What is the strongest being/thing in your setting?

What is the strongest being/thing in your setting?

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muh dik

Not-anomander rake.

The Creator and the Interlopers.
They are all four equal cosmic entities, however the Creator was able to turn his power inward after breaking his own mind to have the strength to keep the Interlopers or other such entities from fucking with the material universe until his plan comes to fruition. Granted, the Creator doesn't remember what the plan is, because he erased it from his own mind, but he figures it's probably a good one and he trusts his own prior judgement in whiping his own mind.

An all-consuming elemental force of death and decay.



My dads bard from 1st edition.

The Lady of Pain, because no matter what setting you're in, Planescape is still in the background, watching.

His dick


The king

Self-replicating machinery building mega scale artifacts that culminate in damping gamma-ray bursts. It may or may not be sentient.

The most powerful threat is run-down remnants of shells.

Me most powerful faction that actually do something are people who live in the artifacts and harvest some of their byproducts.

Zaentradi space marines with necrodermis aegis armor.

So apparently whenever a universe ends, it compresses into some sort of eldritch creature who is supossed to then sacrifice itself to create a new universe.

There was one of these creatures who said "nah, fuck that" and started to eat other universes instead to get more powerful and live longer.

That guy,

This guy gets it

Oberon, the Fey Lord of the The Dreaming.

King rabbit. A telekinetic rabbit spirit larger than the turrasque that leads a herd of thousands of rabbits through the Plains of the largest continent. Most who live in that area mark his coming every year and throw a festival to celebrate his arrival in the area before one massive hop takes him mIles away in an instant.

Strongest thing? The Demiurge, but it got lobotomized by the gods before time began because it was crazy.
Strongest being that isn't simply a cosmic force? A thousand year old dragon that essentially created modern wizardry and personally holds off the incursion of the Souter gods.

An immortal god-princess who controls the sun and sees the future, followed by her sister who controls the moon and can enter peoples dreams.

She’s a chump compared to the supreme being.

Fucking weebs

are you seriously playing a my little pony game?

Death. No, really. The guy is the patriarch of the gods and doubles as timekeeper and Lord of Fate.
He also likes his martinis.

>tfw he changed the font

That was one of my favorite things about the books

Yes. It's a pretty much perfect fantasy setting in every way.

A pc actually, or, former pc but the DM would be open to allowing her to be played again. She started out in a previous game as ooze mage, reached the point of becoming slime herself, and just never stopped growing. Now she's the size of Australia last I recall, and even the gods have been unable to stop her.

Donald Trump. Seriously. I'm running a supers game and had one of those players and needed a reason why she couldn't just blitz the White House.


well, except for the fact that friendship literally is an object in the setting

The Jews

Should have let her try.

The Firstborn < The Uncreated < The Unsustained < The Lifeboat

Any creature that uses the Armor of Divinity. It kills you after a few days of use (or fewer if you're not that strong), but you're pretty much an untouchable walking nuke while you're using it. After its use and the wearer dies the armor vanishes, only for parts of it to begin re-emerging again years later. Creates a very fun bit of conflict when someone finds a gauntlet or other piece of the armor and knows the race is on to find the rest. Even better when people start manufacturing fakes or multiple parties find pieces. Completely useless on their own, but together? All powerful.

>literal god emperor trump

Gotta say that’s pretty great

What’s his power?

The players would already be working as a team though, just don't give moralizing speeches and instead let the friendship flow through combined action.

She still wants to.

"Ultimate Building". Telekinesis, but with enough power and fine control that it's essentially molecular restructuring. It also incorporates extremely rapid regeneration as his body will automatically rebuild itself.

A guy named Devin. Devin was born somewhen else, and through personal trials forced each of the gods to agree to do a single thing of his bidding. Devin used their collective powers to make all life immortal through the creation of souls and an afterlife, then retired there.

Devin rarely leaves his cottage at the end of the afterlife, but when he does reality shivers wondering how he is going to reorder it once more.

What’s Hillary’s power?

Electromagnetism. Gravity can get BTFO.

balancings hard innit? no reason to be anything other than a unicorn or dragon. Also, isn’t Q the strongest creature?

exhales locust and constantly births snakes

gas and biowaste capable of destroying all life within a 1 km radius?

