if you could have one of your characters be your roommate, what character would you pick and why?
If you could have one of your characters be your roommate, what character would you pick and why?
prob my sorcerer because the spells would make life easy
Paladin, she was a ball of happy. Or the Alchemist Mage.
The Shepherd, an ancient automaton tasked with protecting certain tomes and artifacts, souped up with some questionable combinations of mechanics to make him self repairing to a degree that makes him nigh unkillable.
His original motivation was to track down a book stolen from one of his vaults, and after he got it he stuck around to help the party with their problem because he's immortal so it doesn't matter how long it takes him to go back as long as he does it eventually.
So, as long as I leave his stuff the FUCK alone, he is probably a pretty chill room mate.
The rest of my characters would either be dangerous to be around, be REALLY annoying to share a living space with as they pop in and out to travel the world and kill things, or are AdEva characters which raise just a whole bunch of questions that I do not need in my life.
Probably Clarke, the warforged monk I played awhile back. Real nice, chill guy who'd probably be willing to help me get off my ass and work toward some self-improvement.
Julius Langston by far. He's a stronk paladin who just enjoys having a good time. The only part I wouldn't like is that he would probably fuck any girl I brought home, but not out of malevolence; that and the homoerotic wrestling matches in the nude.
Either way it's by far way better than Garrick or Everly, and Gabriel's just an old man. The second choice would be Thegerious, but he'd probably siphon money from me and just be his boring, nihlist self.
Without a doubt Thelmar the sorcerer that doesn't understand magic. He was an absolute moron, but what a guy. I'd be nervous of the Wild Magic surges though, since we used a table with 10,000 possible outcomes and that shit was terrifying.
>we used a table with 10,000 possible outcomes and that shit was terrifying.
That table is fucking SHIT. Full of lolrandumb garbage. Like, take a look at this
"0000: The nearest star explodes in a massive supernova"
Against my better judgement probably Matral Sahar'gren, the NE Drow Wizard I made who categorically refused to use branches of magic that weren't Conjuration, Transmutation, and Enchantment. He also lost an arm and a good bit of skin due to a *spectacularly* bad Deck of Many Things draw, and once rope-burned a gnomes arms off.
On one hand, he's generally a pleasant, if misanthropic kind of person to be around. On the other hand, he was the result of my group playing a campaign with the premise of "fuck it, let's be as evil as possible", so he'll probably be storing severed gnome heads in the fridge and summoning demons in the living room. Can't say it would be boring though, and he played a mean fiddle.
Also I'd probably try and fuck him, because twinky grouchy elves are hot.
Jesus Christ. None of them they're awful people.
I don't think any of them would want to live with me. I am a very boring person.
Depending on who the character is, that could definitely be a bonus.
Probably the huntress I made for a RWBY campaign. Quiet, polite, pretty mellow in general. Keeps stuff clean and is basically incapable of lying.
As long as she didn't drag any Grimm back to the apartment we'd be completely out of each other's hair.
Oh, I know about that. We all got a good laugh out of it every time he surged, tensing up to see if this was the one that blew up the sun. Never happened though, since it had a .0001% chance of happening. And besides, Wild Magic is already lolrandumb by definition. Even the base PHB version is goofy as fuck with the bubble thing and the potted plant.
They're all pretty shitty...
If I had to pick, probably my Outbreak: Undead character where we all played characters based on ourselves and we ended up playing the deleted episode of Seinfield where Zombies attack.
Pic Related.
Paladin, she was basically blonde Wonder Woman
she might inspire me to do something to improve my shitty life
Probably my elf street samurai from Shadowrun. He had damaged vocal cords, so he didn't talk much unless he had to. As long as he didn't eat everything in the fridge in one go- suprathyroid implants can be a bitch.
My bubbly catfolk assassin, probably. mainly because she would probably be the least likely to kill me in my sleep, ironically enough. also, she is an avid book collector and would probably like to help me with my collection.
