REQ will be a normiecoin in 2018

>"costs only 30 cents"
>"Paypal 2.0"
Reddit shilling it already.

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks reddit

req pump coming tomorrow

Why tomorrow

I unironically believe this.

My only issue with REQ is that I bought in at 6 cents and sold for 5 cents and then it mooned and I don't want to buy back in even though I should. I should just bite the bullet and do it.

Do it fag

Anyone else expecting a bit of a dip tomorrow? It's done this before without news and never seems to hold.

Check the order book atm, its pumping at night and holding.

it doesn't have an X in its name so it won't moon

also the logo isn't visually appealing

I sold this at 49k an hour ago, didn't expect it to blow through the 49.5k wall. Now it's eating at the 50k one and I'm getting antsy. There's a pretty good chance it'll come back down in the next few hours but I seriously feel like buying back in at a minor loss for peace of mind, fucked this one up.


Just get back in user my guess its gonna go higher tmr it set a pretty good resistance around .32

exactly the same here.

But there 's also a big wall at 52k (300+eth)ยต.
So wont buy before that

I was gonna buy back at 50.1k and blinked it was gone. Now to buy back in I have to go in at 51k, fuck me.

There were massive walls at 49.5, 49.78 and 50k too.

I was part of that wall.
Let's hope the 52k wall will stop people.

I never shorted REQ, the moment I do, no more pnd lmao.

Buy volume seems to have slowed again so I'm gonna wait. If it eats over half that 52k wall or it gets pulled though I think I'm going to have no choice but to go in at a loss.

I'd still be at a net gain from todays REQ daytrading so it's not the end of the world, fucking sucks though.

Unless he pulls it I think it probably will stop people, there's really not a lot of volume going on at the moment, it's just that there's no sell pressure.

Holy fuck check that chart. This is going to moon like never before.

comfy with my 35k REQ

the order books has been eating walls all night, wouldn't be surprised.


Bought at 700, sold at 900, rebought at 1200. Never selling it again.

Why does every buy order look like a fucking bot, I don't get it, why would the whales slowly eat their own walls? (Noticed this on the earlier wall).

Holding 9,000 REQ and 5.1 ETH, buy more REQ or stay put?

thank god my buy order got filled over night

>Offers two reasons that are completely subjective

new wall at 51.3k. That's good.

I need to buy back at 45k

Holy shit, it's the first time I short REQ, I slept so badly, waking up every hours to check the charts.

That's really not good.
What do you advise me biz

Are you new? That's whale buying it's own walls.

Yeah Bitcoin tanking briefly saved your ass. I'm trying to have iron hands and wait for it to drop back down but sometimes 5% just isn't worth it.

It's all psychology. The walls are there to mislead you.

Yeah I mentioned that earlier. What's the deal with that? I understand tiny, tiny buys, to trick people with the chart. But there's these systematic purchases of 597 and 2500. Wtf?

I know what walls are used for but that has nothing to do with what I said.

>but that has nothing to do with what I said.
What? It's literally the direct answer to your question.

See the first part of that last reply. It'd make sense if they were doing it with tiny amounts, but I've watched them literally eat half their wall to keep the chart looking up.

Again, it's to mislead you to think there is an organic pressure. And it works, since most brainlets here fell for it.

Yes, I saw that too, >it might be just 2 whales fighting each others.

Or really could be a whale eating its own wall to make people fomo, but doesnt seem like it

>2 whales fighting each others
Lmao, no such thing. Forget it.
>Or really could be a whale eating its own wall to make people fomo
>but doesnt seem like it
Only if you're new.

So where do you think the price is going today?

Are we going back to 0.45 or it's the moon mission?

why the fuck isnt this falling like the others? no reason for it to be up 20% while link is struggling to breakeven

>no reason for it to be up 20%
DYOR is not a fucking meme. Read the whitepaper and look at the coin and it's partnerships.

It's a good chance it's a pnd, since it's req after all. Still it's kind of a bad one usually Veeky Forums gets flooded with BUY BUY threads whenever req raises 10%. Now it's silent, nothing at all. All fomo'rs are looking at the Ripple charts.

Holy fuck Berlin-user was actually right.

Wouldn't it be smarter not to constantly do buy orders of the exact same value then?

Well REQ raises and drops 30% any other day so it doesn't really mean anything

>back to 0.45
What do you mean? 0.38 was ATH. Price target for today is beyond my guess right now, but I am fairly certain it's going to moon. This looks like a pre-pump or insider-trading before some huge news hit. Other than my long-term stack of REQ, I'm all in with my day-trading stack. I'm selling the news at the top of the second candle on 30 minute chart, or approximately 45 minutes into the pump. Depending on how much it's going to correct I'll rebuy the dip.

Na he's right, it continuing to go up like this is not right.

the fact it keeps going up is honestly pissing me off

This. Please come down (to at least 49k).