A creature of some sort living in a much higher spatial dimension than anything else that is cracking borders between realities and alternate universes and pumping in all of the setting's magic. Below that there are large oversoul constructs that reside in individual universes and absorb huge amounts of magic and souls to get fuggin stronk, and are the most powerful tangible beings that may exist in a given realm, while the thing lurking above everything is sort of unknowable. Some of the big powerful soul-beings are the gods of the main place within the setting as well as larger cosmic entities that they're hiding from. As far as mortals go, within the confines of the main planet there are some ancient dragons that are pretty big deals as well as one dragonoid that's sort of like the Avatar of his species. There's one beetle-man who might be the physically strongest mortal being.

What the fuck would that look like? Also is electromagnetism stronger than the nuclear forces in your setting?

>"Ultimate Building"
Did he finish his wall in your setting?

Clearly shapeshifting.

How about Bernie?

In actuality? Probably some generic monster or some generic hero, didn't give it a lot of thought.

In potential, the strongest guy around is some orc warlord who brilliantly managed to unite all the orcish tribes and turn them into a force that threatens the civilized world. But that's because in reality he's the king of all demons who, with the last of his power, has managed to take possession of a mortal. He knows that he has about a century or so at best before he kicks the bucket so he desperately tries to find the parts of his true body that have been sealed by various heroes from a distant past in various locations, growing stronger with each bodypart he liberates until he can unlock his true form and initiate a demonic age of darkness.

Death. He spends eternity safeguarding souls of the deceased as they make their way to the afterlife from...things that would prey on them for their own purposes.

Strongest thing that's a threat? At the Dead Islands, where a small society of Necromancers live, the veil between this world and another are at the weakest. Within this other world lies a conglomerate soulbeast of sorts who, due to the way power works in the setting, basically qualifies for godhood in it's own right. It's constantly looking for a way back into the material world. Raising corpses without special safeguards on the Dead Islands causes the beast to gain control of it, and 90% of the time it tries to kill the Necromancer immediately. The remaining 10% of the time it just mindlessly drones BRING ME BACK, LET ME BACK over and over again.

Attempting to magically gain information on the beast is unwise since, due to the way divination spells work, leaves you open for the beast to tear your soul out of your body. It's a very quick, but unimaginably painful way to go, and leaves the corpse almost instantly shriveled and desiccated. Needless to say, after one or two attempts, the Necromancers just stopped trying to learn anything about it and just accept that it's there.

Black-hole golem.
How does it work? It just does.

I don't know. I was waiting for someone more knowledgeable to continue from my lead of the four forces BTFOing eachother.

Black hole golem you say?

None, she's just a crooked old lady, and nobody knew Trump was a super until a super associated with Antifa took a shot at assassinating him on live TV and had the top layer of concrete for a mile around atomized. He breathed it in and it reformed in his lungs.

After revealing himself he did it in less than a week, he just needed the raw materials and engineering advice.

So trump still won fair and square?


I'm not sure myself.
One of them is a gigantic stag-like creature called the Horned Beast, that has true immortality and essentially rewrites reality around it and because of that is one of the sources of magic. Usually it hangs around in the forest unless another beast tries to attack it.

Another is a human called the Saint, who basically created a religion around himself, and has the closest thing to an invulnerable shield around him. He 's also pretty strong.

As far sorcerers go there's this guy called Lancieux of Maistreblois, but for now he's stuck in the labyrinth of the Demon Lord and probably won't ever get out.

Probably some maddeningly vast entity that floats about outside of the universe. An Azathoth kinda deal.

I once created a hero that could do anything he believed he could. He started off small, but got to the point where nothing could hurt him. It took a villain getting close to him and using a fake knife to finally break through his defenses. When the hero "got stabbed" and saw the (fake) blood, he believed in that moment that he was vulnerable, so the villain stabbed him again but properly this time. The hero escaped, but now doubts his powers so much that he struggles with what he does. If he ever gets over it, he'll be the most powerful being again.

I looked it up and actually gravity is by far the weakest of the four universal forces already, with electromagnetism as the second strongest. It's just that electromagnetism requires charge to function and so is much less common than gravity, which affects all matter.

Wow, nice idea.


So the tarrasque was soloed by a being named Ferris and she's still around
There's a guy running an Attila themed wild hunt who is worshipped as a living god.
And then there's Sanguine who is the reaper king of the Mort Islands who the players havent met yet

>The End of The Campaign

Take The End of The Cycle from Stellaris, hide it in the back of the Tomb of Horrors. All it does is ask if it is time yet. If it is told that it is time, the PCs have one year before the planet implodes.