As a Shadowrun player, this is a terrible idea
I'd have to say my current Shadowrun character, nice enough, has some money, is clean and tidy. Mostly stays out of trouble. The music would be fun but the monophobia might get annoying after a week or two of having to deal with it
My first PC, a somewhat crazed oracle who preach her version of the Great Beyond, i.e. the real world behind the forth wall.
Of all characters she would be the only one interested staying with me.
My brawler, Drok, he is an expert chef, capable of breaking and fixing bones, and honestly tries to see the best in everything. Strong as an ox too, could lift all of the furniture up and down stairs if needed.
My half-troll, half-wood nymph druid / geomancer. Played him in a few games over the years since he never died: besides his moon-rages and slightly cannibalistic tendencies, he was always very kind and helpful to those around him, even when he was pissed off.
Fugly the Ugly Pirate... Also known as George Notason
He in general gave no fucks because he was the result of a mad Alchemists dream of being a perfect officer of a new race supersoldiers. He was created by mixing and interbreeding Aquatic Elves,Humans, Dragon Blood, Xvart, and a Minotaur. He was very intelligent, educated, spoke seven languages fluently, didn't get lost, could breathe underwater, see in total darkness, and stomp the fuck out of anyone dumb enough to be rude to him.
He had scales, fur, horns, was very large, scary looking, and generally a super nice guy.
I imagine we'd chill most nights and he'd drink a gallon of rum while I had a beer and talk about the different philosophies of what it meant to be an artist, or lend him a good book. I'd totally cook 5 lbs of spaghetti and pork meatballs and leave it in the fridge for after he got home from working the docks.
He'd never be late on rent or bills and would keep a job, and would wreck anyone who broke in.
Total bro.
Probably my female human ninja, who goes around robbing pretty girls because she doesn’t know how to express her lesbian feelings as she was raised in a conservative family.
Do they automatically like you? Like, most of them would probably hate me by default, so it would be nice yo know if they are just innately fond of me before we begin. That would heavily alter the outcome.
Otherwise I would probably just go with the bard, just for that comfy sleep I would get, as well as the nice eye candy and great persuasion skills, in case something with the apartment goes wrong/needs fixing.
I would pick my wimpy peasant from Warhammer 40k.
Who is actually based on pic related, the second-best character of that particular show.
Warhammer Fantasy, not warhammer 40k. Damn it, I could use more sleep
My old pally
and also just a chill lady bro
Okay, let me list who I could choose from.
Decima - 14 year old noble girl from a religion of sun worshippers. She is a mage knight who is kinda half support, half sister of battle. But she is adorable and shy and barely speaks a word to anyone.
Juliet - another noblewoman, this time she's about twenty odd perhaps. she's an identical twin, but has gone out of her way to differentiate herself from her sister with piercings, tattoos, anything, even a split tongue. She is also deviant as fuck and a massive slut, to be honest.
Illakran - she's velociraptor jesus when you boil it down. MAybe a tiny bit french too.
Mairon - boggle, a goblin like thing that goes mad in old age. he is an artificer trying to become a god of industry and change, to try and get rid of the boggle curse.
Sebastian Kingsley - a seventy-two year old scholar with psionic powers. Is also slightly gay, but is basically celibate.
Ameraeya - wood elf barbarian lesbian. she has tiny boobs and is very self concious of it. Also only played her for three sessions. Otherwise she's bit stoic, but is very loyal though she can be a hothead at times.
Chetana - NOTindian summoner half elf. She is an archaeologist and has a punch ghost that looks like a lion. She is dyslexic but otherwise she's a very ordered person and very lawful, despite being a teenager.
Nicholas - He's a young half elven monk. He likes brewing cider and baking cake and being an all around bro. I'd probably pick him for those traits alone.
So yeah, probably Nick, but if I choose hoe's over bro's, then juliet.
Ergh can I choose none of them? Of the current active roster two don't speak english and the other two are not what I'd call functional in a modern setting.
Easy: reality warper i played in a marvel universe campaign. Terrorized by his own power and refusing to use it despite the vast utility he could get out of it, all around nicest guy you could ever meet.
Don't think I want any of my DnD characters.
