>Return of the Tok Edition
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>Return of the Tok Edition
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Glad to see you back man. Thanks for the fame you gave me as the Tok Slayer, it was a nice popularity boost, but I'd feel bad if I unintentionally caused someone to stop being a cyoa author.
>he was so desperate for attention that he just HAD to be the one to start the thread
>ZBG still cucked him
Laugh at him.
>tok breaks his promise yet again
What is this, the fourth time? Not really surprised anymore desu. Just kill yourself already and spare everyone.
>assume you have 100 years to live
>the average male life expectancy is 76.4 years
Where did the extra 23.6 years come from?
>Lapshop produces endless amounts of any currency
>years of life are currency, due to the witch's shop
Buy a lapshop, get endless years. You could buy any other item too, as you have an endless supply of years.
That's pretty easy. If you really don't want to die at the average time, then just take care of yourself above-averagely.
Well I can't live that long no matter how well I take care of my body because I have shitty genetics user.
You're making a leap from statistics to a specific example now, so this isn't really a meaningful response. In light of that, here's my not really meaningful response: Sucks to be you I guess.
>Mary Stew
We anime now.
I'll take the Lapshop and the Mary stew. I'll live to be 80 with everything I ever need. Not too bad.
Hey man, just a suggestion, you might wanna add some ways to get more years, because living to be 27 just by getting Slave Dollar doesn't sound like too fun to me.
>Thanks for the fame you gave me as the Tok Slayer
The Tok Slayer sounds way better then Textanon, too bad I'm unslayable otherwise you could have just run with it and kept the name.
>Glad to see you back, I'd feel bad if I unintentionally caused someone to stop being a cyoa author.
I didn't think anyone would fall for another I-quit-troll, but I thought it would be funny to try. I even if I posted the same Barristan meme as I posted when I did The End, no one got that reference.... No one ever seem to gets my references.... But at least some people recognized that my previous trip #DragonDagger was a reference to RuneScape.
>Just kill yourself already and spare everyone.
Legends never die user.
Literally the only thing I need from the list, as the previous user have stated, just let acquire an endless amount of years and use that to purchase every option on the list which also exists on the special website .
Immortality achieved
>Peppered a few clues throughout our conversation
Is her name pepper?
Just learn her true name, or inject her with the Wai-flu.
lmao, I know you have no self respect, but every example keeps surprising me
Lapshop and Automamom
You could always make more cyoa's without being an asshole
>Where did the extra come from.
Technology and the advancement of medicine which is becoming ridiculous now-a-days when compared to 10 years ago and especially 20 years ago..
>Tale the Lolipop and Lapshop
>Lick former carefully
>Live 93 more years with infinite money and eternal youth.
It's gonna be a good run.
Is there an actual way to find her name or are you just being a faggot
PPP+ when? I want to be saved from this hell. I just want to wake up.
>The Tok Slayer sounds way better than TextAnon
Nah man, I love having TextAnon as my name, but the Tok Slayer does make a pretty good title.
>Dark Ritual
>Twilight 35
>12 Hours 15
>2 Times 20
>Amazon 40
>Plushy, Muscular pussy 30
>Human 30
>Small Horns 40
>Small Wings 50
>Short, Thick tail (I'll take the lower gain) 55
>Pointy Ears 60
>Energetic, Intelligent, Loving 45
>Culinaromancy, Lucky, Hammerspace, Alter Mind: Loving 0
>Not becoming the little girl
>Where did the extra 23.6 years come from?
Are you guy's really going to make me go back and change it so you start getting more creative?
>you might wanna add some ways to get more years
You can get every single thing in the shop without paying any years at all.
figured it out, but since she created the Wai Flu she's already created and given herself a vaccine for it.
>Is her name pepper?
>Is there an actual way to find her name
It's pretty obvious if you just read through the whole thing and notice all the stupidly obvious clues I put into it.
