what's Veeky Forums's opinion on tabletop simulator?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on tabletop simulator?
Can't afford KD:M. Can afford TTS. I don't see any problem here.
Don't care for it. Navigating a 3D world with a digital, 2D interface is clunky and unintuitive. I like its concept and wholeheartedly recommend it for its intended purpose but I'd rather have the real thing any day of the week.
It's amazing for simple board games, okay for complex board games and kinda unnecessary for RPGs.
Although that being said, some of the plugins are incredible, the degree of attention to detail and automation you can get on the paid DLC justifies the price for me. I wasn't sure about them for a while, but picking one up the quality of life improvements, at least in regards to the one I got, Xia: Tales of a Drift System, were really impressive.
It's like Vassal for the new generation.
It's pretty nice for board games. Even works for wh40k.
>Not play TTS in VR
I want to use it to play Edritch Horror, but can't get it to work.
I was gonna ask about this. Is it a good avenue for someone who wants to try 40k but has higher priorities financially?
It's great if you want to play a variety of games with friends. However, if you depend on the in-game chat to meet people to play games, prepare to play a lot of Secret Hitler because the average user loves it.
It is pretty decent. You might not get the specific models with the specific guns (unless you build the models yourself) as most of them are ripped from rts games, but you can set a mouseover tooltip for each model so you can keep track of which models has which weapons.
I've played Eldritch Horror on it just fine. What is your major problem with it?
I couldn’t understand it so I uninstall.exe’d it
Tabletop sim is best for people whose friends don't live in the same geographical location
This, my group of friends play ASoIaF board game on it and it's great.
Wasted potential.
It'd be perfect for large skirmish games and shit like Twilight Imperium. But all I ever see it be used for is memes and stuff like Catan.
me and my friends who have scattered around the country use it for DnD. its pretty fun
It seems to be trying to load objects and fails. Have tried a bunch of different downloads from the shop.
Trying a new computer tomorrow.
I bought it just to play that one game, so I wouldn't feel the need to bug friends to play with me. (they are more social deduction, funny, party game types)
what's the difference between this and say roll20?
A 3d environment and physics. Great for board games, kinda unnecessary for RPG's IMO.
I really like TTS as it allows me to play board games with my friend across the country and also play games I wouldn't have otherwise. But I also respect that some people think it's like pirating