Admit it, he did nothing wrong.
There are loyal marines who do much more evil than him.
Admit it, he did nothing wrong
>night lords marine
>he didn't do nuffin wrong
Well he didn't?
Big E fucked the Night Lords over for doing their job to good.
The Night Lords are the worst legion, this is simply a fact. Specialising in something that should come naturally to a group of enhanced super humans if just retarded.
>OMG I cant believe how scary that giant, murderous, genetically enhanced super human is
>Oh and that other one is wearing flayed skin
Also a legion was completely wasted on Curze who had no leadership skills or the ability to plan at all apparently. Just give his legion to Horus to command then send Batboy off to kill some retards.
>Flays people alive causally
>Not even enjoying it, just part of their culture, aside from their adamant refusal to fight unless the odds are stacked in their favour
Nothing wrong
That's a funny way to spell Zso Sahaal.
Yeah, but I didn't really liked the way he was portrayed.
I mean, why would a part of the 4 gods themselves try to corrupt him when even Horus only had Erebus and a daemonic messanger?
Also, I find his idea of disrupting the communication of the Imperium through flayings rather unlikely. Would it really work? It was not even a mass sacrifice, just a few guys from a irrelevant world.
If you want to play this game you are better off with Mortarion and the Dusk Raiders/Pre Nurgle fuckery Death Guard
Except that's not true.
The typical human is more likely to feel fascination towards them than dread.
Just look at any Horus Heresy novel. They were not really that afraid, unless they needed to
Will he ever come back?
Curze apparently held him in high esteem, I want to know how other NL would think
Thats from the imperil side dumbass. So gratz Night Lord were better at scaring the people they were supposed to protect.
Of course. That was their job.
If your subordinates don't fear you, they're not going to obey you.
t. Night Lord Brainlet
t. Low IQ retard that don't understand arguments.
if this was true then the salamanders would have been declared excommunicati traitoris years ago because nobody'd listen to anything they said
Actually The Salamanders geneseed thing that gives them red eyes and pitch black skin does make people fear them
Until they get to know them and find out they're real swell guys, kinda like Kharn
You're only a traitor if you betray.
Nobody is going to punish you for no reason
Maybe you don't quite get what their purpose was and what the Emperor used them for.
In Machiavelli's The Prince it talked abouth the importance of always having on hand a punishment that was excessive and brutal to use as a punishment for traitors. This is used, according to Machiavelli, to be in contrast to more noble aspects you seek to promote on other warriors under your leadership. Couple this with greatly improving quality of life under your rule you send a dire and direct message that you can practice benevolence you hold in your capability and command the ability to unleash the hounds of hell whenever you deem it fit, with that mix bringing you loyalty. The Night Lords were these warriors, and they should have been a weapon used sparingly and kept on a tight leash. The Emperor's big mistake with the Night Lord's was that he let the dogs slip the leash and there was no way of tethering them back once that had happened. As is the case with all space marines, both loyal and traitor, the fault lays mainly with the Emperor, who really did not know how to use the tools he designed himself properly nor take due care in wielding them. The Night Lord and Curze weren't shit, they were poorly managed.
actually people are more afraid of being burned alive than they are of spooky red eyes
But they don't burn innocents.
He let Xarl die.
Lead the warband to Tsagualsa when literally everyone else was saying "Hey no that's a bad idea"
Entire warband died because of him and him alone
Got their first ship and a part of the warband killed, just to betray their fucking allies and gain another ship that was fucked up and warped.
I love Night Lords, and made an army of them specifically because of that Trilogy, but Talos fucked up a lot.
Perhaps they do more evil things, but they're still on the right side and that's what really matters. Look at the Iron Hands and their successors. Brutal assholes, all of them, but loyal as fuck and ultimately protect humanity. That's what being a space marine is all about.
This Talos told Octavia he skinned children alive before their parent's eyes. And he let the Night Lords loose on the Tsagualsa colony.
I know it's their doctrine and all, but c'mon man, torturing people for the sake of Legion traditions is wrong on many levels. Being a Night Lord, while cool as fuck, is wrong in itself.