At least obvious to me, when you take my Asperger's and Dyslexia into account...
The prices have an obvious theme too, but they won't give you her name.
>that Sorceress art
Wish the artist made more.
Bro is her Name Nimue/Nymue?
>It's pretty obvious if you just read through the whole thing and notice all the stupidly obvious clues I put into it.
Obvious to you, because you made it. Pagan-worshiping-former-punk-rock-witch-that-likes-puns isn't exactly a well know character.
>Wai flu
>shank witch
>enjoy magical shenanigans
>Are you guy's really going to make me go back and change it so you start getting more creative?
Hit subsequent versions/revisions with the Eraseball Bat.
Assuming Lapshop won't give me infinite years of life.
Now I get 84 years of life to dedicate to my goals and not have to worry about cash, home upkeep, or emotional support.
I thought it could be Viviene, too. Is that true?
She's Elphaba.
Eh Ill just wait for the next trash thread to pop up.
Stealing is wrong faggot.
Is that Crusader's Companion reference? Because those sound familiar...
Either way, no.
>Hit subsequent versions/revisions with the Eraseball Bat.
I like you.
>Assuming Lapshop won't give me infinite years of life.
I love you.
Alright, now I'm confused.
>Wai Flu
I get everything in life that I wanted. Best 36 years I could ever spent.
Aww, really? I saw Relnim and thought it might be a reference to Merlin.
>I saw Relnim and thought it might be a reference to Merlin.
It is.
Take a look at the Fortune Sprite's name.
Nimue/Nymue/Vivienne are all alternate, valid names for the Lady of the Lake that betrayed and imprisoned Merlin.
Surprised to see that reference in /cyoag/ of all places but I'll take it.
Okay, now that we know her name, I gotta ask, what were the clues?
Yeah, that's why I looked around for Lady of the Lake lore. I'm not too familiar with American classic novels so I didn't guess wicked witch.
There wasn't just *one* Lady of the Lake
The one responsible for imprisoning Merlin in the crystal cave was Nimue.
Her fake name is an anagram, the punk-rock stuff is a reference to stuff from Wicked. That's how I figured it out, at least.
I'd never seen any of those before.
>what were the clues
>Name of the CYOA
>That fact that she loves wordplay
>The Fortune Sprite's name
>Her Uncle's name
>the punk-rock stuff is a reference to stuff from Wicked
That was completely unintentional.
Nicely done.
Did those names get assigned to the separate Ladys? I thought it was a Kay/Cei situation.
>>Name of the CYOA
So do we get infinite lifespan if we get the dollar and use it on her successfully? Why would she sell something like that to us if it had a chance of working on her?
Because its a wish fulfillment cyoa.
[100] So I'd live to almost 130? Does she at least take the bad years from the end instead of just making me age?
I see witches like to play league. So thats why the enemy team always seems to know all about where my team is and they always get ganked and die.
Lapshop. I mean if SHE's immortal, there's gotta be an immortality potion in there somewhere. Even if I'd have to earn more money than I could, at least I'd have something to work towards. [95 years left]
>.... Can... can I wai flu the witch or?
Mary Stew [66 years left] Now if there was a way to earn enough to buy an immortality potion, this is it .
Lolipop [64 years left] In case I do discover immortality, I'd still need to you know not look like an old man.
So I'll still live to be in my 90s even if I fail. And with magic items and being the MC of the world, I'm sure I can manage a pretty fun life even if I dont meet my goal of eternal youth/immortality/dimension travelling/whatever.
How'd you figure it out? Never read the Wizard of Oz so just curious.
Having never read, or even heard of Wicked before, it was less obvious for me. I assumed that the clues were something akin to a word or words she used frequently. The fact she keeps calling us dear and deary is a bit of a hint I might have picked up on, however.