Sorceress was a bitch, Barbarian was a ball of rage and hatred at the best of times and Drow assassin will keep odd hours, sneaking in at all hours of the morning covered in blood. But don't worry, none of it is hers.
My ongoing Pathfinder Old One worshipping Mermaid Cleric may be a little better but I havn't a pool or bath for her to use.
The shortlived D20 modern's Surgeon would be fun right up until she experiments on me or is arrested for crimes against humanity.
My recent Mutants and Masterminds hero would be best, I think.
She gets plastered regularly so dealing with her drunk won't be fun and would force me to follow her stupidly excessive exercise regime despite the fact I can't fly but once I'm used to that I'll no longer in a land whale in training.
Plus I just kinda gave her a whole bunch of my own interests so drunk and exercise aside, she'll be fun to stay with.
I haven't played since high school and can't remember any of the characters from back then.
But just the other month, after watching 'Inside Out' with my friends, we had a short game of 'Everyone is John'.
I was Nymphomania.
I now regret this decision.
The determined Veeky Forumsgirl martial artist, hands down my most magical realm character, and a sweetheart to boot.
>dyslexic summoner
That sounds fucking terrifying
>I said summon a mouse, not a house! We are on a boat you moron!
>Bored, jaded immortal
>Innawoods werewoof
>"Bones" the grumpy Southern healer wizard
>Speed freak Mandalorian ace pilot
>Murderous urchin
>The Jolly German Giant
>Kansas based paladin of a reaper god
It's scary that the smart choices are the paladin of a death/harvest god and someone explicitly compared to McCoy as a Dresden Files wizard.
Timn, the space wizard!
My life would never be boring again.
C'mon, McCoy is great.
Piper yes, the shitty pun in her name was intentional, fuck you, my half-satyr bard. She'd probably be the most chill since I usually play gruff barbarian types or assholes, regardless of whether or not we wanted to fug or anything.
Like, she's one of the few PCs I've rolled who was a legit nice and sweet person.
Probably my high elven sorceress, she's an isolationist bitch but she's also in the habit of giving people what they want so they go away
So I wouldn't see her 90% of the time and when I did I could get free teleports etc
My paladin is nice and a sweetheart even if a little bad at thinking things through
I dunno how I'd feel about the lectures about Torm's grace, but when the shit hits the fan I know she'd be a good friend.
She was raised in wealth, though, so fuck if she'd understand basic domestic tasks at first.
My dimwit fishboy """arbalist"""
Mostly because he was a rough self insert with some things added
For example him picking fights and being aggressive from afar. If people get close to him, he's a wimp
Sounds like a jerk. You should try role-playing as a nicer version of yourself, it's cathartic. It's escapism, who cares if it's unrealistic!
Wait, that sounded like an insult. I don't mean it like that! I'm sure you're perfectly nice, but it's easy in real life to want to do nice but not have the will. If that's true for you too, try role-playing as the heroic version of yourself who DOES have the will.
Well, let's see here.
Dark Heresy
Probably kills me within a week. Accidentally.
>Inquisitor of Asmodeus
Either indoctrinates me into Diabolism or kills me.
>Brawler|Magus, Brawler
Either insists on being my gym buddy, one out of embarassment but the other out of altruism.
>Sorcerer (Maestro Bloodline)
Pulls me back into guitar practice.
>Sorcerer (Primal Air Bloodline)
Fries all my electronics.
>Gunsmoke Mystic|Sniper Slayer
Sods off to wherever he can find a fight.
>Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger
Needs to tell her soulbound incarnation of pure hatred to stop haunting the bathroom.
D&D 5e
Also pulls me into guitar practice.
...not a lot of good choices.
A bunch can't survive without setting-specific stuff.
Good chunk of the rest wouldn't be good roommates for anyone.
One of the ones that's left would find out almost immediately that I am the cause of all their suffering.
...honestly, the horrible monster in human form would be best off. She just wants to watch humans be humans.
Probably Rabbi Zadok ha-Kohen Rabinowitz, an actual hystorical rabbi of mid '800 that i used as a character for a chtulhuish campaign. I played him as a reserved yet very warm and supportive guy
I mean, we're still a good aligned party, and he's getting his fair share of heroic moments.
