Let's Create A Setting

>Whales are ancient defenders of the world from abyssal terrors from the furthest reaches.

Other urls found in this thread:


>dolphins continue to be assholes

They're utter jerks about it.

All cetaceans are just dicks.

>The abyssal terrors are actually Cephalopods.


Squids are honestly just straight up dudes user, and I, a whale, would love to be one.


like deep wizardry?

>I, a whale, would love to be one.
Why did you see the need to include that oddly specific detail about you being a whale, dear user? Are you hiding something?

>There's a thriving underwater settlement movement to try and harvest crystals that have unique alchemical properties i.e - heal, paralyze, strength, arcane powers and all that

If this is something you can beat with muscle power rather than magic we must evidently equip the whales. Prepare the Ketosmiths, we Whaledome Chronicles now and the technical faction is Leviathan-lite.

(For some reason I've never found anyone who's read the Dragonsdome Chronicles books. No idea why, they're technically Young Adult but they get pretty fucking dark at points and the setting is a great take on standard fantasy.)

>The underwater movement has been headed by some of the greatest Oracles who have studied under the Cetacean Mystics for many ages.

>whaling is still a booming business threatening extinction of their kind

>Crustaceans are basically psychic sea dwarves who form a massive hyper intelligent presence in the sea

>There is an increasing large segment of society that is following the Whale ways, causing tensions against the other pantheons causing religious tension

>The current tensions between the other races of the Deep, has allowed the Dread Ones slumbering in the Midnight Zone to start infiltrating some of the upper layers with their more minor servants.

Oh look at the time, I must surface for air like a little bit- i mean whale. Whales have to breath. Of course.

>The Whale's have turned to the surface world for help among the different pantheons and kingdoms aligned with each
>Draconic: Sorcerer Kings and their descendants worshiping an ancient prophet who led to their kinds emergence
>Faerie: The Fey and the landfolk (Faeries, Bearfolk and all the humanoidish animals)
>Forest King: Humans and general alt-paganism
>Elves: ELVES
>Sharks: The eternal enemy of the whales but can compromise to defeat the Dread Ones

>but now it's providing a resource as valuable as crude oil


>resurrecting old Veeky Forums memes

let's just cut to the chase and say squids are le evil baddies and are secretly Lovecraftian.

Stop wasting thread space on the catalog.

>t.No Fun Allowed Fag.
Don't you have a 40k thread to go around being cock-gobbling fag in?

Go 'way.

The abyssal terrors will soon claim victory over the setting unless the mortal races can band together in support of the ancient defenders by sending positive energy their way.

For a minute there, that image mad me think the Squid was the one saying "world", and it kinda confused me a bit.

Just for you user

What, they get extremely fat or something?

Funny thing is, in the thumbnails it looks like the cuttlefish has anime eyes.
And that should be canon.
The cuttlefish, servants of the old ones, look really, really kawaii desu nee.


>The ultimate end of the squid seems to be to escape the oceans, but what will happen to the squids and the ocean next is not clear.
>All that the whales know of it is foretold in one of their most ancient and fearful songs

Cetacean stranding is an act of ritual suicide committed by fallen whale defenders, only by then can they cleanse the corrupted force of abyss.


Is your only justification for these threads the fact that 40k exists? Veeky Forums is past its golden age and you need to accept that

>One of the most ancient and respected bardic colleges is a brotherhood of seafaring bards, who follow the whales to learn their songs
>These accumulated songs form a major basis of the sacred texts of the whale worshippers on land

IIRC, the traitor son book series actually did this.
The whales fuck up the creatures of The Wild that normally attack boats

>the whales were created by an ancient, powerful race
>they originally formed a protective energy barrier holding the terrors in the deeps
>now their barriers have weakened into songs, and many whales have abandoned their duty to swim freely
>only this small group remains
>they know that they are the only thing between us and what lies below them

Though all schools of fish seem independently ruled, they are actually satraps to the sun-king. He is so old his memory is longer than recorded history. Even the whale folk respect his consul. Though now he grows even more distant rarely being seen by his subjects, once he emerged from the deep black with the whales and gave no answer even to the witnesses. Now rumors of his death are not stemmed for years at a time and recently there has been talk of a rebellion and replacement by a stronger king, to face the growing threats. But most still think him conducting vital business as faith was saved the great school sonce the dawn of time.

