>My character is an amputeee
>My character is an amputeee
>my Gnoll warrior is female (male) cuz there's a hyena sub-species with females that have a pseudo-dicks
Its just a massive clit though.
Only someone so attached to their useless weak flesh would see the blessings of the Omnissiah as sexual perversions.
So that's male (female)
Player: I want to pull away from a typical character and make it visually interesting
The first thing I thought of when I first saw this model was "damn those robot legs would look hot on a girl, wonder if I should make a conversion?"
Why wouldn't you want to play a grizzled knight with a peg leg and an eye patch?
have you played katawa shoujo my man?
No, it's "boy (female)" or "man (female)". Haven't you been paying attention?
>Biological sex: Male or female
>Social gender: Man/boy or woman/girl
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Would make nice, say, arco-flagellants or combat servitors.
>Can't handle amputees
You chose the wrong game to play then
Always meant too, never have
He stole that from CoC
You're misinterpreting my motivations.
I assure you he lies under.
Dammit, Aimee. Get your shoes off the bed.
What's the big deal? They don't actually penetrate anyone with their pseudopenis, it compresses.
>Am blind
>People get weirded out when I don't play blind characters
I guess it's something like playing a different gender.
>Am blind
>posts on Veeky Forums
I like the game stories posted here and like to contribute.
There's, like, lots of software that allows totally blind people to use the internet, are you really surprised?
Literally every OS comes with screen readers built in under accessibility settings and you can find better suites too.
Do you use something for browsing here on a phone? I've been curious about that.
aeiou aeiou aeiou
can you explain the image attachment i am blind
I'm not a phone poster.
That's not funny don't do that.
A poster laments being blind, saying he must dictate posts to his little brother.
Replying, someone describes the hypothetical process of making a confused younger brother look for Sad Pepes in a computer folder.
Another blind person? I haven't met another on Veeky Forums before, are you in any games at the moment?
Because I already spent alot of time on this pirate character before you thought to inform us there aren't any boats in this campaign!
But which one is the real one?
I was going to put this text section in a spoiler box but that would hide the text and I am unsure if your text reading software would read it.
I am a big liar, I am not blind. I'm sorry to lie online but I thought it'd be funny to see somebody explain an greentext image in words. You may hate me, I'd understand.
By the way, were you born blind?
kneecap them both
poor lil' tink tink.
Oh I thought I'd met another. That's ok then. No I wasn't born blind.
Reportedly, there's a rare mental (psychosomatic) condition called "hysterical blindness" it happened to soldiers sometimes under heavy stress of battle that their eyes would work but brain begins to refuse to process the visual input making them "feel blind".
Perhaps our society degenerate to the point where this can now happen to online poster through getting triggered too hard?
Hysteria (female) used to be cured with forced masturbation. I self-medicate.
I'm sure knights never lose limbs.
>Doesn't have legs below the knee
>Replaced them with shitty metal and plastic
>Can't really run and can barely walk
>Hips and back hurt like shit by the end of the day
>Some asshole:
Isn't it cool to have robot legs. I wish I had robot legs.
>Can't really run, only walk
Are you high?
You know that "asshole" obviously is talking about cyberware and not our time's shitty "bladerunner" (heh) leg prosthetics.
>runs faster than the best human runners
>in peak physical condition, doesn't nearly tire out as quickly because he's lighter
> will never twist his foot
>still finds time to murder people
>Runs faster
Those are expensive prosthetic that are essentially springs attached to your knees
>Doesn't tire out cause lighter
well sure I guess, I can be wide awake to feel all the back problems
>Never twit foot
>Still finds time to murder people
Also yes. BTW completely unrelated what's your home address?
Imagine if you were a furry, retarded, and had a crippling fetish for dickgirls. It will make more sense then.
So does he purge all the bestiality, guro, rape, and other such content by making vanilla between handicapped people. Because I remember barrier-free and I believe the climate was similar
Doesn't her prosthetic legs actually give her an advantage compared to a regular runner?
He's a man of complex character.
I think he's talking about different prosthetics, the blade ones aren't robot legs at all
I don't know what this is from but judging from that armband I am glad I am white with a german last name because not-nazis always seem to get the advanced technology in anime land.
she can probably run like 40 miles per hour
Really? That would make her the fastest thing on no feet.
No, user, she's just blushing, it's not a rash.
implying a Guts cannon arm is a bad idea, if not a bit cliche.
Source? Google image got nothin.
same authors as Gamera1985 / Gammatelier
most of his stuff is even weirder, don't say we didn't warn you
Well, at least two of my characters are amputees.
One is the result of the Dark Heresy critical hit rules, IIRC he’s missing one arm, his face and most of what used to be the inside of his rib cage. The augmetics are all blessed and very clean. In the service of the Emperor we do not need eyes.
The tech priest doesn’t count, those assholes will saw their bits off at th pie drop of a hat.
The second is in Star Wars, she got her arm blown off in the backstory because it seemed cool.
* same author as
singular author
You seem well on the way, please post if your vision starts to give out.
Incubus (lays over) is the one who gives (seed)
Succubus (lays down) is the one who takes (seed)
Man, I was going to post "inb4 fregg" but then I got distracted.
Hey, she never asked for this.
Can an amputee fetishist explain why it’s better than just having a complete girl? I didn’t know this was a thing
>lesbian haircut
>tumblr nose
>tattoo with some dumb meaning that will probably get explained to my disinterested character
>A fucking Elf
No thank you, but I appreciate the offer
Sorry m’lady. Needs more sexy tusks
No. It' a brown elf.
It's about wanting to protect her, but cybernetics also allow her to be in control of her own faults and be able to surpass them. But pictures like demonstrate they can still be vulnerable and need protecting.
Or you can be a degenerate who just like to see girls suffering and it becomes more of a dominance thing, which is why I usually never look for amputee hentai.
she's also black
and has mental problems
>"honky! ass craka! mo-fo"
sometimes i do this with my penis if im drunk enough
In Shadowrun, we're all amputees. And that makes us better at everything all the time.
half orc perhaps
I appreciate the sentiments but no one is built for fucking shit up with that much meat left.
Arm of God, bruv. SOP in Shadowrun for off-fighters.
You're a brown elf.
Roses are red
Violets are glorious
Nobody can hide
from Oscar Pistorius
Not familiar with it, is it some heinously optimized cyberarm?
Yes, it's a single cyberarm optimized for maximum shootery/killery.
>okay but there's a mandatory cybernetics program in this setting so you're a cyborg
>roll to resist super magnet
I guarantee once we have cybernetic, computerized limbs, there'll be at least one asshole arrested for running around with a bigass magnet trying to get people to stick to it/fry their arm computer.
Same with integrated computers in the brain. Some dumbass /is/ going to see what happens if he smashes his head against the business end of a running MRI machine.
>Fucking razorgirls, man.
The Dark Tower technically made money. Makes me shudder when I think of how neutered her character's going to be in the inevitable sequel.
ShindoL is a woman.
Cyberlimbs suck in most editions of Shadowrun, to the point where most people with 0.005 essence left have no visible cybernetics.
That explains a lot.
you don't give birth through the clit.
why she have pubes but no pussi?
And she's originally american. She lived in california until just recently.
The lore behind succubi and inccubi is significantly different. It's not just a case of male/female sex demon.
Read a book; you're a disgrace to King Solomon.
What book could yield actual information on them? are not fucking real haha
If anything I like the theory that succumb is and incubus are the same shape shifting demon, collecting semen from men and then using it to impregnate woman