Plus, it's ok for him to be a bit of a jerk from afar since I designed him to be kind of a comic relief character
One of his best moments were that he drunkenly infiltrated a city overrun by bandits and defeat their boss with 2 consecutive critical hits
Underrated gem
All my characters are basically myself so it doesn’t matter. Def not the necromancer or Victorian mad scientist. The opium harvesting vampire or Solid Snake knockoff from my tween freeform neopets rps could be solid guys to live with. Unsure if I could trust the vampire and Not-Snake would probably be attacked regularly by terrorist organizations
let's be real here, having a reliable roomate who pays the rent is better than an interesting character.
Dervin the Warlock. Swell guy, makes us a ton of money with his music, great wingman. As long as the Crimson King doesn't keep stalking him in this universe and force us to move off the grid to stop his soul getting stolen then it'll be great.
Are you gay, a bicycual, or a woman?
Probably ... my old World of Warcraft item bank character, who I would occasionally roleplay as the boisterously friendly but overworked financial manager of my main's extensive mineral and gemstone portfolios.
A cute redheaded elf girl with plenty of money and a lot of patience sounds like a good time.
None. They're all awful people and one of them is a cop.
I am a bicycle. A pennyfarthing to be precise.
It's alright, user. We'd probably still fuck you even if one boob is massively bigger than the other.
Okay, who would you guys choose from these guys?
>choosing anyone but top bro Nick
Literally get out.
We could make shit homebrews in the airing cupboard and have a good time at the local.
I've only got a few but... Maybe the hot mechanic girl who is chill, likes to drink and go dancing.
Either that or one of the twins. Maybe the twins together since I play both at the same time a lot.
None, they are horrible to be around, total narcissists who ever try to steal the spotlight.
Maybe it speaks more about myself. But maybe it's because I'm almost forever GM so when I play I want it to be finally about me.
wise choice
You do get some family baggage with nick though. He has a twin sister (from another player) who turned out to be lawful evil.
>not doing your roomie a solid by slipping his sister a solid so that she mellows out
Here's the list:
Rachel, a 20-something illegal gunsmith who stopped visibly ageing in her teens after getting too many cyber and bio- modifications. Has a habit of abusing her limited appearance manipulation to play pranks, but is otherwise chill, pleasant to be around, and good at keeping stuff neat and organized. Just don't touch her goddamn tools and don't dare eat anything she gives you that doesn't come canned or packaged.
Egerith, an illiterate half-ogre monk. A giant of a man who loves a good bottle and a self-made meal in every sense you can think of. Arguably a bit of a hippie and has little concept of personal space. Is just as likely to help with any physical tasks as he is to forcefully carry you around if he ever notices you having a hard time keeping up with his stride.
Raide, a clairvoyant mercenary whose overbearing formality betrays his noble lineage and upbringing. If you're going to be friends with him, make sure you're the kind of best buddies that hide nothing from each other, otherwise you're in for some awkward conversations.
Jade, a kind of spunky tomboy with an almost palpable passion for heroic justice. Is essentially inseparable from her partner - a grumpy talking cat with which she fuses to get her beloved superhero form. Naggy, but well-meaning, reliable, cheerful, and a good cook. Also bendy as hell.
Finally, Seres, a pint-sized herbalist with what seems like a library in her head. Extremely knowledgeable, but not wise to anywhere near the same extent. Has a sharp tongue, but does her job well and takes pride in the quality of her craft. Do not be surprised too find something mixed into your food or drink, it's either harmless or good for you. Probably.
Back into the code with you!
Im a DM so i guess im limited to my NPCs.
I spose i did play two characters before but one was a Barbarian who is realy superstitious so in modern day thatd suck and the other one was basically just a Slav and i already know tons of slavs.
I guess i could roll with Gitting, a Hobgonlin legionaire who at this point just wants to get out and live a life that isnt garbage, hed probably be chill, tho it would be hard to shake of his martial lifestyle and the shit he has seen.