Nothing weeb about it.

The encroaching night.

Jadu, God of Magic. He was originally a 3.P style Wizard-Artificer until the quest to save his world went tits up and the God whose dream it was started waking up. Jadu and his party managed to get the dream going again, but it left the world in a totally different form, with almost nothing the same. Jadu and Co decided since they were basically lucid-dreaming in this new reality to just be Gods.

Jadu is basically a Scientist at heart, and liked worshipers who behave in a similar fashion. His cults aren't big into the mysticism and spiritual stuff because of that, and generally behave more like high-security research teams. He appears to be a human male covered in fantastically advanced armor (WBL without restraint is a hell of a drug), and likes to provide empiric evidence of his existence to his followers whenever he can, though he can't do it too much without the "Dream" becoming a little too self-aware and breaking down. He's considered a Neutral Evil God because he's willing to accommodate highly immoral or unethical research and followers if their work pays off. With the rest of the setting stuck at mid-level 5E power levels, he's comfortably the most powerful being in the universe. If the other "Gods" weren't his best friends, and if he could focus on one project at a time, there might be a problem, but as yet he's more than happy to just be an immortal wizard running magic experiments for all time.

Some chucklefuck who can grant superpowers to others and can use whatever powers are around him. Ended up giving out random powers to a the entire populace of a country and basically became god over night.

Is the regen why he couldn’t fix his heel spurs and clobber the dirty gooks?

I honestly couldn't tell you. It doesn't strike me as the sort of thing thats terribly helpful to simply pin down and set in stone, unless the cosmology of the setting in some strange way demands there be an absolute strongest for plot reasons

Come to think of it, in the “PF6” campaign I play in an orc warlord is top dog as far as we’re aware. It’s sorta Forgotten Realms 200 years after and everything’s gone to shit, low magic.

This bastard is a level 6 fighter kitted out in pre-ruin +5 gear with extra goodies and he runs a tight ship with player-class goons. Stand up fight, we’re utterly fucked.

That's essentially Gladiator from Marvel.


>A significant portion of Gladiator's powers, especially his strength, stamina, and resistance to physical injury, are affected by his level of confidence. If his confidence in himself wavers, he has been known to weaken substantially.

Tell me more about this setting.

my lagomorph brother

The Horrizon Beast, Nogolgangr.

It literally solo'd all the old gods, and destroyed half of creation before it was tricked into an armistice.

my psionic dmpc

I once had a similar idea for a hero, but went the other way with it, or would have if I had a game to put them in. Instead of their powers being coming from their own belief, they had any power that someone else believed they had. They claimed their power was some nonsense made up word I can't remember so people would constantly be speculating about what their real power was, thus constantly giving them new ones to draw from.

what book is this?

The immortals handbook.

It’s third party, but it both makes the cosmology better and reveals the origins of the lady of pain.

They have a race of people right below the GM who are called the Aeons or Time lords. They are unstated and are a part of a plane.

Who else is unstated and a piece of the plane? The lady of pain.

What’s scary is that alignments, luck, matter, and pain are all aeons and work for the GM.

>King of the gods
>Massive giant who's arms could stretch from horizon to horizon
>As time went on he became more and more insane
>Other gods resolve to move against him less he destroy the world and return everything to the primordial chaos
>Gods break his body and split him into three pieces, which become the continents.
>He isn't dead but no longer has any power, occasionally causes trouble for mortals by manifesting monsters, nothing mortal hero's can't stop.

>The God Who is The Sun
>The sun is a guy
>seriously look up their and squint, you can clearly see the outline of a man.
>Night is just him going to sleep
>Being the primary source of energy in the world, he could kill everything by doing nothing
>He could similarly use his great power to scorch everything in fire.
>His daily routine is wake up, turn on the light for 14 hours, go to bed for 10, rinse repeat
>He has not done anything else since he helped destroy Reithon during the Creation Times.
>Even during the worlds darkest hours. he has done nothing but maintain his routine.
>The other gods can't even get him to participate in world events.
>One of the worlds cultures, The Thalassids, believe that through acts of heroism and bravery it is possible to impress Heliothon and if a mortal does this it will begin a golden age.
> They're right but no one has done it yet. I have thought of a character to do it, but to me it is more interesting to hold the cannon on the subject for a PC motivation.