Huh, interesting. Thanks for the info! I'm garbage at subtlety unfortunately, so I completely miss the clues to her name, and simply offer up 7 years for the Lolipop and Lapshop, ask how long the lolipop lasts before I can't use it anymore, and if there's any way to keep it sanitary. Then inquire if the lapshop can give me some of that money outside of the shop the lapshop connects to. Can I order from Amazon, or pay rent with it?
Finally, I ask how I could go about making myself immortal, as I'd very much not mind a life of doing something similar to this, and I'm desperate for a job anyways.
I think if the witch could become immortal via these options, she'd do that instead of selling her incredibly powerful magical items for years of lifespan.
Well maybe there's a way I can get some magic powers, can go about trading weeks for lesser gifts, and slowly level up til I'm capable of doing what she does now.
She admits she's bad with computers. It could be like some really old people who use Word to open images because they don't know any other way and you have no hope of showing them otherwise.
Ok fine. Lapshop some powers that lets me make bargains for lifespan then. Whatever. Something ya know.
Look maybe she just doesnt want to drink her friends fairy juices in order to become the MC of the world ok?
Isn't that from the old animated King Arthur movie? Where he gets turned into a squirrel at once point?
Good shit.
But looking over the songlist, the punk rock song I am thinking of might be from a different musical and I just blurred the two.
>Are you guy's really going to make me go back and change it so you start getting more creative?
You wrote yourself into a corner with Lapshop.
Give it a couple more months or so.
>Give it a couple more years or so.
I've decided to start making these. At least one, anyway. Have lurked around for a few months or so, figured why not. I'm going to be going with a simple idea that has been done several times, probably because it is easy. Besides, I like to see new takes on old genres myself. Real problem is that I lack graphics skills, so this first one probably isn't going to look interesting.
Pic maybe related.
I get the Lapshop and leave. Not interested in selling much more of my life than that.
Loop de Loop without early leave or expand the loop ends up giving you an average loop length of 4 hours, 1 minute and 29.680 seconds, give or take 3 milliseconds, and the longest loop before the actual loops ending being around 7 hours.
Just useful information if someone wanted to take loop de loop and know what they are getting out of it..
>Slave Dollar
>Wicker Bear
now to spend the next two years of my pathetic life as a cute loli with a demon bear. While completely ignoring the slave dollar.
With Pact of Corruption, I could take Faceless. Would I then stop needing to eat? Or would I just starve to death?
I forgot one of the clues.
>The first thing she says to you
>So do we get infinite lifespan if we get the dollar and use it on her successfully?
>Why would she sell something like that to us if it had a chance of working on her?
Because she's overconfident and doesn't think you'd actually figure it out.
>So I'd live to almost 130?
That's the idea.
>Does she at least take the bad years from the end instead of just making me age?
Yeah, essentially you'll die of old age regardless of your actual age.
>SHE's immortal
Technically speaking, she isn't immortal. She's just extended her life by transferring years of other people's lives to her own.
She can even still be killed.
>.... Can... can I wai flu the witch or?
Unfortunately, she made a vaccine along with it and has already used it on herself.
Nice build either way.
>Having never read, or even heard of Wicked before, it was less obvious for me.
Neither have I. I just remembered hearing that the Wicked Witch actually had a name and googled it.
>ask how long the lolipop lasts before I can't use it anymore
It never runs out.
I mean... Unless you keep licking until you turn back into a fetus...
You can kind of just assume it'll stay sanitary because that's some basic bitch level magic.
>Then inquire if the lapshop can give me some of that money outside of the shop the lapshop connects to.
You can literally use the lapshop to buy physical currency.
>Can I order from Amazon, or pay rent with it?
You could BUY Amazon from it and you you could probably just buy a self-managing, completely independent home instead of worry about rent.
>Finally, I ask how I could go about making myself immortal, as I'd very much not mind a life of doing something similar to this, and I'm desperate for a job anyways.
This was actually kind of relates what I was originally going to do with the Slave Dollar.
I'll explain further in my next post.
