God, but a Paladin is based on both Arthurian and Crusader knights. This means, not to get too pretty about it, that they kill evil. Sure, we like to think Paladins fight demons and dragons and so on, but that's only at high levels.
Most of the time, the Faith needs defenders, and the best way to spread and defend that faith is to kill heretics and non-believers (i.e. convert people by the sword, or put them to the sword.)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with a Paladin being a crusading zealot who slays heretics and unbelievers. In fact, that's what a Paladin does. That's what a crusader is supposed to do. I worry that the unwillingness to accept that is a kind of coddling, a kind of failure to understand the reason for a character's existence.
I'll add that I've never understood the embarrassment with religion. You should be proud of your faith - Christianity, Islam, Judaism and so on may not actually give you divine powers, but it allows you to be part of a community, a social group. Killing for Christianity is not that different from killing for your nation, which is why we say "For God AND country."
I've never liked that a Paladin is supposed to be a Light Side Bioware protagonist. The most inspiring example of faith is the holy warrior, because he's literally beating back the forces of darkness by smiting the shit out of them. He shouldn't be out there curing the sick and raising and orphans, that's what Clerics are for: The Paladin should be there to put a sword through the heart of evil, and to make the hard choices no-one else can. If you need a guy to wade through an army of undead, grab the Necromancer and damn him to Hell before executing him, that's what you want the Paladin for.
If your enemies can be fanatical, there's nothing wrong with being fanatical too.
Ahh yes... You clearly sound like a person who had a lot of foreign friends. Being able to take a joke and laugh at our differences knowing full well we care about each other and no harm is meant. Is what friendship is about. I honestly feel sorry for you that you seem to be such a miserable cunt.
strong bait, friend
Fucking retard, you should say "Bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim" when you are getting ready to do something, and "Allahu akbar" in other situations. You can also enhance your roleplaying by saying "Alhamdulillah", "Subhanallah", "Inshallah" and "Mashallah" in appropriate situations.
>Ceci c'est un bord CATHOLIQUE, nous parlons FRANÇOIS et LATIN ici. ROY et ÉGLISE, pas CALIPH et MOSQUE, d'accord? MONTJOIE ST. DENIS!
Captcha: Christ Toluca
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Crusades. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of faith most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also The Crusader Kings ire, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from the holy bible, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who resist the crusades truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the kings existencial catchphrase "Deus Vult" which itself is a cryptic reference to the old testament I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as The Lords genius unfolds itself in Jerusalem. What fools... how I pity them. :^) And yes by the way, I DO have a christian tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the dames' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 faith points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Vous avez tue votre roi il y a 200 ans et il y a plus de muslimes que de catholiques a Paris.
Frogwogs gtfo
The greatest irony of course being that those calling for some Action T4 shit are the also the most likely to be it's first "clients"
>paladin keeps wanting to hug everything
I'm the paladin
What's the original of this pasta?
>and to leave the united states at any point if they so desired
Nope, Andrew Jackson set the legal precedent that states can't leave the union.
The Voyager probe is the most distant man made object. It is about to be overtaken by my still accelerating sides.
It's not a pasta, I just wrote it.
Fuck off Jamal.
Go fuck a 6 year old.
It doesn't stop being a joke, it just stops being funny.
If you really want to show you've taken the bait, remind him the title 'Paladin' was given by Sultan Saladin to Richard the Lionheart's crusaders to differentiate them from the rabble and blackguards that had comprised previous crusades.
And the problem is?
I laughed so much it actually hurt.
What if my character really hates Kebabs, as in the foodstuff?
I'm pretty sure he'd just be suicidal after his sister kills herself.
Paladin is doing paladining right. Why are you complaining?
Fucking eh
>implying there is anything wrong with bigotry.
Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.
There is nothing better than righteous intolerance of all that is vile and impure.
Depending on the moral framework they operated under, yes they had.
There can be nothing but conflict between two opposing moral frameworks.
I could honestly see myself do shit like that, but then again, I'm also the kinda guy who mic spams friends in Civ5 games with spongebob snackbar videos and play nasheeds when I'm playing kebab civs, or when I play AP maokai.