Why no standard thread?

I see modern, legacy and what looks like a limited thread but no standard. Let's talk about it. What are you playing? Loving? Hating? I've got a red/white dinosaur aggro deck and a red/black pirate guess it would be midrange deck I've been messing with. Gf put together blue/green merfolk control deck and black/white vampire lifelink one that's kind of a pain in the ass. What are y'all playing?

if you were my gm, would you let me have a small coin dragon to keep in my purse?

>Why no standard thread?
Because standard is a garbage format and Ixalan sucks



>Kaladesh/Aether Revolt are still in
Once those two drop maybe it won't be so awful.

That's a reasonable response thank you

Dumb frogposter.

still want to talk about it tho

Because standard threads contain two kinds of posts.

The first is the post of the guy who started playing magic very recently and is looking for advice. He posts a fucking shitty decklist, and either nobody replies (because nobody who posts in standard threads is actually good at the game), or they get truly awful advice from other players who suck at the game.

The second and far more common type of posters are fucking salty little shits who only come on to shit on standard. "Why aren't you playing modern?" "Why does current standard suck so much? (t. Someone who hasn't played standard in 2 years but still makes these kinds of claims)" "Why would you spend money on a new deck every rotation when you can take a second mortgage for a legacy deck?" Etcetera etcetera.

So it's only shitposting while nobody gives actual good feedback because everybody in the thread is terrible at the game.

you forgot to put mtg anywhere in your title, so when i put in catalog mtg, i see a commander, limited, legacy, modern, etc etc but not standard thread. next time put MTG in your title, as in:
MTG Standard Thread, Where are all the Dinosaurs Edition
MTG Standard, Energy was a mistake edition
MTG Standard thread, No Edition Edition

I ordinarily would love to discuss Standard in a constructive manner and talk about my deck, give tips, etc. but, as stated before, nothing in the title of the OP post has anything to do with standard. The OP pic isn’t MTG related. If I was just quick browsing and not reading everything I would have had no idea this was a Standard thread. Don’t be such a shitty OP next and I might take part.

Since I’ve made it this far, Sunbird’s Invocation is what I’m running, it’s fun as fuck. That’s all you’re getting from me.

> wanting to play Standard

You have been visited by the Scarab of Energetic Metagame. Good energy and hostages will come to you, but only if (you) post "thank you mr rosewater" on this thread.

I am also sad about lack of standard discussion here. But is right you know. U/W grave tokens is my game, looking to build rakdos/grixis primal amulet control.

Also, energy is by no means as OP as it is made, but its just boring running into it 70% of the time...

Fuck off, frogposter.

Why do people go into their sideboard after they win a match? Fucker you won

Well, if it's a standard thread, rate my shitbrew

2X abrade
3X Treasure Map
2X Hour of Devastation
1X Cut//Ribbons
3X Doomfall
1X Torment of Hailfire
1X Cruel Reality
3X Walk the Plank
3X Vraska's Contempt
2X Torment of Scarabs (Will prolly end up cut, I'll have to test further)
2X Bontu's Last Reckoning
2X Lay Bare the Heart
2X Yaheeni's Expertise
1X Arguel's Blood Fast
4X Lightning Strike
3X Fatal Push

4X Dragonskill Summit
4X Canyon Slough
2X Evolving Wilds
4X Swamps
3X Ifnir Deadlands
5X Mountains

4X Duress
2X Scorpion God
2X Lost Legacy
2X Dispossess
2X Gonti, Lord of Luxury
3X By Force

weirdly there's a few cards missing.

add a 4th Walk the Plank and 2X Harsh Scrutiny.

Based on your local meta, maybe consider Crook of Condemnation for graveyard hate in your side.


Fair enough, I did forget Crook, and I intended on putting it it. Considering Lost Legacy is most for Carnage Tyrant and Scarab God, and Dispossess is mostly for Gearhulks and God's Pharaoh's Gift, what should I cut?

You can add more artifact removal via abrade, lost legacy is very important in Approach matchups. Replace disposses with lost legacy, replace by force with crooks. Go -1 fatal push and +1 abrade and try it like that.
After you test Torment of scarabs, you will see how many slots you have for possible additional abrade.