I'm trying to get PPP+ out as fast I can I possibly can, Anons. I also had some setbacks multiple times because I didn't save shit.
Let's be honest about how this ends.
Loopback 5
$$$ 10
Physical Health 10
Physical Health++ 20
Mental Health 5
Mental Health++ 10
Weather 5
Magic Notebook 20
Back With More 30
Come Back 10
The only reason why I'm taking magic notebook is so I can keep track of how many loops I've done so once I get bored enough I can kill myself thousands of times in a row to exit the loop faster without worrying about dying for real.
Originally it would have been an option to become her slave for 93 years. After which, she'd give you them back and train you as her apprentice.
With this version, I think I'll just say that if you ask you might be able to convince her to take you on as an apprentice and gain work and near immortally by working and learning from her.
Also, no one ever said she was immune to the Don Juan DeCharcoal....
Wow, you seriously just turned yourself into the source for the image...
I still like to go back and remake my builds for the original.
Keep up the good work and don't stress yourself too much.
Fucking flowey man
People who want to be little girls are gayer than traps
Oh, sweet! Wasn't sure if it'd go bad or become deadlt unhygenic to use after a certain point. Gonna be in my early 20s for the rest of mah life.
Not ambitious enough to buy amazon, what'd I even do with that kind of power? Probably see about buying some magic stuff to help me learn things, both magical and otherwise, and else use it to buy stuff like a modest apartment and my videogames and books.
Otherwise, here's hoping I can convince the witch to take me on as her apprentice. Not sure what it'd take to do that though.
>Not sure what it'd take to do that though.
Probably show an interest in magic, compliment her, struggle to choose, maybe offer a few extra years without even getting anything in return...
Or, alternatively
>Buy Don Juan DeCharcoal
>pic related
>Psuedo-Immortality and apprenticeship.
She's over a thousand, keeps calling you pet names, and runs an invisible magic shop by herself...
Read between the magic oversized funbags.
Why would she take upon an apprentice? That's only introducing more competition to the witch magic market and life siphoning game, unless she's planning to retire and pass on everything she knows to an worthy heir.
Man I'm dense okay, and not really capable of flirting beyond blatantly struggling to think clearly with a hot witch in the room.
Though my interest in magic might help me ramble a bit about the objects and ask about what the thought waa behind the creation of certain ones. I don't think it'd take long to make my decision though, ultimately it's not fun having most of these powers if I can't spend a long life enjoying them, which is probably exactly what I'd say before asking if there was a way I could do what she did.
Maybe I could get a job, but I'd be nearly protagonist level dense before I'd realize the pet names were more than just a thing she liked to do. Like, unless I heard it completely drop when talking to others.
Still gonna totally imagine an apprenticeship with this woman though.
I'd gladly offer a decade of life for the chance to get a bit of magic potential in me and another decade for an apprenticeship, as long as she could reasonably promise me I'd be able to extend my life before I died from the 27 years taken off me.
As long as the rate of witches siphoning life off grows at a smaller rate than (siphonable population) * (average lifespan of population), then they're not at any risk of draining lifespan.
>Why would she take upon an apprentice?
Please see the second half of She's lonely numbnuts. There's no competition for what she does.
Humans are damn near infesting the planet and are prone to being greedy and shortsighted.
Even if there were other witches out there doing the same thing, there are enough morties to around so they can all make a profit easily.
What she's offering you aren't even the only things she has.
She's a witch and knows the guy who made the Lapshop website. She can always get and/or make new inventory.
This is truly the best option and likely the one I’d take if this situation arose IRL. No one ever tries to be friends with the power bestowing demi gods
What do you Anons want me to do?
Will do ZBG.
I really like this tok, thank you for coming back. I dont want to go fan girl on you, but really good work.
I saw "My pretty" and immediately thought of the wicked witch of the west. I'm surprised it took that long for someone else to get it.
I'll take the lapshop, but that's it.