But recently from the edge of the coral, the limit of this empire came a the survivors of a lesser school. They say a cloud black ink is slowly spreading and has envolped their home, none who enter return. And as the sun king is somewhere else entirely, this issue is fast reaching a flash point and sides are beginning to be formed, as loyalists now face off against those who think the time of the great school is over. As this moot drags on more sea does this cloud cover

Even the wales have many creation myths - How they awoke to defend the World from the abyssal squids.

The Sun King exists in every one of them, however. Some say that he is the last son of the Ancient Swimmers, the rumored creator-beings.

Damn I still can't type for shit. Sorry for the typos

>sharks bow to the Kobudai

a seafaring people on an island nation known for their superior swords are in communication with the abyssal tentacled horrors and hunt the whales out of religious obligation

>Is your only justification for these threads the fact that 40k exists? Veeky Forums is past its golden age and you need to accept that
So you're actively monitoring fun threads on Veeky Forums to scorn and mock the people who are enjoying them... because you don't like the board anymore?

I mean, Veeky Forums was better when we had quest threads and didn't have to constantly worry about getting banned for funposting, but you need to lighten up user.

>Everyone expects oysters to do something amazing and magical, but no. They're just completely normal oysters.

How did you get any of that out of that post?

>More cephlaphobic rhetoric
Why do the vertebrates hate us so much?

>Magic whale guardians
>Still hunted by humans
>"Whale oil" has magical properties
Is this Dishonored?

Called the idiots of the sea, there are those who don't even know which way is up while swimming, those who eat with their feet and see with their backs. It takes 10 to fix a candlelight, and casualities are hight when they do try.

All in all, nobody knows how these bumbling idiots have managed to survive, but one thing is certain: they are old as time itself, and when all other kingdoms have faded to foam, they will be there, debating which way is down and how many legs are normal.

In Dishonored, the Void was more horribly, horribly, horribly neutral, rather than pure evil like cephalopods.

Their blood is useful for many things; potions, magic, science, healing. Using their old blood it is possible to transcend humanity.

Praise the Good Blood

A race of soft looking shark like people have renounced their sea gods after they choose humans as their patron races thanks to humanities focus on seafaring and mainly coastal habitat. They live far in the sky in giant cloud fortresses where the humidity is high enough for them to breate. There they pursue SCIENCE and ugly detective headgear while planning to take revenge.

99% of the world consists of oceans. The other 1% are islands. Naval combat is the main form of military and the biggest landmass is being constantly fought over for its forests leading to never ending war.

It would be cruel and sad to abuse sixh clueless creatures for their blood, if they weren't that eager! And then there's the "bartering", where they fight themselves to offer the lowest price possible, sometimes even spontaneously!! Trying to back of in such a situation can become tricky, if the "seller" feels you are scamming them of a good deal (nevermind the absurdity of the proposition, or the lethality of the deal). Those helmets can be hard.

It is a mystery of the ages how these people can survive at all.

>rather than pure evil like cephalopods.
what did cephs ever do to you?

Ate my dad.

This guy is why we can't have nice things.

No, the squids simply have an le alien motive that turns out to be good in the long run. The main story between the whales and the squids is The good of the now vs the good of tomorrows children. Evil for the sake of good vs Good absolutes.

Though the Cephalopods will harm most life of the now, they know the future will be better off. And one of the biggest virtues of good is sacrifice.

That would be legitimately be the most horrifying thing to watch.

There’s a species of squid called Humbolt that hunt like wolves and drag you down into trenches and drown you

Who was your dad captain nemo?

>All the cephalopod hate in this thread
How does this make you guys feel?

Its cause all those japs have been hunting whales near 'stralia. The guard is weakest over there.

of course, it happens first in Australia. Where else?

>In that forest live the True Neutral Beavermen.
>They stand at about four feet tall and build large inefficient dams to keep out the ocean dwellers.
>The Beavermen have domesticated Dogs, and have them fetch sticks. When a dog brings back a stick, they pretend to throw it, and the dog goes chasing for a new stick while the Beaverman just shoves the stick into the dam while waiting for another stick.

Humans have been hunting the whales to near extinction to harvest their oil to power their schizotech Victorian society. As a result, the eldritch abominations are starting to come closer and closer to the realm of man.