>It's a good chance it's a pnd
>Now it's silent, nothing at all.
You answered yourself.
It would, but crypto traders are mostly brainlets so it works good enough. And it's not like the orders are same size all the time.

Same, it makes no fucking sense.

Fuck it, I bought back in on that 51327 wall, it was getting demolished. It's a loss but only 2/3 of the gains I got today from day trading so whatever. You win some you lose some.

Now it'll dump on me.

When do you lads reckon it'll hit .45, then?

Again, this fucker bought his own wall.
I'm stop this daytrading bullshit, whenever I make a move, it's money lost lmao.

Some time in January seems like a safe and not unreasonable guess at the growth rate of crypto.

You know you probably shouldnt sell at .45 if the new is that major, simply because of the amount of FOMO in these markets .

No fucking idea, maybe today. Depends on the news. 25% from here is not far-fetched.

>And it's not like the orders are same size all the time.
Yeah but.. right now I see 6 559, 3 265, 2 557, 2 740, and like 10 854 buys in the order history without scrolling. And they tend to happen directly next to each other in seconds. How dumb are people?

t. dumb person who bought back in anyway

The sell walls are just for us normies who think they won't get passed and put a sell order, then we fomo back in after the sell wall disappears.


reeee it's dumping again my hands were not strong enough

If you see a lot of small orders in quick succession it's artificial. Big order = probably artificial.
Buy into sell walls, sell into buy walls, especially if there's a gap, e.g. buy wall is at 2690 sats and the next buy order is at 2675 sats -> it's nigh certainly going down.
Once you learn to spot some of these patterns you'll win most of the time. Still, sometimes it's not worth trying to time it (such as right now).

so its going up because of what news ?

looks like its finally selling off now
glad I waited

Thats what we're waiting for.

>what news
None so far.

I dunno about buying/selling into walls just cos they're there, even if there's a spread. I do do it sometimes but it's really situational.

Also RIP my moneys.

I wish I'd waiting with you user :(

Uh, there is no news? They even said there was going to be no news til the 5th yesterday.

A whale on such a small volume (not that small) can fuck things up so easily.

Is there any whale here who can tell me in average how much they gain everyday?

>I dunno about buying/selling into walls just cos they're there, even if there's a spread.
It's not the sole factor to consider, but it's a major one. Always try to figure out what the whale would want you to do and do the opposite. But sometimes you might make an correct decision and get JUST'd still. There's always a risk, it's not a fail-proof strategy. I got burned yesterday playing the bot during QSP pump, though admittedly I made some ADD-related mistakes.

Actually is more likely it to be 2 whales fighting , if you werent new you'd know that whales are constantly trying to fuck eachother up and we the poor people we are the collateral damage

>werent new
Nice argument m8, thanks for showing me the way. Just changed my whole strategy.

The thing is, sometimes by making a decision you make his decision. If a sell wall is up and nothing happens to it, he might raise it. But if you (and others) buy into it, he has a reason to dump everything and set lower walls to reaccumulate what he just sold.

My holds are FUN, REQ, and XRP
My body is so ready for 2018

Sure that can happen, but unless you're trading relatively huge volume at a time it's usually not worth it.

>rebounds back to 51000
ugh I give up
I'm going to sleep

As I said, it's not fail-proof. You won't have a 100% success rate. But you don't need to.

Good, so you come from that website that pays you one cent to shill worthless shit on biz

This is the correct thing to do desu. Just buy in at a minor loss (I assume this is your case) and fight another day.

Are you high?

I tried to tell you all yesterday. The normies will soon buy REQ and LINK and FOMO all over the place.

Ofc why not whatever you say pajeet

I only have 160 REQ and I'm happy it's going up, but the rest of my portfolio is falling...

Poorfag here, just bought some.
pls moon, pls moon

Derisked and exited, I'll always remember Request as my first alt.

> NOICE :D REQ to $1 soon.

You forgot one minor ingridient


>t. I have no arguments so I'll call him pajeet instead
sure bud

Asian whale signals, get in for gainz

Stop trying to use white people comebacks on me pajeet

The thing is, so far we haven't missed anything exciting, everyone will hop on with all of the profits but none of the wait

That's exactly what a pajeet would say.

We're gonna make it brother.

Noo, I don't want to by LINK.

>he fell for the memes
LINK is a great project. It's stupid to not allocate 10-20% of your portfolio into it. It might do nothing for months and then suddenly 10x in a week.

fuck off with dont want your shit link shilling here you faggot

Holy shit that picture is good.

We sure are gonna make it brother

I'm starting to think people who post things like this are just trying to accumulate themselves and are waging a disinformation war in order to keep others afraid. FUD to accumulate as it were.

That's a buy signal if I ever seen one.

I invested in Ark instead. I don't want a portfolio full of ERC20 tokens anyway since they're probably doomed.

I'm a deluded ARKie, stinky LINKy, and a rekt REQ and loving it.

They make up 25% of my port.

nobody wants your bags user

Welcome to linkies