Or i could go with my planned Conquest Paladin Korslik but id be concerned that hed try to get into politics
Rachel and Seres sound like fun, the others sound like too much hassle.
Jade would be great but a superhero living with you is guaranteed to go wrong.
>hating monika
Here’s why monika is the best.
Here’s why everyone else is good
>you like cliche anime characters
All of my characters tend to be very laid back people who would be 110% happy to just sit back and play vidya if they didn't keep having all these gods they needed to serve, villains they needed to kill, or groups to keep from dying horribly. I would be more than happy to have a house with all of them as roommates. It would be really comfy.
I could pick my top 3
Aquara- Water Genasi Sorcerer that was pretty extroverted and was a good person all around
Ser Kendrick- Human Cleric of Tymora that only became a cleric cause his shitty bandit friends killed one of his friends he knew that was a the last cleric of tymora
Clarke-Monk Rogue that is basically a jason bourne sleeper agent that probably stab me in my sleep but otherwise he'd be a total frat lord.
I'd probably go with Aquara tho
Assuming op means current characters my options are...
Gijjit the kobold rogue
Secretive, spastic and frightened of anything bigger than him. So long as i kept him in marshmallows and stroked his ego regularly he'd be a decent roommate, i just wouldn't ask where he found the rent money.
Vanna the gnoll ranger and her dire honey badger Sweety.
She'd eat all the food and use the barn to store and smoke the meat leftover from her kills. She'd brew Rotgut vodka in the backyard. I'd never get the smell out of my house. But at least her interest in fine dining would mean there'd be her pretty decent attempts at quality meat dishes leftover.
Ralos the human cleric to the (homebrew) goddess of love.
In his early 50s, laid back "I've seen all the shit" attitude. He'd make me do more chores than I'd want to but i could live with that, he'd pull his own weight with that and rent.
Sprocket the ysoki mechanic.
A grumpy pint sized workaholic with a brilliant mind and no charm whatsoever. A total packrat. He'd leave the house cluttered with half finished projects and junk that "might be useful later". I'd find my electronics scrapped and repurposed or "upgraded" with crazy space tech. But at least I'd get a robot maid out of the deal, to bad it'd be his idea of sexy, meaning it'd be a little rat chick. At least he'd be on time with the rent, to bad it'd be in space credits...
I'd have to go with ralos, least amount of shit to deal with and id never get sick or injured with him around.
Alright I'll bite.
Savage World's
>Former noble Space Russian Mafia Hatchetman gopnik
Clean his gear, get drunk, play low-quality Russian pop extremely loud, and not pay rent (despite literally having cut diamonds for coat buttons).
>EoD robot who is from a regiment of mercenaries based on Vietnam Era Marines.
Robot. Chesty. Puller
>Not-Spanish Conquistador Inquistor from Wild-West Mexico
Spanish womanizer who is obsessed with living the glorious old days of plundering Aztec temples, converting Savage tribals, and spreading disea- saving foreign dames.
Mutant: Year Zero
>Veteran Russian Plant Mutant
Get drunk, tell horror-ridden war stories about a horrifying war only he can relate to, clean his beautiful SVD, and go hunting with me.
All these characters are likely to kill me, by accident or not.
you'd think that but when most people learn I have Veeky Forums hobbies or that I have no friends at all they suddenly forget about my stable career and ability to pay a mortgage on my own and see only a friendless loser
My street sam from shadowrun. He's a high level corporate cleaner so he covers a portion of the rent. Plus he could help me get a job in SK
Either my clumsy cleric or drunk warlock. Cleric because he's a nice guy. Warlock is a dick but I know he's reliable for paying his dues
My Space marine named Varkus.
Litreally from a Chapter whos Geneseed Resurged old thunder warrior tenencys. Is the bane of demons and anything who gets in his way. Also a good cook, bat shit insane due to chimeria gene seed. Litreally through the insanity of the campagin became a family man. A great apothecary, who has saved more men than he can count. Hell he a veteran marine who has survived trials that no normal marine has ever seen all the while. Also fucked a Tryanid Warrior who was fused with Nasscant Psyker and fights alongside a Tau Earth Caste Engineer Out caste and Interragator who served as a SWAT Soldier on a frontier World and that he wields BOLT MAGNUMS. The fucker is my favorite character, I may be over exagerating a few details but hey.