Previous campaign: Leviathan. In prehistory titanic beings roamed, and battled. when the first one bled, the blood became two demons, Fire and Water. Fire split itself into more demons, Flame, Shadow, Smoke, Death, and so forth, some of those split into more aspects, others remained. Water never split. This is just one small aspect of the demonology of the setting I never expected to come up in game. I also never expected the players to be in a place to figure out that an omnipresent superbeing existed in extension to all water, but then they dipped a demonslaying sword into one of the most significant water natural wonders. Leviathan essentially flicked them away, and went back to not giving a shit.

Planned campaign: Charlie Chaplin. Players get caught in a shadow war dating back to early Greece, between thespians and pugilists, which survives as to the current day as an endless struggle between Film Actors and Pro Wrestlers. In this battle rests not just the fates of mankind, but also of the lizard aliens, Atlantis, and the subterranean rock people. Dramatic rainy rooftop battles and heroes hanging on the edge of the hollow world containing the dinosaurs abound.

NAZI occultism takes center stage, and when the party travels back to stop Hitler (after preventing the loss of the Chosen One, Dwayne the Rock Johnson) the ides turns when Hitler reveals he has the strongest Kung Fu. Not a hapless dictator, he says, as he removes his false mustache to reveal an identical mustache. He is the greatest Film Actor to ever live, Charlie Chaplin!

The Wanderer, an overgod who entered this world from another at its conception, and has been here searching for something since the birth of the world, he has had more impact on the shape of the world than any other, and is powerful enough that their laws cant really apply to him.


Something akin to the Great Will from SMT.
Below that since it’s more of a force than a thing or person, it’d be a toss up between the god of war and the goddess of death.

Oh hey wow. That's almost exactly what's trapped under everything in my world. Like, damn.
Anywho, most dangerous thing the players are at all likely to encounter are kilometers long super-cyber-space-nautilus moulded into warrior juggernauts that work to contain said being. Mostly they sleep and hold down layline junctions, I'm kinda counting on player curiosity bringing them into play on their own.

The Incomprehensible. An eldritch, near god-like being. It is one of the "Old Gods" in my settings; beings accidentally given life, being created out of left over divine powers from the world's creation. While most of them were killed by avatars of the gods, the strongest could only be imprisoned. The Incomprehensible was chained and trapped deep beneath the world, but its corruptive nature was so strong, its corrupted and influenced a third of an entire continent.

In terms of beings that are active in the world, its one of two dragons, locked in a cold war. Neither ever leaves their home (One lives in a city state as its protector, one rules a Kingdom centred on a Dwarven hold it took over with an army of dragonborn and exiles) out of fear the moment they took serious damage, the other would come out to finish them off.

this user's dik

The Voice of The World is the universes built-in mechanism that allows it to change, when a tree grows, a person moves or a wave hits the shore, it is because of the Voice of The World.

The strongest "creature" is an eldritch god whose soul was torn from his body by the strongest weapon, and later placed into a human merchant. He does not remember being an eldritch god, and runs a shady business as a human, but he always feels a pull towards the place beyond the stars where his body is waiting for him.

The strongest weapon is basically a Giant Mech that the Gods created to fight creatures from beyond the stars. Because if you want your players to fight an eldritch abomination and have a chance of winning, you need a Giant Mech.

Interesting, did you get this idea from somewhere else?

It's a debatable subject. You've got inconceivably massive creatures at the ends of the known world, A small group of high 'gods' that act as direct representations of the forces of nature, and a hive-mind of psuedo-demons that can place a player's soul back inside their body after being killed.
There's also a little girl that can like... barf lava in her sleep, and that's pretty cool imo.


Two beings, Oversoul Life and Oversoul Death, who are seemingly equal in near-infinite power and eternally tangling. The entire universe is their interplay, from the smallest blade of grass throttling another to the greatest gods shattering worlds in their duels. To actually see one of the Oversouls is difficult to grasp, as in a way it's looking at the whole universe.
It's just Zoroastrianism when you get down to it. I dig that stuff.


At the moment, the World Eaters. They swallow planets whole and go into a snake-like lethargy while digesting them.

This is beautiful.


I beat the cock every night.