Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Da Orks edition.

Previous >Warhammer Community news(new codexes)

>Daily Duncan Playlist

>GW FAQ (1.1):


>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


What are some good resources for 3d printing terrain for my table?

>being so creatively bankrupt you need to 3d print terrain

My friend died a few months ago and he had a lot of Warhammer stuff. His family want me to help them identify everything he has so they can sell it on ebay. If I posted a list of stuff here when I've had a look at it all and asked what stuff was worth would you guys be willing to help me out?

I still can't decide which chapter my Primaris chapter should be successors to, so I can't decide which trait to take.

Pic related is the paint scheme.

New meme video from Games Workshop.



>>And the rest does sort of depend on playstyle
>That's what I'm still learning/reading about, so I'm not really sure where I want to go with that. I think having a shit ton of terma/hormagaunts to mix it up in range/melee would be good and keeping with the theme of tyranids, but it wouldn't hurt to have some genestealers, ravenors/shrikes, and maybe a lictor. I think, I don't know, like I said, still reading so kind of spitballing here.

>so they can sell it on ebay

>creatively bankrupt

8th edition in a nutshell, really.

get cardboard and styrofoam in cool shapes from packaging material.
use basic tools to cut them as needed.

Why not make them into Hawk Lords, if they're already purple?

You could patch the Primaris' issue with long range anti tank with some stormtalons

Sure. What happened to your friend? Why are they selling his stuff?

Praise our glorious Duncan.
Thanks to his sacrifice, we shalt never drink our paint water again.

Sorry for your loss.

Clearly Emperor's Children

Eight for the Eight Legion

>not drinking paint water
It's fake

>Not taking it off their hands and winning tournaments in your late friend's honor

>What was you first army or which one you want to play with if you are army-less for now
>What is your main army right now
>What other boards are you usually browsing

Well guys I did it, the helbrute is now pretty much done, I just need to build the leg parts and it'll be finished, but I'll do that tomorrow. I think I'll actually keep the bits apart for painting and do the arms, body and legs all separate like an user asked me when I posted the body yesterday, it'll make everything so much easier. Thanks for all the help and I'll stop attention whoring now or try to

Primaris? Choose anyone, it's not like they would have much culture anyway.

Plus, I think you need some golden trim in that armour

Ideas for a Death Guard list?
Restrictions are: No more than 1 of any unit except troops. No lords of war. Batallion detachment.

Jokes on him, I enjoy my paint water.

>first army
I just spent 1 week painting my first fire warrior only to find out I forgot to get my highlight colors, so im on hold until saturday.
> main army
same as first one, so tau (once its finished)
>other boards
/s4s/, /b/

>don't drink the paint water guys
>it's totally not how I got my powers
Don't fall for it lads!

>>What was you first army or which one you want to play with if you are army-less for now
Never played, looking to start with Tyranid.
>>What is your main army right now
My imagination.
>>What other boards are you usually browsing
/k/, /tv/, /co/, /x/, /pol/.

Used models go for 40% of msrp.

But you could divide the army into each race and list them as giant lots. With starting bid of 0.

>First Army
>Main Army now
Death Guard
>Other Board

They offered it to me but he was the only person I played with really so not much point me having it. He has a lot of stuff, like full armies of Eldar, Space Marines and Necrons. He gave me his entire Tau army when I started trying to play. It all costs so much It would feel wrong taking it all without giving them something even if I did have some one to play with

How useful are company veterans with plasma guns and storm shields?
Should I do plasma pistols and storm shields instead? they're gonna get packed into a transport with a captain, Lt, company champion, and probably an apothecary

>>What was you first army
Spesh Mehrens
>>What is your main army right now
>>What other boards are you usually browsing
/d/ and /k/

user, keep it, build on it in his memory.
My bro passed some years back, and his family gave me his whole army because they wagered he would want that.
I pull them out when I need to bolster my force for larger games, and am currently looking for a Solar Marcharius model to convert and put his name on.

I'm good at following instructions, not making them.

>First Army
Tau, I liked the battlesuits, sold them to a friend that joined the hobby because I didn't like how they played.

>Main Army
Dark Eldar with a mix of eldar and harlequins here and there

>Other boards

>/k/, Veeky Forums, /pol/.

1500 points should have said.

>Primaris? Choose anyone, it's not like they would have much culture anyway.

>What was you first army
>What is your main army right now
>What other boards are you usually browsing
/trash/, /toy/ and /x/

Oh, I thought you meant the upper part.



>/trash/, /aco/, /pol/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums

Nth for Tyranids out-toxining Nurgle and eating Plague Marines.

>What was you first army or which one you want to play with if you are army-less for now
Chaos Space Marines was my first army, oh how I miss you 4th edition codex.
>What is your main army right now
Imperial Guard, has been for five years.
>What other boards are you usually browsing
d, h, lgbt

As of now, Primaris have existed in 40k for 200 years.

More than enough to have a distinct culture, plus whatever they got from their founding chapter.

>Death Guard
>Death Guard, I started a few moths ago with the dark imperium box, what do you want from me?
>Don't usually go to other boards

>Emperor's Children
>Emperor's Children but also SoBs and Orks
>/gif/, /d/, /aco/, /trash/, /v/

So you play tau then?
Really tho, look up homemade terrain. Its easy m8

>What was you first army
Black Templar
>What is your main army right now
Black Legion
>What other boards are you usually browsing
/g/ & /v/+Veeky Forums

>Primaris Marines
>/mu/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums

I couldn't really find a way to make the upper part fit in my mind, though I have another one of those parts and a friend did tell me I should try having a banner on the back, the only thing I was thinking about is how to make the banner more Thousand Sons/Tzeentchy and I was a bit stuck trying to think of how. That's why I dropped the original idea of a banner, but would be interested in trying if I could find any pieces around to make a good looking banner for my helbrute.