Probably my tiefling rogue. She might be metallic and spiky and terrible for furniture, but she's likely the most reasonable person of a PC I ever had. She can use the loft for her trap building.
>Veeky Forums hobbies
>traditional games usually require more than one player
I collect, build, and paint miniatures, read about lore for various systems I can never play, sometimes play wargames against myself, solo rpgs...
>not having 30 tulpas to play games with
>Having to choose between getting my shit stolen, having my entire lifestyle changed into a hardcore military regimen or having my intelligence insulted with every action I take.
No thanks(?)
Nonviolence focused Oracle lizardman, AKA "Lizard Jesus". Honestly the least likely to kill, harass, or steal from Me, and most likely to help me find enlightenment. Also, high charisma plus vow of chastity makes for a great wingman.
Probably my first character, a Ranger who's pet corgi is used as a vessel to contain a pit fiend's soul. Oh the wacky antics that would happen...
My first character, who is by now an Epic+ Wizard.
He would promptly fuck off back to his part of the multiverse, but he'd also let me come with and probably set me up decently well with a job in his decendant's royal court. Varr's a nice guy, and he'd understand wanting to live in a world with magic.
My artificer, she was cute as heck and had a bunch of robot helpers to so chores for us
None of them. Even the most chill characters I've played had a knack for getting into trouble that I really wouldn't want to have to put up with in real life.
>going to take over the world if not stopped
>cannot be allowed to go full Skynet
>contain her before she assumes direct control of the phone lines
She’s stuck inside the game, only has access to the game files.
Plus she loves humans, it would hardly be the worst thing that could happen to the internet.
I just won the jackpot.
Most my characters are horrible people but in a recent Cape&Cowl Freeform EroRPG I did online I played an entire Girl Gang cum Paramilitary cum Terrorist organisation that was entirely one lady who could split herself into multiple bodies with theoretically no upward limit.
This would also duplicate whatever her original body was wearing, up to, and including a backpack and it's contents. Like guns and gold, for instance.
She was meant to go Heroic but when she was still a gang, mooks for hire, she worked for a Dominatrix who trained her to be utterly loyal to whoever knew the right triggers.
I'll be one of the most powerful people on this planet in just a few years.
Ah, who am I kidding. I'll use this control to have her do all the chores and free sapphic sex at best.
Even in a power fantasy I'm unmotivated.
Ghost maid from my Witchcraft campaign
>possess any woman i like for instant sex
>maid duties
>undying loyalty
>comfy domestic activities
If I didn't have a carpet I would have zero problems sharing an apartment with my Nosferatu. But seeing as he tends to secret slime that aint gonna fly. The runner up would be my gangrel which wouldn't be far off of being alone since he would spend most of his time bundled on a chair doing nothing
Out of all the characters I've ever played?
Introverted Mastigos with a while bunch of dots in Space, Mind, Time, Life, Matter, and Fate. In a world that doesn't run on Consensus, with no Exarchs, they'd be super chill about just using their magic to make life easier and do nice things for people.
>Robot. Chesty. Puller.
Please elaborate, this sounds awesome.
>male Arcane Rogue Goblin who does what ever he wants
I mean, I guess hes okay as long as I leave him alone.
>Female Elemental Monk
She would be pretty chill and has an would probably be very intrigued in my gaming habits (at least from a creative end)
>Female Hacker/Shadowrunner
Would be nice to have someone to talk to regularly about programming regularly.
Not most of them.
Maybe that bard or one pf the paladins. Everyone else is too outrageous.
>cyberpunk person stuck on our earth.
Man, that’s a form of hell,
Abraham Elin, my witch character from a Monsterhearts game that died after about 4 sessions, and the only character i've played who was a genuinely good dude without being a midget and a thief.