Even if you ignore the obvious satire, while there is racism toward aliens, the average imperial citizen won’t hate a fellow human because he isn’t white
The Emperor, Who is a Turk, basically reworked racism into something useful by applying it to aliens that are a genuine threat to humanity
Why does /pol/ love the Imperium so much
It probably started with people doing it ironically, and then retards just picked it up and kept going.
That shop of E v Horus with Trump standing over Bernie and facing off against Hillary is hypocritical in the extreme. I bet whoever made it is laughing his ass off at its continued use.
Because power armor is kickass?
Because on the surface it is a and extremely simple white male HFY power fantasy.
Would’ve thought they got enough fascism and Power Armour from Starship Troopers
>Who is a Turk
Please say anatolian. It hurts my autism.
Because deep down, pol isn't actually racist to skin color. They're racist to cultures, hence why weebs get a pass.
pol is like 1/3 non white theres a shitload of mexicans and half asians there
I actually remember a piece of artwork that depicted Trump as Abaddon. Sure, the Imperium (USA) may be corrupt and with major organizational flaws, but Chaos (the alt-right and right-wing extremism) is far worse.
Because the Imperium is about racism even if it isn't our racism.
It's the logical translation for such a huge universe and quite frankly if you need everything to be 1:1 you aren't very clever.
Because they love the fascism while completely ignoring that even the intro calls the Imperium "the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable".
everyone goes in the meatgrinder, no matter the race, sex, gender or other mutations
Which is something /pol/ would hate.
First of all, /pol/ is not one person. Second of all, acknowledging the biological differences between peoples and wanting to keep them distinct is not the same as hating everyone unlike you.
That last sentence was poorly worded. Change "unlike you" to "different from your own group"
>The Emperor, Who is a Turk
I know it's a meme and all, but Anatolia was hittite, then hellenic.
>the Emperor was born to mortal parents on Terra in the 8th Millennium BC[3a] in a primitive proto-Hittite village
>Even if you ignore the obvious satire
Yes, if you ignore the entire tone and intention of the fluff, yes it makes sense in the way you propose.
>The Emperor, Who is a Turk, basically reworked racism into something useful
The point of the Imperial Creed isn't that it's useful. It's that it's an unworkable abomination of of a worldview that keeps mankind constantly fighting unnecessary wars and pouring lives into the meatgrinder of both industry and battle. Most of the aliens mankind encounters in 40K aren't threats - most are just virus bombed immediately with no attempted contact at all. Most of the others are only threads specifically because the Imperium is, to them, an existential threat. Aliens like Orks and Rak'Gol are an extreme minority. Aliens in 40K mostly fight humanity because humanity is a Tyranid-like threat that kills everything it comes across.
>Emperor mistreats their sons
>/pol/ supports someone who refused to fuck his daughter
Why is this board so obsessed with another board? And the emperor was born thousands of years before the Turks had a presence in the Anatolian region
Ain't the board.
Eldar are offended by human existence (and indeed the existence of anything that is not Eldar), Necrons want to end all life, Tyranids are OMNOMNOM, and while Tau fit your claim, humanity is so jaded from the Age of Strife there's no way the Imperium would ever back down now.
It's like trying to convince a Frenchman fresh out of 1871 that Germans are anything but monsters.
user, have you considered that this Sawagoe character may in fact be in the wrong? I mean, look how deformed the latter generations become. Incest is one heck of a drug.
>The Emperor, Who is a Turk
Because it's an all-encompasing fascist empire based on the dogma of in-group supremacy and destruction of the out-group. And all of the official art of it shows that it's filled with 99.9% pale-skinned people.
Besides, if aliens did exist, human on human racism would dissappear very quickly, to be replaced by human on alien racism.
>The Emperor, Who is a Turk
This is /pol/ we're talking about. They don't buy into the idea that, say, a Somalian man born in Sweden is Swedish. So they wouldn't care about a guy being born in Turkey before there were any modern-day Turks or their ancestors there.
>Even if you ignore the obvious satire, while there is racism toward aliens, the average imperial citizen won’t hate a fellow human because he isn’t white
About 70% of /pol/ doesn't actually care about token racism, but is merely focused on anti-globalism, anti-multiculturalism, pro-independence, pro-self sufficiency, and largely only complains about other peoples from a quantifiable cultural perspective, not necessarily a racial one.
Because /pol/ is full of fascists, and the Imperium are literally Space Fascists writ large and given a literally inhuman Other to get hateboners for.
>They don't buy into the idea that, say, a Somalian man born in Sweden is Swedish.
and I suppose a mouse born in a barn is a horse?
Look mate, I'm trying to be impartial here. Personally, I agree with /pol/ that calling the Somalian a swede is innacurate.
Even still, it's stupid to compare something as objective as fucking species to something as (comparatively) subjective as nationality. That's like comparing a broken bone and decapitation.
Emperor isn't a Turk. He was born in Anatolia before the Turkish invasions
mutants get the *BLAM*
Gone are the days when the Imperium was shit. Now they're actually the heroes of the setting.
Is this the one you're referring to?