So I found this little guy in my coin purse. Does anyone know what I should do with it?
So I found this little guy in my coin purse. Does anyone know what I should do with it?
eat it, or kill and sell its dick
Does he speak?
Is he 'hoarding' your coinpurse?
What breed of Dragon is he?
>Coin drake
Keep em', make friends with the beast and he will guard your coin purse with his little life as long as you give him coin to guard.
It's a hatchling dragon, they'll often climb into coin purses and make the coins 'their horde' as sort of a starting point, in time he'll probably leave your coin purse and get a job at the bank.
His parents will never be seen but they'll be watching, so treat the little guy well and try to do a better job educating him than his biological parents do.
If he does speak, it's not in any language I understand. He's mostly just been nibbling on a coin.
Are you sure he won't try to bite me if I try to take a coin?
Alright, but how exactly do I take care of a hatchling dragon? What do they eat? How do I discipline it when it misbehaves? Approximately when will it move out?
As meek as he seems at the moment, he will soon seek great deals of food, and as he grows so shall his avarice.
If you intend to make a companion of the wee beasty we should start preparations at once.
Raising a dragon is a great undertaking, and should not be undertaken, or discarded without a great deal of thought.
Parents or no, the young thing presents opportunity...
It's not a coin drake, it has vestigial wings.
Dragon hatchlings eat precious metals, your coin purse should have plenty of food for it. I don't know how to raise one though.
Sure, they start out cute
You should stick your finger in it's mouth and let it bite you. Trust me, I'm a dragon expert and know many things about dragons.I swear I am completely trustworthy and definitely not a dragon.
I'd say remove gear and replace with skinks, but It Is skinks, so you're already doing it right.
Let him guard your money.
I want to get a coin dragon. Maybe it will help me spend less money.
Those things are delicious. Def eat
Feed it coins
Specifically feed it coins after midnight.
i rate cute/10
I Remember a similar thread to this one I saw in the summer and I would like to make an update! The baby basilisk I had found is growing healthily!Still needs a name though, as we can't call him Baby forever, especialy when we made him (its a him) a shack.
Fuck it to death, then sell the corpse to an alchemist.
Pursedragon? Oh they're dead useful, the best deterrent against pickpockets you'll ever find and not bad companions either.
Only real problem is that they don't like you spending 'their' hoard and tend to passive-aggressively nag you about 'necessary purchases'.
Rocky, if Basilisks are the ones with the petrifying gaze. I always mix them up with Cockatrices.
I mean we live in the mediterranean Region, and we did find him next to a petrified snake...
Hey, as a representative of the local Alchemists' Union, I can with 100% say that we not only condone cruelty to animals, we also pay extra for animal corpses that were desecrated before you sell them to us.
Suck it, Druids.
To be fair they are much more fiscally responsible than most adventurers. Plus they may be willing to pay rent when they get older with interest. You wont be able to spent said rent but the thought is there. Like tiny dangerous bankers.
Care for him, raise him, slaughter him when he is roughly cow-sized, tan the hide, and sell it
>Reminder Alchemists who deal with animals are 100% of the times furries
>Reminder Druids understanding of nature actualy gives them an important scholarly position, dont fall for the hippie meme
>the virgin Alchemist
>the Chad druid
Other pics user took
Could be a hammerspace dragon. They like small places, but check really carefully if you're missing anything; if it's eaten any of your money for its own hoard, the only way to tell is through its absence.
Though, if you do befriend it, it's nice to know someone who might want to keep something otherwise useless of any size. Or for disposing of bodies, or so I'm told.
This suggestion is even more dangerous if my hunch is right.
On behalf of all ... well most, other Alchemists' Guilds, I can say that this most assuredly isn't the case. However, most guilds will accept animal corpses with little to no questions asked, and some may even instruct you on how to extract the most valuable parts of the creature.
I thought hammerspace dragons were extinct?
Ok, you got me, I actually work for the Necromancers and Allied Trades Union. To be fair, there's a lot of overlap.
Not quite extinct, but I'm pretty sure you won't find them outside of civilized settlements anymore. I'm acquainted, at least, with one who works with the local Adventurer's Guild, and she claims to know at least 3 more who just wander the city. Says her work has given her a bigger hoard than any two of them combined, but I haven't cared to try to verify that.
Paying more for a "violated" body is a dead giveaway, well that and focusing on the body itself rather than the resources gained from it. I have noticed that.
Really? That's good to know
>her work
>Adventurer's Guild
How would a dragon work with the AG? Do the two collude to give low-level suckers a dragon to "slay?" Use her as an informant on monster activity? ...Prostitute to get anti-dragon frustrations out?