What stage is your setting in?
What stage is your setting in?
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Assuming your setting has multiple nations, wouldn't different nations be in different stages?
>multiple nations
i don't understand.
It's cute how this chart seems to think that there are stages that aren't motivated by greed and love of money. I don't think whoever made this is familiar with humans.
Who are maecenats for $500, Alex?
>It's cute how this chart seems to think that there are stages that aren't motivated by greed and love of money. I don't think whoever made this is familiar with humans.
Nah, he clearly places the time period where he was 12-13 years old as zenith of the "high noon" stage, which is absolutely just a coincidence.
It's kind of funny to me how overall this chart seems to apply best to European nations and their colonies starting roughly around the Age of Exploration.
It can apply to other cultures and time periods, but come on, not every setting is going to have an age of pioneers. What if we're still in the period of bronze age city-states, and there hasn't been room for commerce and conquest yet, let alone pioneering spirit? Or even more esoteric, what if my setting is the dream of the third dying god that's had a reoccurring nightmare that restarts the setting every few millennia, and what actually changes isn't due to natural shift but the thought processes of the dreamer?
Recently jumped from Age of Decadence to post-apocalypse.
If you're going to use some horseshit social circular cycle idea, use Strauss-Howe.
You mean, this person?
Do large amounts of people actually think this way, or is Tom just living up his own ass again?
Because the movies and music when I was twelve were dogshit.
People always travelled long distances user, it's one of the defining characteristics of humanity. These "long" distances were relative but still present.
Of course the chart is still filled with bollocks but hey that's not unexpected.
Going off that it'd be in some sorta post-decline I guess. All the way back to pioneers. Basically every hold is a shell of its former glory and is trying to re-establish itself after getting BTFO by foreign invaders.
>Because the movies and music when I was twelve were dogshit.
Just wait until you turn 21.
>trying to fit historical patterns into a broad explanatory frameworks instead of analyzing individual circumstances
Beyond the broad idea of 'nations rise and fall' cyclical history is bullshit.
It's in the Age of Everything Is Trying To Kill Us, where it's always been.
the current country is in conquests. every other country is in commerce, and at least one is in affluence.
It's a post-apocalyptic setting, so it doesn't really fit on that shitty chart.
That settings usually have more than one nation, and different nations are in different places in their lifespans?
Literally WHAT empires have gone through this process, and do they actually outnumber those fallen empires that didn't?
I honestly can't think of one. Even the Roman Empire doesn't really follow it.
>It's kind of funny to me how overall this chart seems to apply best to European nations and their colonies starting roughly around the Age of Exploration.
Applies to Empires in general, like the Ottoman empire, that had soyboy sultans that let their mommies rule for them.
Very funny.
Anyone can draw sweeping generalizations about how 'every culture did this an then collapsed!' and tie it to the modern world. Same reason why people continue to believe that the bible predicts the end of the world despite it being wrong every single time.
You're dumb as a brick.
That means it's in it's Decline to Pioneer stage.
Humanity has entered the age of decadence.
>Humanity ascends to post scarcity virtualization
>Returns millions of years later in physical prosthetics just to fuck with the new inhabitants of the milky way out of sheer boredom.
It's set in post-Soviet Balcans, so I'm pretty sure it's in constant state of decline.
Just when you think things can't get any worse, they inevitably do.
Yeah, those weren't much better.
Cute, though. Have a (you) for the half-effort.