>First Army
Dark Eldar in 3rd
>Main army
Chaos Space Marines in 7th. Current break.
>Other boards.

I would but he was the only person I had to play with, I don't really go out much I'm a bit of a shut in

Anyone seen a good guide for painting Jormungandr? I'm looking to get a less glossy finish from what I have seen so far online.

Daily reminder.

>What was you first army
The old Ultramarines with goblin green bases
>What is your main army right now
Emperor's Children
>What other boards are you usually browsing
/twg/ in Veeky Forums

I shall then!

I assume you mean the Pete Haines 3.5 codex and not the Gav Thorpe codex.

>Marines & IG
>Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /aco/, /gif/

>first army
>main army
Haven't touched the hobby in 6 years, but when I did I alternated between Tau & IG before returning to Newcrons. Now considering picking up some 30k 1kSons & getting serious about not painting like shit
>other boards
Depending on what phase I'm having: /vp/, /v/, Veeky Forums &/or Veeky Forums Veeky Forums is probably a phase too

>What was you first army
Some AdMech I picked up off ebay for dirt cheap, and built up. Shitty yellow color scheme though
>What is your main army right now
Still AdMech. building up an Ork army though. Only 90 more boys to go!
>What other boards are you usually browsing
/co/, Veeky Forums, and /x/ on occasion.

on the same note, how long does it usually take for you to paint a single infantry model?

Blood angels
Alpha Legion
/an/ /m/

Hi oscar

Space Marines(Salamanders)
Space Marines(Black Templars)
This is the only Veeky Forums board I use

Just finished my first nid dude, what have you guys finished recently?

Then keep some and doll them up as a kind of personal project, like me.
I don't use my bro's army often, but I maintain it, finish the projects he never had a chance to, bling up some models that have success.

>What was you first army
>What is your main army right now
Grey Knights, but I'll probably put them on hold for my Nids since the last couple weeks with my GKs have been rather depressing.
It feels bad when you can barely get over 30 models on the table at 2k points as opposed to most other peoples 50+, and then they die just as fast as any other army, while needing stupid positioning mistakes on your opponents behalf in order to even have a decent chance at alphastriking and not autolosing T1. Seriously, GKs vs anybody that knows how to bubblewrap their important units is a foregone conclusion every time
>What other boards are you usually browsing
/a/ and /ic/

Memed in the first degree.

> GK
> admech
> none

Blood Angels
Blood Angels
/pol/, /x/, Veeky Forums

First army was space wolves in 2nd edition. New army is Night Lords. /Pol/

>You don't know comedy until a Librarian in Terminator Armor 'acquires' a Kustom Force Field to guard his Battle Brothers!

>Blood Raven Librarian, why are you using xenotechology
>Nonsense Inquisitor. This is a giant Rosarius the Ecclesiarchy gave us as a gift.

From 2nd editon, the "Special Issue" Strategy Card let you shuffle the remainder of Wargear Cards and draw a new one for one of your HQs. And you could use it even if it was normally forbidden.

The heresy is delicious. The question is how to bring back this Stratagem into 8th? Make it specific for Blood Ravens, or general-purpose?

All his stuff is already painted, it was mostly got off ebay, or he paid the guy at the shop we used to go to (that closed down) to do it. Nothing really to paint and I'm quite bad at painting. Besides I have all the tau he gave me a while back to remind me

For the first born!

>YFW this thread is half degenerates and half nazis

No, I mean the 4th edition one, due to that is the one I started with. Never experienced the 3rd edition one. I had the 4th edition one and then saw the 6th edition one as I was working on starting IG and dropped my CSM out of frustration. New CSM codex I like more even though it cut a lot of nice options out for HQ customization. New one just seems a bit better thought out, just suffers the usual MEQ pains, at least we have cultists unlike loyalists.

>What was you first army
Blood Angels, long sold
>What is your main army right now
Imperial Guard, mechanized
>What other boards are you usually browsing
/pol/, /k/


Question. I am a chaos player, and I want to convert the redemptor (left) into a hellforged leviathan (leviathan dread on right, obviously) using FW heretic astartes rules.

With sufficient kitbashing to ensure he is holding the correct weapons, would you allow it?

>Implying it's not a Venn diagram with both groups accounting for over 50%
It's Veeky Forums after all

>What was you first army
Silver Skulls
>What is your main army right now
>What other boards are you usually browsing

> Black Templars

>Imperial Fists

> Veeky Forums & Veeky Forums


Not even close.

Space Marines
one thread on Veeky Forums

Better question, what was your first 40k model/kit?
what models got you into this game?

>Space Marines
>Veeky Forums, /c/, /toy/

"What's this? Suddenly it reaks of hypocrisy in here...

Oh look! It's the catholic church! And what's this? No little timmy glued to your crouch? PROGRESS!"

Yeah, why not?

Also need to make it look like it's demon possessed but I'd be fine with it.

Absolutely. Just make sure the weapons are a decent match.

Ironic clapping is still clapping.

rule of cool my friend

How are warp spiders nowadays? 22p feels like a bit much considering they're only armed with an assault 2 s6 ap0 d1, but on the other hand, 3+ with -1 to be hit baseline and 20" movement on average.

And the Exarchs Spinneret Rifle is insane.

He have any Tyranid?

Corsairfag back again.
I'm not sure even why I did this. I will never use it, no one asked for it, but I did this because I could.

Enjoy my take on an Exodite Codex.

Noise Marines on all accounts.
Stayed for the FW Kakophoni.

>dark angels
>/f/, /co/, /v/ /aco/

/int/, /tv/, /ic/, /pol/, /bant/

tau fire warrior obv.